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"Dear Dan" Letters

August 2004

 Dear Dan & Jean: Please know that you are being lifted up in prayer tonight! You've been such a comfort to your many fans throughout the years...I pray that we may return the love to you right now. God bless you! ~ Lesley, Williamsburg, Virginia


 Dan, I was looking forward to seeing you in October, I feel like we are old friends. I have listened to your music since we both lived on the west side of Nashville. As a cancer survivior myself, I know what you are going through. I am keeping you in my prayers. I pray to the Lord that you will receive complete healing. Be strong! Please know that there is a legion of fans who are supporting you. You have gotten me through many tough times with your music, now it is my turn to support you with my prayers. I am glad I can pay you back in a small way for your gift of music. With love to all ~Angela Bynum, Knoxville, Tennessee


 Dan, your music has meant so much to me in my lifetime and even pointed me in the life direction that I am presently living. You are such a lifeforce with your music, and mean so much to all of us for the emotions that you have brought out. You have truly made the higher beings smile at the magic that you have created, and I'm sure they are not done with you yet....I pray for a speedy and full recovery, and look forward to seeing you again and again, and being blessed with your inspiring music and talents. Be strong, kindred spirit, for the road has many miles left for you to travel, and you have many more lives to bless! ~Donnie Mills, Mobile AL


 Dan and Jean, Sending you much love and peace...You are in our thoughts and prayers at this time. May the healing powers that be, surround you. Wishing you the best....Mark and Brittany Jackson of Lancaster County, PA


 Dan ~ I just want to Thank You for all of your Music, it has been a very Positive Force and has Touched Me and sooo Many deeply with the Messages you Weaved among Your Lyrics. I just read about the news of Your Prostate Cancer. I was very Sorry to read this, and I just want You to know that my Thoughts & Prayers will be with You and Your family. I am reminded at this moment of the Touching "FootPrints" Story, and I Hope that You will Let God Carry You through this, Your time of Need. May He Bless You and Yours with all that You need to make it through this time. May Your Love for Music Be a Source of Strength & Happiness for You! Just has it has given to sooo many of us, may it too carry you along life's highway. Take Care! Sincerely ~ Nancy Holtz, Hastings, PA


 You've given so much of your strength, spirit and love to your family, friends and fans that we all wish to you a speedy recovery and we are sending back to you and your family all of our strength, spirit and love ten fold. Know that we will miss you this year. I was coming in from St.Louis to Chastain Park to see your concert since I missed you 2 years ago here. By the way, you inspired me to move to Colorado in ,87 and I learned how to live. You changed my life! THANK YOU!!!! Rollinsville and Ned were my favorites. Sincerely yours ~ Cathy Collins


 Keep strong Dan,our prayers and thoughts are with you and your family.If there is anything we can do just name it.Take Care. God Bless From A longtime DanFan. Peace ~ William


 I have been a huge danfan since I was 5 years old, thanks to mom and dad,and as a budding singer/songwriter multi instrumentalist, I look up to him greatly. He's with me as I walk down the lower east side alleys, blasting Captured Angel or Home Free on the old ipod (along with Wilco, Beck, Neil Young etc),but also when I escape the city and head back home to my beloved Rocky Mountains (just like Dan!). Our family lived in Nederland Colorado not far from Dan back in the day, and said he was just so personable and nice..anyway, I tend to ramble...Dan, to me is like this musical force that transends labels. He's just friggin' timeless, like his songs existed long before time. Dan, thank you and continue to get better cuz you have alot to say still and many folks who want to hear you say it! Seriously.~Eric


 Dan and Jean:  I certainly believe anything is possible regarding your situation. My mom is living proof...18 years post cancer. Also, a very dear friend of mine was diagnosed with(very advanced) prostate cancer about 17 years ago. Not only is he alive and well, he spends every day watching his daughter skate for 4 hours a day as she practices towards Olympic dreams, he also home schools her and runs his own web development company. By the way, his daughter was conceived after he completed his treatment....a double miracle!!!! Be happy and be strong... you are far from alone with this.~ Micki


 ".....the next thing I know I'm all worried and week and I feel myself starting to crumble."

I know you'll recover from this, Dan! And when you do, I hope I'm in attendance when you do the thing you do best, sharing your gift of music with all of us die-hard Dan Fogelberg fans. I drove to Madison, Wis. from Minneapolis last year. I'll go wherever I have to to see you perform once you're 100%. God Bless you, Dan ~ Mark, in Minneapolis


 My wife and I wish Dan all the best, total strength, in both hope and heart for himself, and his family. To him: Dan, the words used to explain the cancellation of the tour, (you apologizing to us) went way beyond anything you had to do, and shows how honestly "human" you are. To those that have thought (overwhelmingly flawed I might add) Dan didn't care about his fans, take a second to read his website about the cancellation, and accept finally that Dan is just like you, like so many others, and my wife and I, human. To his wonderful family that loves Dan, know nothing to do with this evil called Cancer is easy, yet you can grow close in ways that you only thought you were before because of your care and love for him as a family member.


I'm no rocket scientist, I don't have the gift of expression many out there will share with everyone, but I believe ordeals taking towering strength and courage are given to those with an ability to handle the situation and so I don't believe this isn't within Dan's power to beat. I remember a 73 yr. old I watched beat terminal cancer in his blood, too many heart attacks to keep track of, and taking his last breath years later having passed on cancer free. Anything is possible, nothing can be unacceptable, it all makes who we are, what we are, so worthwhile to experience. Dan's a bit on the outs right now, he's a fighter, a believer in what makes life worth living, and I hope to my core what makes him someone who will win this in the end. Good luck and our Best Wishes Dan & Family.~ Rick... A fan


 The purpose of this note is to let Dan and his family know that they will be in my prayers. Prostate cancer is one of the most treatable cancers. I hope and pray that, if he or a family member reads this posting, they know they're being lifted in prayer for a complete and full recovery and an easy treatment for the beast! God Bless! ~ Barbara Lipschuetz


 Dearest Dan: You have given so many of us such hope and healing during your very short life. I hope we can give back to you in some measure the strength and courage to walk this path in your life. We are all here in spirit with you praying for your healing and full recovery. I was very sick last year and there was a question whether I would pull out of it. I reached down into the deepest part of myself and found the strength to persevere. I hope you can do the same, and let us lift you with our dreams and hearts for your full and total remission and recovery. All my love, support and admiration. ~ Angela from Pennsylvania (a loyal fan for many years)


 I have been listening to Dan's music since the mid-1970s and feel like we have "grown up together." Seeing him in concerts for parts of 4 decades has given me the perspective of how an artist's craft changes over the years. I can truly say that Dan's music and lyrics have inspired me, have lifted me when I have been low, and have been my companion when my own words were inadequate to describe my feelings. I have traveled hundreds of miles to see a Dan Fogelberg concert on many occasions. We were to drive 6 hours to see his solo acoustic show in Pennsylvania this November. I received a message that the show was cancelled and then saw the news on the website indicating the reason for the cancellation and my heart sank. I hope and pray that you can remain strong in your faith and spirit so that you can be guided to recovery and renewed visions. You are much loved and much appreciated ! ~ Kathy Peterson, Ann Arbor, Michigan


 We all love you so much, Dan. You have made such an impact on our lives. My heart is deeply distressed about your illness, but I am praying for you continually and know you will be triumphant in your recovery. ~ Wendy Gould, Bloomfield, Kentucky


 I want to send you my love, positive energy and best wishes to beat this disease that has befallen you. I know if anyone can, you and your great spirit will overcome...Dan, I recommend Lance Armstrong' s book "It's Not About The Bike..... My Journey Back to Life" I am about your age and "grew up" with your wonderful music and concerts. I look forward to seeing you again in good health at the next one.. ~ Jacques Dorian


 God bless you and yours. YOU CAN BEAT THIS!! Stay strong and positive. ~ Lisa


 Dear Dan and Jean, Our deepest prayers and love are with you both at this difficult time. We will miss you and your tour very much this Fall-but I am sure you know that every one of your fans will be waiting for you upon your return. May you be blessed with the incredible strength and healing as you have always been a source for others. Sending best of love ~ Donna and David Lester Great Neck, NY


 Dear Dan, I am so sorry to hear about your illness. This can be a very difficult and trying time, but also a time to reflect and inspire. I just wanted you to know how your music has influenced my life and got me through many tough battles of my own. You and your music are a true gift in this world and I pray for your healing. God Bless you and may he give you the strength and courage you need. ~ Jeanette


 Dan & Jean, I can't express enough words to tell you how much you and your music have meant to me over the years. My husband & I had tickets to see you at Chastain Park, and when I received the cancellation e-mail this morning, I knew right away something must be wrong, as this is unusual for you to cancel a concert. I was stricken when I got on the website and discovered the reason. Please know you will be in our prayers for a full, quick recovery! You are a wonderful person and I pray the very best for you! Looking forward to seeing you again in the future. ~ Sheila in Georgia


 Dan and Jean, I am sending healing prayers and angels to you both. You are in our hearts and I will ask everyone I know to pray for Dan's recovery. I wish I could send you letters and cards, but I know your privacy is important to you. But I know this message of heartfelt concern and love will get to you somehow. God Bless and be strong. Much love ~ Cynthia, Tucson, Arizona


 For the past couple of weeks, something was telling me that things were not quite right for you Dan, and then I heard the news yesterday. Funny though that my prayers have been directed your way since those nagging doubts began. Godspeed in your journey to wellness. My thoughts and prayers will continue to be with you and your family as you get through these very difficult and uncertain times. We all look forward to seeing you post recovery. As Greg Tuttle said below: Your music has been the source of healing of so many....Let us, with our collective strength, somehow be a source of healing for you. God bless ~ Laurie, LeRoy, NY.


 Take care of yourself, Dan. My thoughts and prayers are with you!! Sincerely ~ Vicki Adair


 Dan and Jean - just wanted to let you know that I will be praying to my Lord for your speedy recovery and hope to see you back out on the road soon.I have been following your music since about 1977 at a concert at the University of Mississippi.Your songs have been like a soundtrack to my life. ~ Rick in Mississippi.


 Dan and Jean, We often turn to your music and lyrics to find support and inspiration. Pick a song, any of your songs, and live it. Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers and we hope to see you back at Chastain very soon. God Bless. Tom and Linda Casey, Atlanta, GA


 To Dan & Jean ~ If I could repay you for all of the joy you have given me over the past 30 years, I would by moving whatever force needs to be moved so your body would heal. You have been such a presence in my musical life; playing & singing your songs, going to your concerts, listening & watching your music. Please know that I am not the only one who will be thinkng of you & hoping for your full recovery. Godspeed & long life to you. ~ Jan


 We want to send our heartfelt prayers to you Dan, in this a moment of another of lifes trials. I know you have faith, and you will overcome this unexpected disease. I'm in the medical field, and I can tell you, that I have known a lot of people with this. They have "come through" with "flying colors." We love your voice, your lyrics and you! We seen you before in concert, and play your CD's often. My husband especially relates to your song about your father and you, "The Leader of the Band." As my husband is a musician as well. He looked up to his father like you do! ~ Love and Prayers, Cecelia and Dave


 Dan, When I heard of your illness it hit me hard, and I realized that I love you like a beloved family member or best friend. As you have lifted my spirit with your gift of music, you can count on all my prayers and support. The lord loves those whose spirit has uplifted others in such a way as you have for decades. If love heals, then you are mending as the moments pass. I am so happy that you have your wife Jean to help you through this test. You have much more to create on this earth, and I can't wait. Love and prayers, (been to 5 of your concerts in Oregon) your forever fan ~ Karen Sue Ward


 Dan and Jean, I am sending out my positive thoughts and prayers your way. have been a blessing to many of us through your music. May the Lord bless you with all you need to get through this. Lots and Lots of Hugs! ~Cathy in NJ~


 We were scrambling to make another venue when I heard via tickatron about the Atlanta cancellation. Now all that pales in significance. May The Great Physician be with you and heal you and comfort you and your family. My ongoing prayers for a speedy recovery will be with you. Your music has been the source of healing of so many....I know this trial shall pass and from its context you will realize new creative vigor and zeal and love for life most precious. Take good care old friend, ~ greg tuttle


 Please know you are in our prayers. Many have battled this illness successfully, and with the positive karma you have spent your life creating, you are sure to be one of them. No doubt, you will find healing power in nature and in music, but don't forget to find it in a hearty laugh or a child's smile. Peace! ~Cordell & Pam Jeffries, Webster Groves, MO


 Dear Dan, Your music brought us together, and has been the soundtrack to our marriage. Two years ago, Ken went through treatment for thyroid cancer. It's a frightening time for both of you, but a great poet once said, "In times like these, it's hard to keep a man off his knees". The context has changed, but it's still appropriate. Our prayers and thoughts are with you. God Bless ~ Holly and Ken, Ambridge, PA


  Dan, Your art has always conveyed an honest and giving spirit that continually resonates in our lives. That driving spirit will see you thru this bout with cancer. Thank so much for the timeless nature of your words and music. You’re in our daily prayers and thoughts. ~ Chad/ Tulsa, OK


 My heart sank when I read the news...But after the initial shock wore off I realized how treatable this disease is. Looking forward to your next tour.....Forever indebted.~ Bob Wireback


 The collective prayers of thousands are rising up for you, in thanks for all the joy you've brought, the lessons you've taught, the pain you've shared, and the hope you've instilled in so many. Nature is my religion. I know she touches your life too. I will ask her to bring strength to you in honor of the regard you've inspired for her. All the best to you, Dan. We care about you so deeply. ~ Chris in WV


 Dear Dan and Jean...We were so saddened to learn of your illness. We wish you the strength to fight this battle, and look forward to the day that we hear your glorious voice again. You have sustained me through many hard times with your music, and I will gratefully support you with my prayers and best wishes. ~ Suzi & Rod, Florida


 Be well. Be strong. Be Loved. ~ Roxanne and Thunder


 Dan - Your kind words in a handwritten note and your music helped me through the a horrible period for me and my family amid devastation to my home, the loss of years of tapes of my music and writings amid other memories - but alas these again were only things -I'm afraid I can't be as prolific as you can be but know that I pray for your speedy recovery and for your family which extends to all of us who so enjoy your artistry. I am sure you will conquer this adversary because of your obvious inner strength and faith. See you soon ! ~ Bill Frank - Clark, New Jersey


 Dan- It's hard to say what I felt when I read about the news of your illness. I hope and pray that your fight is short, and that you become even stronger as time passes. With the love and prayers of your family, and all of the many fans that love you and your gift of music, you can beat this thing. ~ Mark Shoemaker, New Orleans


 Dan: I had the opportunity to see you when you were touring with the Eagles back in the '70's and have been an avid fan ever since. I was looking forward to seeing you in Atlanta this October (I live near Mobile, AL, and Atlanta is a 5-hr drive, but very much worth it!). Your music has touched and inspired me for 30+ years and I send my love and prayers to you and your family. I hope to see you perform again very soon. Sherry Peoples, Saraland, AL.


 Dan, Through your music, you have taught us so much about how to deal with the trials and tribulations of life. Now, through your illness, I expect you will teach us another lesson. You will teach us how to deal with a life-changing medical event with courage and dignity. When people called you "Dan the Man," they weren't kidding! I can only offer you and your family prayers and good wishes, which I will do wholeheartedly. I hope you can feel the love coming your way from all of us "seated out here in the dark." ~ Jim Dinquel, Pekin, IL


 You have given so much to all of us, songs and words...feelings and thoughts...helping us, your musical friends, through our it is our turn, with our heartfelt wishes and prayers to give something back.....grab onto a star, and may God bless. ~ Larry, Van Wert, Ohio


 Dan my prayers and thoughts are with you and your family, "You Can Beat This"! ~ Bonny In FL.


 Dan - I have enjoyed your music for 30 years and look forward to the next 30 year of albums. ~ Paul, England, GB


 Dear Ones, Be confident in the circle of unconditional love and healing light that is surrounding you, your families, your health care providers, your friends, and all of us who are praying for and with you. May the highest possible good be served in your lives throughout this journey that your Soul's purpose may be completely fulfilled. For all you've given to others with your music through the years, much love and healing light is being returned to you. You are precious beyond your wildest imaginings. Ever on, Deann Yellow Springs, OH


 Dan, Please know that all of our throughs and prayers are with you thru this time. As one of my music idols along with Gordon Lightfoot, we will continue to pray for you and him both through this time. ~ Kevin and Bonnie Carter, Cinti, Ohio


 Dan, I hope you are reading the messages of encouragement and prayer that have been posted at this and other websites. Your music has touched a lot of people and we all want you to get well soon. ~ Steve


 To Jean - I wanted to attempt to thank the woman at his side through all this. There will be days when you will feel useless, days when you'll feel looked through as if not there. Do not let that disturb what you are doing for Dan, it's as natural as breathing when someone deals with this kind of challenge in life. Give yourself enough time to stay yourself, and stay true to your loved ones true feelings about you. You both looked forward to happiness for a lifetime together, and now is the time to show that it's exactly what you intend to see happens. You know what drives the person none of us see, you know his strengths and you need to use those against this, and give him support without waver. Some may have known him longer, but you as his wife, as the love in his life, know the person he was yesterday, and today, better than any others in his past, and the future. I wish you all the strength needed to be there for him in his trying times ahead. My wife and I wish you strength, courage, and the ability within yourself, you'll need to help Dan get through this and win the battle. My Wife and I wish you only the best...


 Dan, I have seen you in concert numerous times (twice last year alone) and consider you the greatest songwriter ever…you were with me as I made the journey though college…graduated in 1975 and have always been included in my list of favorite artists’s…I have all of your cd’s…Please know that you and your family will be in mine and thousands of others prayers and that prayer does work…God has picked me up so many times through many trials including alcoholism, addiction and other self inflicted wounds, so I am sure he will be with you if you just ask. I work in the healthcare business and have seen many miracles happen on a daily basis. I wish you a fast recovery and look forward to seeing you in concert very soon. Sincerely ~ Elmer Cummings, Elizabethtown, Ky


 My two favorite singer/songwriter/guitarists are Dan Fogelberg and David Bailey. David Bailey is a brain tumor cancer survivor. Dan, please check out his website at I love you both and send my thoughts, prayers, and best wishes. Remember, “there’s a spark of the creator in every living thing”…may your “vision become your release…” KEEP SINGING! ~ J


 Dear Dan - It was only eight months ago that I found my old Dan Fogelberg records, and realizing that I no longer owned a turntable, went out to purchase some of your CD's. Listening to "Nether Lands" and "The Best of DF" album brought back wonderful memories of the 70's when I was in high school and college. You can't imagine how excited I was when I found out you were coming to the State Theater in Easton, PA., just 5 minutes from my home. I was equally distressed to hear about the cancellation of the concert, and more so when I found out why. My best wishes and prayers go out to you, Jean, and family members and friends close to you, and I look forward even more excitedly to seeing you in concert in the future. God Bless. ~ Pam Consavage


 My thoughts and prayers are with you. Be strong, have faith, and "Don't Lose Heart." ~ Linda - Jackson, NJ.


 May the Great Spirit come and give you strength and give your family peace as you fight this thing that I hate to see happen to you so very much. My father is currently undergoing chemotherapy and radiation for prostate cancer and is doing very well. He is 76 and a feisty old soldier. If he can do it, I know a man with youth on his side certainly can. Cancer can beat your spirit and take away the things you love the most, as it did my mother 15 years ago. Or, it can be something that makes you realize how very precious every breath of loving and living truly is. Draw closer to your family and share with them. I send my love and prayers to you, to Jean, and to your family. Your music brought me through college, through love, through break-ups, and now at middle-age into living again. Now as I enjoy the beautiful areas in South Carolina "where the sky meets the land" in these beautiful foothills, I sing your songs to the hawks as I hike and find peace and comfort in the earth and in music. Thank you for bearing your raw emotions to all of us and for letting us share your life changes through your songs. We have grown to love and know you as we have grown to know and hopefully love ourselves. Perhaps, this is another thing we all must go through and learn from together. Peace be with you, my friend. ~ Susan in Landrum, South Carolina.


 Dan, through your music, you are timeless. Through your vision we are limitless. Thanks for so much inspiration and beauty. My best wishes for you. Your friend in spirit ~ Jeff.


 Dear Dan- I will be praying for you and your healing from God. It is my hope that this will help you see that everyone really does love you and that you will see you have had a major impact on the lives of so many including myself. Reach out to God- He really is there for you Dan. He loves you and I am sure that He loves your music since He has given you your incredible gifts and talents. I saw you a year ago in Peoria, Il. when you were on your FULL CIRCLE tour. My wife and I really enjoyed the beautiful music you shared with us that night. Think on the words of your song ALONG THE ROAD and that may give you the strength you need to get through this. My wife and I will pray for your healing. We all love you. ~ Craig Blann, Bushnell, Illinois


 Dan, ever since "Home Free" your words and music have influenced my life and touched my soul. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Hurry up and get well, can't wait to see you again. ~ Mike and Mary, Miami, Fla.


 I have been listening to your music as long as I can remember. Saw you on Father's Day in Cleveland a few years ago... your "piano and you" version of Leader of the Band was incredibly moving. God bless you with strength, comfort and healing. ~ Nancy


 Dan, I hope you are reading the messages of encouragement and prayer that have been posted at this and other websites. Your music has touched a lot of people and we all want you to get well soon. ~ Steve


 You and your music mean so much to world and to me. God bless you for the gift of music and the ability to move and inspire so many. May God also bless you with the gift of a swift and pain-free recovery. My prayers are with you and your family. With much love and respect, Judy Eastman - Des Moines


 Dan, it's difficult to fall into this place in line without being repetitious. I refer to the posts about success stories and the suggested Lance Armstrong book. I empathize with the messages from the heart. They're all beautiful. Hold strongly to your determination to give this thing a run for its money. It needs attitude. Be gentle with yourself & know that the prayers & good wishes will continue. It's our turn to give back. ~ Janie


 I would just like to say "Be strong and have faith! I will be praying for you and your family! Your music has meant so much to me. I just want to say Thank You for all the incredible music and inspiration. I know this will just be a small bump "Along the Road" for you. I hope in no time you will be composing more Fogelberg classics! ~ Mark R Indianapolis


 Wishing Dan the strength to over come all this and hoping he is doing better....Here is a poem that reminds me of Dan and his songs that has kept me so at peace with my self and with hope and that's what this poem is about. ~ Linda


'Hope' is the thing with feathers

by Emily Dickinson


"Hope" is the thing with feathers – That perches in the soul –

And sings the tune without the words – And never stops – at all –


And sweetest – in the Gale – is heard –And sore must be the storm –

That could abash the little Bird That kept so many warm –


I've heard it in the chillest land – And on the strangest Sea –

Yet, never, in Extremity, It asked a crumb – of Me.


 My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. May you get healthy soon and back to what you love most – your music. God Bless - Robyn Colossa, Connecticut


  Dan, Please know our prayers and thoughts are with you and your family at this difficult time. We will miss your concert this year, but look forward to many concerts to come!! ~ Susie Couvillion//Newnan, GA


 An Irish blesing and wishes for a speedy recovery, May God give you...For every storm a rainbow, for every tear a smile, for every care a promise and a blessing in each trial. For every problem life sends, a faithful friend to share, for every sigh a sweet song and an answer for each prayer. ~ Ray Hoban


 Dan - My thoughts and prayers are with you. You will beat this….just have faith ~ Robyn


 Dear Dan: Jackie and I and our nine little Lemmons will say the family rosary here in Santa Paula for your full and speedy recovery tonight, and we'll pass on word to our friends to do the same. Jackie should have died (at only 38) from Valley Fever and complications in February, but through the intercession of our friends, God poured out his grace on Jackie and she has been spared and is recovering. So, we know the power of prayer to heal body and soul, and we are ever grateful for all the beautiful music you have fed and flooded our souls with now going on 35 years. It's really nice to finally be able to do something in return. I did write a song to you back in the early 80's, but I've never been able to get it to you. God bless you--that's a request! All our love ~ The Lemmon family


 I will pray for your healing in the coming weeks as you come to mind. That should be often as I listen to your music almost daily. I was introduced to your music in high school by a good friend and have been a fan ever since. Saw Lexington and Louisville concerts. I believe there is an Eden and heavenly gates that you can make it to some day, and I would prefer that "some day" be way in the future. I don't know your spiritual state but I will also pray for peace during this illness and revelation about a man named Jesus, in case you don't know him. John 14:6. Thank you for sharing your many talents with the world during the past 30+ years. I was drawn to you as an artist because you wrote, composed, sang, played virtually all of the instruments, did cover work, etc. and I thought, "This man has got to be the most talented person in music!" so I kept buying records and listening. I have to admit that your lyrics were many times much too deep for my understanding. Then again, I believe you are much more well-read than I. You may never read this but I thought it proper that I write anyway because your music made me think of you as a friend. I do want to emphasize that I will be praying for your healing in the coming weeks. ~ David in KY.


 Our thoughts and prayers are with you, Dan and Jean! You can beat this! I was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer at the age of 47. Through excellent treatment and care, I am now cancer free for over two years. Finding the best method of treatment is half the battle! Don't give up! This is a fight you can win! Thanks you for your beautiful music! It continues to inspire us and help us to see the true beauty of nature and the human spirit! ~ Best wishes, Ed and Mary Ann


 Dan....We can do without a tour, we can't do without you. My prayers and good thoughts are going out to you, your wife, family and friends in hopes that they can help you through. You can beat this, Dan! ~Diana


 Dan Fogelberg's music has been a blessing to me. If I could touch one life the way he has touched mine, my life would have great meaning. My heart goes out to Dan and Jean. They will be in my thoughts and prayers. ~ Janet, Wisconsin


 Dan, I just recently picked up "Full Circle" and was completely knocked out by it. I have always enjoyed your music and this new album has not left my cd player. More importantly though, I wish you the best in your fight. God Bless ~ Sean P. Moran


 Dan and Jean, God bless you and give you strength. Bloomington Illinois fans are also confident you can beat this. Listen to your own music....... It got me through many rough days, may it do the same for you. Even my child came into the world listening to you. God Bless to you and all of yours ~ C


 God bless you both, Dan and Jean. You're in my prayers. ~ Naomi Johnson, Columbus, Ohio


 Dan, It was sad to hear of your illness. But I know that with God's strength, you will mount up with the wings of an eagle and rise above this challenge. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I have seen you in concert three times, and I know I will see you again someday. Sincerely ~ Gary W. Lacy


 My thoughts and prayers are with Dan Fogelberg as he undergoes treatment for prostate cancer. I have been a fan since my college days in 1974. I am a nurse at a lovely new facility, USMD Hospital at Arlington, Texas. We have the Da Vinci Robot which Dr. David Lee has successfully used hundreds of times in the laparoscopic removal of the prostate. I invite Dan to look into their website,, to see if this surgery could be a part of his treatment. Best wishes for a complete recovery ~ D' Ann Shidler


 Dan, I have been a fan for too many years to count. I grew up in Colorado and you were a part of my life from way back whether you knew it or not. My Husband and I still listen to all of your CD's on a regular basis. When we heard that you were ill we wanted to let you know immediately that you are in our hearts and daily prayers. God Bless and we hope you have a speedy recovery! Please come to San Antonio soon. Katie and Patrick Janssen - San Antonio, Texas


 I would like to add my heartfelt prayers for your recovery. Your music has been an important part of my life since I first heard it. You have brought much joy and inspiration to so many people through the years. I look forward to hearing what will come next following your recovery. God bless you and your family.


 Hang in there wishes and continued success...


 Dan, I've been in treatment for Breast Cancer this whole year. I want to share with you the most important coping skill I have found, that is, to take one day at a time and then give thanks to God for being with you every step of the way. Also, I want to thank you for performing in Peoria last year and honoring your father with your whispered "Happy Father's Day" at the conclusion of Leader of the Band. You are a private person but yet chose to share your grief with the audience. I cried for your sorrow. ~ J.R., East Peoria


 Dan--thought you'd appreciate knowing that your words and music helped me get through my own two bouts with cancer--8 and 10 years ago. I'm sure you'll beat this, too, and grow from the experience. On a happier, but equally hospitalized note (!!), my husband still rolls his eyes that my Nether Lands album cover was my "natural childbirth" focal point at the births of my two sons! While I'm at it, I should also tell you that in his mock jealousy of my devotion to you, my husband has made up some hilarious lyrics to sing along with your songs, most notably "Premenstrual" for "the Minstrel".... Laughter cures! Get well soon, and I'll catch you next time you come east. ~ Maxine Hugon, Weston, Massachusetts & East Barnard, Vermont


 Dear Dan: Thanks for the many years of beautiful music from a beautiful man. Get well soon!!! Sincerely ~ Dennis Fassman, a fan


 Dan, lots of prayers are coming your way. You have touched so many people so now it's our turn to give back. Love to you, Jean, et al-- (Mitch/Janet/Elan)


 Dave from Orlando here. Happy belated birthday. You have to get well and get back down here to Central Florida. This state needs a pick-me-up after our latest storm, and you're just the guy to take care of it. But, I want you to get rested and to take your time healing. As a transplanted Wisconsin (Racine) boy, I pass along to you from one Midwesterner to another, my best wishes to you and your family for a painless and speedy recovery. Your friend in music ~ Dave G


 As I play your song "Icarus Ascending" many times a day in my Yoga classes, I hear and repeat to the students, "Let your Faith be your Strength and your Love be your Guiding Star." So believe it, feel it, and most of all know Love & Light with Healing Energy is being sent to you Dan ~ Debra


 Dan,my thoughts and prayers will be with you.your music has been an inspiration to me for 30 years.very few artists write the words to music like you wife and i saw you last year at the keswick theatre and will look forward to seeing you again.may God Bless you and your family. until we see you again ~ joe


 Dear Dan, We want to extend to you, our thoughts and prayers as you face & defeat this new challenge in life. From the time my family & I were with you at Red Rocks, Colorado, we have become your fans. I listen to your music often & I especially love, "Same Old Lang Syne." You are in fact, a living legacy & we will never be tired of your talent. ~ Phil Wheeler & Family, Longmont, Colorado


 I luckily discovered you in college in the 70's and have salivated many times over your Souvenirs album! Sending you prayers, gratitude & love with the knowledge that all is well and you are loved...sheron/denver


 Dan, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family for your complete and rapid recovery. I wanted to take the opportunity to tell you how much your music has meant over the years, and how hearing it now evokes wonderful memories and smiles. Thanks for sharing your talents, and prayers for many more years of your artistry. God Bless!! Gayle-- South Carolina


 Close your eyes...exhale slowly.....embrace today...for God does everything in his own enjoy his blessings for you will shine in his grace:)


 Our prayers and thoughts are with you. You have given us years of pleasure, stimulating our senses and heightening our consciousness through your incredible connection to the music of the spheres. Now it is time for us to share our love with you. We hold you in the highest light of God and know that you are protected by your guardian angels. God bless you and keep your thoughts on high. Love ~ The Beitchmans


 Your music and lyrics are full of inspiration and hope. May you look to the utter beauty you have created and garner the strength it can share. Don't be afraid to take in the love and support of family and friends, and know that your fans are so wishing the best for you. Prayers.... CHER, Washington


 Dan and Jean,We would like to join with so many fans in wishing you the very best. We have listened to you since our teenage years, and now our two young sons also are enjoying your music and concerts with us. Thank you for all of the beautiful music you have written over the years. You have helped so many of us through times in our lives when "the road gets rocky and the ride gets rough". A Dan Fogelberg song is always a welcome friend. We never leave home without a "Dan" CD in the van. Please know that we are all praying for you and wish you much strength and love. So happy to just have read on that you are enjoying your summer in Maine. We travel to Colorado every summer and it's amazing how the beauty of the Rockies can make you feel like you can face the world again! Again, you are both in our thoughts and prayers. Take Care ~ Mary Lynne,Ed,Tyler & Trevor DeKiep, Spring Lake, MI


 Dearest Dan, I haven been helping my mother battle that awful disease for 2 years through moral support, and being at every doctor and chemotherapy appointment.. Though the doctors only gave her 6 months, I realize that God blesses us each and every day that she is with us. I wish you comfort and cure in your battle and I pray for you and your family to be strong. GOD BLESS!!!


 I am 13 years old. I recently heard Dan Fogelberg's "Ghosts" as I came in from school. I liked it so much I decided to learn the chords to it. Since then I have learned the chords to all the songs on "The Innocent Age." I give my best wishes to Dan and I hope he gets better. Best Wishes ~ Daniel Lairmore, St. Louis Missouri


 Dear Danny, I am praying like mad for you. I believe in healing from heaven ~ "Roc" Anello from Nederland


 Dan - Your music has been a part of my life for so long -I can't imagine it without you. You will beat this !!!!!!!!!!


 Dear Dan- I thank you for the beautiful music you have given me over the last 30 years. All my positive thoughts and prayers are with you and your wife at this time as well as wishes for a quick recovery. Peoria loves you- get well soon!! ~ Jill


 Dan, you used to listen to my band "Tracer" play in Colorado in the mid eighties. Every time you appeared, we all got such inspiration from your mere presence.........a man who had written all those wonderful songs and had such a spirit about him.........I heard the news of your illness today, and I want you to know that our entire church will pray for you this Sunday, and I know that you can feel the spirit of prayer around you even now. God Bless you and your wife. Be strong. Faith is everything. ~ Jon, formerly of Durango, Colorado and now of Grinnell, Iowa.


 Dearest Dan ~ I thank God for you and your music through all the years. What an incredible gift and talent He has given you. Your music has improved the quality of my life more than words can express. I now pray to God and ask Him to increase your health and life. I am so happy that God has given you Jean to be there for you during the past years and now through this trying time. Please take care of yourself. I plan on seeing you again soon in upcoming concerts. I know that through this experience you will bless us with even more incredible music. Please know how much you and your work are loved. Also thank you for letting your fans know what is really happening in your life instead of what the papers might say. Even though you may not personally know me you have been a close friend for many many years. I love you for all that you have given me. I wish there were more I could do for you. If a transplant of any kind is in the cards my blood type is B. Just ask and I am there for you. With my love and the love of Jesus Christ ~ KJR, Birmingham Alabama


 Dan & Jean: No words can express my shock to the recent news. Gods Grace & Love with uphold you both during this period. God's Blessing and Everyones Prayers! ~ Trent & Beverly Keller, Bloomington Illinois


 The moment I learned that Dan's fall concert tour had been canceled, I was worried about Dan's health. Only this type of emergency would force Dan to cancel on his many, many fans. Both Dan and Jean will be in my prayers daily as you move towards a full recovery and a rescheduled "I'm back" tour. ~ From a Dan Fan from way back


 We have only had two regrets in our lives. One was not seeing you in the 70's and the 2nd was hearing of your illness. Me and my wife had bought tickets to see you in Lowell, MA which is 3 1/2 hours from where we live in New York because we knew a solo acoustic tour by you is exactly what we needed in this very stressful world we live in today. We will wait knowing that you are in God's hands for now and that you will return to the music when he is done. We will be waiting. God bless you. Sincerely ~ Donnie and Suzanne


 Dan, I just received the phone call that your concert was cancelled, and now as I read all the prayers and support from your fans, I realized why I was sobbing at the computer. I too,have been a faithful fan since 1973 and your music has been not only a soundtrack to my life, but an inspiration to my painting, and choosing the path of being an artist. I have a quote by you that you made about that right in front of me on my wall. I am inspired by your words and your music everyday and will pray with all my heart and soul that you get thru this. I look forward to seeing you again in concert in the Boston area. I am smiling thru my tears now as I can feel God's love going thru me out to you and Jean~~much love and healing to you, and God bless you! ~ Jill Norwell, Mass.


 Dan ~ We're all behind you in this fight. You're the Leader of the Band. God Bless ~ Jim & Karen


 Dear Dan, Your words, your music mean more to me than I could ever express. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family. ~ Janet in PA.


 Dan, There is nothing more I can say that hasn't already been said. I can only add my voice to all the others in prayer, and extend my hope for everything good for you and your wife. Your words and music have touched so many; there aren't too many people in this world who can say that. God bless you and your family. ~ Mary Horne


 "Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings while the dawn is still dark." Can't remember who wrote that, but it's true and easy to remember. As much as I'll miss seeing you this year, I'm glad you decided to take care of yourself instead of touring. Sail on. ~ Constance DeWitt, Indiana


 Dan: St. Jude, friend of Jesus, helped my wife and I. We thank him every day. He can help you, too. Be strong, trust your doctor, have faith in God and say a little prayer. So will we. -- Another Illinois boy


 Dan - We pray that God will bless you and your family just as we have been blessed by the gift of your wonderful music. Best wishes for a speedy and full recovery. ~ Pat, Tracie, & Bailey Byrne, Daphne, AL


 Dear Dan, You have the prayers of my family and friends, whom you have made so happy over the years with your gifts of words and music. Even my children, Mary (age 9), Mikey (age 7) and Grace (age 5) are always asking us to play a Dan Fogelberg CD in the car. Dan, just keep the faith in God's goodness and everything will work out fine. ~ The Bill P. Family


 Dear Dan ~ I heard of your sickness today on the radio. I am very sorry to hear this. I have been a fan of yours for thirty two years.We have to wonder sometimes if this is all Part of the Plan. No pun intended.But it really stinks sometimes.I wish you and your family the very best and a quick recovery.Keep turning out that great music,and take care. Your life time fan and friend ~ Mike Kasuba


 Get better Dan. You can do it. I am a 3x bladder cancer survivor. Try and get the best advice from the medical world and go from there.Get well ~Ken


 In the late 70’s, when I was going through a difficult period in my life, I felt very isolated, and, well, alone. One day, as I was looking through albums in a record store, I came across “Souvenirs.” I’d never heard of Dan Fogelberg, but when I looked at that face and those eyes, I thought, “He must sing like an angel.” I bought the album (I’d never bought an album without knowing what the artist sounded like, or even who it was before! Never have since.) I took it home, listened, and fell in love with his voice, and his music. I was an immediate fan, and have been since. He just touched my heart, and gave me great comfort in a difficult time. I will pray for him in his illness. I pray that the angels watch over him, for he DOES sing like one of them. ~ Christine Ghiotto Escondido, Ca.


 Dan, you have been there for me through good time and bad times. You are the soundtrack to my life. I will be thinking of you and praying for your good health. May you recover quickly! ~ Dodie Castaldo - A loyal fan for 30 years from Los Angeles.


Dan - Your gift is your music, and I'd like to thank you for continuing to give this gift to the world. My prayers and affirmations are with you and your family during this time. ~ Crichton Gilcrease


 Hi Dan, I was looking forward to seeing you perform here in Florida. I, like all of your loyal fans, will be happy just to hear that you are healing and getting stronger every day. All the best to you & your family. Get well & we'll see you soon ~ Lin Sofia


 Dear Dan, Best wishes for a quick recovery ... I know that you have much more music to make and I look forward to hearing you perform for many years to come. Keep the faith !!! A fan for nearly thirty years ~ Jamie Moyer, San Diego


Your music has touched my heart for years… Glad to know you’re recuperating and enjoying your vacation in Maine. I can think of no better place to feel close to God and recharge one’s spirit than that beautiful country. Get well, and we’ll see you when your next tour brings you to Florida. God bless ~ Pam


 Dan, Your music has touched our hearts for many years. We share your strength and optimism, and expect all to be well soon. Best wishes to you and Jean. Love ~ Valerie & Don Ortega


 Dear Mr. Fogelberg and Family: Just a note to let you know how much your music has meant to our family and to convey our hopes for your recovery and minimal discomfort in the process of your treatments. I am a former oncology nurse, so I recognize the scope of your medical battle. I played your music during my labor and delivery for the birth of my daughter 21+ years ago! My husband and I were also fortunate enough to see you when you played in Aspen at the Tippler probably 18 or more years ago. You played under a pseudonym, but we all knew it was you:). Your music and lyrics have inspired us over these many years. We hope, as your legion of fans, to transmit some of that positive energy back to you to speed your recovery. Take good care and rest easy in knowing the love that you've inspired has survived and returns to you a thousand-fold. Respectfully ~ Ryb Katz


 Dear Dan and Jean, Never shed your dancing shoes......God will watch over you both and get you through the hard times. Keep your faith in yourselves, in each other, and in hope, and all will be well. There are millions sending their prayers and positive energy your way. With much love and appreciation for the happiness your music brings ~ Lori-Marie Hamilton


 After listening to your wonderful Christmas album, "The First Christmas Morning", it is clear that you are a man of great faith. We pray that your faith will give you strength and courage as you go through this difficult time. May God bless you with a speedy recovery. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. ~ Gary & Lynne


 Dear Dan, Through all the challenges I have faced in my life, you offered me comfort and hope and in a strange way, friendship, through your music. Now, I offer you and your family my heartfelt prayers for your complete recovery. I send you and your family all my love, positive thoughts and positive energy. You will beat this! And when you do, you and your lovely wife will continue to enjoy your happily ever after. May GOD bless you. Love ~ Julie in Little Rock.


 My friend whom I have never met, The words I write pale beside those who have expressed their prayers, hopes and concerns far more eloquently. Prayers for you and your loved ones at this time.


 Your music has been a significant part of the soundtrack of my life since I was 10 years old. I'm 38 now. I'm one of those kinds of people who listen to music seasonally - some music only makes sense to me framed within the context of certain seasons. You're one of those artists who have made music that I listen to all year 'round and it's been that way forever, mainly because your music was on the radio or stereo or whatever at significant times in my life. As an example, "Captured Angel" and "The Wild Places" are key components of my September atmosphere. I wish that an e-mail could adequately express how much influence your songs have had on me as I grew from a child to an adolescent to a young man and now heading into middle age. I want to take this time to say "Thanks" and "Be Well" and to let you know that I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers as we go. My sister was diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer last September and she has been recovering remarkably well. We're going to Hawaii next month to celebrate her 1-year anniversary; she's a trooper and we're stoked that she's now cancer-free and feeling well and that we're going to be able to do this. I have no doubt you'll beat this cancer and then go on to focus your energy on the things that mean the most to you, brother. Much Respect ~ Joe

 You have touched so many lives with your words and your music. You are a gift to us all, and not only do we want to thank you for all you have done, but wanted to wanted to wish you well and know that you have unconditional support and well-wishes for a quick and complete recovery. We'll be waiting for you when you're ready to come back! ~ Renata and Charlie in West Milford, NJ


 Thank You for correcting the disturbing media errors. We Look to the Future, with Excitement for your return. The Voice & Guitar so Blessed with Passion & Fire. Our Prayers are with You & Your Family,daily. God Bless...Steve H. & Family. ORE.


 Dear Dan, I've been a fan of yours for years and years. I'm a fellow musicians as well and can vouch for the fact that music is the greatest of all healers. I wish you a speedy recovery. ~ Lynn Keller


 I do very much wish the best for you. Like you and so many other men I was diagnosed with prostate cancer 3 years ago. It was described as high grade aggressive cancer, Gleason score was 8, with 5 of 9 biopsies involved and staged at T3. Not a good thing.


After considerable amount of study and medical visits with numerous doctors I decided to be treated by a prostate oncology specialist the Los Angeles area. My treatment has consisted of hormone deprivation therapy, chemotherapy and intensity modulated radiation therapy. No question that is was a difficult time for my family and for me. Three years after diagnosis it appears that at least for the moment the aggressive treatment regimen has knocked the cancer down to an undetectable level and I am not taking any treatment at the moment. I do have 3 month blood tests and 6 month doctor visits.


Whilst I would imagine that you have received good (if sometimes conflicting) medical advice from physicians and likely have consulted with people you know who have gone through this difficult ailment I just wanted to share with you that I can relate to what is you have and are going through and I wish you every success in your treatment. Be tough, be positive, love your family and keep the faith that your treatment program will succeed. Best regards ~ Harold Hull


 Dan and Jean, I thank God every time I pick up my guitar that Dan Fogelberg taught me to play! It was the was the simple melody and emotion of "Leader of the Band" that first caught my attention, but your guitar inspired me to learn to play. I cannot imagine my life without the music that fills it. And I am now blessed to hand that musical knowledge to my children. I thank you for sharing your gifts with the world, it has made it a far better place. I was once told by a doctor in one of the Peoria area hospitals that I had 24 hours to live! That was more that four years ago now, and the only thing that any of us can point to as my cure is prayer! I was give my second chance, and so I now humble offer my prayers of support and strength to you. May God bless you both! Ever On! ~ Eric D. Mills, Princeton, IL


 Dan, God bless you and your family. I am praying for you. ~Dick Pascarella, Syracuse, NY


 Dan, I know you don't remember me but we both attended Woodruff High School back in 1968. You were a senior, me a mere freshman. We both were in the school play, Mr. Roberts. I have been a continuous fan of your music and only wish you and your family the best. ~ Kim Young


 Keep the Faith Dan! I'm sorry you are facing this detour in the road. It's a humbling experience to have to stop and redirect your attention to your body. Keep a positive attitude, read about the survivors, there are SO many of us! Yesterday I went for my check will be 15 years cancer free for me on, the 21st of August. You too, will get to that place where your current battle is just a difficult distant memory. Many thoughts and prayers go your way for a complete recovery. Thank you ever so much for your gift of music to your many fans. You have been a Blessing to all of us, now is the time to Lean on those who Love you and are caring for you. Best wishes, Kathy ~ Tabernacle, (South) Jersey


 Dear Dan, My elder brother-in-law was successfully treated for both kidney and prostate cancer... almost 17 years ago. He just celebrated his 75th birthday and is still doing very well. I believe our bodies have an incredible capacity for healing themselves (sometimes with a little help from the medical community), if we know how to channel the energy to the right place. I know you, from years of listening to the spirit in your songs, and I know that you will have no trouble achieving "permanent remission". My love and all the positive energy I have go to you and Jean, your family and the doctors and staff caring for you. May your cancer stop and your spirit be strong! Best wishes ever... and I'll come see you when you perform in the southeast next time! ~ Vickie Benton, Savannah, GA


 Dan, I have been a fan of yours since I was a teenager. Your music has gotten me through many a broken heart and a few depressive spells as well. I never had the chance to say thank you until now. You have given so much to my life, and if I could do more than pray for you right now, I would. I would come over and cook dinner and do all those things that people do when people they love encounter difficult times. I am holding out my best hopes and wishes for your speedy recovery. You have written some wonderful songs over the years, and I know there are more to come. You must not worry about cancelling the tour. Those of us who love you want you to use all of your energy on getting well. I wish you happiness, peace, courage, strength, love, beauty, and most of all: a sense of humor! If you keep that, the cancer will not win! ~ Cecilia Young, Ann Arbor, MI


 Sending healing prayers your way ...Godspeed toward much good health.


 Dan - Please know that you, Jean, your family and friends are in my heartfelt thoughts and prayers every day. I wish the blessings of an undaunted spirit, courage and strength be forever by your side. I am a two-time cancer survivor - 1995 breast cancer and 1997 toncillar cancer. Your music and lyrics helped me through those trying times and other traumas in my life (i.e., surviving and overcoming childhood sexual abuse and 13 surgeries). Your music and lyrics are ever by my side and have helped me move beyond surviving (i.e., cancer) to thriving. For that I owe you the utmost appreciation. I believe that one of the lessons cancer teaches one to 'give back' in response to the gratitude of one's life. ~

With love, Catherine


 Dan, In a world where the beauty is increasingly being overshadowed by the ugly side of mankind, the warmth and optimism of your words and music are needed more than ever. God, or whatever it is that holds sway in the universe, will just have to wait! Get well! ~ Steve


 In the early 70's this young child of the earth saw a face in the music shop window that would affect the rest of my life. I'll admit the attraction was purely hormonal at first, but I bought "the book for the cover" anyway. The words and music felt like warm fuzzy slippers at the end of the day! Time has not changed that...time has allowed me to know you in my own personal way...and what's crazy..sometimes I feel it's you who knows me! I will never forget the perfect timing of Wild Places. I had just moved to Alaska from the east, on my own. When I heard that familiar voice on the radio, I ran after work, bought the tape and road into the mountains. Your voice filled my car like an old friend. I was in the wild places too! Thank you for that! Almost 15 years have passed and my appreciation for you has never faltered. So....when my husband and I travel back to the east coast, I always remind him in Chicago...."remember now, if I see Dan here, you're my brother!! " (: Strength comes from within. Go there...and get well. I'll be waiting on the mountain! Be well Friend ~ Becki, Chugiak Alaska


 Dan, Jean, and family~ If our wishes and prayers were all it took, you would already be able to leap tall buildings and be faster than a speeding bullet. We know you are taking this in stride, but here's my bit of prayer and healing thoughts to go along with all the others. May you see many, many more sunrises and sing the good songs for a long, long time. The world needs you and people like you. God Bless. ~ natalie w


 Your music has gotten me through some very tough times!! I'll be praying for you to get through these tough times & come out healthy.


 Dan ~ Your music has meant a lot to an entire generation over the past 30 years. Just as you were a source of inspiration for so many of us, I hope that knowing that we’re all thinking of you and Jean and wishing the best for both of you will now provide a source of inspiration for you. Best regards ~ Cliff, Tampa, FL


 You're in my thoughts and prayers. Keep the faith! ~ Mary Lowery


 Dan - I just heard the news, and it's amazing how life keeps emphasizing its surge, breath, and power. In the last month I have heard of two miraculous cancer healings! One of my friends even went forward with the recommended surgery and when the doctors cut her open they could not find any more signs of the cancer. It sure re-connects us with what we truly value in life. I have faith that with the power of God's healing in you, your prayers and those of your family and friends are answered, and that your cancer is dissipating until completely gone. May you feel this healing, loving light within and know it is yours.


Even though your music is a part of me, as with others, you yourself are much more important! I continue to keep you and your loved ones' health in my prayers. Whatever you choose to do in life is ok. It is you that is valued. May you walk in health, happiness, peace, good humor, and love. Sincerely ~ Carol Buffalo - Oregon


 Dan: My heart goes out to you and your family as you struggle with this "length of chain". But keep strong, take good care of yourself, and let others do for you - they need to feel they are contributing to your getting better, too. There will be times when in the midst of everything and everyone, you will feel very alone. Remember that a higher being is watching over us and will be a comfort if we just reach out. Don't lose heart! I have faith you will survive and come back stronger than ever. Take care. Fondly ~ Tracie from KY


 Dan and Jean, Please take strength from knowing that all your fans are thinking of you and praying for you in your trying times. Love ~ A Loyal Fan


 Saw you for the first time at Carnegie Hall and have gone to see you every time you've come around since... Your music and inspiration has become a significant part of my life. My (then) young daughters, too young to attend the concerts, would sing along with you at home while I played the Greetings from the West  video. I'll never forget watching them as their arms would sway back and forth as they sung "Let it Shine" towards the end of There's a Place in the World for a Gambler. What's better than that - family - and Dan... You've meant so much to me over the years and I'm sure to many - many others as well that the news of your challenge has hit us hard. Please know that we are all with you - perhaps more than you will ever know. Of course we understand your reasons for cancelling the fall tour - let's just say that you can owe us an extra song next year! :o) Deeply and sincerely ~ Terry


 Dan ~ I just read of your illness and am sending my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery. During my college years at Purdue in the late 70's, you were a profound musical influence for me and I owe you a debt of gratitude. I played several of your songs solo at the Pizza Keg on weekends to make ends meet. Eventually I retired due to lackluster vocals and personal economics, but will forever cherish those hours practicing every lick on "Song from Half Mountain."


By the way, I too had chronic tonsillitis at this time and had them removed. This was the best medical thing I've ever done. Anyway, best regards from Minnesota ~ Lawrence DeVore


 Dear Dan - I was very upset to hear about your illness. You have always been a special part of my life through your music, words and spirit. I believe that you will come through this just fine and continue to fill my life and millions of others with your special talent and rare gift of making people feel in a way only you can do. May God bless you today and always. Patricia...New York


 "Everything the Power does, it does in a circle" ~~~Lakota proverb

May the great Spirit send healing, transforming energy to you and your loved ones. Know that you are loved by many ~family, friends, and fans. Be well. ~ Judi <:3~


 Love and good thoughts going your way. ~ Moody PAM


 Dan and family, My Husband and I, owners and of (A Moody Blues Fan Website) along with our membership, are keeping you and your family in our thoughts and prayers. We hope for a speedy recovery. You have many fans on our board... Sincerely ~ Clinton & Carole Brownell


 The news of Dan's prostate cancer hit home hard. I also live in Peoria and was diagnosed with prostate cancer at an early age (46) two years ago. This disease is one that does not carry an immediate death sentence. Support, prayers, and proactive care are vital. My thoughts and prayers go out to this icon from our city. His fortitude and strength will provide us many more years of excellent music! ~ Steve Tippett


 Dan, One thing common in all of the letters is a love for you and your wife. It is that love, that will heal you. Love is the most powerful force on this planet. Through love all things are possible. I realize that you are a private person and this must be doubly hard for you to make your affairs known. In doing this, it has made a way for more love to spring forth for healing. Receave the love and bask in the glow of light that will cover you in your times of need for you and your wife. If you could receive a 10th of the love, that your music has brought to us, your fans, then you will most certainly be healed, without a doubt. Remember to Believe with a knowingness and all will be well. ~ Regina Odom


 Dan, You're bigger than the beast inside. I was diagnosed in February, 2004, did the surgery bit, and have defeated it. You can beat the beast also. Get the best docs available, and do your own reasearch. Best wishes to you. ~ Jim Foley, Granite City, Illinois


 Before writing this, I read through these countless, wonderful messages and found that nearly everything I wanted to say has already been said. So I'll simply tell you this: you will come through this, if for no other reason than the eloquent beauty with which you have blessed us all is just too needed by too many to be silenced - not yet. Look deep within, and fight hard. And when you feel you've given all, look deeper still. You can do it - your words have shown me that. God bless you, dear friend. ~ Don Murphy, Columbia SC


 Dear Dan, You and your family have been very much on my heart since I heard about your illness. I have been a avid fan for many, many years and was looking forward to seeing you in concert this fall (we were driving 6 hours after work to get there). My father is recovering from prostate cancer. You will be too. Please know that I will be praying daily for your restoration. I was given Psalms 71:19-23 for you. Take a moment to read it. May the Lord bless and keep you and give you His peace.


 Dan, Obviously I wish you and your family all positive thoughts on full recovery. Totally love your work and have since the very, very old and early days....have seen you perform regularly in Saratoga near where I live in the mountains near Santa your solo shows and with the band from the days of full length buckskin. Again, best wishes ~ Doug Droese


 During my early 20's your music was a soundtrack to parts of my life. I wish you health, strength and fearlessness. God Bless You. ~ Shelley


 Dan, Hang in there and let the love of all of us help to carry you through. You have shared your gift with all of us, for which it is obvious that we are grateful. Take the time to heal and come see us when you can. ~ Robert Sterling, Morrison, CO


 Dan - May the gentle healer Jesus touch you and your family ~ Dr John Tackett


 I have enjoyed your beautiful music for many years. I wish you God's blessings and much happiness and love. You will get through this and we'll see you at the next concert. ~ Carolyn Mobley


 Dan..Thank you for your public acknowledgement regarding your disease. My partner of 28 years was diagnosed with aggressive prostate cancer at the age of 49. Many insurance companies do not pay for testing for this disease until you reach the age of 50. I'm wishing you the best in your fight against prostate cancer, and hope your celebrity will raise awareness for early testing. By the way..I remember waiting for a record store on The Hill in Boulder to open so I could buy your first album in 1972. It's still a favorite of mine after all these years ~ Tim


 Dan and Jean-- I call myself one of the real lucky ones, in that your music has been a part of my life since even before "Home Free". Not only have I been blessed with your music, but I have been blessed in knowing your mom and dad, and knowing of their love and strength. I am one of the lucky ones who has much first hand knowlege of your father's 'thundering, velvet hand.'


I know that you are a fighter. I know that you will beat this illness, and smash it into the ground. I know that you will take this minor setback and turn in into something strong and powerful. May you be blessed with God's love and grace. Let Him take your heart, strengthen you and and all those you love. You are not alone in this fight, as all these posts bear witness. You have many, many people praying, and pulling for you. I also offer my prayers and support. Let the power of God take this illness away from you, so that you and Jean can continue to live a beautiful life. You have given so mich to all of us, through your words and music. It's now time we all give back, with our prayers, encouragement and support. May each day is strong. May you feel the presense of God in your life every day. May this illness soon be gone, and may you live a long and wonderful life. ~ Steve Swayne, Pekin H.S. class of 1975, now in Tulsa Oklahoma

 Dear Dan, I've been a fan of your wonderful music for many years, and I was deeply concerned to hear about your illness. My prayers are with you. Don't worry about cancelling concerts, you just get better! ~ Tanya Hays


 Dan, My wife and I were diagnosed nine months apart. We both found that the most important aspect of treatment is to keep smiling and do whatever the hell you please. It opens an entirely new and positive perspective on life. Your music has been part of that for us. Thanks for the help and here's wishing you the best in all that might come your way. ~ Marc


 Dan and Jean, I know this is a very private time for you and your families. As your extended family, please keep us informed about how things are helps dispel the rumors....if prayers, thoughts and wishes mean anything in the big picture, and I think they do, then you are going to be fine.


Remember this is a fork in the road.....acceptance of have been in our lives so very long and voiced our feelings and thought so many times and so many ways....know that we are there for you. To borrow an old song phrase 'No one compares'. Do not lose your to you and your families.....~ shj in memphis.


 Dear Dan, Jean, family and friends, Be assured of my heartfelt wishes and prayers! I am a nurse who cares for this type of patient very frequently! This is one of the specialties of our unit. You are in God's hands and that is the best and only place to be! I have seen great results!!!!! You will be very blesses in all of this especially with the prayers of so many. Much Peace to you and I can't wait for next years tour! Love and happiness ~ Laura Richmond, VA.


 Dan, As with the thousands upon thousands of other "Fogelberg fans" out there, your songs have been the backdrop to so many of my life changing moments...the forming of new friendships, falling in (and out of) love, childbirth...In 1979, at age 17, I was first introduced to "Home Free". I thought then,as I still do today, that that album contained some of the most poignant lyrics ever written. I felt a heaviness in my heart today as I read of your diagnosis. At this life changing moment in your life, know that those of us whose lives you've so deeply touched through your music are there with you in spirit and prayer as you battle this disease. Fight and conquer, My Friend! ~ Susan, Beaumont, TX


 My prayers and thoughts are with you, I have been a fan since "Home Free", and continue to enjoy your music. We will see you soon. ~ Mike Mooney


 Dan - I feel angry. Angry at my powerlessness to give something back to someone who's been such a huge role model and inspiration to me for as long as I can remember. Whenever I write or sing, whenever I step on my volume pedal to take a guitar solo, there's a thread of your influence present - and now, during your time of need, it seems incredibly inadequate that all I can do in return for all that you've given me is to send an email to a website.


You and your family are constantly in my thoughts and prayers, and I find myself revisiting your music this week even more than I have in the past and finding, again, what a better place this world is for your presence in it. It would seem selfish to hope for your speedy return to the concert stage, or anything else similarly trite - my wish is that you have time to heal and put this chapter of your life behind you so that you can return to your life, on your own terms. Be strong. ~ Tom Hampton, Reading, PA


 Dear Dan, I pray for you to have a speedy recovery. I only know three songs that you've recorded and these 3 ("Leader of the Band", "Longer", and "Same Old Lang Syne"), have been apart of my life, my growth and innocence. These recordings have been apart of my "packing list" on all of the many deployments in support of freedom. I have been in the US Army for 15 years and been married for twelve of these years. I love my wife dearly, as well as my two girls (7 and 11). I want to thank you for your music (many apologies for not knowing your entire catolog) and I definintely intend to go out and purchase your entire catolog. You appear to be a very good man and I hope to get the opportunity to meet you in the future. In a way, you have always been a friend. I believe I was 11 years old when I first heard "Leader of the Band" and it sent chills up my spine. I can relate to the song because my Dad was a musican and knew how to move an audience through his music. Take care and God's speed, Dan...Your All-American friend ~ Sergeant First Class Olin D. Newsome Jr.


 Dan, Thanks for all the music. Hopefully a lot more to come. I was introduced to fingerpicking while trying to learn some of your masterpieces. ~ Beck


 Hi Dan, I just heard the news. May God's grace and peace be with you while He places His healing on your body and at the same time keeping your spirit with His. May He also give your family His peace during every treatment you go through.


Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Let your gentleness be known to everyone. The Lord is near. Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. - Philippians 4:4-7. God Bless You and yours ~ Sophia Reichert and family


 To the morning to you Dan. I wish you many a new mornings and pray you feel better every day. As I read all your get well wishes I think of how you have impacted so many lives with your beautiful music. Your music got me through high school, college, and my first marriage!!! I always dreamed of meeting you. When I listen to your music I am transformed to a different world. I wish many many blessings to you and KNOW you will be healthy and strong soon. ( No, I don't believe everything I read!). PS I have seen you two times in concert, Atlanta and Cinti. I would love to see you again!! ~ Bonnie Richey, Ohio


 Dear Dan, Your music has given us such happiness and strength and we are sending that energy back to you with love for a speedy recovery. We look forward to seeing you in concert again soon. ~ Mark and Natasha Stanger, Hartland, MI


 Dan, As a fellow musician, you have been one of my biggest inspirations throughout my career. My thoughts and prayers are with you and I wish you a speedy recovery. You are a true artist of the greatest magnitude and your music has made my life so much better. I look forward to being able to see you in concert again and hearing your next album. "Full Circle" is a classic and my wife and I listen to it more than any other. Wishing you all the best. ~ Chuck Hughes have always been an inspiration to me. Your songs helped me get through some pretty bumpy years. I met you in Telluride backstage and you were very kind to take the time to talk with me for a minute. I wish you much strength in your fight against this disease. I have helped both my parents fight this and how remarkable their attitudes are. You are a wonderful person touching many lives and I wish you a speedy thoughts and prayers are with you. ~ Hattie


 Hi Dan. Although I don't know you personally, you are a friend. Your music has been an important part of my life. I was at your Raleigh concert last year. What a great show! My prayers and positive thoughts are with you and your family. God bless you! ~ Lawrence


 Dear Dan - I couldn't believe what I read this morning about your illness, and was relieved when coming to your website to learn that you are responding to treatment. I myself am a cancer survivor and found that the power of positive thinking was a tremendous help to me and enable me to fight through it. I look forward to your next concert in Atlanta VERY SOON! Know that you are loved by many and we pray for you and your family. ~ M.J. Kabaci, Lawrenceville, GA


 Dan all I can say is that I have enjoyed your music for such a long time and have seen you in concert many times. I was so shocked to hear of your illness. In my heart I know you will beat this. I wish you and your family all the best. ~ Robin - Seattle, WA


 I, like many others, cried when I read the news of your diagnosis. My prayers are on their way to you. You have provided so many moving moments over the years. I think the most moving for me was when I saw you at Ravinia and heard you talk about your Dad playing there and the memories for you. So many of us have memories of growing up with Ravinia in our lives and it made me feel a bond with you. You seemed so at home on that stage. I hope you will recover rapidly and look forward to seeing you on stage (hopefully at Ravinia again) soon. ~ Debbie Alexander


 May the Lord be with you Dan, Our prayers for a speedy recovery have already begun. Your in our thoughts every day and may you be sailing again very soon. ~ John Morse


 Dear Dan: I was quite saddened by the news of your illness today. You see, you have been a part of my consciousness for 30 years now - your music has filled every stage of my life, in good and bad times. I will always remember a concert at the old Chicago Stadium, filled to the rafters, singing "There's a Place in the World for a Gambler" with you in three part harmony - lighters and candles giving that "old barn" an ethereal glow. Or the time when we all piled into the car in the middle of a blizzard to see you up in Rockford and almost skidded out of control - but made it just as you started your first song.....Old friend, please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you. I wish I could give you back just a fraction of the positive energy you have given me all these years - but I am sending it to you in this message. Fight hard, because your place in this world is far from over. We are counting on you. ~ Helene in Chicago


 I was surprised and saddened to hear of your recent diagnosis of prostate cancer. My prayers and best wishes are extended to you and your family. You have been a part of my life for so many years.....Looking forward to seeing you in concert soon. Please come to Minneapolis..... we miss you!!! ~ Lynn Lidstone


 I have been a fan of Mr. Fogelberg's for MANY years. I am 52 and remember listening to his music as if he knew me, especially the Exiles CD. I am really sorry to hear of his illness, unfortunately it has touched our family too. I send my hopes and prayers for him. ~ Connie Steed, Mansfield, TX


 Danny, my family and I were saddened to hear of your illness reported in the Chicago Sun-Times and wish you a speedy recovery and long happy life. I visited your "official" website where I was pleased to see "in your own words" that you are not as ill as reported. I have enjoyed you and your musical contributions for a very long time and hope you will continue for many years to come. If I ever actually said prayers they would be with you and your family but you are never far from my thoughts and memories. Love, ~ Keith J. Taylor


 Dan and Family, My thoughts and prayers are with you at this time. Cancer seems like it can be a horrific death sentence, but that's not true. With a positive attitude, love and above all faith, one can overcome anything. I myself was diagnosed with uterine cancer last year(2003) but I was very lucky because it was at the early stage and confined to a minute area. I didn't need anything further then the complete hysterectomy surgery that I had. So hang in there. God loves you and so do all your fans. ~ Marianne I. Piotrowski


 Dan, When I was 17, I listened to your Phoenix album, and decided to purchase an acoustic guitar. In the process, the salesman threw in the Phoenix songbook. Had it not been for you and your music, I probably would have never discovered this facet of my life. Along the road, I always had you with me and when I needed inspiration, all I had to do was listen. I am now 44 years old, actually get paid for playing, enjoy a fulfilling professional musical life, and never miss your shows at Humphrey's. I was saddened to hear of your illness, but know that you and yours shall overcome just like you always have. If you can stand sleeping in a VW with Walsh, you can do anything. Seriously, we know that this is just another curveball in your life that you will deal with and conquer. You are in our thoughts everyday. Stay strong. Yours in kindred spirit ~ Frank and Cindy Araiza, San Diego, CA.


 Dan, Thanks so much for posting the encouraging correction on your website regarding the Peoria Star Journal article. Like all of us represented here, you have my heartfelt and rigorous prayers (and indeed those of my whole church). Though you meet so many journalists and folks on your travels and tours, it is not often I get to meet one who has had such an impact on my life. I will always warmly remember hanging out backstage with you and Bill (Thompson) following your show at the Murat in Indy in June '97 on the Portrait Tour. It was a great show (I can still hear the scintillating harmonics during the break in "Nexus!") and a real pleasure to spend a few minutes with you. May God's Light, Life and Love sustain you and Jean and your family throughout this challenge, and as one of the priests in my church says, "There ain't no Resurrection without the Cross!" - Thanks for all the wonder, music and mystery! ~ Hunt (Cincinnati OH)


 Hi Dan -best wishes all the way from Germany/Europe for a speedy recovery and all the strength required in that battle. We´ve been touched and blessed by your music for more than 25 years now and have frequently traveled to the States to see some of your shows in the past years, including a concert during our honeymoon trip last year. In your own words: "There´s magic every moment, there are miracles each day... " so we´ll just keep our fingers crossed across the miles for you! Get well, be safe and... let the music play ~ Sonja & Christian Kuschel-Toerber, Foehren, Germany


It is sad to see more and more people afflicted with this illness. I was sorry to hear of Dan's illness. It appears he has the love of family and fans to help him get through. Hope to see him on Long Island soon. ~ M Curcio and Family


 Dear Dan, My prayers are with you!! Your music has brought me joy and I look forward to more great music from you when you have won this battle that you are fighting now!! All my good wishes to you always! ~ Linda, Modesto, CA.


 All of us here in Southwestern Colorado wish you the best recovery & send you our loving thoughts. Thank you for the wonderful gifts of your music that you have given us thus far & we look forward to your new songs as you regain your health. ~ .Lisa Roche


 Dear Dan, I've been listening to your music since I was 15 , now I'm 41, so I go for checks onve a year. No problem found, thankGod. Just want to wish you good luck. I live in Boulder, Colorado and look foward to seeing you at Red Rocks soon. I never miss a show. Again, good luck with everything. ~ Jim Waugh


 Dan-For thirty years, your beautiful music has been a part of my life. I want to thank you for that. Now I am returning to you prayers and positive thoughts and, across the miles, a big hug. We'll take a rain check for the Keswick concert - and we'll be there when you come back. ~ Gail


 I have been a fan of your singing for thirty years. My boyfriend and I had the distinct privilege, to see you and your "wooden children" at the Landmark in Syracuse, New York. My prayers and wishes go out to you Daniel for a speedy recovery. This world is a better place, knowing you are in it. "God grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, courage to change the things we can, and wisdom to know the difference." ~ Glenna Burgess


 In contemplating the next move in my own life, that still small voice whispered "Dan Fogelberg". Honestly I haven't listened to your music in years. And I found myself at your website, reading and absorbing everything, and was even brought to tears, especially regarding the relationship between you and your father. And this virtual visit with you has been one of the most inspirational events I've experienced in a long time. A great boost for moving in the directions I need and have always wanted to go. (Yeah, you guessed it - I'm a music man too!). Thanks, friend (yes I feel like I can call you friend!). In this time of your challenge with the illness, draw closer to the Father, The One Who Is The Creator Of All Things. He and His son Jesus are still in the healing business. Draw closer to your wife and family. They are precious. Thanks again. And I'm going to go out and find some Dan Fogelberg music! May blessings continue to follow you, and healing come soon. ~ Allen Cook


 Dan--You said it in the song "Full Circle" "Each time around there's something new again." Cancer is a beast but, you're going to beat it. Seek the best, and fight your hardest. I have been there, and I beat the beast. ~ Jim


 Dan and family, May the strength and wisdom that you have given us through your art sustain you at this challenging time. We are confident that your courage will continue to inspire us. ~ Rich and Suzy Dziubek, Pittsburgh, PA


 Dan, Thanks for all of the music you have created over the years, so many songs hit home. I was looking forward to catching another one of your concerts this year, but I will just have to wait until next time. Our prayers are with you as you battle through this. ~ Don


 Dan, I live in Massachusetts, but planned on seeing you in Morristown, N.J. I just heard the news and was sad to hear it. Best wishes for a swift and healthy recovery. ~ Tony Fontes


 Hey Dan. I was very pleased to hear that the initial reports were inaccurate on your illness. As a fellow Midwestern transplant to Colorado (love hearing you perform at Red Rocks) and someone who has been influenced greatly by your music over the years, I can safely speak for all Coloradoans when I say we want you around for many years to come. Hang tough and our thoughts and prayers are with you and Jean. Sincerely ~ Jim Larsen, Fort Collins, Colorado


 Dan, find your strength in the one True and Living God, allowing the prayers that are being offered up on your behalf sing to your soul as you have sung to ours. "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." Isiah 40:31. ~ dh


 Hi Dan. My name is Inger and I'm 33. I can't believe I'm actually emailing you! My mom (Margaret) raised my sister and I alone listening to your hauntingly beautiful music. I keep your CDs in my car so now my 11 year old son Jesse listens to you too. I'm a true believer in the power of prayer and our powerful brains. I will be praying for you and your lovely wife. My husband is the great love of my life. He is my poetry as you are to her. God bless you both...I love everything you've ever done but I have to say my favorite is "Home Free" and song "More Than Ever". Love it, Love you! Sincerely, Inger


 Dan, Back in the 70's after my first child was born, I would assume the memorable duty of caring for my daughter when my wife would go to work part time evenings at a fabric store. Summers were so special then, for I was a teacher and it afforded me so much more time to spend with my young family. I developed an interest in pen and ink drawing, mostly influenced from the books of Eric Sloane. After my little angel went go to bed, I'd play your music as I sketched. The warm summer breezes that floated into the room, the fragrant summer evening air, and the soothing tones and thought provoking lyrics of your music brought me to one of the most creative periods of my life. It was almost as if we became personal friends as you told me stories and tales of things in this beautiful life. I thought of you as a kind of man for all seasons, because of your own varied interests and dedication to true art in every form, something of which your music has always demonstrated. Though I never met you, I wish you as rapid and thorough a recovery, as I would one of my own family or personal friends -- for remember we go back a ways. Thanks for everything you've given us, and we look forward to much, so very much more. God's blessing be with you and your loved ones. ~ E.M.I.


 Dear Dan: I know you probably won't get a chance to read all these e mails as there are so very many notes and prayers being sent your way. I don't send e mails to folks I don't personally know; but, I had to make an exception this time. My husband (knowing you are my all time favorite) showed me the article in the paper this morning about your illness. You & your family are definitely in my prayers and I know God will be there for you. I was introduced to your music about 27 years ago in high school and you have been my favorite ever since! I had the pleasure of seeing you in concert in Auburn, Alabama not long after graduating from high school. Your music truly touches the soul. Now as a mother of a wonderful nine year old son, I've introduced him to your music. His favorites are "Part of the Plan" and "Run for the Roses". Thank you for the gift of your music all these years. You'll never know how many people you have touched with your songs. Can't wait to hear more of your music when you are all well. God bless you and your family (and He will!) :) ~ Sandy in Alabama


 Dan, I will keep you in prayer my friend. You are a large part of my life. I have followed your compete career starting in 75 when I brought my first album of yours. I have been to over 20 of your concerts and your songs have been woven into my life. All the Best and God Bless ~ Tom Siciliano


 I never post on these types of things, but this guy's music has meant so much to my life I had to say something in the hopes maybe he'll take a glance at it in some point. It must be an incredible thing to do something that brings happiness and insight for so many. For me, my memories of seeing Dan two times at Red Rocks are something I think about often - what a gift he has shared. Here's to seeing Dan many more times! Good luck Dan and family - sending positive thoughts your way! ~ John


 Dan..Hey, get well..~ Steven DePaul


 Dan..........I have been a long time fan of you and your music since a teen. I can't imagine that you have too many fans who are Jamaican. I just want you to know that your fans love you, and our prayers are with you and your family. My dad is dealing with the same illness, and I pray for him. God is AWESOME, and He knows what's needful for you. Stay strong and keep faith in GOD. HE hears our heart's desires. Keep making beautiful music!! ~ Dahlia T.


 Dear Dan, Thank you for clearing up the fictional story. It good to know that you will be with for a long time to come. Thank you so very much for the 30+ years of great music that you have given to me and my family. When my son moved from the Boston area to California I gave him 4 things that would always help him find his way back home. First, my love. Second "Late for the Sky" by Jackson. Third, "Return to Pooh Corner" by Kenny Loggins and lastly, but most importantly. The guide I personally used to find my way back to my past and to all the friends I left behind when I moved from Indiana to Boston, "The Innocent Age". Our prayers and positive vibes are with you and your family. Just to let you know it's a small thing to give back considering ALL that you've given to us. Peace and Love ~ Jerry


 I've become a big fan of yours through My Sweet Kindred Spirit who loves your music as well. May your faith and your strength remain with you as you deal with your current medical problem. I will lift up my thoughts and prayers for a full and speedy recovery. ~ RLG


 Dear Dan & Jean: Thank-you for communicating with your fans via your official website, as well as We truly do care about you two, especially at this difficult time. We'll continue to pray for complete healing and hope that these notes from around the world are an encouragement to you both! God bless you! ~ Lesley Hamer, DanFan since '79 in Virginia


 Oh, Dan, Hearing of your illness has been like hearing sad news about a long-time friend. I was first introduced to you in the Spring of 1976. I was sitting in a Mustang, out on a first date with a dream guy. He put on "Looking for a Lady" and kissed me afterwards. I was smitten by him and by you. All that semester you were our soundtrack. While we studied, took road trips, were there. When the inevitable breakup occurred, I cried and played you over and over and over. I'm sure my roomies were ready to break your records over my head. Through the years you have stayed with me. I feel like you are part of my family. Your albums have moved with me many times. I kept them even when I didn't have a turntable - could not bear to part with them. I now have a turntable again and play them once more. Yes I know I could buy CD's, but the scratches and pops are such a part of my history with you that I would miss them on those clean-sounding CD's!


I strongly believe in the power of prayer, and will be adding you to my prayer list. You have brought joy, beauty, comfort, insight, bonding to so many for so long, and I will pray for that to continue. Please know you are not alone in this fight. That's a small thing I can do for you after all you have given me over the years. Many Blessings~ Paula, Texas


 Good thoughts, good wishes. ~ Divide, CO


 Dear Dan and Jean, I have been a fan of yours since 1975 as a college Freshman at 17 when I first hear "To The Morning" on my college radio station and woke up to it and was totally mesmerized by the voice and the music and had to know who it was. Your music has been part of my life ever since. I, like so many college woman back in the 70's were mesmerized by your photos on your albums, but more importantly were so moved by your music, singing, playing and words. The only time in my life I ever camped out for a concert was for yours when I was a Junior at SUNY-Albany and was supposed to be studying for midterms-but word spread like wildfire about your concert and the books went out the window.


Your music has guided me through the good and bad times and so many times has inspired me. I have had personal family experiences with cancer and know how incredibly humbling and scary it can be. I know your faith will help guide you and give you and your wife strength during this difficult time. You and your wife, Jean are in my prayers and thoughts in the last few days and for the future. Sincerely ~ Jean M. Shea, New York City-Roosevelt Island


 Dan, When I heard of your illness, I went out into my garden to weed and pray and sing. You have taught me so many songs. The hours of my teenage years spent figuring out chords and harmonies are nearly uncountable. Your albums were a primer, a source of inspiration in my own songwriting, and are still a great joy. Your songs have traveled with me throughout my life. "Crow" has helped me hush a party, "The Last Nail" remains an invitation from someone I will never forget, "Stars" entranced my lover and "Song From Half Mountain" graced our wedding. Thank you for sharing your gift of heart and soul all these years and I pray that many more will follow. I'm going back out to the garden now; there are always more weeds, prayers and songs! Much love from St. Louis~ Paula


 Dear Dan, I could not believe my eyes yesterday when I logged on to one of the news sites and read that you have cancer. I fell in love with your music at the age of 16-the first time I heard "Same Old Lang Syne" -and 23 years later, you still remain one of my all-time favorite singers and songwriters. I think "Exiles" is one of the finest albums ever produced. If I could put any CD into a time capsule, it would be that one. Though the entire album is brilliant, "Seeing You Again" makes me hit the repeat button over and over. I kept thinking at the time how amazing it was that one person's body could hold that much pain and still survive. And over the years, I've prayed that you would find that "keeper" and fall in love with someone whose love would remain true. And when I went to your web site yesterday and saw your wife, I knew that my prayer had come true-such a sweet, sweet face. May every blessing that you have given to your fans through your music be returned to you a hundred fold. Listening to your music is like taking a bath of sunshine. And I pray that sun will shine on you for many, many more days. Best wishes ~ Angela in VA


 My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, Dan. I wish you a speedy recovery and many years of continuing to make the music that has been an inspiration to myself and countless others. If  I may share a memory: end of October 1983 in my home in Montana, I had the pleasure of seeing you for the first time at the campus of the University of Montana in Missoula and having been a fan since I first heard "Home Free", I was treated to a night of wonderful music and inspiration. I decided that night to learn to play guitar and have been playing ever since. it was truly a joy to hear you and I wish you the best of everything now, and always. ~ Jim now residing in Ames, Iowa


 My email is probably one of thousands and if truth be known in a certain way, it's more for me than for Dan. It lets us all have a place to let our voices be heard. To tell this wonderful person know how much he has mean to me since the early 70's. Music is our touchstone. For many of us we don't even realize how much a part of our lives it truly is. Hear a certain song and where does it take you? Dan's music is my life in stages. I wanted to let him know how much it has meant to me. When I saw this web site I had to write and tell Dan that he is in my thoughts and prayers. I made a vow after John Denver died. I had always loved John and his music. He is the reason we moved to Colorado. When he died I was so sad that he nver knew how mcuh people loved him and his music and the way he lived life. My vow was to tell people how much I apprected what ever they did that affected my life before it was too late to let them know. I hope you will know that we are with you. Fight the good fight against against this disease and good luck to you and your family. Thanks for all the memories. ~ Bev Carroll, Castle Rock CO


 What do we say? I just heard the news tonight. I pray for you and your loved ones. I have been listening to your wonderful music since your first album in the 70's. I still have and listen to all your albums, I probably have one of the few stereos that work well. I am an RN and I know much of what you might be going through.Be strong like I know you can. That will be your guide. You have lived through your music and I can't wait to see you in concert again. With all my thoughts and prayers for you and your loved ones, God bless ~ A forever fan, April Griggs


 Dan, I have been trying to think of something "clever and clear" to write... I was so saddened to learn of the cancer, yet, for some's "part of the plan"... I am sure you are feeling "so holy and humble" by this wonderful outpouring of love and concern for you...You have been my *main man* (musically speaking) since Home Free...During The Innocent Age Tour in 1981, you took time out to hand-write a Get-Well card, per the request of my sister via your kind and gracious mother, and I received it during my seven-week hospital stay at St. Francis. If I may now send those same thoughts back to you... "Best wishes for a complete and speedy recovery!" God Bless You, Dan, Jean, your mother and all of your family are in my prayers...take care! Hugs ~ Dianne, Peoria County


 Dear Dan: You have been one of the greatest musical influences in my life.I wish you Godspeed in your recovery my friend.Peace be yours. ~ Gary Holdcroft


 Dear Dan and Jean, I am so very sorry to hear of your illness, Dan. Please know that there are sooooo many people out here who love you both and our prayers are with you. Dan, you are a blessing from God for me. You have helped me through so many personal trails with your music. It has inspired me to be a better person and to be much more concious of the earth and all her beauty. May God bless and hold you during this difficult time. Sincerely ~ Gail Pearson, Houston, Tx.


 Dear Dan, You are truly a living legacy. In my opinion, you rank as one of the greatest musicians of our era as well as of all time. Your music has made you immortal. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. I'm certainly looking forward to seeing and hearing you in many more concerts and new music releases. My Sincere Best Regards ~ Michael Lucking, Dayton, Ohio


 I will keep you in my prayers. I grew up listening to you and playing your songs for years. (I'm 47) I have always admired your talent to match lyrics with the music. There are few like you. God has blessed you with a talent few can match. With God's grace may you have the opportunity to touch even more lives than you already have. We are all praying for you. In Him ~ Dale Cockley RN, BSN , Jacksonville, Fl.


 Dan - As your biggest Connecticut fan I am saddened by the news, but I also know that you will put up the big fight and will be back on track in no time! I was so looking forward to another acoustic treat, my husband and I thoroughly enjoyed your acoustic show at The Bushnell in Hartford a few years back. We have seen you 5 other times and that was one of our favorites. Our prayers are with you! Love from Connecticut!

 Two years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was an aggressive form, but fortunately found very earlier. Five days after my surgery/diagnosis, I went to see Dan, as I do each time he tours. As I sat there in the audience that night, I felt peace and serenity for the first time in more than a month. Thanks to Dan I was able to put my fears aside for just a little while and feel normal again. His music has always been an inspiration and has always given me so much joy, but never more than that night. I hope that somehow all our prayers and good wishes can bring him some measure of the peace and hope that he gave me that night. Dan, God bless you. Be strong. And no that good things can come even from this horrific experience. I look forward to the day when you tour again and we will both be survivors. ~ Deb


 Dear Dan & family, Our thoughts and prayers go out to you that the Lord will heal you in his time. I am from the Peoria area and heard the news last night on the news as well as in the paper. I work at Bradley U. and came in this morning and looked up to see if you had a website because I wanted to know the truth in what was going on. I never miss a concert when you come back home. You are wonderful and have contributed so much in healing so many souls with your music. Keep the faith and let God carry you through this. ~ Suzie


 I just heard the news this morning. I hope that your treatment goes well, and God sends healing your way as only he can. Thank you for a lifetime of wonderful music, I've often felt like it's my soundtrack of sorts. Please know that you have a wonderful group of concerned fans and you also have a God that loves more than we ever could. As you've said in one of your songs....ever on. Best wishes ~ Ryan in IA


 My thoughts & prayers are with you and your wife. My baby son Tyler is in heaven and I pray he watches over you and be your guardian angel. All my life, your music has been there for me, especially during my loss of him. You are a true inspiration to me. Just as many of your family & friends, I look forward to your recovery. I know there are many more stories inside your heart waiting for you to share with us through your music. I look forward seeing you in concert for the first time after a 30 year wait! ~ Karin Pearce - Georgia


 Dan & Jean, Just heard the news this morning and wanted to let you both know that my prayers are with you at this difficult time. I first heard your music in college in the 70's and you have remained one of my favorite artists. God be with you. Keep the Faith. Love from Texas ~ KF


 Dear Dan, My prayers are with you and your family! Your music has been such an inspiration to me for many years, since my college years( we are around the same age). I have all of your albums and have been to all your south fla. concerts. You are such a talented man and God has blessed you in many ways. You have touched so many people's lives in a positive way. Your music is a breath of fresh air and encouragement. One of my favorite songs is "To the Morning" . I could listen to your music all day long. I plan for my children to grow up listening to you also. Your music lives on from generation to generation. Years ago I had the opportunity to speak with you briefly after one of your concerts and you were a very gracious man. You are an inspiration and from my family to yours God bless you. We look forward to seeing you again and hearing more new music from you. Love ~ Karen L. Brown


 Dear Dan, I just wanted to share with you how much your music has meant to me. 'Longer' was the song that I walked down the aisle to when my husband and I were married in 1980. I'm also a cancer survivor. Your positive outlook will make all the difference in the world. Treat every day as the blessing and the gift that it is. God bless you and your family! ~ Pat Curry, Watkinsville, Georgia


 Dear Dan, Just a note to let you know that I am thinking of you during this difficult time. You and your family are in my prayers. I've been a fan of yours since college and your songs have touched me in many wonderful ways. Estote strong and God bless you. Love ~ Julio


 Hey you, Dan Fogelberg, get yourself well soon! We can't be losing you now, especially now. ~ Glenn H in Vermont


 I am praying to the Good Lord for your recovery Dan, can,and will beat this! ~ Paul Schnorf, Worcester ,Ma.


 Dear Dan and Jean, My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this time of great anxiety. I hope that you will make a speedy recovery and get back to making that wonderful music that has been a staple in my life for so many years. Each time that I listen to a particular song of yours I am transported back to when I first heard it. I guess in a way you have provided the soundtrack to my life. Love and prayers ~ Jon Whitney


 Dan..My girlfriend and I would like you to know you are in our thoughts and prayers, and to thank you for your wonderful music you have gave us over the years...we went to Florida for a vacation and listened to your music the whole time we were there, visiting places...our thoughts are with you and your family..and we need our "Leader of the Band" ~ Don and Karen in Fla.


 Dan - as is the case with so many, I am a better person because of the gift of your spirit and your music which now also enriches the lives of my children and my students. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. ~ John


 Dan ,Good luck and may the forces of nature be with you. Take Care & God Bless! ~ Frank Hummel & Family


 Dan...My thoughts and prayers are with you, just keep those positive thoughts! You get well, come to Dallas, I'd love to hear you play "Black Orpheus" again. ~ Sarah


 Dan, I wish you a speedy recovery. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. You are such an incredible talent. We need more artists like you. Please be well and always remember that New York loves you ~ .Phyllis


 Dear Dan, Your music has touched my life in ways I could never express in words. Be strong and keep making wonderful music. - Mike, Eldersburg, MD


 Hey there, A long time fan sends best wishes and prays that this journey will not be the last and that these trials will lead to a new perspective and strength. I am glad that you have the life that you have had and the music is as always an inspiration to cheer up life. ~ J..Cooper (Waco)


 Dear Dan and Jean,This is a stessful time, but I want to thank-you for your music. So many of your wonderful songs have reminded me of places and times in my life. My Dad was fighting his first battle with cancer when "Leader of the Band" was on the radio, I am the oldest of 5 and music was always very big in our family. As adults with families of our own and scattered from Texas, to Oregon, Washington and California it was like you were talking about Daddy. To this day I when ever I listen to your CD's (it used to be tapes) I Thank-You for those precious words. God Bless you and your loving family. Sincerely ~ Margaret Doramus


 Dear Dan and Jean, Your music was the first my daughter was allowed to listen to. Yours was the first concert she ever attended (as a very young child--she was mesmerized by your voice). It is still a concert we can all enjoy as a family even now that she is a teenager. We never pass up the opportunity to attend your shows.We wish you much love and heartfelt prayers for a speedy recovery. We look forward to seeing you back on the road as soon as you are able.~ Kat, Lakeland, FL


 Thank you so much for the clarifications regarding the Peoria newspaper article on your website, Dan. I especially enjoyed the Twain quote! Good to see that wry sense of humor making an appearance. I know everyone has already said this to you, but we're all praying for you every single day, and you're in our thoughts constantly.


Ezekiel 22:30: And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.


I was thinking about that verse from the Bible last night, Dan, as I lay there attempting sleep and about the hedge of protection that is now being laid in place around you and your wife through the earnest prayers & positive thoughts of people who love & care about you. What an impressive hedge yours must be! Surely, with this many precious souls "standing in the gap" for your sake, all will be well soon! We love you! ~ Jeanie


 Dan and Jean: Sending lots of love and positive energy to you both. Things will be so much better next year at this time ~ Annie Hubbard, S. Byron, NY


 I have been a fan for years! I never miss a show when you are in Peoria. Please know that I am praying for you. May your life still be a long and good one. I know I'll see you in Peoria again. May God be with you! ~ Chris Moore


 Dan, your artistry has been a significant part of my life for all these years. You have brought me consolation during the darkest hours, and I have sung right out loud with you (poorly) during those magic moments of euphoria. I feel that I can never thank you enough for what you have shared. I only wish that you were nearby during this time; that you might sit with my wife, Claudia, in her garden. I know that it would give you and Jean succor, as it has for me; for Claudia is an adept, and her garden is a magical place of healing. Dearest Dan and Jean - - only the ultimate best for you both . . . . yer old pal, Dav


 I wish you the best my friend and godspeed I know all to well the impact cancer has on ones family for my 14 year daughter Keegan has been fighting it for the last 4 years. Faith and family are the 2 strongest medicines on earth. Use them well and get well. ~ Tom Hood


 Dear Mr. Fogelberg, I have just recently become familiar with your Music and am enjoying it to the utmost. I am attracted to your writing style and freedom in your Lyrics. I send my Prayers and to you in the recovery of your Illness at this time. Warmest Regards ~ Drema Williams from West Virginia


 God Bless you and your family. You are in our prayers. ~ Susan and Christy, Crestview Hills, KY


 Dear Dan: As my only child moves off to college for the first time next week, I am reminded of the many nights I sang her to sleep with "Run For The Roses." Those were salad days for my family, and I am eternally grateful to have your talent as part of those memories. I wish you every success in battling your disease. I know you have the thoughts and prayers of countless thousands of well-wishers and fans behind you. Come back on tour and sing to us again. ~ Richard McIlravy-Ackert , Schenectady, NY


 Dear Dan: My love and prayers to you and your family. I as well as the millions of fans, just want you to take care of you and get your strength and health back where it belongs. There are so many of us praying for you, and you know when two or more gather in His holy name...prayers get answered! God bless you! Love your devoted fan ~ Nancy Zazzera


 Hi Dan - Sorry to hear of your illness. there is little doubt that with faith, determination, and prayer, this mountain can be climbed and conquered. Having been a student of your father's for four years, I remember when he shared the news of his illness. I also recall well how he talked of your mother's, yours and your brothers' never ending love and support when he was fighting the good fight. Please know those of us that have known the Fogelberg family for many decades wish you a speedy recovery. My prayers are with you. ~ Tom Pennington


 Dan, Both my client, Cindy Margolis and I have been fans of yours for quite a while. We wish you God's blessing and eternal strength and know that you will conquer your illness. You have been an inspiration to many and now is our turn to return the favor. Our prayers are with you. ~ Neil Cirucci


 Mr. Fogelberg, Your music is wonderful. I thank you for your music and have purchased many of the recordings of your music. You have often expressed events and feelings I have myself experienced and helped me gain a certain perspective. I hope you recover completely from this illness and without undue pain. May your life be filled with love and your home be full of light. Highest regards ~ Robert R. Kerr, Ph.D


 Why we sometimes become extremely upset when hearing of the problems of those we've never met is one of life's unexplained mysteries. Although I probably wouldn't recognize you if we sat next to each other on an airplane, I find you have been in my prayers and on my mind daily since I heard of your diagnosis. Perhaps it is because I lost my father to lung cancer 14 years ago and still haven't been able to make it thru "Leader of the Band" without choking up since.


I was diagnosed with prostate cancer 4 years ago at age 48, and have half a dozen friends who have been through this ordeal in the last 15 years, all of whom are still with us. This is a manageble situation, but it does take you on one heck of a sometimes very scary roller coaster ride. The support of a loving wife and the belief that God does all things for a purpose helps sustain me as I pray it will you. All the Best ~ Frank Gatyas, Plymouth, Wisconsin


 Dan - I discovered your music as a lonely young soldier in the seventies stationed in Baumholder Germany when my roommate bought "Home Free". It was moving then and has proven to be timeless as it is moving now, just like "Nether Lands", "Captured Angel" , the"First Christmas Morning" album and every other piece of music you have written. God bless you and Jean and may he watch over you as face another challenge. You both are in our prayers. God Bless you Dan! ~ Mark, Susie and kids /Hanover Colorado


 Dan, I will keep you in my prayers. I have loved your music since I was in high school in the late 70's. Your lyrics and music are inspirational and accompany me running, cooking, crying, living. I often quote some of your lyrics to my family, friends and myself as a source of comfort and hope. Thank you for sharing your gift. I look forward to more. "Love when you can cry when you have to be who you must it's a part of the plan". ~ Lori Miller, Palatine, Illinois


 Dan, you have given the world so much beauty and harmony. If we can give just a little back to you with our prayers and wishes for your health and happiness, it is really so little in comparison to what you have given us. You and Jean and all of your family are in our thoughts and prayers. God bless you. ~ Jill in AZ


 Dan, I remember playing basketball with you and your brothers and Wayne Scott and Lance Bartell, and walking to and from grade school with you. Darn, those were the days. I have followed your career and it has been very impressive. Hope that you are feeling much better and that you beat this. I know what medical problems can do to you, I have a few of my own. At any rate I want to wish you the best of luck and keep the music coming. Your Friend ~ Larry Nicholson


 Dan...Your creative spirit and one of a kind talent has provided much of the soundtrack of my life. From "Looking for a Lady", to "All Night Laundry Mat Blues", to "As the Raven Flys" and "Longer" (which was one of the songs in my 1984 marriage ceremony... one of our first dates was a late 70's concert of yours in Nashville, Tenn...) your beautiful and thought provoking lyrics and the mastery with which you play and sing have inspired and humbled me. I sure wish I could finger-pick like you. My 82 year old mother still loves "Morning Sky", even the half speed version I manage to croak out for her. May the love and well wishes of your legions of fans embreace and strengthen you. May your recovery be swift and complete. ~ John Switzer


 Dear Dan, As I am sure many others have said, your music has brought me much enjoyment over the years. I was saddened to hear of your illness but I know that current treatments can bring a very high rate of recovery and that is what I will pray for. "Leader of the Band" is my favorite song from your collected works. My father was a musician and singer too and this song has always touched me deeply. It still can make me cry when I am missing him. All the best to you and yours and remember that what goes around, comes around. You have spread so many good things with your music - surely it is time for that to come 'round to you now. Much strength to you ~ Erika


 Dan- Good luck, you are in my thoughts and prayers. ~ Patti


 Dan! I am wishing you the best, and I want your recovery to be speedy! You are a magnificent artist, and I adore you! I have so much of your work on my shelf at home, and I am not ready to speak of you in past tense. Be strong and know that we love you and can't wait til you are collaborating on your next masterpiece! God bless you! ~ Andrea, Chicago


 Dan: Your talents were gifts from God; What you have done with those talents is your gift to God and the rest of us. Thanks for all of your music over the last 30 years. Listen to the doctors and do what they say. I wish you a full and speedy recovery. ~ Andy Cope - Kansas City


 Dear Dan, When I heard the news of your illness last night it was almost unbearable. It was a year ago to the day that I found out that my sister was in the hospital with a brain tumor and I didn't think anything could make me sadder. The tears flowed and my heart just cried out to you and your family. I have loved and enjoyed your music for so very long. The multiple shows at Red Rocks and the concert in St. Louis back in 1992 are cherished memories for me and my husband. I too am from Illinois and have settled here in Colorado. Your music has lifted me and consoled me over the years. Your wonderful spirit and strength will get you through this. I am so glad to be able to send you my thoughts and prayers. We love you and look forward to seeing you again in the near future. ~ Betsy and James Jarvis


 I have been such a HUGE fan of Mr. Fogelberg's for YEARS. Still have the original LP's. We were fortunate enough to see him in Buffalo, NY last June 13th and it was the best concert I have ever attended. Absolutely out of this world. Your voice, the arrangements, were perfect. Still sound like a 23 year old. Amazing. Best wishes to you and recover fast. We have moved to Florida and I was so excited about attending your concert in Clearwater at Ruth Eckerd Hall. ~ Gayle Yaeger


 Dan (and family), if everyone who has been touched by your incredible lyrics and beautiful music is praying today, heaven is being bombarded with good thoughts for you. You have been important in so many lives; a part of weddings, births, and many celebrations and remembrances. My daughter, at 2, would get in the van and say "Mommy, play Fo-Bird moosic". I finally got to take her to hear you in Dallas last summer. She is 13 now and when "Run For the Roses" started, the tears streamed down her face. Thank you for so much, take care of yourself now, we will wait patiently to hear you perform again. With grateful love ~Denise Harman


 Dan: My wife and I will keep you and your family in our prayers. We are your biggest fans here in Houston and look forward to your next concert in the Woodlands. Take care and get well soon. ~ Mike & Debbie


 Dan, Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Positive attitude is most helpful! I have to thank you for your lifetime of enjoyment. My wife and I were married 23 years ago to "Longer", and one of my daughters was born to "Run for the Roses." My only regret is that we will miss an opportunity to see you again here in south Florida. Wishing you a most speedy and full recovery. ~ Fletcher Ross, cancer survivor


 Dan, I've been dealing with bone metastic prostate cancer since 2002 and continue to lead a very happy, hopeful and productive life. I plan to continue for a long time. You will find yourself terrified and depressed at times but your family, faith, strength, talent and creativity will carry you through. This is the biggest challenge you will face and it will make you a stronger and better person. I wish you the best and encourage you to find beauty and joy in every moment. None of us has control of how much time we have in this life, but we all have control on how we spend it. Wishing you the best ~ John


 Dan, I have been a fan for well over half of my forty six years on Earth - ALL of my adult years. I hope my message is added to what will surely be a flood of well wishes.


Jean, It must be odd to have so many complete strangers purport to know anything at all about the man who is your soulmate. Of course we do not. Not really. We know only what he has shared with us for so many years, that we are better for it, and that we want it to last for many more years. Fortunately, the disease has chosen to fight a Good much stronger than its Evil.


Music is seen sometimes as incidental or as entertainment only. In some cases, however, it is sustaining - even healing. Dan, your art has been both for me. I know your spirit is far stronger than this disease and you will prevail. Be well. ~ Ken


 good luck in fighting this illness and hope you are back on stage soon! ~ Claude Jackson, Texas


 Dear Dan--Just a note from a fan for too many years to count. I have been to many wonderful concerts over the years. Once I passed 50 years of age, to be honest with you, I began to attend fewer and fewer concerts. Why? Crowds. Lines. Expense. Hassle with parking, traffic.... However, if it was a Dan F concert, there was no hesitation. Your concerts at Meadow Brook in Rochester, Michigan, will never be missed. It was always fun to meet some of your die-hard fans who follow you throughout the country. Such exuberance! Please get well. Take care of yourself and loved ones. I was especially glad to hear that you were able to again vacation in Maine. My husband and I are looking forward to our first trip there next year. Healthy wishes! ~ Sue and Charlie Rataj, Rochester, Mi.


 You can't imagine how much your music has meant to me over the years, Dan. Maybe it's because we're contemporaries (I'm 54) and share the same concerns. Or perhaps it's simply because I love a thoughtful, well written song, and you have a rare talent for bringing words and music together. In any case, I've come to think of you as an old friend. My thoughts will be with you as you continue treatment for your illness, and I'll look forward to seeing you again next summer at Chastain Park in Atlanta. ~ Rick


 Dear Dan, I've been a longtime fan, and I read the article about your experimental cancer treatment before I read the piece that you wrote on your website refuting some of the "facts". It is most unfortunate that in our information age that news sources need "something to run with", especially when they are dealing with senstive subjects; someone's health and someone's privacy. I thought your response was really diplomatic and I liked the quote! I am pleased to hear that you are doing well and that you will have some time for your vacation. I love Maine too! You should try the Outer Banks of North Carolina sometime if you haven't; also very beautiful and peaceful. May your music live on and on, but more importantly, good health and hapiness you you and your family, good sir. ~ Kirk Bostwick, Cary, NC


 Dear Dan and Jean, We wish you strength, hope and send all the positive energy we can to you in a battle we are sure you will win. ~ Aileen and Jill and Alfie


 My family is extending only positive and healing thoughts to you and your wife. Fight the good fight. You have given us so much with your work, we are grateful, and now can give something back in return. ~ Laurie J. Bidrowsky


 Dan and Jean, You're in our prayers. ~ Laurie, Keith, Emily and Erika.


 My prayers are with Dan and his family. I know that his body will overcome this illness and he will be back on the road and back in the studio soon bringing us many years to come of the unsurpassed pure joy that is his music. ~ Pam LeGrand, RN, CCM


 Dear Dan (and family): I read about your situation in the Philadelphia papers. I have followed your career for a long time and have always felt "transported to another place" when I heard your voice. It took a bit of doing to find this site in order to send my wishes but anything with value is worth that effort and YOU are most definitely one of this country's valued assets. I am not a teeny-bopper or a dewey-eyed fan but just an older guy who happened to find out, by a fluke, this past January that I had prostate cancer. I didn't even know what a PSA was but found out in very short order. I was lucky because I had many choices and opted for 8 weeks of intense radiation. I recently completed the treatments and had my post-treatment blood test which revealed a drop in PSA. I'm not mentioning this to brag but rather to let you know good things are possible. I'm very lucky with the doctor I go to so maybe his positive attitude had something to do with it...........I tell you all of this to let you know that others out there have been in your shoes and are rooting BIG TIME for a positive conclusion to this situation. We're all behind you and with you 100% Dan.......go get 'em and here's to good things ahead for you and your family. We love you and will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. ~ Bob Carr


 Hi Dan; Just would like you to know that you, your wife and Mom are in our prayers. MAY GOD BE WITH YOU. With the Lord's Blessings ~ Bill and Barb Wieland


 Dear Dan, Having recently read of your illness I was compelled to write and send along my wishes for your speedy recovery. I have been a fan for 22+ years and love your music. The lyrics to the songs are poetically beautiful and really make me think about their meanings beyond the song. You are strong and I am sure with your friends, fans and families love and support you will overcome this obstacle.You are in my thoughts and your music in my soul. ~ Cathy Stratoti


To Dan Fogelberg And Family: As a young adolescent and now a mature adult, your music has and did give me many hours of endless pleasure. Your songs deeply touched my heart and soul as I am very sure it did so to many thousands of fans. Of special note, I would like to mention that I, too, had a very special dad and consequently a wonderful relationship with him until his death several years ago. I have now, since his passing, truly realized the loving experience that he had provided for me now as his "living legacy." Thank you for your wonderful gift of quality music that will continue to provide joy, insight and peace in my life for years to come.


I also had the privilege of seeing some examples of your artistic talent. Although I have asked the Lord several times how one can be as gifted as Dan Fogelberg in so many areas while the rest of us would appreciate even a small dose of such incredible talents! Again, may you and your family enjoy an abundance of health and happy days together for many years to come. Sincerely, A very appreciative fan ~ maggie


 Dan: We were so shocked and saddened to hear the recent news about your battle with cancer. We've been huge fans of yours for over thirty years. Your music has helped us through some rough times of our own and enhanced our celebrations during some very good times. It's a constant in our lives. We're sending prayers upstairs and best wishes your way for a speedy recovery. Hope to see you back up on that stage soon, but we know all things happen in God's good time. Take care of yourself... ~ The Shackelfords, Winter Park, Florida


 Although my family and I now live in North Dakota, I will always remember the beautiful evenings you brought to Red Rocks. I introduced my future husband to your music during one of those wonderful concerts. I pray for you and send my favorite line, "Here is a sunrise to set on your sill." ~ Patricia


 Dan, Be assured that there is a corner in NH that is faithfully praying for your complete and speedy recovery. This comes with sincere and deep gratitude for your music - it has truly enriched my life. ~ Rosemarie


 Dan, I am so sorry to hear of your illness. I am a cancer survivor, for which I am very thankful, and know how difficult getting the diagnosis and treatment can be. But, I also know how wonderful life can once again be with the passage of time. I have loved your music since the first time I heard it, at your solo performance at the Brown Theater in Cincinnati, Ohio, in the mid 70s. Your music and your visual art speak volumes about your inner-beauty and spirit. I'm praying for your recovery and sending good thoughts into the universe for you. ~ Linda S. Barnes, Lexington, KY


 I would like to wish Dan a speedy recovery. His music has always been an encouragement to me. I've always enjoyed the variety and beauty expressed in the words. May we have more beautiful music in the years to come.


 Dan: My prayers and thoughts are with you. You can beat this! ~ Gordy


 Dan, I'm a long-time fan (over 20 years), and I want to wish you nothing but the best during this difficult time. I'm sure you'll be gracing us with your wonderful music for many, many years to come! ~ Tami Feierstone


 Dan, other than my mother and father, your music has had the greatest impact on the man I've become in life. I've been with you since "Home Free" and I plan on being there for years to come. I'm looking forward to seeing you play at Chastain every year and to all the great new albums I know will be coming in the future. God Bless, pal, we're all standing beside you! May the trail rise up to meet you. ~ Steve Bonanno


 Dan, You are part of who I am! I don't believe a day has gone by in the last 25 years that I have not listened to your music or at least quoted a line of yours that applied to a particular moment. "...I have these moments so steady and strong..." comes to mind daily and hangs in my head as I write this. I hope you gain strength from the thoughts and prayers of the thousands and thousands of people who love you just as you have done for us through your music. I look forward to seeing you soon because I am convinced that's "PART OF THE PLAN"!!! Love and best wishes ~ Jon and Tracey, Shrewsbury, Massachusetts


 Dan & Jean, You've been so GREAT for my family. Our thoughts and prayers are now with yours. May love, spirit, and hope be in your presence at this time of need. Love, The Hodges Family (Colorado)


 I can only send you wishes of faith, love, strength and courage. Your music has been apart of my life for 30 years and I have been delighted to see you in concert many times and each time I felt as if I was visiting an old friend. Fight and win, I want to see you, my friend. All my prayers ~ Lois, Atlanta, GA


 Hi Dan, We have enjoyed your music for many years now. In particular, we will always remember the acoustic concert you gave in Huntsville, Al. You are on our prayer list. May God return you to good health. ~ David and Nancy Ashley


 Dan, From the moment I first spun Home Free in 1972 to this very day your music has been a faithful companion. Know that you and Jean are in my thoughts and prayers and I look forward to your return to Nashville and the Ryman. God bless you in your recovery. ~ Alan , Nashville, TN


 Words cannot express the impact your music has had on so many; from the time I was a thirteen year old high school student in my study hall period when a friend said I had to hear this song - Part of the Plan! Prayers for you that part of God's plan is bringing you through your illness and continuing to make beautiful music for a long time to come - best wishes to you. ~ MMK, Chicago


 I remember back in 1986 or 87 at an outdoor concert in North Dallas, on a rainy rainy night, in the mud sitting on some cardboard watching you in concert. WOW! I still have wonderful memories at that concert. We were sitting with a group of people and when you asked for song suggestions we all shouted "LINDA!!!!" over and over so that we could hear "Linda lost her lover in the early part of autumn..." and you started to laugh not realizing it was our song request, you thought we were all calling a friend who was lost in the crowd! We love you Dan and hope and pray for the best for you, hang in there dear old musical friend, one who's music has been a part of our lives for the past 21 years. With kindness ~ Jeffrey & Sandra


 Dan, I want to send along my prayers, love and healing wishes to you, and your family, at what must be a very rough time. I have faith that if love, prayers and caring has anything to do with your recovery we fans have taken care of things for you. My hugs & love ~ Grenda (Charleston, WV)


 I have so enjoyed your music over the years! My thoughts and prayers are with you for a full and rapid recovery. ~ Kathy Brandt, Windom, MN


 Oh Dan (and family), On Oct 31 03 my husband Don (43) left this world to make music in heaven with his other favorite -JOHN DENVER. My children , myself and many extended friends and family were set to go this year to Easton Pa to hear you sing. To hear your voice help take away our sorrow and make us content and peaceful. During his very short illness(kidney cancer) we listened to you and calmed our weary minds and bodys to your voice as we had done for the 30 plus years before. My husband and I had seen you in concert appoximately 15 times and have listened to you through every

major event -good and bad of our lives together. Our entire family can not express enough sorrow over your illness. We are in prayer for you and wish that we will be able to once more be able to go hear your voice resounding through our any venue. Sing to the morning! ~ Mary Trombley-and family-Romeo Michigan


 Our hearts and prayers are with you. There is so much more beautiful music yet to come. Love ~ Julia Tindall


 Dan, You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. Your music has helped so many people through tough times. I know that special spirit that is with you as you write, will be strong with you as you conquer this mountain


 I am wishing you peace and health as you undergo treatment. You have always provided inspiration to me. I am sure your faith in a Sepreme Power will see you through as you navigate your way through this. Live strong and laugh long.


 Dear Dan, I just heard the news and like your many other fans I just wanted to let you know that my thoughts are with you. I have been a fan for over 25 years--not a week goes by that I don't listen to your music. Rest and gather all the positive thoughts that are being sent to you and Jean. Stay strong and get well. ~ Lisa from Pennsylvania


 Dan and Jean- My thoughts and prayers are with you in hopes of a speedy recovery. Dan, you continue to be one of my favorite artists...thank you for your gifts. ~ Helen


 My best to you and yours my thoughts and prayers are with you.hang in there. ~ Tom


 I had a clear vision today. I was at one of your concerts, Dan, and it was a future concert, not one of the hundred or so I have attended in the past. You took the stage and opened with "Phoenix"! I could see the crowd around me on their feet, the raw emotion and energy connecting us all to each other and to you. The words, "Like a phoenix, I have risen from the flames....", a triumphant powerful musical announcement of your victory over cancer. Not a dry eye in the house. Hearts and souls bursting with joy, not only for your recovery, but for the precious gift you are to all of us here on this earth. HOW'S THAT FOR THE POWER OF POSITIVE THINKING? BELIEVE, AND MIRACLES HAPPEN. Love you, now and always Dan! ~ Karen Youngs-Pequannock, NJ


 I just read on your website about your illness and I hope God, the great spirit, will be with you and your family in the coming days. Your music was a comfort to me when my mother was ill and has warmed my heart during good times and bad. I will have you in my prayers daily. ~ Jan


 Dan, My deepest prayers are with you and your family for the best of health to return to you. I am another central Illinois resident who relocated to Colorado. Thank you for the wonderful years and years of beautiful music. I finally got to see you in concert at Red Rocks and cried out of happiness. You sing the songs my heart always held. Always your fan ~ Cyndy West, Arvada, CO


 Dear Dan and family, Life's timetable can be so strange at times. I just learned today about your challenge from a friend. I am indeed including you in my prayers. The medical field (please excuse the cliche) is making vast progress with cancers such as these as you undoubtedly know.


My elderly father was diagnosed one year ago with an 8 on the Gleason scale. Why this wasn't caught in an earlier form via an annual PSI blood test (we later learned in discontinued routinely after the age of 70) infuriates me . However, with hormone therapy this most aggressive cancer has reduced drastically. We also recently found a radiologist at Stanford who is having excellent results with patients even my dad's age. We go in tomorrow for an MRI to determine if surrounding bone has been involved. We are quite hopeful.


Anyway, I count myself among so many who share in your battle and am truly confident our prayers and treatments will win out. As a young man, prayers and advanced laser care and other therapy are with you. My dad's still golfing at 86 and dealing with this. That's a challenge for you! Hey, humor's one of the best therapies around. My heartfelt best to you and your family, I will watch for your progress. ~ Paula Moore


 Dan, The first time I heard Part of the Plan on the radio I knew I had to follow this new special artist. When your Nether Lands album debuted it blew me away! I have completed the "record to 8 Track to cassette to CD" purchases for all of your music and continue to enjoy listening and remembering all the special times in my past that your songs relive for me. For thirty years I have enjoyed your music and plan to continue listening and hoping for nothing but good news about your recovery from this illness. Your creativity has given us a wonderful catalog of sound and thoughtful lyrics. I know we all look forward in the coming years to have you expand upon the living legacy of music you have given us all. All of our prayers for your speedy recovery.~ M. Tegges, Maryland


 Our prayers are with you and your family. May God watch over you and yours. ~ The two Kathys


 Dan, After reading your message today, once again, God has answered my prayers. Love to you and yours, God bless you and thank you for your music.


 Dear Dan, I just wanted to let you know my prayers are with you and Jean and your family. Your words and music have been such a joy and comfort to me for so long. It seems as though no matter what I am going through I can find solace in them. I had the priviledge to meet you after the taping of"Greetings" and after such an awesome concert you were so geniune and caring with all of us. . Thank you again. I pray for your strength of body and peace of mind and spirit. With love and admiration ~ Betty Taylor


 Dear Dan, Your music has been a blessing in my life and I thank you so for much for sharing your talent with us. May God give you the strength and courage to fight and win your battle with your illness. You and your family are in my prayers. I know we will hear more beautiful music from you soon! Sincerely, ~ Deanne Switzer, Gulfport, MS


 Dan and Jean, Our thoughts and prayers are with you. You have blessed so many people with your gifts over the years. Countless people have been touched by your words and music. No one could repay back the gift you have given to us through your inspiration. Since I've owned all your music on LPs, cassettes, and CDs, I just started going to the concerts purely for your humor. God bless you. -Stacey Magnuson, Colorado Springs


 May the Lord Bless You and Heal You. This must be Part of the Plan. My prayers always. ~ Becky


 I am 52 years old and have experienced concerts too numerous to count. My favorite has to be the first time I ever saw you in concert. Circa 1975, Memphis, Tennessee, Auditorium North Hall. You opened up for the Dave Mason Band (before Souther, Hillman and Furay came out). I still have vivid recollections and most pleasant dreams of that night. I have not missed a concert of yours since. I hope to see you in Memphis again soon. My thoughts, prayers and best wishes are with you Dan and Jean. I am a nurse and understand how medical conditions may be grossly distorted. Know that God is with you and he will give you the peace you deserve. That care. ~ Pamela G. Burgess, RN


 Just a quick note to wish you well on your road to recovery. I had heart failure due to a viral infection 5 years ago; the cardiac physicians said I would spend the rest of my life going from the bed to the bathroom. Today my heart function level is almost normal, and I lead a full, active and productive life. Your music played an important role in my growing emotional development. You're great! Best Wishes. ~ Marianne Reninger, Asheville, N.C.


 Dear Dan,  I was saddened to learn of your illness. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during the healing process. Your music has touced my heart and soul for many years, and has brought me great joy. I admire your musical talents and creativity. I hope to continue to listen to your music as it continues to evolve for years to come. ~ Diane, Prospect, CT


 Dear Dan - what can I possibly say that has not already been said here? Your gift of music has blessed so many of our lives and touched so many other hearts and spirits over so many years. No small wonder then, at the prayers and hope that are flowing your way now from all of us. Thank you for everything you have been to us - may you have peace and healing. Light and love ~ Patricia Harding, Wichita, KS


 Dan, I hope all goes well for you and yours , and my prayers go out to you and your wife .May the Lord Jesus Christ look over you and heal your illness. Your Friend ~ Craig


 Dan, I've loved your music since I first heard it 27 years ago - can that be right ?? When I wrote my first book last year, I used a mix of your songs as a backdrop to write by. I'm glad you're doing well - your spirit is too bright and your talent too great to be cut short. I wish you the best always, and thank you for touching my life with your giflt. ~ Debbie Markowitz, New York


 Dear Dan & Jean, I love your music. I wish you a speedy recovery and all the best for a very happy, healthy and long future. Sincerely ~ Pat Pomerantz, Arendtsville, PA


 Get well sson. Saw you last summer in Dayton and it was a dynamite show. Our prayers are with you. ~ Ken and Robin S


 Dan - I believe the best medicine is surrounding yourself with family and friends. A little bit of Irish whiskey might help some too. I wish you a speedy recovery. A friend from the Upper Blanco.


 Thank you for your honesty. I'm sorry for what you are going through. If knowing how much you and your music are loved will get you healthy, you will live forever! I've listened to your music during the best times of my life and the songs remind me of joyous times. I've listened to your music during the worst times of my life and the songs encouraged and sustained me. We love you. We respect you. And now we will pray for you. ~ PJ, Illinois


 Dan, Hang in there bro! You were one of the very first concerts that I ever saw over twenty years ago and I will never forget it. Your music is inspirational to others and that reflects on your own spirit. Wish you the best and speedy recovery! I've played many of your songs on the guitar myself. Keep going! From a fellow musician ~ Randy L. in Cupertino, California


 Dan and Jean, What a shock to hear of your illness. One can only hope that all the beauty and positive energy that Dan has put into the universe through his music will now be directed back your way as you battle through this disease. Neddless to say there are thousands of people praying for your speedy recovery. Thank you for sharing your special talents with us for the last 30 plus years. Your music has helped me through some very hard times, and hopefully that knowledge will provide some comfort during this difficult time. Sincerely ~ Steve Bernhard, Freeport, IL


 Dan, I was lent your first album, and have followed your creativity ever since. You are so gifted! This may sound hokey, but someone give him any book by Dr. Hulda Clark and apply her approach to cancer. It's worth at least a read, and you have nothing to lose. Do a search on the internet for reviews on her books. Give it a try; too many people have been able to reverse cancer due to her, and her approach is so inexpensive. It's worth the try. How would I know? My husband (who was given 9 mos. to live) and so many others are alive because we read her book. We need more music from you, Dan. Take care of yourself. ~ Joan


 Dear Dan, What a relief to hear directly from you that you are feeling well and confident in your battle against cancer! When I returned from vacation a few days ago I went from being ecstatic (after finding out my friend got us very close seats for your opening show at Coral Springs City Center) to being devastated upon reading of your illness. I echo what all your loyal fans have said here, and just wanted to let you know that my family and I are also praying for your speedy recovery and sending positive thoughts and love your way. There are truly no words to say what your music has meant to me for the past 23 years -- all I can say is thank you, and remind you that you must get well so you can continue to give the world your beautiful sweet music! We will be here waiting for you when you do, and looking forward to the next concert. Sincerely ~ Michele (South Florida)


 Dear Dan, I'm so sorry to hear about your illness. I am a college student who goes to school in Maine and as long as I can remember my Dad has played your records. He has passed his good taste of music down to me, and it was your music that helped me adjust to life at school and life in Maine. The LORD IS AT YOU AND YOUR FAMILY'S SIDE at this time, and I pray for you to have a speedy recovery. God Bless you :) ~ Jess Rose


 Dear Dan and Jean, So sorry to here this news, but one thing I would like to add; I have been a registered nurse for many, many years in critical care and mainly in surgery. One thing I KNOW for sure, is the power to heal is within each patient, and no one physician or specialist, or nurse, can predict recovery time, prognosis, or estimate the will of any one individual person's to survive whatever they may face... take from each caretaker one gem,and from the whole, let them heal you !!! Looking forward to hearing you sing again, you have a voice like no other ...let it SHINE !!! Most sincerely ~ Sandy from Saint Petersburg, Fl


 Dan, your music has always been a warm and kindly place that I have gone to when I needed peace. It is my wish that you will find great peace, renewed good health and all the happiness life has to offer. I cannot tell you how often your music has made what seemed like an insurmountable situation easier to bear. Take care and continue on your journey to good health. God's Blessings.~ Mary H., Groveport, Ohio


 I have had your music on 8 tracks, cassettes and Cd's. I have enjoyed listening to and playing your music forever. And I will continue to do so. Get better, get out on tour and I'm waiting to buy your next 10 albums. Regards ~ M J. T.


 Dear Dan and Jean, I want to let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Very few artists in my life have touched me with lyrics as you have over the years. When I saw you for the first time in St.Louis many years ago, I felt then as now that there are kindred souls in the world. Very few of us have the opportunity to change the world for the better, but you have certainly done that. That is a legacy of love and understanding that very few can rival. May the blessings of our Creator be with you, my friend. Be strong in the knowledge that you are not alone.


 I was a huge fan in the 70's (college years) and have just "rediscovered" your music this past year and am enjoying it more than ever. May God be with you through your treatments and allow you to continue to bring us your wonderful music. My prayers are with you. ~ Nat McKay


 Dear Dan: Your music has been a source of healing, inspiration, and consolation to me for the past thirty years. I have had the great fortune of attending a number of your concerts, and always attempt to do so when you are in the vicinity of New York City. The warmth and sense of well-being which invariably pervades the atmosphere is a reflection not only of your spirit, but also of the type of crowd that responds to your unique brand of creativity. I am therefore certain that there are millions like myself who will keep vigil until you have fully recovered from this most recent challenge along your path. I am grateful that you have continued to share your gift with us these many years, and look forward to continuing to share the journey with you for many, many more. ~ Jonathan Holley, Brooklyn, NY


"May your love be there to guide us

May it always keep us strong

May we walk within your footsteps

As you lead us ever on."


 Just wishing you the best from an old ski friend and best from Alaska


 You are so much a part of the fabric of my life. Your music has helped me through so many tough times, may the thoughts and prayers of all your fans help you through this tough time. ~ Pam Cunningham


 Dan, Since seeing you live for the first time opening up for the Eagles in 1975, I have been a fan. I wish you a speedy recovery and hope to see you live again real soon. Sincerely ~ Rich Fanning


 Dan and Jean, God is in control of all circumstances and He alone is the great Healer. Our prayers are for your complete healing. We want to express our gratitude to you for many wonderful years of your music. May you experience the presence of God throughout your treatments and ultimately during your recovery. ~ Jim & Christy, St Augustine, FL


 Dear Mr. Fogelberg: I read today of your latest challenge, and for what it's worth, my thoughts and prayers are with you and yours. Your music and lyrics have always had an uncanny knack to eloquently state what I stumbled over in my own thoughts, as well as, in my writing. Thank you for that. On another note, my two best friends, Kurt Calcagno and George Osaki, did the art work on your "Exiles" CD...In fact, Kurt's girlfriend designed and made the jacket that you wore on the cover... In closing, I hope you get the privacy you and your family deserve during this time ~ Ron Peake


 Best wishes to you and your family for a full and speedy recovery. I will keep you all in my prayers. Look up St. Jude to help....many thanks for the enjoyment your music has brought. ~ Vicki, Bloomington, Illinois


 Dear Dan, Been with you since ’72. Our state motto is “With God, all things are possible”. I believe this with all my heart. Please know that we send our love and encouragement and that you are in our prayers. Your friends and fans ~ Steve & Valerie Aurand Centerburg, Ohio


 Dan: Shake the dust off your feet, don't look back. Nothing can hold you down; there's nothing that you lack. Keep Pressing On. The thoughts and prayers of all you have touched will be with you. Trust God and he will sustain you. ~ Danny - Cherry Creek - Denver.


 My prayers are with you Dan and with Jean. I have been a fan since the very beginning (early 70's...eeekk!) and...coming full circle. Saw you in June of  2003 at the Fraze in Dayton, Ohio and I loved every moment. Thank you for the songs that have meant the world to me and that has gotten me through my toughest moments in my life. Have faith and let Love be your guide...Always a fan. ~ Kathy


 Dan, you have been a part of my heart and soul since the 70's. I have also enjoyed your wonderful concerts at Red Rocks. Consider this fan as one of your biggest cheerleaders while you head down the road to recovery. And I truly believe you will recover and continue to bless us all with your music and inspiration. You are in my thoughts and prayers, my friend. ~ Susan - Littleton, Colorado


 Dan, your music has been my musical lifethread and soul’s inspiration for 30 years. Your rapidly recovery will remain at the center of my prayers throughout your journey. ~ Cristi in Denver


 Get well soon, dan. and come to tulsa, oklahoma sometime and sing for us. ~ Cal Thomas


 Dan: Thanks for posting the update on your website. I will be praying that you will be totally healed and back at what you do best. You've been the single biggest musical influence in my life. I told you that when I met you after your solo concert in Indianapolis a few years back. Thanks for sharing your incredible music with us. See you next time! ~ -R. Hoffman

 Dear Dan, I have fought for tickets for front row seats at your concerts for many years - what a wealth of talent and music you have shared with us, your many fans. Thank you for your unselfishness in providing us a glimpse of your gift. I, for one, know this illness is one of those "strengthening" experiences we are asked to face in this earthly life. I look forward to many more years of opportunity to hear and enjoy your contribution to the music of our time. Praying for you and Jean as you face each day we are given. ~ Penelope


 Dan, On a daily basis, my 6 1/2 year old daughter and I must listen to "Nether Lands" at least once a day. The beautiful imagery, idea, and etherial quality takes us away....One of my most favorite memories includes "Nether Lands" playing during my own "Same Old Lang Syne". Know that so many people who are touched daily by your music wish you all the best and want your ordeal over NOW! You hang in there, I want to take my daughter Mia to see you live in concert as soon as possible! ~ Suzy in Florida


 We love ya in Texas, you handsome feller! Live Long and Prosper.~ Becky in Dallas


 I had tickets to see your concert in Coral Springs, Florida. I just received the information about your diagnosis and although I am sorry you will not be here to perform my thoughts are with you for a speedy recovery. I have been a fan for more than 20 years. Sincerely ~ Lori Weiss


 Thoughts and Prayers from Fort Collins! Ever since I first heard "To the Morning" on a late night L.A. radio station, I new you were the singer/songwriter I had been waiting for .I went through high school back then singing the praises of your music, and since then have seen you 14 times live and feel blessed to have your music in my life. I know you will win this battle with your illness and have many more long years to share your music with your devoted fans"like me". I wish you a fast recovery and may God bless you and your family as you journey "Ever On" ~ Craig Cacciola


 Dan, Your music has touched both my life and my husband's life. We were both fans of yours before we met each other 20 years ago and, in fact, your song "Believe in Me" played such an important role in us getting together that it was the first song we danced to at our wedding. Thank you so much for sharing your music with the world - we fans have been truly blessed. We'll be keeping you in our thoughts and prayers and are looking forward to the next time you perform in central Florida. ~ Beth and Steve (Orlando)


 To Dan and his family: I have been a fan of yours for many, many years and wish you continued good health and happiness. As the slogan goes, "Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much." We look forward to seeing you on tour soon. ~ Julie from Tennessee


 I live in Canada and have loved your music for many years. I just read the article on your cancer fight in the newspaper and was glad to hear that the report was greatly exagerrated. Best wishes for a speedy recovery and to many years of sharing your beautiful music with your fans. ~ Paula from BC, Canada


 Have listened to you for many, many years Dan. I can not tell you how I felt upon reading the news of your illness. While I was disappointed that the tour was canceled the main thing is to get better, there will be other tours after your recovery (I can not see you stopping something that means so much to you). While I had 11/5 etched in stone on my calendar, on that day I will toast to you and your recovery. I have also decided to donate the refund for my tickets to Cancer research in the hopes of someday putting and end to this disease. Take Care ~ Joe McCann, Horsham Pa.


 Dear Dan, I just today found out about your illness. My heartfelt prayers go out to you and your faily. I will continue to pray for your recovery and feel confident that you will succeed in overcoming this illness. My family (wife, small children, teenagers, and yes even adult children) have been fans of your music for years, and have seen you perform in person many, many times. We look forward to seeing you perform onca again in the immediate future. Take care and God bless. ~ Felix Osuna, Anaheim, California


 This morning I woke up to the news about your illness. I felt the same way I did when I learned about my dad's illness. I went back to bed to once again process everything. I thought it hit my family once again. Now that I have read your message, I'm very glad that the situation is under control. I shared this information with my dad and he reassured me that you will be ok. Please know that my family's prayers and good thoughts are with you. I feel that my dad was able to go through this challenge with the prayers of people who love him. With all the love we are sending you, you should have a speedy recovery. Also please remember that God sends us challenges he knows we can handle. Don't lose your faith!!! Love ~ Eliana and the Asebey family


 Dear Dan & Jean: Rocks that are tumbled become even more smooth and brilliant. We send you prayers, strength and positive thoughts. ~ Ron, Janelle, Ashley and Troy


 Wishing you sunny skies, cool breezes, peace, love, joyful moments, courage to face each day, and the power of healing. I enjoyed your show the past two years when you were in Peoria and look forward to your return. Thanks for the gift of your beautiful music, it has enriched my life in so many ways. With you in spirit... D.F.


 Another Colorado soul, Kip Winger, once wrote: "Now that love found you, it surrounds you, it's everything you need. There's nothing you can't do, it's always in you, as long as you believe." I believe. May the love and glows you get from your fans be the light that leads you to better health. Love ~

Cheryl Lynn "Chessie" Jones


 Dear Dan, I have been a fan of yours since I was seventeen. My college roommate and I listened to your albums night and dayand have been to your concerts many times over the years. Today my seventeen year old son ( who moved into his dorm room yesterday) told me he heard on the internet that you are sick. Evidently he heard the story you referred to in your note to fans today. He was amazed that anyone besides his wacky mom even knew who you were! (His favorite lullaby was Old Tennessee!) I immediately went to this site to see if it was true. Sadly, I see it is true. But, I am so relieved to hear that your early treatments have been successful, and that you will continue to aggressively attack this insidious disease. I am personally disappointed to not see you in Florida this fall , as planned, but I will look forward to the next time I hear you perform when you are completely healthy and full of energy! I will visit my old college roommate near Orlando this October and instead of enjoying the evening listening to your performance that we were so looking forward to, we will raise a glass or two or three and request your music at the local watering hole! It won't be the same, but our thoughts will be with you and your loved ones and so many wonderful memories. Take care of yourself, enjoy every moment, even the painful ones, because they so clearly remind us that we are alive. With great affection ~ Elsie Tuney, Louisville, KY


 Dear Dan, I only just heard today, but thanx for your web-site, it made me feel a lot better. I'm a breast cancer survivor myself. My daughters birthday is tomorrow and all Icould think today is "there's a magic every moment, there's a miracle each day, let the music play". See ya at Westbury NY next well. ~ Pat Frat


 Dan and Family, So many great thoughts,prayers and good wishes are being sent your way from so many. Your love and music has meant so much to others for a long time. For me personally, it has encouraged me to sing and write music that has greatly been encouraged and influenced by your artistry. For that I am gratetful. This battle you are confronting is only a temporary barrier that I am sure you will overcome. We all have our challenges in life and this is one of many. You will overcome it. As I have passed on to several friends with the Big C, "Cancer is powerful, but prayer is awesome!" I pray in thanks for your musical gift and to a quick recovery! - God Bless! - Carl Villarreal, Santa Clara Ca.


 Dan, Just read your message to everyone, and we are jumping for joy here in St. Louis! Although we know this is still a serious disease, we are comforted by the fact that you are getting good news and good reports from your doctors. We think you should come up with a bracelet like Lance Armstrong. Any ideas? Perhaps, Live 'Longer'? :)  God Bless ~ Tami and Marv


 Dan, I finally hugged my father before he left; I finally found peace after lost love; I finally claimed a purple mountain for my soul -- all this because of your musical journey, always more than lyrics and melodies. I finally discovered gratitude and grace. Your music is timeless; your heart, boundless. If you should despair, remember it's part of the plan, then set it free. Here's the hope you've given us ... back at you. Let it shine, brother. ~ Brent


 Dan, let me add my prayers to all the others for your complete recovery. You've been like a little brother to me since the first time I heard Part Of The Plan on AM radio way back when. Your version of Since You've Asked was sung at my wedding in 1979. The Reach helped me to soothe my infant son in 1981. Forefathers provided perspective when my dad died in 2001, and When You're Not Near Me tugged at my heart when I lost my wife a year ago to a deadly illness. The point is, you've been a very important part of my life for a very long time. Keep going my friend. ~ Larry Svendsen, Grayslake, Illinois


 Dan, I was glad to read on your website that your health is better than published in the media. I have been a fan of yours from the beginning and appreciate the great music that you've written and performed. Best Wishes ~ Bill Grate


 Dan,  May I just say that you are a very special person that God loves very much. God desires to have a personal one on one relationship with you. You probably have a bible laying around. Start in the New Testament, the book called John is a good one to start, and ask God to show you himself as you read. He will. He loves you. Praying for your healing, and the joy that comes from knowing that you are in God's hands. God bless. ~ Taffy Spaloss


 Dan, The thought occurs to me that I was all set to see you at three shows this fall and the tickets have already been paid for.... I'll be donating that money the Prostate Cancer Research Institute instead. Keep the faith and I'll see you next time. ~ Jon B. Shrewsbury, Mass


 Pie Charts Dan, You've been one of my husband's and my very favorite singers for so many years. We've seen you in concert and listen to your CD's as often as we can. We were so sorry to hear about your illness and send you our very best wishes for a complete recovery. You will be in our thoughts and prayers. We love you! ~ Jay and Judy Rounds


 Dear Dan and Family, I was so happy to read your comments today on your website. I am a strong believer in the power of the mind to heal and I am sending you additional positive thoughts and love. Best wishes and thank you for making my coming up years so joyful. Sincerely ~ Rebecca Segal (Los Angeles)


 Dear Dan, I am so glad to hear that you are doing well. It was in 1976, when I was a freshman at the State University of New York at Stony Brook, when I discovered your music. Sometime that year, you gave a concert at our student union. I am 46 now and your concert was the only one that I have ever slept out overnight to get tickets. We had third row center seats. Your music has helped me through so many difficult times and I am so happy that all of us, including you, will be able to continue to enjoy your music. The last time I saw you was a couple of years ago at the Pompano Beach Amphitheatre in Florida, I had first row seats. May you and your wife have many happy and healthy years ahead. ~ Barbara H. Jacobowitz


 Dear Dan, I just got the news of your illness but am glad to hear that your treatments are going well. I recently lost someone very dear to me so I feel deeply for you and your family. There are many of us that hold you in high regard and you hold a special place in our hearts. Whether we meet again is not as important as you recovering completely. Do so quickly and perhaps we will meet again. ~ Howie Tobin


 Dear Dan, Having read about your illness in the paper this morning I went online hoping to find a place to send a "get well soon" e-mail. Thank you for posting the clarification on your website! Not that I'm not concerned anymore, but it's good to know you're taking this well & you're in good hands. Thank you so much for the years and years of music and "friendship". My prayers are with you & your family. Here's to a speedy recovery. God Bless ~ Carolyn (Southern California)


 Oh dear Poet. I cannot express in words the way you've touched my heart throughout the years. I have survived cancer, 7 years on Aug.1. I will pray for your full recovery and do so look forward to seeing you on stage once again. Thank you for the joy you have given me. ~ Judi


 Dear Dan, You will be in my thoughts and prayers as you face this difficult time in your life. Just as you have been there for so many of us over the years, it's our turn to be there for you...keep the faith. ~ Cheryl (a long time fan).


 Dan, We wish you well. Treatment has progressed greatly, so your chance for full recovery is very good. Be strong. ~ Stu Barnhart (Lititz, PA)


 Love and Prayers from all of your fans in West Virginia.~ Carolyn C.


 Dan, Your artistry has impacted my life since my brother Danny brought Home Free back from Bradley in 1973. It was the last music we listened to together, before was killed in a construction accident on 8-10-73. I first saw you in concert at the the Chicago Auditorium in '76, & every tour since, most recently at the Skyline & in Rockford. Your music has been, and continues to be, a source of energy & comfort . I am eternally grateful for what your music has done for me & my loved ones.

I read about your illness in the paper today and was extremely distraught. Thank you for posting some truth on your website. I know all that love you are sending their prayers and a hope for a speedy full recovery. It certainly is time that Love & positive energy are sent back to you from all of us. God bless you Dan. With deepest respect, appreciation and Love ~ Patrick Lambert


 Dear Dan, For most of my life your music has been an inspiration and gotten me through many difficult times. I wish for you much love, healing and the light of the Creator to get you and your family through this illness. Blessings from ~ Elizabeth Peterson


 Hello Dan, Just heard of your illness. Your web message sounded upbeat and I wish you God's speed. I am not prone to write fan mail, I'm 50 years old and run my own construction business but....You have not had a bigger fan since the first time I heard "Stars" in 72. After all these years it is still my favorite. You have touched so many lives with your music, I wonder if you know just how much. I wanted to take the time to personally say thank you for the beautiful music and look forward to listening to much much more. You are and will be in my thoughts and prayers. Best Wishes ~ Dave Wood


To the entire Fogelberg family: My wife Vicki and I would like to extend our thoughts and prayers to you all. We appreciate you Dan for setting the record straight as we have been very concerned. You have been a part of my life since high school. I have every album you produced and am generally checking Amazon often to look at future releases. Your latest tells me that you're better than ever! You will be better than ever when you beat this and you will! God bless to you all. Be strong and brave as I know you will. Love ~ Jeff and Vicki Metcalf, Elburn Illinois


 Dan, Being a Champaign native I was introduced to your music at the tender age of 12 (thanks to my older sister). You're music has been a source of comfort and strength for me throughout my entire life. I wish you love and strength as you focus on another of life's battles and I look forward to seeing you in Champaign or Peoria again in the not-so-distant future! With love and respect! ~ Sue Kirkpatrick


 Dear Dan and family, I have been a true fan of your music (lyrics and vocals) for the last 30+ years and felt blessed to have been at one of your concerts in Greensboro, NC. It was the early 1980's and you were battling laryngitis . But you shined through the performance and shared an amazing and memorable night for all. Today your battle is much tougher, but keep the faith and you will shine through. Please know there are many (including ME ) who will continue to think (and sing) good thoughts and to lift you and your family in our special prayers. Take good care and God's blessings upon you -- may He hold you in the palm of His hand. ~ Liz

 Your music has been a great blessing to me. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.


 Dan, As a lifelong fan and admirer, I wanted to thank you for all the music and memories. I know that there will be more to come. You and your family will be in my prayers.~ Chuck


 Dear Dan, I have been a loyal fan of yours for many years. Your music has carried me through many troubled times and I thank you for that. I wish you well at this time and the strength to cope and recover as quickly as possible so you may carry on creating music for people like me to take into our hearts. I wish you and your family all the best of hope, strength and joy to bring you through this. Peace ~ Mindy


 Dear Dan, You've given me hundreds of hours of pure joy with your music. There aren't enough words to properly say "thank you"! Sending prayers and good wishes to you and your family during this challenging time. With love and gratitude ~ Joyce J


 For twenty-five years I sang in piano bars and not a night went by when I did not do at least three of your songs. Now I teach Autistic children in Florida, and I sing your songs in the classroom. Your music, at times, seems to be able to reach through that strange jigsaw puzzle with pieces missing that is the Autistic mind. Not only have you gotten people through bad times, and made good times more joyous, but you have reached people that very few can reach. You will beat this; you have much more light to shine.~ Jan H


 Dan, I just heard of your illness from my life-long best friend. She was making plans for us to see you in Easton, PA since she'll never forget the hours I forced her to listen to your music while we were in high school and college, and is well aware that you have continued to be my favorite artist through the years. As a fellow native Illinoian whose heart and dreams have rested in Colorado, I've always felt a specail kinship to you. Hearing your songs always brings a smile, or a tear, and always brings me to a better time or place. My father is a recent prostrate cancer survivor and is doing great at 72 years old, so I know this is a battle you can, and will win. God bless and be with you and your family, and I anxiously look forward to seeing and hearing you again soon. Sincerely ~ Lisa Noble, Pennsylvania


 Dan, Your music has been one of the greatest gifts in my life. It has healed me through the toughest times. At times, it has been the only thing that made any sense to me and reminded me that my heart was still able to feel things and to love. You have played my heart strings. Thank you! I just heard that you were going through a difficult time and I immediately thought of my other hero...Lance Armstrong. As he said, he has no idea why things worked out the way they did for him...cause there's no right or wrong thing to do, or right or wrong way to handle this...I guess the only thing that makes any sense.... is Love. You, my dear man, are loved!! I hope you can feel it.~ Beverly Allen in North Carolina


 So many years your music has meant so much to me. I will say a prayer for your quick recovery and look forward to seeing you on stage soon! ~ Jan from Tokyo.


 Dear Dan and Jean, I found your website several months ago, and was so happy to see that the years have been good to you, and that you are living a great and happy life. I was happy to see that you and Jean had gotten married in Santa Fe, as I live in New Mexico. It is a magical place, don't you think? I have to admit my heart skipped a beat to read of your diagnosis, which is a tough thing for anyone to deal with. May you gain strength from the thousands of people who are sending you white light, may the Maine air give you a strong wind to carry you, but with an embrace of warm support, and may the obvious love you share together sustain you.~ Susan


 Dan, God Bless you and your family, May he give you all the strength to get through this illness.~ Cleveland, New York Vince and Anna


 Dan hang in there, see you next year .~ Glaze


 The strength of prayer and God's Grace will get you through this. You have both. Good luck


 Dan, What your music has meant to me is more than you could ever imagine. Your music has gotten me through the difficult times in my life, it has glided me through the good times. You have spoken through your music for me. Your words have expressed how I feel and probably all your fans. I think that is what has attracted us to your music. Your music and words speaks for so many. I am a Colorado resident and want to wish you a speedy recovery, and can’t wait to see you on the stage at Red Rock soon. ~ Michael McMahon


 Dan: One of my favorite concert moments -- nay, life moments -- was a concert in San Diego back in the late '70s. You opened the concert on a dark stage. Slowly, the lights came up to the sounds of your piano and voice, singing "To the Morning." Life-affirming beauty. Thanks for that moment and many others. "To You." Take care ~ Dale.


 Dan,You are in my thoughts and prayers. ~ JLA


 Dan, I read your bio on your website this evening and your writer is wonderful. I recognized your name from my childhood radio listening days, listened to some tracks on your website, and I was pleased to hear so much that was familiar. I really am glad I came across that misinformation about your illness. I would not have had my inspiration for the day. Thanks and be your best ~ Jeffrey Lee Kennesaw, Georgia


 Dan, Please know that you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. My wife is a cancer survivor, so we kind of understand what you are going through, Our prayers are with you for strength, hope and healing. God bless you and we look forward to much more music and many great reports concerning your health. ~ The Ewings in NC


 Danny, you were one of the biggest factors in making my years in Nashville seem golden. Thanks for all the concerts at the Exit/In; I still remember you singing "Peaceful Easy Feeling" with Emmylou Harris. The Eagles would have been honored! All my prayers and healing thoughts are with you. Your spirit has always shone so brightly and it will see you through this challenge.~ Marie


 Dear Dan, I too cried when I heard the news like so many thousands of others. I also felt angry that a serious illness can strike a man who has created so much joy and happiness in the world for so many thousands of people. So many fond memories in my life have your music as the soundtrack....singing songs from Nether Lands with my girlfriend Susan in California while she played her grand piano...dancing to Longer at my wedding in 1987 with my wife Karin...and enjoying all of your concerts in the Philadelphia area at the Mann Music Center, Valley Forge, and the Keswick. My wife and I will certainly miss seeing you at the Keswick on 11/5/04, but plan to spend the evening in your honor by having a Dan CD evening with friends...and hoisting some Tullemore Dew. Your music has been in our hearts for decades, now you will also be in our prayers. You're a lucky man Dan...You have a very large family indeed. You can trust that you are not on this journey alone. This extended family is there with you for as long as it takes. Thanks for the sheer joy. Get Well my friend, Love ~ Steve and Karin Donahue


 We just heard the report of Dan's condition. Fight long and hard. You are in our thoughts and prayers. ~ Steve and Monica Lange


 Dan, I do not think I could have made it through much of the challenges of my life without the inspiration of your music! Through it I was able to find comfort and shelter -- the song Souvenirs is still one of my favorites! I pray for your speedy recovery and that you and your family will feel the love that we all feel for you and how much we appreciate the years of joy you have brought to your lives! God bless and keep you! ~ Linda, Everett, WA


 My prayers are with you and your family. Your music will always be a part of my life. One day at a time my friend.~ Donald in VA.


 Best wishes from Sweden, Dan, God bless! Med vänlig hälsning/Best Regards ~ Åke Wermeling


 Dan, You have helped us to hear so much beauty in the world. Gracias for that! May you find peace and healing. ~ From an Arizona fan since "To the Morning"


 Thanks for the 30 years of music and the songs that bring me back to college and forward to a husband and father. I too am a survivor now 10 years and know the feeling of getting prayers and good wishes.So from a Mainer here's a prayer and a handshake- maybe our paths can cross sometime.Take care and God bless you and your family. And thanks for music for the journey. ~ Paul Marseglia, Dresden, Maine


 I feel bad about it; I know firsthand the feeling. I had prostate cancer 4 yrs prostate was FULL of cancer, so when I had my bone scan I was very scared, but don't despair. There are always new treatments......just don't give up on the treatments, although they have bad after effect, but they do help. ~ j.b.fraga, joshua tree, ca.


 There is so much I would like to say, but words escape me at the moment—there isn’t room here to express it all even if I could articulate it. You’ve had such a profound effect on so many, as evidenced here with this incredible outpouring of touching tales, good wishes, hopes and love by this Fogelberg fan “family”. Please allow this positive energy being directed your way to wash over you, envelope you, and heal you. You and your loved ones will continue to be in my thoughts…be well…be happy.~ Pam R., Roseville, CA


 Dear Dan: Thank you so very much for all the wonderful music. Twin Sons of Different Mothers still contains the only non-classical flute music I can listen to. THANKS! I am very sorry to hear your news, and remain convinced that this can be beaten. My thoughts and prayers, as those of your other fans, are with you. Best of luck with whatever you decide to do. I hope that the positive energy, warm thoughts, and sincere prayers of so many help give you some extra strength to beat this. Thanks again so much for the joy your wonderful music has brought to so many people. Wishing you a speedy and complete recovery. ~ Steve Lubrano


 Dear Dan and family, I have enjoyed your music so much. I couldn't tell you how many times I have listened to Nether Lands, first on vinyl and now on CD. (I even wrote an English literature paper in college on the lyrics and got an A!) During this time of challenge, I pray that you will turn to The Creator, put your trust in Him and with that choice find sweet relief. May God bless you and give you His peace. ~ Mary (Ohio)


 Dan & Jean, I have cancer that has no cure. When I read that you "had it that bad" made me think, "he's too young" and so much talent. I was a wreck. I did not cry that much when they told me i had the "c", but have since. I was listening to "Full Circle" yesterday on the way home from one of my alternative treatments, as I do not like this cancer, I am too young, too talented.... Your music has touched my heart & soul in ways I can't even put into words... If the PBS people are correct on their dates, you will air on my birthday eve, and i will be soooooo happy:) Your light shines bright, and you are very blessed. Know this and with all the love coming your way, your messages are helping

me too! ~ Jane in CA


 Dan, I did not want to like your music. My ex wife ran off to California and when she came back she kept talking about this new album she loved from a guy named Dan Fogelberg. Well, of course I woul not like it for personal, silly reasons. You know how us men are! Anyway, that was quite a long time ago and I have loved your music since. You will be in my prayers and thoughts. I don't listen to the negative crap about stars like yourself. But positive things are good. Thank you for many hours of enjoyment. ~ John Harbert


 Hi Dan, I still had "Leader of the Band" resonating in my head (played it in the car,coming home ) when I read of your prostate troubles. I too am taking treatment for a (mild ?) prostate condition. Your music always evokes deeper thinking in me. I never tire of it. Good luck to you Dan ~ Will Kirwin, Edmonton, Alberta Canada


 Hello Mr. Fogelberg. First of all I'd like to say your music has been an inspiration to many.My personal favorite is "Morning Sky" though there are many I like. Thanks for all of that. Next, I wish the very best for your complete recovery. As a Myeloma survivor I can commiserate with what you're feeling. There truely is hope, and Prostate Cancer is one of those that has a very high success rate, as I'm sure you're aware. If I can give you one piece of advice, it is, BELIEVE! The Doctors and medications will do what they can, the rest is up to you. Best Regards ~ Bill Miltenberger


 Oh, Dan ....I discovered your music in 1977 when I started college in Northern California ... and it's been a part of me ever since.I've got a dent in the front of my Guild six-er from those days ... I was playing "Song from Half Mountain" in my bathroom (watching myself play and sing ... the acoustics were awesome in there, you know? :-) and my roommate opened the door ... and the door-knob banged into my guitar. I was pissed at the time, but I cherish it now. I can't tell you how much your work has meant to me over the years, but I still play "Old Tennessee" every October, just for myself. Your work has mattered to me for all of my life and I can't thank you enough for it.My thoughts and prayers are with you, man ... kick that cancer's ass! With incredible respect and hope ~ Bob Lewis, Acton, California


 Dan: We are about the same age. I have been battling advanced prostate cancer for two years. Radiation and hormone therapy have worked well for me until recently, but I am very excited about clinical trials relating to so-called "cancer vaccines," which may be the next big thing in treating prostate and other cancers. I hope to be admitted to a trial here in Portland, OR within the next few weeks and will let you know how it goes. You and your wife are in my prayers. ~ John K


 My prayers are with you for a speedy recovery. Thank you for your music and your heart. I enjoyed many of your songs through the years and was glad that you did a Christmas album. God sees and will respond. Study His word and trust in Him. Blessings to you and yours ~ Jared Dexter O'Neal - Phoenix, AZ


 Dan and Jean, Best wishes for a speedy, sane, heartfelt recovery. Your music has been a part of me my entire life! I too am fighting the big fight and I often think, One road was simple, acceptance of life, the other road offered sweet peace, when I made my decision, my vision became my release. ~ Bonnie P. Santa Rosa, CA by way of Urbana, IL


 ever on.... rooboone


 Dear Dan, Jean and family, Thank you so much for all the years of great music & meaningful lyrics. I have been a fan of yours forever..At this time, my prayers, love and thoughts are with you, Jean and your family....It seems that we all have something that blows us out of the water and somehow find the strength to carry on. The human spirit is amazing, although at times we get lost on the way to healing...It is all a part of the process. So best wishes in this journey..Love ~ Fran B. (and good luck reading all of the emails).


 Dan, you have been a part of our lives forever!!! Our wedding song, 19 years ago, was "LONGER". Our thoughts and prayers are with you throughout your treatment and recovery. We hope to see you back on the stage strong and healthy soon!!! Love your fans in sickness and in health ~ Madeleine & Gabe Massey, Matthews, NC


 I have listened to you since I was 15 years old, now 30 changed my life then and still do. I send you good karma. ~ Marcia


 Dan, Your music has brought so much comfort to so many over the years . Please take comfort from us now as we hold you in our prayers for a speedy recovery. I haven't missed a Colorado performance since 1984 and I look forward to seeing you at "the Rocks" sometime soon. Love ~ Grace


 Dan & Jean, My thoughts & prayers are with you while you battle this disease. My 39 year old brother in law was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer this past February, five months after the birth of his first child. His original PSA score was 4,866 - after several months of treatment his score at the end of July was 8. Prayer, positive energy, the help of family and friends will carry you through. Can't wait to see you in concert! Peace ~ Linda - Waterloo, IL


 Dan and Jean, may God comfort you through this illness, and give you all the strength you need to fight this thing head on! "Longer" is one of my old, new favorites. It has such special meaning to me, and will continue to be in my heart as I walk down the aisle in a couple months to the man of my dreams. Thank you for the gift of your music. Take care and God bless both of you. ~ Michele, Aurora CO


 Dan, Not going to waste energy on sadness, anger or despair. I am a firm believer in the power of prayer and positive thinking. "There's a reason for everything, they say..." Hate to quote you to you, but, this is very true. I believe that if we all pray for you and you just think of all the positive energy that is being sent your way...all those beautiful thoughts and all that light will find its way into your heart, soul, and, consequently, your entire being. I am thinking only beautiful, healing thoughts for you and for your family. You do not need strength and neither does your family because you have love and you have each other. God bless and see you soon. ~ CLE, Babylon, New York


 Dan: Sorry to hear about your illness. I am certainly keeping you in my prayers and good thoughts to send your way. For over 30 years, your musical inspiration continues to improve my life for the better, and I thank God for talented people like you who have brought so much joy through your lyrics and music. May God continue to bless you, and may we all be blessed by your presence for many years to come. Best wishes and get well soon. ~ Billy Brown, American Fork, Utah


 Dear Dan and Jean, If every person who has been touched by your beautiful music says just one prayer for you to be healed, you will soon be well and back on tour. May God bless you and your family at this most difficult time. You are loved. ~ JoAnn


 Dan--You've given so much to all of us, it's only fair that we try to repay you a little bit. May God give you strength, courage and hope during your treatment. We all look forward to your healthy recovery. I've been listening since 1975 and plan to listen for another 30 years! Sue...Dayton,OH.


 Dan, As a long-time fan of your music and a fellow Peorian, I'm praying for you, bud. Your music has been a part of my life ever since I heard WIRL play "Anyway I Love You." Literally, not a month goes by without me putting one of your CDs into my car stereo. I've always been inspired by the honesty in your lyrics and the beauty in your melodies. I was especially delighted with your latest one "Full Circle." May God be with you on this difficult journey. Thank you for the countless hours of honest enjoyment your music has given me. ~ John Amberg, Greensboro, NC (but a Central Illinois kid at heart)


 Dan ... When I read the article in the Chicago Sun Times this morning... it did not make my day ... Having seen you now 7 times in concert starting with the solo gig at the Auditorium Theatre... when you played a song you'd just wrote and was playing it for the first time ... Same Old Lang Syne ... I remember crying after that song. It had struck some hidden emotion in me, I always tried to hide. Today that emotion arose once more for at our ages now these things are popping up on us. But I am so glad I went to your website and read the truth. Thank God and Good luck ~ John


 Dan, Please know that prayers are being offered for you and your family by a person whose life you have touched on more than one occasion and in more than one life stage. It must be amazing to have the talent to move, motivate and comfort people with your voice and your words. Through your songs you have put things in their place in many lives. I have sung along with you on your albums, 8 tracks and CD's in good and bad times but always been better for it. I actually met my lover in a grocery store (20 years ago, but years after discovering you). I have felt the pain and need of"Next Time" with tears welling up in my eyes. I am still trying to figure out the language of love.... It is not Christmas time in our house until you say it is ....on your Christmas album (what a wonderful gift to us).

I was planning on attending your "Solo Acoustic tour" for the I can't remember how many Th time.... Solo Acoustic, I have told hundreds about your tours. It is just like you came to my house and sat down at my piano and sang a song with friends. You can count on one hand the number of artists that can sit on a stool and sing one of their songs alone. I do not know anyone who has the talent and guts to do it for most of the evening. No where to hide. So honest and true. Thank you for doing what you do. For the many sacrifices you have made along the way to bring your music to us live. May your current journey be short and as painless as possible. May it serve you and many others well (how many will see your situation and get themselves checked out?). Your music has always served as a reality check for me. Am I going crazy? Will I ever find love? How do I handle the aging of a loved one? and back to the beginning again (Full Circle right?).


I first heard of you when you were playing in Normal IL, my older sister's college town . I have seen you many times when you pass through Atlanta, like an old friend coming for an all too short visit. I want you to know and realize that God has given you great talents and you have used them so well. The respect you show in your music for your family and your parents. Little things that just sort of seep through but leave their mark none the less. Things you might have thought had little meaning but became so strong when they hit certain people at just the right time. How many people have been pulled back from the edge of despair by hearing a song you have written about a similar time in your life? Just gaze out at the stars and imagine the impact of your words. Amazing. Know that these same people when they hear of your situation are saying hundreds of thousands of little prayers in their own special way to their God. With that force behind you, you have no choice....The dove will fly again. May God bless you and may he keep you close. I have the feeling this is just another step in the journey. As you journey ever on.. ~ John Breaugh


 I am so saddened to hear of your illness. I have been a fan since the seventies and have been lucky enough to see you perform more than 25 times. I treasure each and every CD (all of 'em) and your music has meant more to me than you could ever know. I know you have the strength to get through this. I'll look forward to the day when you have beat this, and can come back to Thousand Oaks (Has anyone ever counted them?) Calif to perform, and wow me all over again. I'll be in the front row with the glowing green light. Until then, LET IT SHINE!! ~ Lorri


 Dear Dan & Jean: I heard about your illness this morning. I first saw you in concert at the Inglewood Forum around 1981. Just last year, my wife and I saw you and the band at Thousand Oaks (we sat next to Michael Botts beautiful wife Michelle). At the House of Blues back in 2000, I sat in the front row center and reminded you of one of your lyrics in Make Love Stay, which you acknowledged. My two favorite musical artists are Yes and Dan Fogelberg. No words cannot express my emotions that I have been feeling today. I pray for you and Jean that the Lord will give both of you the strength and healing. It is now time for your fans and those that love you and your music to give our prayers for you to our Lord. God Bless You ~ Bruce Edwards(Simi Valley, CA)


 Dan; Best wishes in your fight and hopes for a speedy and total recovery. Your music has meant alot to not only myself  but also my wife. My wife by the way was at your concert "Greeting From the West" at the Fox Theater in St. Louis. I was introduced to your music in 1977 and have been a fan ever since. My thoughts and wishes will be with you and your family during your fight. ~ Russ Lampertz


 Dear Dan, I have been a fan of yours for over 20 years. Your music is incredible. Your Greatest Hits album is one of my favorites. I was fortunate enough to get to see you in concert at the Hard Rock in Las Vegas. I really enjoyed the show. Anyway, I was deeply saddened to just read the news on-line that you are suffering from cancer. I am hoping and praying that you will have a full and speedy recovery. Best Wishes ~ Richard H. (Los Angeles, Ca.)


 Dan, your music has been the soundtrack of my life (a former d.j. so I have heard lots of music!). You are one of the best singer-songwriters in the history of modern music. I know that you will get better. Of course, one day at a time. To quote the master: "Watching the sun, watching it come, watching it come up over the rooftops...Yes it's going to be a day, There is really nothing left to say but Come on morning" ~ Jessica (age 36)


 Dan & Jean...what to say to someone who has been a part of my life for 30 years...Thanks doesn't quite cut it I guess...but thanks none the less. I couldn't imagine trying to calculate how many times I have played your albums, tapes and CD's...I had never heard your music when I bought "Souvenirs", I bought it because I thought you had a kind face...and I was not disappointed!! I think it changed the direction of my musical tastes. Your music has been there as I have lived my life. Jean, take care of Dan for all of us. Dan, take care of yourself, never surrender....there is no better place to heal than the ocean. If there really is a connection between us all in the universe then you will soon be well with the healing from all of our collective prayers. From the bottom of my heart, thanks you! ~ Lisa


 Hi Dan-- Back in the 80's, my then-boyfriend wrote the lyrics of one of your songs in card for me. It was so beautiful, I framed it. This note is to say 'thank you' for your music and to let you know that you're in my prayers. Take care ~ Susan Carr, Minneapolis, MN


 Dear Dan, Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.I have been a fan of yours since I saw you open for The Eagles in the 1970's.Your music has always been my favorite and has gotten me through many highs and lows.My friends and I used your music to save our sanity while going through nursing school! My husband who is a die-hard Pink Floyd and Deep Purple fan even likes your music. Please get well and know all your fans will be waiting for your return to touring. Right now it is more important to take care of yourself and to get healthy.Best Wishes ~ Beth Keser Portland Ct.


 I just read an article in the paper re: your illness and ran right to the computer to check your website. I am so thankful to hear that you are responding to treatment, and want you to know that you will be in my thoughts and prayers daily. I have every confidence that you will beat this terrible disease. You have touched so many hearts and souls with your songs and I hope that we can now touch your's with our prayers for you and your family. Keep strong, Dan, and know that there is a major outpouring of love and prayers reaching out to you from all over the world. ~ Carol from Fraser, MI


 Dan, This is from one of those "sitting out there in the dark." May our love and support continue to enable you to keep living your dream. Because there is a law that parents are not supposed to like the music their children like, I resisted for a while. One day my daughter insisted that I sit still and listen. The rest is history. We have been to four of your concerts together, two of them with her daughter. So, you see, the love for you and for your music spans three generations in our family. You and your music have been a big part of our lives for almost thirty years. Love to you and to your wife and best wishes for your complete recovery. ~ Lettie Fisher, Oklahoma


 Dan, please know that all our thoughts and prayers for a quick and painless recovery are with you. You have blessed us with your wonderful gift of music for so many years. Now it is your turn to be blessed by the loving thoughts and prayers of your many fans. We are so glad to hear that your recovery is going well and look forward to the day you are back on tour. Your longtime fans ~ Rebecca Brunetta and Lurla Howard


 Dan and Jean, My thoughts and prayers are with you at this time. Stay positive and strong , as this is helping me in my fight in my battle with cancer. family is so important in helping with your fight and knowing your music and your beautiful words, you have a wonderful family that will help you through. God Bless ~ Maureen


 All the best for a speedy and complete recovery.


 Dear Dan, BELIEVE, EVERYDAY...Thank God for you and what you have given to all your fans. May you be blessed now in return. Our prayers are with you and your family. Sincere love ~ Kelly Goldsworthy and family


 Dan, My thoughts and prayers are with you. I, like so many other musicians have enjoyed and have been influenced by your music. I have covered many of your songs over the years in my live performances and will always remain a fan. Thanks for all of your inspiration over the years. Peace be with you. ~ Jeff Johnson


 Dear Dan , My thoughts and prayers are with you. My dad successfully beat this cancer

and I know you will too. ~ Terri in Wichita


 Dearest dear Dan, Just the other day in the middle of unloading groceries onto the conveyor at my local grocery store, I was feeling in such a rut, unloved, unbeautiful, so far from my disconnected from the wild places...And all of the sudden I heard--so very faintly--the familiar opening of Same Old Lang Syne begin coming on as the piped-in music selection. And I actually smiled. I felt rescued. I was thinking how wonderful it was of you to have set that scene as you did--"met my old lover in the grocery store." Like you knew I would be standing there one day feeling forgotten. And your song would make me remember who I am and make me think of the one I love who loves me still. And it helped me so. This is an example of how you touch my life and give it meaning. I cannot tell how much you have helped me through your music and your words. You have helped me when I had to make choices and survive some hard comings and goings and kept my hopes up during difficult times. Thank you for your voice--so clear and compassionate. Thank you for your talent--so natural and real. Thank you for following your dreams and contributing to mine. You are like a boat in my harbor that is docked and waiting for me to sail on whenever I need you. You have been there with me in my best and darkest hours. And I have reached for you often--when only your voice would do to soothe me. And I have traveled to see you and be near you for a night here and there whenever I could. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and Jean. Hold on to each other and take each day. I know you will be blessed and healed. I know you will walk this forked path and tell us about your journey along the road as only you can do. Be comforted by what has always inspired you. The dawn chorus sings for you in the wild places where you conjured the vision of Bones in the Sky. Take care and be well. I will be thinking of you and sending positive wishes and energies your way. With Love- ~ Patti in Ohio


 You have given us years of wonderful music, and we wish you only the best and a speedy recovery. We'll see you on your next tour through North Carolina.


 Dan ~ Remember God only gives us what we can handle. You will win this battle. Your songs touch so many hearts. I anxiously await news of your recovery. ~ Carole Buchholz, Lafayette, Indiana


 I will keep you in my daily prayers. Have faith that the Lord will give you the strength to get through this battle. Lifetime Fan From Illinois ~ Bonnie Y.


 Hi Dan: First, let me say, I wish you all the best and hope your treatment is a complete success. You have made a huge impact on my life going back longer than I'd like to say!! My prayers and positive thoughts are coming your way and I look forward to when you are able to reschedule your tour to include Albany, NY again. Your music, old and new, are my favorites and I've truly enjoyed listening to your evolving styles over the years. If good wishes and prayers make a difference, you should be feeling better than ever in no time. All my best ~ MaryLou


 Dan, You have touched so many with your music, that this outporing to you is our little way of saying "Thanks"....of giving something back. All the best to you and yours, and a speedy recovery to health. ~ Pete


 My prayers and well wishes are with you Dan,you're a survivor and you will get through this...God bless you and your family...Sincerely ~ Cathy D.


 Dan - You have been a part of my life since the 70's and I continue to find joy and peace listening to your music to this very day. You helped me through my father's fight with cancer -- both colon and prostate -- and I am happy to say he is still with us. May God smile upon you and give you and your family the strength you need to get through this rough time. You are in my thoughts and prayers. ~ Elizabeth Gobler, Woodstock, GA


 Dear Dan and Jean,Eight weeks ago, I too had a diagnosis that wasn’t expected, wanted, or needed. I understand the fear, the frustration, and the uncertainty of ‘what comes next’. My best words for you are to remember that you are 51% of your medical care team. Surround yourself with the very best professionals that you can and follow their advice –- always remembering that you are ultimately in charge of your care. Educate yourself. Read all you can read about your condition. Don’t depend on anyone to do this for you. The web is filled with all kinds of information and data. Learn to sift and filter -- decide what is relevant to your case and what isn’t. This just doesn’t apply to the here and now … it applies to the recovery and maintenance time after treatment. Knowledge, I believe, is power. I wish you a successful recovery. Remain positive. Remain strong. ~ LuAnn (West Virginia)


 Dan and Jean, My prayers go out to you and your loved ones during this trying time in your lives. Thank you for all the inspiration and help you have given me during my life through your words and music. "When we walk to the edge of all the light we have, and take our first step into the darkness of the unknown, we must believe one of two things will happen - there will be something sold for us to stand on, or we will be taught to fly" (S. Martin). God bless you ~ Sharon Herr, Atglen, PA


 Dear God, please help Dan Fogelberg get better. My family treasures him very much. We love him and will always support him full time into everything he does. Let him rise on the wings of eagles and glide through this...this would mean very much too me and my family.~ Christian Ogard-Kenmore WA


 Dear, Dear Mr. Fogelberg - For all that you have given of your life to us through the poetry of your words and song, I want to send a heartfelt thank you that is long overdue. I was especially devastated to hear the news of your illness but hopeful again when I read "your" account on this website.Take care of yourself in peace and privacy. I look forward to your next performance but will be happy just knowing that you are healthy! ~ Judy - Kennesaw, GA


 Hi Dan, I have been a fan since I first heard "Longer". Wish you a speedy recovery ~ chris in united kingdom.


 You are one of the most phenomenal musicians of all time and an individual with a genuinely kind and caring heart. Both Tim and I want you to know that our thoughts, love, and prayers will be with you and your family. We will see you again soon when you reschedule your tour and concert in Albany, NY.Your friends ~ Chris and Tim Wells


 Dan, Your song "Leader of the Band" never fails to reduce me to tears, the best tribute to a dad that was ever made. Now, with the news of your illness, again, I am reduced to tears, and hope the experimental drugs work and you are back in good health. Your life has added so much to others and now we must add to your recovery. ~ Joyce S.


 I was so shocked to hear of your illness. I so enjoy your music, as I have for years. I make every concert here in Tulsa and enjoy each one of them more than the one before. I love it when your music comes on the radio and I haven't heard that song in a while; it makes me smile and reminisce of the past. I work in an industry where I am exposed to treatments for diseases of the urinary tract system,including the prostate. I hope and pray that you are in the care of the best and are receiving the treatment that will give you the most desired response. I have thought about this news a lot over the past 12 hours and have prayed a lot for you. I will thinking of you and pray that your battle will be won. With the fondest of thoughts ~ Jan


 Dan - You have been a source of strength during many times in my life - starting in the 70s. May you find courage and strength now. I wish I could be more prolific with my sentiments. I saw you May 31, 2003 at Trump Plaza in Atlantic City and your show was amazing. After only the first song I was completely mesmerized and filled with joy. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family. May God bless you. ~ Mary-Pat Marzoli


 To One of the Most Beloved Musicians from a Connecticut fan. . . Duke Ellington said, "Gray skies are just clouds passing over" - Wishing for you a beautiful rainbow very, very soon

Dan and Family~ Positive attitude! That is what gets you through.....believe me, I know! All the best to you and your family ~ Joyce (Asbury Park,NJ)


 Dear Dan, my thoughts and my prayers go out to you. I have created a prayer circle of friends and loved ones to help in your struggle. May you be blessed and healed, for you have done the same for me with your music. ~ A devoted fan, Christina


 Dear Dan, I was very sorry to hear the news of your illness. Many friends of mine have battled cancer and survived and I know the same will be for you. Your strength, family, friends, faith, and most of all music will lift you in the days to come. Your music has been a comfort to me many times in my life, but most especially following the death of my dad in 1985. Your song "Leader of the Band" ran incredible parallels to my life with my dad's music being an inspiration for all my life. Thank you for your beautiful, meaningful lyrics and enchanting melodies that continue to inspire and move me . You and your family will be in my every prayer. ~ Pat


 God bless, and get well soon!! ~ Micko.


 Dan, Praying for you. ~ Anna Schneider


 Dan, We've never met, but still we have lived parallel lives. My family is a musical family with my dad always calling the shots, telling the five of us what instrument each was going to play and basically "leading the band". Then he'd sit back and listen to us, correcting our harmonies and chordage and encouraging us to follow our musical dreams. He could play any instrument he was handed but could not sing a note (which we thought was a blessing, once we heard him try)! When he passed away in 1997, the song we sang for him was of course, "Leader of the Band". Needless to say he loved your music as much as we do and whenever we get together to perform, your songs are tops on our list. Once you get this current irritation out of your life, I believe you will come out with more inspiration and insight into life and its beauty, just as you have for all these years. Keep your faith and remember, everything happens for a reason. Just sit quietly, listen to your inner voice and learn what God has in store for you next. It's bound to be as wondrous and fulfilling as everything that you've given to the world is. I am counting on it. ~ Faye in Iowa


Dear Dan, I could sit here and echo the words of others who have written to you, saying what an impact your music has made in my life and I would not be lying. Your music has been a "centering point" for me whenever my life has gone into a spiral. With it spiraling downward, I could listen to you and my Spirit would lift and my life would center again. What I want to say to you can only be felt within my heart. As Helen Keller once said, "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart." You have given that gift to many a people. Your words and music have touched our hearts and spirits. I want to say to you how gracious, kind and funny you were when I cajoled my way backstage after your concert tour of "The Innocent Age." You were singing in Chattanooga TN at the 'Round House' and I ran between fork lifts and stood beside you. I didn't know how to approach you as I was so nervous, as I had been a fan for about eight years at that time. Finally I tugged on the sleeve of your jean jacket and you turned and I introduced myself. We talked of many things but what touched me the most was when I "thanked you" for putting mine and your feelings into words (and those of so many others). I told you that you had a gift and you were most gracious when you smiled and said "I know, I got that from my Mom," with a big grin and then you did a little 'boot shuffle dance'!!! You were a true gentleman to me that evening even though you were tired. I thank you for taking those few minutes to talk to me, it is something that I will never forget and I am eternally grateful to you. I was also there on the night of July 8th 1988, at The Starwood Ampitheatre in Antioch, TN you and 'The Magical Strings' for a most Magical night indeed. The air was charged with the magic and no-one left that night who was not changed in some way. Thank you for that night, my friend. A person could write several pages to you in attempt to Thank You for being such an influencing figure in their life but I am sure that it would tire you. Dan I can only say now that You, Jeanie and your family are in my prayers. Stay connected to Mother Earth and you will feel the strength coming from within. You will feel the strength coming from within yourself also. Keep negative

thoughts at bay and know that many prayers are going up for you. Believe. I am looking forward to your touring once again and seeing you here in "Old Tennessee." Namaste ~Sherry Highers~ "The divine in me salutes the divine in you"


 Hi Dan, I was very shocked to hear about your condition on television, because I had no idea. I am a big fan of yours and have been for years. I have always said you are the best songwriter of all! Your songs are so poetic, they could stand alone as poetry. I have been inspired and uplifted by your music.I will certainly include you in my prayers, asking God to watch over you and help you make a full recovery.~ Kathy Tirrell, Riverside, Rhode Island


 Dan, I have been a big fan for 25 years and have not passed up attending one of your concerts within 100 miles of my home. You are a big part of my life. Stay positive about your disease and remember that the Great Spirit is with you. My thoughts and prayers are with you. ~ Jana, Shawnee, KS.


 Dan and Jean, our thoughts and prayers are with you always! I pray that you are fully healed and recovered from this illness and can't wait to see you on your next tour. May the Lord bless you and protect you.~ Bob and Kyle Nweeia, Miami, Fl.


 I have listened to Dan's music since 1983 when I was a senior in high school. After buying every album, (then later re-buying every CD) I found that his music has provided a constant soundtrack for my life. He can say what no other songwriter has ever been able to. Because of this, and for all the lives he has touched, Dan, my thoughts and well wishes are with you. All the best ~ John, Pittsburgh, Pa.


 Dear Dan & Jean : I was in college in the mid 70s and had joined a record club and saw an album that "intrigued" me. Then once I got it and heard it about 100 times it MOVED me so, I of course now have about everything you have ever produced! Any time I don't know what to give someone for a gift it always ends up being your music. I was lucky enough to see you in concert in Portland, ME where I lived at the time in the 80s and then made sure I saw you with Chellie Pingree two years ago. When I saw Lowell , Mass was going to be close enough to get to I was excited beyond belief. After all - even you said when you were here 2 years ago you couldn't believe it had been like 15 years since you'd played in your "home" state! I got the phone call from Lowell the other night canceling my tickets & I ran to the computer to see why. I am praying everyday for you and your family. I believe with the faith that emanates from you & your music & the gifts that you will receive in the form of well wishes & prayers from the numbers of your fans that you WILL beat this. I have seen it happen before. Your music has pulled me from many dark moments and gotten me through some of the worst times of my life - let us hope that we - your fans - & your treatments & your family will get you through this. You have a lot left to write & play - besides - all of us in Maine would love to see you here at "home" again! Please be well, our prayers and thoughts are with you everyday. The words sound trite - but they are true. ~ Marty - Cumberland, ME


 Dear Dan, I have been a very long time fan, way back to the early seventies...I am also an amateur songwriter and guitarist, and you have been one of my major influences. I am also a 10-year survivor of prostate cancer, diagnosed and treated (surgery and radiation) when I was 43 years old. One thing I learned (among many) at that time is to never give up hope.I am thinking of you and pulling for you. We are brothers under the skin... During my recovery, I wrote and recorded a song about my experiences. It is a song of hope. Wishing you strength and hope, never give it up... ~ Lane McKinney


 Dan and Jean - My thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time. Knowing that your destiny is to share your gifts with the world, brings the knowledge that you are not finished with your calling here. I am sure that your recovery will be quick and complete. Never forget that we love you... ~ Colleen Barker


 Dan (A friend I never met), It was way back in the early 70"s when I was introduced to your music by a high school sweetheart. Your Home Free album is still one of the few LPs I still have in my collection. An inspiration to me throughout my years is to say very little about your music and lyrics. You have blessed many with your ability to continue to make outstanding music, with arrangements and words that never leave our hearts and minds. I hope we are able to help and give to you as you have done for us throughout the years. My thoughts are with you and your family.~ Brett Thompson, Oak Island, NC


 Dear Dan: I know that you will overcome this and be healthy once again. A friend of mine, who is also 53, recently underwent surgery to remove his prostate gland which had extensive cancer. He spent a few weeks recovering at his home on the Oregon coast and is now cancer-free and living very well. I know you will, too. By the way, your beautiful song Icarus Ascending inspired me to go back to teaching and I often think of the lines: "You have been given the most sacred of gifts; you must be fearless now and follow" for much needed inspiration. You will be in my daily thoughts as you walk through this fire and emerge stronger than ever. Love ~ Rita Feet in Santa Rosa, California.


 Dan, Sorry to hear the news. You have my thoughts and prayers for a full recovery. I have loved your music for many years. I have sung "Longer" at a few weddings, and I think "Nether Lands" is one of the most beautiful songs ever written. ~ Randy Smith


 Dan, You may not receive this but my prayers will be with you for a complete recovery from this challenge. One last note , have you tried or ever used ESSIAC TEA? I've done a lot of reading and take the all natural tea that came out of Canada that the indians used. It has amazing results with cancer? Just wanted to let you know in case it never presented itself to you. God Bless and keep the faith ~ Ronny Badolato-


 Dan...I've been a huge fan of yours for more than 20 years. Please know that I am praying for your recovery. I was diagnosed with breast cancer last year, and just completed eight grueling rounds of chemotherapy. I still have radiation to go through, but I can tell you that God has been my strength through all that I have endured. God loves you...and so do I. Keep your focus positive.


 Dear Dan - As a Pekin High graduate, I've always enjoyed your music and watching your career. I knew you father well as an accompaniest for Harry Langley and being a "Melody Maid."


My husband was diagnosed with a malignant tumor and underwent a radical laprascopic/robotic prostectomy November, 10, 2003. He is a VietNam veteran and had his 57th birthday on 8/16. The surgery was successful, and now he is an insulin dependent diabetic - all precipatated by the cancer. We found great support with "Us Too" which is for prostate cancer sufferers, survivors and their wives. When we have seen all the strides cancer research has made, we know that you will have a great team of physicians and support group. Keep a positive attitude - you are young and we know your love of music and gift of music is an important part of the fight.


You will have bad days and so will your wife and family. The good days outweigh the bad! Our thoughts and prayers are with you. ~ Kathy Becker, Peoria, IL


 Hi Dan, I have been a fan of yours for years and have enjoyed your music. You are a true poet. Sorry to hear about your recent health problems. May you find the strength and peace from family, friends and our Lord. My thoughts and prayers are with you. May God bless you. I hope to see you again someday in concert. They say that the eyes are the window to our souls; I thank you for sharing your soul through your music. ~ Susan


 Our Dan~ I have seen you every single year since I moved to Atlanta. And fell in love with your music in my teens. It seems that so many of your songs have been a part of my life. We went out last Friday and toasted your birthday! You will beat this! Please know that our thoughts and prayers of my family are with you and yours during this time! ~Marcy Martorana Atlanta, GA


 Hello Dan, Warm thoughts are sent to you and your family. God bless! ~ Jennie Pettit


 Dan, You have always been an inspiration to me both through your music and your spirituality. We thank you for the music and and your stories of the road. Our very best wishes to you during this difficult time. You are like an old friend to us, and our thoughts are with you and family. Your music and the wisdom behind the words have brought us hope through the hard times and peace through the sad times. Your insight on spirituality have been a constant consulation. You are one of the most talented writers and musicians of the last 30 years. Thanks you and be well, my friend. ~ Marco & Sherri


 My Brother Daniel....You have given me and millions of others so much in the way of your music, words and kindness. I thank you from my heart for all the beautiful and thoughtful songs of real life, love and heartfelt emotions for so many years. So let me give just a little back as a newly blessed Christian who will pray for you and and with so many others who respect and love what you are about, send you some love and heartfelt wishes for a fast and healthy recocovery! We love and need you and your gifts of song. You will be on our minds and hearts each and every day, get well my Brother! GOD BLESS YOU!! ~ Dean Tyler, Ft. Myers, Fla.


 My wife and I wish you only success with your struggle and refuse to accept any other outcome - the world today needs men like you, and more importantly, musicians like you. We consider you one of our great natural resources and, as a fellow musician, I am in awe of your talents and want to thank you for all the wonderful songs you have given to us , and are looking forward to many more in the future. " Carry On" ~ Sharlee and Alan Burge Clayton, Ohio


 Dear Dan, The sound of the sea will set you free. Please hurry back to Long Island.There is nothing better than listening to Dan play his instruments and sing his songs under the stars at the beach. Now its your turn to let your music be your strength. Get Well Soon!!!~ M&M-Long Island, NY


 Hey Dan! I know getting past treatments/getting over initial shocks, etc. truly sucks but you'll do it like the many millions of others who have and be back at the Keswick Theater next fall where I will surely annoy you calling out requests for your more obscure masterpieces! Meantime, try to hang in there, use this time to catch up on those books you've been meaning to get to...and remember the horizon to wellness is closer than it appears. Now, to quote James Brown: "Get up off of that floor, shake 'til you feel better.!" See ya next year, best wishes for a hassle free recovery ~ j.r. Philadelphia


 My heart goes out to you, Dan and your family. My prayers for the strength and faith to guide you to recover back to full health are with you. Your strong spirit and faith will help you through the tough times and help you return to spread your gift that God has given you, that you unselfishly share. You and your music have given so much to me, I only wish there was something that I possess that would allow me to give back something in return. You are in my thoughts and prayers, I look forward to the day you return to Chicago, to see you at your happiest time, performing on stage, giving of your self, sharing your music which as been a source of healing and a guide for me in many bad times throughout my life as well as an inspiration for my better times. I hold very dear in my heart, the thought of me dancing with my wife on our wedding night to "A Love Like This".God bless you, and always look for a brighter day and never give up the fight. We will see you "Down the Road". ~ Scott Savage


 Dear Dan and family, just wanted to add to the already long list of well-wishes. My prayers will be with you as you go through this time of distress. I, like so many others, am so thankful for your music, lyrics and have inspired my own music and guitar playing. I don't pick up my guitar without playing a few of your songs. I saw last summer in Biloxi, MS and can't tell you how wonderful it to see you perform again. I can't wait till we see you again! May God heal you physically and spiritually, God bless your family.You're the best Dan! Hope to see you soon! ~ Ricky Marascalco, Terry, MS


 My thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time in your lives. You mean so much to so many people and with all the prayers being offered up for you, God must have bigger plans for you. Get well and hope to see you on stage again soon. ~ AW-Lawrenceburg, TN


 Dan: So many times we never thank, or express to the people in our lives how profound an effect they have had on us. I want to take this opportunity to do just that. In 1984, the concept of playing music to your yet unborn child, was very popular. I chose to play "Run For The Roses" every day while pregnant to my yet-unborn daughter, using headphones, which I placed on my stomach. Two years ago, my daughter went off to college. When I left her dorm room on that fateful day, I left "The Innocent Age," under her pillow with a note explaining how meaningful that song had been to us, and telling her that her moment is now at hand. Of course I cried most of the way back home to Chicago. A new fan however, in a new generation, was born. We had tickets to see you perform in Morristown, New Jersey on October 29th, and she was planning to fly in from Purdue University for the concert. I am so sorry to hear that the cause of your cancellation is prostate cancer. We will keep you in our prayers, and look forward to the day when you return to the stage. Thank you for providing inspiration to me in raising my children, and for providing a beacon of light to my daughter for her future. ~ Jennifer E.H., Basking Ridge, NJ


 Dear Dan & Jean! Just get better and again your music will ".........let it shine.........." for the humble fan like me once you do get over this.I´ve been a fan since "The Leader In The Band" days of the early 80s and your music was introduced to me when I was a young lad in Cork, Ireland from a Priest! I now live in Seville, Spain and your music and words are just poetry. Get well soon Dan. All the best, ~ Johnny in Seville, Spain.


 Dan, let the music within from God heal you through this difficult time. As a musician myself, I find that Music has a tremendous healing power (music is now used as Therapy,and I've seen it in action). The Beauty you have revealed in song that has healed so many over the years will come back to you ten fold. May God bless you and your Family ~Brad Zerkel


 To Dan:Your music has been an inspiration to me all of my adult life, since I first saw you at Arrowhead Stadium with the Eagles back in the 70's! My prayers are with you and know you'll make it through this trying time. I was 2nd row center last year at Red Rocks for the 30th anniversary tour show you did, and as always, you were AWESOME!!!!! Keep the faith and know that God will heal you and keep you here with us to share your unique talents and music! We all love you Dan! ~ Tom Chapman


 Dear Dan, I have enjoyed your music for many years, may the Lord Jesus Christ be your strength in the days ahead! Best Wishes and Prayers for you and your family. And when you’re able please come back to LouisvilleKentucky. God Bless! ~ Steve Levsey Louisville, KY


 Dan, Here's another hope for you to come to Rochester, NY when you get a chance. I'm 22 and I think I am the only one my age who knows who you are. Best wishes for a speey recovery and return to the road. A true musical genius! God Bless ~ Greg


 Dan, I am one of your many 46 year old fans that has followed and adored you throughout the years. My sister's and I would play your music while getting ready for dates, back in our home of Palos Heights, IL. Three of us, applying make up, foofin' our hair, looking for approval from one another. As we left for our dates on a Saturday night. We soon left our home at different times for different colleges, and our mainstay at these colleges was the music of "Dan Fogelberg Albums". Crankin' Dan toons! YES! We all went our separate ways, involving ourselves in things and people we love and yet we all hold this commonality....We have Dan's new cd....Have you heard Dan's new cd?...GET Dan's new cd...and so on....I brought Dan Fogelberg's cd's to my hospital room when I gave birth of my (3) children (to warm up the room). I have requested Dan Fogelberg concert tickets in Chicago/Boston as my ONE birthday present. I own a DAN FOGELBERG shirt in my closet...I found comfort in Dan Fogelberg music when my Mother was ill and I felt all alone......


My one "common home spun feeling" if you will. And here you are, with the need to be better with the comfort of home, goodness and healthy livilihood. How does one offer to you all the things you gave away ...with your musical talents. I offer to you my prayers and thoughts. I offer to you all the goodness and comfort you have given to me over the years. I pray for your well being and hope you are being very positive with what this life has challenged you with....Peace...happiness...and comfort and you will get through all of this. POSITIVELY! ~ Susanne.....


 Dan and Jean, Thank you for giving us the opportunity of letting you know how very much you are loved. You will never know how many lives you and your music have had a profound impression on. God has given you the gift of a beautiful mind and voice, as you say,"he so loves me when I sing..." and will walk with you during this difficult time in your life. There truly is a miracle every moment. My thoughts and prayers are with you. ~ Sharlene Johnson, Portsmouth, Virignia.


 I would like to send my prayers and best wishes to Dan and everyone that is important in his life. The first Fogelberg album I bought was "Nether Lands" way back when it first came out...I've been a fan ever since. Dan, I must tell you, as a singer/songwriter myself, you have had the greatest influence on my style and composition of all of the artists that I listen to. NO ONE...writes like you do.My only thought is for your rapid recovery and best wishes to your family. Oh, and by the way Dan, when you're ready to tour again...I'll be first in line for tickets ~ Tim


 Dear Dan, Thank you for all the joy you have brought to my life. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this time. My husband and I havebeen fans of yours for several years. Hang in there and know we all love you! ~ Shelley Williams, Gales Ferry, CT


 I just found out the news last evening, and I was shocked....My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, and I really believe that You are a shining star in this sometimes unfair life we live... You will get past this because of all the beauty and the love you have given us all...Thank you for who you are and what you do...You are The Leader of the Band... See you next year!!! With Warm Regards ~ Linda Groenewold, Chicago, Il


 Hi Dan, Funny, I feel like I've known you for years. Your music has been that special connection and I thank you very much for that. Your lyrics and melodies have inspired me, comforted me in times of trial, and given me feelings of such joy and happiness. Needless to say, getting on your web site and reading of your new "mountain to climb" made me very sad but hopeful. My prayers are with you and your family and I believe in my heart that you will get through this with the will and determination that is so often found in your lyrics. Take care and God bless ~ Mary Williams


 Hi Dan, I love your music. My girlfriend and I took a road trip once to Colorado. As soon as we entered Colorado, we only listened to your music. We are from the Los Angeles area. We always look to see when you are coming to the Greek Theatre. Take care and have a speedy recovery. Love ~ Lynn


 To Dan - Been a fan of your for over 25 yrs now and was shocked to hear the news. You're a fighter and can beat this dreaded disease. God be with you! ~ Johanna


 Dan, I've been a huge fan since college when my roommate from Peoria, Illinois turned me on to your music. She went to Peoria High and I thought she said your dad taught there too?! I was fortunate to see you last June in Lake Tahoe and it was a fulfillment of a lifelong dream. My father had prostrate cancer so this has touched my family too. Everyone already knows you are "an old soul" who has been given the immortal gift to touch everyone who listens to your music. May God send you a speedy recovery and be with you and your family every step of the way. Hugs and Blessings ~ Marsha


 May God restore you and your voice rise in joy! May your voice not leave us at this time and come to our ears yet again. ~ Joan Lewallen - Jasper, Georgia


 Dan, I was shocked to hear the news. Get well. Love your music. Look forward to your next tour. ~ Ken from Long Island


 "Wealthy the spirit that knows its own flight; Stealthy the hunter that slays his own fright; Blessed the traveler that journeys the length of the light" See you next year...


 After reading the many things posted to you Dan, I am thinking you will probably never get to mine! Several things come to mind - the intelligence and caring levels of your fans are probably much higher than the norm. I could "copy and paste" and be most happy with their words to you. Second, as a devoted Christian, I have listened almost solely to contemporary Christian music over the past 14 years and you are one of the very few exceptions I make. I am praying for you and even thinking when God helps you through this trial maybe I'll be listening to YOU on the Christian stations. Praying for you and your family and that you will live each day fully. Thanks for all you have given us. ~ Becka


 Dan, I have always felt a spiritual connection with you through your music. You write from the soul and every song you've written, so far has touched mine as well, especially running into high school sweethearts, family, etc. You have been blessed with a wonderful gift to give to the world and must never give up on that zest for life. Thoughts and prayers are with you as you battle this awful disease. You will win your fight. Keep fighting, Keep writing, and I'll keep buying!!! With deepest regards to you and your family ~ Carol M.


 Dan, You have given so many of us so very much, I share my prayers for your complete recovery. I appreciate all you have done with your music. I ask only one tiny little thing. Shortly, I would appreciate it very much if you would become a survivor along the same lines as Lance Armstrong. I do not actually expect you to ride in the Tour de France. But, I want to see you at a future date, sharing your wonderful talents and being a wonderful giant example of a cancer survivor. Thanks again for all you have done. Take care and God Bless you. ~ Annette Naish, Texas


 Dan, My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family (always) but especially at this trying time. My brother (who is 5 days older than you) was diagnosed a year ago with this same cancer and is recovering quite well from it. The year before that (on his 51st birthday) he had a pace maker put in. He is a survivor and so are you. Please know that you have an ocean of support out there from all your fans. I, too, was introduced to your music by some dear friends in 1979. I taped most of "Twins Sons of Different Mothers" as part of the music that was played at my wedding on June 3rd of that year. I've been such a huge fan ever since. Your lyrics and music have always comforted me in both sad and happy times. We are all here now to comfort you should you need us. I've dreamed of meeting you one day just to tell you how much your music has meant to me. I know I'll still get that chance. Be strong, Dan. Warmest regards ~ Kathy Pitta, Castro Valley, CA


 My thoughts and prayers for a full recovery are with you. I hope you know that many, many people are praying for you and that you can rely on God to get you through anything. ~ Marie Payette, IDAHO


 Dan & Family, you are in my prayers as you fight this illness. Your music has lifted my spirits, inspired and comforted me since the mid-seventies. I have enjoyed your concerts through the years and have loved every album, cassette and CD. Sometimes our lives are touched by people we don't even know and through your music, you are one of those people to me and to thousands of others. Please know that many people are thinking of you and praying for you as you recover. love ~ Donna Myers; Madison Mississippi


 Dan, sorry to hear about this "situation", unfortunately for many of us of this gender this type of cancer is all too common. (My pops suffers from the same.) I truly wish you God's speed in your recovery, and you will get through this stronger. Get back to doing what you've been put in this world to do, that's keeping the rest of us considerably happier everytime those wavelengths reach our ears. Never give up, and we'll see you back down here Texas way soon.Later ~ KRM, (Milo)


Dear Dan, Your words and soulful melodies have had a profound impact upon our family over the years. There has never been a time in the 22 years that we've lived in Colorado that your music hasn't been with us (at home, in the car, skiing, hiking or climbing a fourteener). In good times and bad you've given us strength and hope. Now we would like to return these to you in the form of prayer. May HIS love be there to guide YOU through this time of challenge and uncertainty. Looking forward to seeing you at Red Rocks again. Much love ~ Cynthia Coscarelli, Monument, CO


 Dan...If you are ever feeling 'down and out', remember these words once spoken by a person helping another in need. "In this moment those thoughts are the past and no doubt the future but not the present. So I call 'hope' into the canyon that is today and pray you all hear the echo." We've heard the echo. Thinking about you, praying for you, please get well soon. ~ Jan Drew, Plymouth, Mass.


 Dear Dan, What can I say that has not already been said? You have been a big part of my life since "Home Free" and now you are a big part of my kids lives as well. You truly are just the best songwriter and musician and I wish I could give you a hug and tell you that everything will turn out ok. Pretty corney I know but that's how I feel. Your photos have been my screensaver for years, LOL. I play your songs on my guitar and even though I suck, it still makes me feel wonderful just singing your beautiful songs. Our prayers are with you and your family and know that you are greatly loved by many. ~ Patty Johnston


 Dear Dan, We want to send our heartfelt thoughts and prayers to you and your family now and in the days ahead. You music has been such an inspiration to both of us since the 1970's, and for that, we want to thank you. Words cannot express the depth of our love for your music. Please know that we will be lifting you up in prayer to God for healing and a complete recovery. We recently purchased tickets to your concert in Reading, PA on October 30th and were so looking forward to seeing you again. But, we will look forward to the day when you will be on tour again, because we will be there! May the Lord bless you with His love and peace in the days ahead. ~ Suzanne and Robert Carpenter, Virginia.


 Dan- You have been one of my many teachers of songwriting. You have taught me that it is o.k. to be personal and open to my feelings when composing a lyric. I have had others tell me that my songs are "too personal" but that's the only way I can write. So I extend these best wishes for a speedy recovery and I send a little healing light of prayer in your direction. In our lives God has bestowed many blessings upon us. And one of my blessings is having your wonderous music in my life. Please get well soon. ~ Tom T. Manchester, Ct.


 Dan - The power and poetry of your music have sustained us through many difficult trials in life. Our wish and prayer for you now is that you too will be sustained and strengthened by the faith and support of your family, friends and many fans around the world. We are looking forward to the opportunity to see you in concert many more times and to continue to enjoy your wonderful gift of music for many years to come. We are pulling for you Dan. ~ John and Susan Johnson, Hampton, VA


 We wish you the best in your struggle and are keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers. I have been a fan for as long as I can remember! Our heartfelt thanks to you for sharing your many loves, thoughts and special lyrics! Love, peace. and comfort to you ~ Robin E. Smeriglio


 Dan, my thoughts and prayers are with you hoping for a speed recovery soon. My father also had prostrate cancer and had to have his removed which may be the way to go. Hopefully, you'll be playing in Denver again soon. ~ Tim Link, Cheyenne, Wyoming


 Your music has brought healing over sadness to me on so many occasions. May that same music within the heart bring healing to you. I thank God for you and your creative gifts and am praying that God holds you in his hand during your return to health. God bless you. With love ~ Pam and family


 Dear Dan, I heard last night about your illness and I know I am still in shock. I'm 42 now and have always said that I never would not have made it through my teenage years without your music. I was so blessed to be able to see you in concert in large and small venues and I'm not sure if it's a dream or reality, but I think I actually "met" you once or twice. I am the woman who as a girl sent you a Gordon Lightfoot book as a gift after I heard you were so inspired by him. The walls of my bedroom were covered with posters that I would beg for from the managers of Peaches Records stores or had torn out of your song books. Although I haven't picked up my guitar in years and my piano sits idle, I still have your songbooks. I am also the women who gave one of your security people a card with a telephone number in case you ever knew of a family that had a child that was blind; that was after my daughter was born blind and I was determined to reach out to other families to offer support. I knew you would understand how important people are to people. God Bless you, Dan... Blessings faith, recovery, comfort, strength, love and anything you desire. To Jeannie: What you are going through I am sure is agonizing. Make sure that you get the support you need to keep strong. Take care of yourself. You must be a very special lady. My thoughts will be with you and Dan everyday; that, I promise. ~ Terri, Tampa, FL


 Dan: I am one of the people you have touched through your music. I thank you for that. But aside from the music, human being to human being, you should know there are people out there like me, who are keeping you in our thoughts and hoping that you beat this thing. I am not a religious man but in place of prayers I hope you can feel the vibe from people like me at this time, because I have felt it through your music for 30 plus years. All the best. ~ Glenn Yurik, Detroit, MI.


 Dan, you don't know me but I've been a fan since I first heard you in college in the 70's. I have most of your LP's and a few of them are even on CD! I was greatly disturbed to hear that you are gravely ill. I pray that the treatment given to you be successful. Please tell your male fans to get a PSA exam as soon as they hit 40 years of age. This IS the diagnostic blood test for prostate cancer. Wishing love and success in your journey~ Christine Banigan, Syosset, NY


 I have enjoyed your songs scince 1972 when I first heard "To The Morning". I've seen you in concert twice, have all your music and play your songs on my guitar all the time. Your lyrics are incredible. I was laying in my bed, in the early morning darkness of August 17. My wife was in the shower. Neither of us had gotten any sleep.We were preparing to leave for my prostate biopsy appointment. That's when I heard about your diagnosis on CNN. I couldn't even mention it to my wife for fear it would only worry her more. We both work in medicine and somedays I come home so tired of seeing just how unfair and caprecious life can be. I have seen patients behave with so much courage and dignity. I know that these battles can be won. I see victorys every day.


My father had prostate cancer at age 62. He had survived 2 years in a German concentration camp in the 1940' s and decided that this was just another bit of barbed wire that had to get through. At age 70 he was still working full time and complaing about the length of my hair. At age 80 he decided to slow down and stopped working. He died at age 82 from emphesyma caused by too many years of smoking. I was fortunate . After waiting 48 agonizing hours, I received my pathology report and evrything was fine. In one of your songs you wrote " Death is there to keep us honest". I seem to get a weekly reminder of that. All your fans and friends are praying for you and wish you well.


 Dear Mr. Fogelberg: This is just one letter, i am just one person, and i have no idea how this is going to even catch your attention among the tomes of messages that have already gone to your home. Just consider this one more. i am a child of the midwest-always felt a special kinship with you because of your beginnings-you see, in the state of ohio, there is a city called urbana, which is the county seat of champaign, county in, enough of the geography lesson.


My family has always considered me to be just a teeny bit ahead of my time when it came to my musical tastes. my love for your work, right up there gino vanelli, daryl hall and nina symone to be a little 'out there' according to my folks.but there you were...with your albums like home free and thank you! sorry don't mean to gush. i just wanted you to know that you are deeply loved...not just for what you've brought to the table, but just because you've chosen to make your way to the table of life. let us serve you as you have served us so beautifully, selflessly and brilliantly.


This is just a season...and seasons do change. i would tell you to be strong, but you know what? in the family of man, it's okay to let your guard down a little and NOT be strong.....that's why God gave us each hold up when another falls are so very very loved, sir. even if you never sang a note. you are loved and cherished. sincerely ~ marcia ware, nashville tennessee


 Dear Dan, I was saddened to hear the news of your illness. I have enjoyed your music for a long time, as have many others. My thoughts and Prayers are with you ~ Debra


 I send you my thoughts and prayers. You will overcome! Remember: When you get to the end of your rope; tie a knot, hang on and swing! We love you! ~ Laura Gray


 Dan- I've been a singer/songwriter for 35 years,and no one has influenced my music the way you have. I spent my growing up years in Ft. Collins,Colo.,and I know all kindred spirits share their love and fascination of the mountains.It is from those mountain peak memories that I lift you and your family up to the Lord God for healing. We need you,Dan. We need you and your music for the rough roads ahead.Hang in there.I know you'll make it.Take care. ~ Phil McMillen,Byron,Il.


 Dan and Jean, My prayers are with you both during this trial. I am only 26 days away from having a complete liver transplant and am already walking 2 miles a day. It's a God Thing and I pray for that for Dan. Dan, you music, your words, gave me so much perspective to get through life that I have no words to adequately say Thank You. You influence is definite in my life as my first CD, Let Go - The miracle of Recovery is a strong parallel to your first 5 works. When asked about my deepest moment, it was with you, at the Fox in Atlanta ga, 1979 - Solo. As the light rose on the piano, there you were sharing "To The Morning". You are the real deal Dan, from your heart, you have helped so many of us deal with life. Always your friend ~ Ken M., Atlanta, Georgia


 The first time I knew of you was when I bought your album "just because of the way you look on the album cover". Your music lifts my soul and makes me happy. I have a video tape that I play and sing along with when I am feeling down. My prayers and thoughts are with you. You have been an influence in my life...your music is truly an inspiration. ~ Ruth Woods


 Dan, you have been a guiding voice in my life. You are always there when I need you. You've helped me grow up! My children know every word to every song you've ever recorded because they were raised with you as an essential part of their lives. Mom put you in the tape deck and started singing! God is with you now and he will take care of you and yours. My prayers are with you both. ~ Jane Wacker, New Jersey


 Dan, Just heard the news about your illness and wanted to send my love. Saw you last in St. Louis at the Pageant a couple of years ago and man you brought the house down. Your tunes always are playing in my head and heart. Trusting you are enjoying your holiday in Maine. Get well soon. ~ Stu


 Dear Dan, Your music has guided me and lifted me in some of my most difficult times in my life. I will certainly keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I will do a few more Dan tunes in my own show. May God be with you and Jean in your difficult time. I'll be looking forward to your tour when you get well. And yes I will travel from Ohio to The Red Rocks if I have to.. ~ Jerry and Sharon, Youngstown, Ohio


 Dan, your awesome lyrics and music have always been the mainstay of my day. I would be 'jonesing' majorly if I didn't listen to your music everyday! I also read the Bible daily and in James it states " the fervent effectual prayer of a righteous man availith much!" Please know that you are in many of your fans prayers, and prayer does work. I am extremely disappointed that I will not get to see you in my hometown of Reading, PA this year, but I look forward to seeing you here next year. Keep the faith and get well..... Lance Armstrong did! Just a fan from the 70's ~ jo


 Dan, Our prayers will be with you. I just wanted to let you know that with the release of your song "To The Morning", I fell in love for the first time and many years later that love came back to me. We are getting married in October and were going to your concert at Chastain as part of our honeymoon. Oh well, life goes on and we will just listen to that song first and then we will play all of your albums in a row and that way we can still be with you. We will have a Dan Fogelberg Lovefest and I hope you have special warm fuzzy feelings on that day. I know a lot of people that have survived prostate cancer and I know you will be one of them. Love you with all our hearts. ~ Marta and Paul Knowles


 Hi Dan, I just want to extend my love and my prayers to you. My grandfather had prostate cancer and we laid hands on him and a month later when he went to the doctor, they said we don't understand this but he doesn't have cancer anymore...and we see no signs he ever had it. And they for six months were seeing it. Lord Jesus is the healing. Know the power of love that is in the life of Jesus in you. The hope of glory. Receive Jesus as your personal Savior and he will be just that...Personal. I love your music, my friend. May God touch you big time. I'll be praying for you. ~ Demetrius Apostolon


 Dan--Go to the red rocks and meditate there. Feel the energy and let it encompass your soul. Visualize the cancer cells, and kill them off in your mind. That, and all the prayers going out for you should beat the cancer. Think positive. Your words in your songs have healed me through many trials in my life. Thank you and stay well. ~ Diane


 We love you Dan and wish you a speedy recovery. You're the greatest! ~ Bill and Kathy DeNottia, Rochester NY


 I look forward to your return and concert in Jacksonville Florida. My wife and I are praying for you and know with the help of God and the prayers of all your fans, you will be cured. We have enjoyed all of your music over the years. God bless you and your family at this time. ~ Bill and Donna


 Dan, Your spirit, faith and love of life are evident in all that you do and have touched so many of us over the years. You can rest assured knowing that all of spirit, faith and love is being directed back toward you now. Blessings to you and your family. ~ April Gunning (Charlotte, NC).


 Dan: You are in my thoughts and prayers. Your music has been the soundtrack of my life since the mid-70s at least. (I don't think I've ever driven to Vermont to go skiing without listening to Innocent Age at least once on the trip.) We have an adult leader and a 15-year-old boy in my son's Boy Scout troop battling the disease right now and they both are an inspiration. They are doing great and trying to live their lives as normally as possible. I hope your treatment regimen is effective as well. Also, best wishes to your family. ~ Janet A.


 Dan - I thank you for sharing your heart with me and others all our lives. Your music has helped me through many valleys in my life. I pray as go through this valley in your life, that you will be healed of this cancer and God will be glorified through your life. I also lift up Jean. My wife has a desease. I know what it's like to go through a valley of someone you love, yet you can't make it right. May God give you both strength, wisdom, patience and most of all healing. Al ~ Tennessee.


 Wishing you the very best from a old fan dating back to the mid 70's. Your music has always touched my heart. Two years ago as I was driving through the mountains of Colorado, I was listening to 'The Innocent Age', 'Souveniers', 'Home Free', 'High Country Snows', and 'Captured Angel' for the first time in a while. It made for a wonderful and most memorable trip. Your music lasts and lasts. Wishing you and your family the very best. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. ~ Mark Annexstad


 Dan, Be strong, take courage, and be assured that this is all part of the Master Plan. Know this, God has used you mightily. You have been a tremendous positive influence in many lives with your words and your creative genius in composing the most masterful music of our time. Thank you for the diversity of your music. Most of all thank you for your messages of hope, faith, and love. Know this also, God is not through using you, and He is the Great Physician. You have been the single most musical influence in my life, so much so I named my son after you. He's 20 years old now. Singing with you and your music through the years has made my voice tremendously stronger, trying to imitate your magical voice. Singing solos in my church in Oklahoma City is as far as I've gone with it, but I will continue to look for opportunities to share what little talent I have until the final chapter of my life. As should you, Dan. I will look forward to seeing you when you get back out on tour, and would treasure the opportunity to meet you some day. I was planning on driving to Atlanta this year, but it will be worth the wait to see you when you are well. Please keep writing and composing. God bless you and keep you. See you soon ~ Kim Bostick


 Dan and Family, We can relate to this time in your life, we too have felt the ups and downs of cancer. I believe that GOD is alive and well and I pray that your relationship with him as your father is very real. We all pray for your healing. I RESPECT YOUR PRIVACY MORE THAN YOU KNOW, WE SHOULD ALL UNDERSTAND THAT. Dan, many years ago while you were in Richmond VA. my friend delivered his drawings of all your album covers made into one picture, I made the frame ..I hope you actually received it. I was just being woodwork. My thoughts are with you and as you live with the many challenges (as you have had many ) Remember ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE THROUGH CHRIST OUR LORD! ALL THE BEST TO YOU AND YOURS ~ Tom Floyd


 I've been listening to your music since 1974. Your music give me inspiration everyday. You and your family are in my prayers. Stay strong and keep making that beautiful music.Love ~ JP


 Dear Dan, The energy, delightment, and sheer amazement that I felt in Hartford, CT (Bushnell Auditorium, October 2000) inspired me beyond description. It was you, me (in the full house), a few guitars, a piano. You shared so much of yourself with every word you spoke and sung. Every touch of your fingers on each guitar string was felt. There was a purpose. I personally never experienced anything like it. I realized then that You are one of the few good men in my life. Thank-you. I continue to send you all good energy and thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. Love ~ Kim Swircenski


 Dear Dan and Family, Our family will keep you in our prayers. After all there are two new fans to add to the many fans already out there. My daughters who are 6 and 11 listen to me talk about how my girlfriend and I listened to your music constantly in high school and in college and now my friend and I still talk and share our fondness for your amazing concerts. Now it is so good to share your music with my girls and they have their own request for songs from my collection of your CD's that they want to hear. I look forward to bringing them with my husband and I to a future concert in St. Louis. Our hopes and prayers will be with you. Sincerely ~ The Arnold Family (Cherie, Jim, Keeley and Caitria)


 Dearest Dan, My sisters and I have been life-long fans of yours since we were young girls. Our love of your music sustained us through the trials and tribulations of our teenage years and provided a common bond through all our phases of life. Each year, we gather back at Chastain in Atlanta for your concerts and celebrate the gift of your music and how you have enhanced our lives and sisterhood. Know that the outpouring of prayers from your fans as you heal is but a trickle of all the joy and inspiration your music has provided us through the years. We look forward to being with you again at Chastain in 2005! With Love and Prayers ~ Pamela Goans


 Dan: Thank you for so many wonderful years of heartfelt music. I know the music will resume soon and I offer my prayers and thoughts for your speedy recovery. All the best to you and yours. ~ Bill Wells


 Dan..Your music has been a true inspiration and gift to us all....I have been a loyal fan since the 70's and your music has touched my heart and soul...I've been lifted up by so many of your songs (Nether Lands, Phoenix, Ever On)....and been have shared similiar life tales (Longer, Old Lang Syne, Ilinois)....Thank you for the lives you have touched everywhere and my thoughts and prayers are with you during this challenging time in your life ....I'm looking forward to all the great songs and concerts to come....Your loyal fan ~ Terri H. (Winston-Salem, NC...former Illinois native)

Dear Dan - Your words and music have been so special to so many people for so long. i remember hearing "Nether L ands" for the first time and i've never looked back. i recently replaced my worn vinyl edition of "Homefree" with the CD and played it for my wife Mary who hadn't heard this timeless album before. needless to say, she thought it was just as beautiful as the other works of yours we have come to enjoy. "Hickory Grove" and "Wysteria" are songs that are still hard to shake after 30 years. When we got married in 1986, your "Longer" was such a perfect choice for our wedding song. After 18 years, we still turn and kiss whenever we're together listening as the radio plays its first few guitar notes. I've always considered you a true Renaissance man with your singing, writing, instrumental and artistic prowess and showmanship.Thank you so much for all you've given me personally. Be strong and keep your head up because your Full Circle has such a long way to go before it's arc is completed! our prayers are with you Dan! ~ Roger & Mary Bow


 Dear Dan, I woke up August 13 and the first thing I said to my husband was..."today is Fogelberg's birthday." I have been doing that for years. Today I hear that you are dealing with this medical situation. My heart is heavy. THANK YOU for all of the are the BEST! Please take care.........I will start each morning with a prayer for your recovery...........We need your music Dan! ~ Cheryl


 Dan, I was blown away when I first heard Home Free in the early 70's and have been a huge fan ever since. Wishing you a speedy recovery brother. One of your many fans. ~ Bruce K, Wellesley, MA


 Dear Dan: I don’t know what your thoughts are on God and Jesus, but I hope you don’t mind my praying to Him that you get well, and to give both you and your wife strength during this time-frame in your life. You’ve always been a favorite singer of mine, and I pray that you will be made whole. Sincerely ~ R. L. Jones


 Hello Dan, I'm so choked on the surf of my emotions I can't get the words out. Your music and lyrics have been an inspiration to me both as a musician and a man. Last week I had what I think qualifies as a "religious experience" at Sundance in Utah. I will put my re-found connection to God to work in prayer for your recovery. Love and best wishes from Auckland New Zealand. ~ Frank


 May God's love, peace, and healing mercy enfold you and your family. You are in my prayers. Romans 8:28 ~ Susan Crockett


 Greetings Dan, Just wanted to let you and your family know you are in our prayers. Remember God is watching over you and your family. And I wanted thank you for sharing your music with us all. Your music has been so uplifting and encouraging to me and my family. From the first album I purchased way back in 1977 "Nether Lands" to your latest "Full Circle". From the stories to the instrumentals they have truly been uplifting. So many, many thanks! So Dan please take care and again may God keep his blessings upon you and your family. "The Minstrel" God Bless ~ Howard and Theresa Dick, Middleburg, Florida


 Dan, Your words and melodies have been therapeutic to me for so many reasons and for so many years, I can only hope that my wishes to you can somehow return the favor....God's blessing to you for a complete recovery.... ~ Jeff


 Hi Dan: Your music has been such an important part of my youth and growing up. Teenage years spent huddled over the cassette player with Souvenirs unspooling and filling my ears and soul with your wonderful voice and lyrics. I was inspired to use the quote "love when you can/cry when you have to/be who you must/that's a part of the plan" under my high school yearbook photo senior year. I was known to be an introspective and poetic girl and your music opened up soul and let me pour my feelings out from the pen to the paper. I am sending this to you with all my good wishes & prayers. I want to simply say "thank you" for the pure joy of your music. Fondly ~ Diane Grach, Bushkill, PA


 Dear Dan-I have survived cancer for going on 30 years; I developed Hodgkins disease in 1976, my junior year in high school. I know that staying strong and positive and, most of all, having faith in God is the answer to surmounting these trials. Your thoughtful and heartfelt music was a part of what helped me through many tough times during treatments and the aftermath. I know this is a tough time for you and your family, but with all the prayers and support that you have, I know you will come out on the other side of this, stronger and better than ever! My prayers will be among the others. ~ MJ in Colorado


 I just heard this morning of this challenging time for you, and your songs have been in my head ever since. Your music has always been so special to me - I've cried, and I've celebrated to your wonderful sound. I still have my poster from your concert at Muhlenberg College (1976 or '77 in Allentown, PA), which was a highlight of my college years! Please know that you are loved by many who wish for you the best possible outcome. ~ Aletia Morgan, Iowa City, IA


 I can only hope that my prayers and best wishes convey even a fraction of the hope and healing that your music has bestowed upon me! Stay as strong as you have kept so many of us!!! God Bless ~ Janine Saunders, Windham, CT


 Since 1978 you and your music have been a big part of my life. Whenever I am feeling down or have a big decision to make there is always an appropriate Fogelberg song to help me through. I hope all your fans' collective positive thoughts and prayers will help heal you. ~ Kathy in NH


 Dan: As a United Methodist Minister who woke up his campers at summer camp years ago with "Nether Lands" every morning, and now almost 30 years later still does the same thing, please feel my thoughts and prayers and gratitude for you and your amazing gifts of music and poetry. When I celebrated my bithday last week (August 13th), I thought of you as I do each year, and was grateful that your music has blessed my life. Please feel our thoughts and prayers from the hills of North Carolina, and may God be very real to you. Blessings ~ Mark Christy, Reidsville, NC.


 Dan, I heard on the news that you were battling cancer. I then went to your site and read all of the well wishes that were sent to you. I must say...what a following... and what a profound statement of a man's contribution. Like all the others, I grew up with you, learned all the lyrics, worked through the chords and tried and tried to sound like write like you. I went to several of your concerts and have every album. Look...I am sure that you are going to Beat This. Positive that You Will Beat This. YOU MUST BEAT THIS!!!! Be that as it may...know that you have made such a difference in so many lives...including mine. ~ Peter DeYoe, Delaware


 Dear Dan - You know the cliche: "There's a reason for everything"? Keep your spirits up and know you are safe in God's hands and plans. I know that - I hope you do too.Love ~ Margy, Hawaii.


 I've been your fan since I was a little kid and your music has been very important in my life. "Same Old Lang Syne" and "Leader of the Band" are two of my favorite songs ever!!! My thoughts are prayers are with you during this difficult time. Please get well. We need your music in this world!! I'll be praying for you, don't give up. ~ Lorena Danessi, Lima, Peru ,South America


 Hi Dan. We were very much looking forward to seeing you in concert this fall in Lowell, MA. That has been replaced with the hope your news will be good and speedy for you and your family. Kind wishes ~ David, MA


 Dan, Your music has been with me through the years and I wanted to wish you well. Get well soon! ~ Frank & Theresa Petrarca, Indianapolis, IN


 Dan and family - I lit an extra candle at Notre Dame in Paris last spring. Now I know who it was for. Prayers and best wishes for a speedy recovery, with love, as always from a Chicago fan. (formerly WHS and Peoria)


 Dan, I have followed your music for your entire career. In fact, it was key in my inspiration to become a guitarist and composer. My prayers are with you and your family. ~ Rocky in Ohio


 Dan, You have been my favorite artist since the "Captured Angel" days. I had the privilege of seeing you in concert in Atlanta in 1981, and in a smaller setting in Chattanooga, TN, in the early 1990's. My prayers are certainly with you and your family; I hope and pray that God will touch you and heal you completely. You sang about miracles in "Magic Every Moment"; that is what I will be praying for in your life. Thank you for all the joy you have brought me over the years. ~ David (in "Old Tennessee")


 Dan, your music has been a big part of my life. I have been a fan since 1974, your music has gotten me through many times throughout the years. My thoughts and prayers are with you and I wish all the best for you. ~ Teryl Pruitt, St Paul mn.


 Keep singing. I still love your fire in the older recordings. ...and the timbre of your voice....your Scandinavian-Scottish "something" is as timeless as Pavarotti. Warm wishes ~ Brigid Venti, Essex, MA


Dan and family, You know everyone that loves you is thinking and wishing you well, and prayers are endless. I've been an avid fan of yours since day one, and your wonderful songs of life and love. I was looking real forward to meeting you in Naples in October, and I know you'll be back. Maybe next time with the band. Best of luck on recovery and we'll see you real soon.....Yours in Peace ~ Norm Kayser, Naples Fl.


 To quote Marcel Proust -"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom." Thank you for sharing from your soul all these years, and thank you for being such a magnificent gardener. Your music touches many. My thoughts are with you. ~ Jane/North Dakota


 Hi Dan, The many fans have all said it all very well. I just wanted to add that my best wishes and prayers are with you also. I could not begin to describe what a huge part of my life you were for me in my late teens and early twenties especially. Your words and music were a profound part of my life and gave me much needed hope and peace during that period of my life. It's about time I wrote and told you that. Do take good care and I pray God's blessings upon you and your family. ~ Laura Ellegard, Winter Haven, FL.


 It was 1973 and I was 10 when I heard my 18 year old brother trying to play his guitar with an album called Souvenirs. That was the start for me to a lifelong love of your wonderful music-even in High School when all the other kids were intested in the "popular" bands like REO SPEEDWAGON and JOURNEY etc I continued to listen to your music and my other favorite artist Joni Mitchell exclusively-I've seen you 4 times live and each time I was never disappointed-I look forward to it again-Though I love your "popular songs" too as a true Dan Fogelberg Fan it the ones that don't make the airplay that I treasure the most! I wish you a complete recovery from this bump in the road that life has thrown your way. As the mother of 3 daughters I'm trying to pass on my love of your music to them. Godspeed Dan you are the best!!! When you are up to it please visit Rochester, New York  ~ Jeannie


 Dear Dan, I wanted to give something back to someone who has given me so much for over 25 years. May the words of inspiration and hope that you have sent to us through your songs find their way back to you. May you feel the strength and love the Earth and every living soul provides you. Together we can help you heal. From a fellow Coloradoan who has admired you for many years. ~Joie


 Dan: My thoughts and prayers are with you during this trying time. God bless you and your family and best wishes for a speedy recovery. ~ Larry Maher, Fremont, CA


 Dan, I was blown away when I first heard Home Free in the early 70's and have been a huge fan ever since. Wishing you a speedy recovery brother. One of your many fans. ~ Bruce K, Wellesley, MA


Dear Dan & family, My heartfelt wishes for a full recovery are with you. I have been a fan of your music since the 70's. Drove from Cape Cod to Portland, ME for a concert and drove back all the the same evening because I couldn't afford a place to stay. Your music touches all. My love to you and your family. Sincerely ~ Dottie Labelle


 Dan & Family, I wish you and your family the best in these hard times. God Bless!! ~ Debbie - New York Fan since 1976!


 Dan, When I am most afraid I silently recite the "Serenity Prayer" to myself again and again. It never fails to diminish my anxieties. I'm expecting a marvelous new CD when you've come through this ordeal. ~ Neil


 Dan: I've been hearing (not only listening, but HEARING) your musical creations for almost 35 years, and through the tough times and the contented ones the words you sing always strike so 'close to home'. Your love of life and family and the natural Earth are such an inspiration. You've always been and still are the best, Sir. When things get rough, rely on the 'joie de vive' you've carried with you these so many years. My prayers are with you and Jean. Speedy recovery! ~ Liz, Warwick, RI


 Dear Dan, Please be assured that our best wishes for a speedy recovery are sent along with this note. I have followed your career since I was introduced to your music by friends and my brother (1973). You are an immensely talented and gifted musician (which is acareer I once considered). Shine on, Dan!! We love you!! ~ Larry H. and Naomi R.


 Hi Dan and Jean, Words can't describe how heart wrenching the news of your illness caused. I have been a fan for most of my life. Listening to Dan's music was like having a friend I've never met around all the time to comfort, encourage and strengthen me. Dan, you, Jean, and the rest of your family and extended family (your fans) have my most sinerest prayers to God, that in His infinite wisdom, will hear our prayers and heal you. If someone like me knows that the world is a better place because of people like you, surely He knows. Don't give up the fight, stay focused on getting well and surrounding yourself with those who love you. Bless you. ~ Sande


 Dan -Your lyrics and music have inspired and touched so many ... may the joy and good come back to you, and provide comfort, strength and support on your road to a full recovery. You are in our prayers. Thank you for all you have given to so many. ~ Jorie


 Dan and Jean, Dan's music first touched me during my college years (the early '80's). As I listened, I felt elevated. The music was like nothing I'd ever had heard before. Such soul. Thank you. (Of course, you're not done yet!) ~ Betsy (Washington State)


 Dan, May all the strength and positive thoughts that your artistry has given your fans now be returned to you ten-thousand fold. The news actually brought me to tears since your music has been a very big part of my life, as well as much of my family, since "Home Free". I will dry my tears and think very positive, good thoughts. Please know that there are many, many people holding you and your family in their thoughts and prayers. Stay strong and get lots of hugs. Hugs and prayers are powerful things! ~ SusanB in GA


 Dan, Your music has held a place deep in my heart since your first release. I couldn't go a day without playing your songs over and over. Even now, your music is still some of my all time favorite. I still can't sing through "Run For The Roses" without choking up! Your songs touch me deeply. Please know that is where my prayers and hopes for your recovery, you, your family and loved ones originate from. Keeping the Faith ~ Libby Gauthier, Issaquah, WA.


 Hi Dan - I am so glad to hear that your initial treatments went well, and that you and your wife were able to enjoy your summer in Maine. I learned of your illness just a few hours ago, and you are in my thoughts and prayers. Your beautiful music has helped to pull me through many tough times, and has made the good ones even better. Please know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. ~ Laurie Weller, Fairfax, VA


 Dan, You, through your wonderful music, had a profound influence on me during my formative late teens and early twenties. You are a great poet, philosopher and musician and a positive influence in this crazy world. Wishing you a fast recovery... the world still needs you! ~ Tony Batakis (San Diego


 I was in my car the other day when the DJ came on the radio after playing one of your songs. He said he had an announcement. I thought 'yes, you are finally coming back to St. Louis!' Then he tells us you have prostate cancer. My hand flew to my mouth and I started to cry. Dan, you have been so much a part of my life (and so many others seeing from all of these well wishes). "Longer" was played at my wedding and my dad and I danced to "Leader of the Band". Your songs and messages inspire so many to love, do good, take care of our earth and others. It was you that inspired me to be so environmentally conscience. I've seen you many times in St. Louis. I was there for the taping of"Greetings from the West" (and own a copy, of course) and there again when you came back just a few months later. Wow, what a treat! My two year old daughter was supposed to be born August 13th, but she came a few days early (her name is Margaret, by the way). I can't wait to see you again and to hear that you have fought this illness. We need to hear your voice for many years to come. Take care, my friend, and peace to you. Know that you are in so many thoughts and prayers. ~ Linette Schaffer


 Dan, My heartfelt prayers and thoughts go out to you and Jean as you undergo your treatment. I hope and pray that you will make a speedy recovery. I had the great pleasure of seeing you at the Aladdin here in Las Vegas 2 years ago, and it was the best and most enjoyable of the 20+ concerts I've seen in my 17 years. My thoughts and prayers are with you now and always. Be strong and remember 'this too shall pass'. ~ Matthew


 Dan, I am sure I'm like many thousands of fans, frustrated at my inability to find the words to express your place in my life.....because finding the words to speak directly into our lives has come so easily to you. From the day in '79 when a friend introduced me to your music, to Fathers' Day in '82 when I found myself performing "Leader of the Band" in a Colorado dive after you inspired me to drop the sax and take up guitar/songwriting, to the Seattle concert in '93 when we spoke briefly after your show, to the day I took my sons to see you in ' this week's fishing vacation with my now nearly grown boys listening to you for 600 miles. You speak into their lives now and I am grateful. Your insights have helped see me through the good times and the bad. My frustration at not being able to do anything to help you move through this is boundless. I will do what I can...with my boys, I will pray. And....I will get myself checked. The best to you, and Jean. You can and will emerge victorious from this fight, Dan. One of your many friends ~ Tim Ogard, Kenmore, Washington


 Dear Dan - Your music has touched my heart like no other. You have moved me to tears and lifted my spirits. I have been a loyal fan for over 25 years. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I am a holistic health practitioner and interfaith minister, so if there is ever any thing I can do to support you, please let me know. I've always felt a kindred spirit with you. I send you love, light and wish you many blessings. Namaste ~ Therese Inzerillo of Phoenix, Arizona.


 I empathize what you and Jean are going through. Your music helped me through my troubled times, I would put "To The Morning" one every day when I awoke. In between the treatments, that song and seeing my daughter smile , laugh, and warm hugs I made up my mind then, that I would survive to see my grandchildren, grow, and I have. I give you my prayers and good thoughts. I am free for 28 years now, and life just gets better. Love and Peace to you and Yours ~ Paula Jo


 Dan- I know you will be fine. Stay the course and let the healing begin. ~ Lance from the Pacific Northwest


 My heart's just broken, and I actually prayed for the first time in months tonight. Mr. Fogelberg's music has always been an inspiration to me, and I've connected with some wonderful folks through messages boards such as this who share my love for his music. Healing thoughts/wishes. ~ Jen (a life-long fan in her early 30's) :)


 Dan, Along with so many others your words and music have meant so very much to me that at this time, trying to express my thanks, I am at a loss. Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I have faith in your complete recovery as the good Lord so loves it when you sing. ~ Debbie M., California


 Dear Dan, I am shaken by the news of your illness. I have been a fan of yours since my teen years in the seventies. One of my dreams has always been to see you perform live. Being the single mother of three young children (coupled with the fact that I live in Australia these days) has meant postponing that dream until the season is right. But I have faith that one day it will materialize. As a Christian, I am a great believer in the power of prayer and the manifestation of miracles. My heartfelt prayers are with you and yours. God bless you and carry you in your time of need. He is a mighty God! Have faith and courage. You have always shown these qualities in your song writing and your career. I will be at one of your concerts in the (hopefully not too distant) future. Love ~ Liz Mead


 You are a living legacy. GOD BLESS YOU. Hooosiers love you too. St. Louis loves you. God bless your life ~ your fan


 For decades, your music and your passion for music has touched many hearts and restless souls. The time now comes for you to allow the love, get well wishes and sincerities from your fans to touch your soul and bring hope, healing, inner peace and more importantly strength to your being during this time of difficulty. Wishing you and your family strength and perseverance and prayers for a rapid recovery. We Love You Dan ~ Carol Williams, Deacon, Chicago, IL


 Dan,You and your family will be in my prayer daily. You have been my favorite since the latter 70's. Thanks for the many great years of listening to your music. May God be with you and your wife through this tough time. Thanks ~ James


 Dan, I fell in love with your music in college in the 70's at UNH. I really fell in love with a girl who sang your songs and married her. You played at UNH and I built the stage you sang on. Your words and music are part of my life. Fast forward to today, I heard of your battle with cancer. I send all my best thoughts, hopes and prayers for you. I believe is the power of people and the good you have added to the world. Keep going, we are with you. ~ Ed/Palo Alto


 Dear Dan, and family; I am another one of your die hard fans, but alas, a fan who hardly ever writes. I have been a fan of yours for many, many years. To date my favorite song is still "To the Morning". I was sad to hear of your recent Cancer. I too was diagnosed with Colon Caner a year ago. I was 43, with no history, and no symptoms (Everyone...go do a regular physical!) A year later, I am blessed with being Cancer free! My message to you is to NOT give up! This journey will make you stronger. Thank you for giving me peace in troubled times, and I hope these words will find comfort for you. You will be in my prayers. May God Bless you and yours. Always ~ Phyllis Carmon- Mississippi


 Dan, Good luck and thank you for all you've done for me. ~ Jondy Cohen, M.D.


 Dan,,, I have been a fan since the mid 70's when someone played "To The Morning" at a UCC summer camp in New Hampshire for our morning meditation, and the piano and the words lifted my heart high above the clouds, pointing me again towards my faith,,, although, at one point, I must confess, I was going to run away to Colorado (which I did!) and marry you (God obviously had other plans!). I have held a dream since then that someday, somewhere,I would be graced with the opportunity to sing just one song with you. Your music has left permanent footprints on my heart, and those footprints will always be a part of my life. It is readily apparent that the gift of your music has left indelible footprints on all the lives you have come in contact with. May God enfold you and your family in His arms and bring healing and peace. ~ PK, Salem, NH


 The words that find this page I fear will ring empty when weighed against the wishes that would be. I have leaned on phrases poetic and images created in Dan Fogelberg's music so very many years now, both the celebration and comfort within them have been my friend in the sweetest of hours and too the stinging moments. In days past I moved his music from vinyl to CD, leaving so many other "old friends" behind, his I could not. I then lost twice during travels my collections, and twice replaced each and every one, the poetry and melody aging ever so well. A trip to Australia I just returned from found me with my first MP3 player, a gift to myself to avoid a similar fate, and downloaded first within its memory, was this treasure trove of the many Fogelberg stories and lessons within his music. A new layer of stored up smiles of life's best hours was lived in those days in Australia with my oldest daughter as a traveling companion and in the background, as often as not, the music.


And under that layer are ones that are created of sea kayaking far and wide and beneath that those wonderful years when children are young and beneath that some cowgirl adventures and college and the layers do go deeper yet, all with his music in tow. I am trying without I fear much finesse to say that as I tease through this latticework of life spent so far, few things resonate through the hours shining and dim more than the music that was there with me, and so very, very often that would be in the form of the friend that Fogelberg has shared with us all. And I rattle on and on only to say that clearly I have received and received, giving nothing back but the cost of new CD's along the way. And maybe it can only be said in spirit, and maybe there is something real but unseen within it. But at LAX returning home just days ago I read the report of prostate cancer and it felt absolutely essential that I believe that the good I have received have a road back, even in part, to the source.


My life is richer believing certain people are out somewhere in the world living their lives, creating, growing, becoming. And clearly Dan Fogelberg is one such person. So is it prayer? Is it energy? Is it real? It is an outpouring of this flood of peace and beauty and joy in the ordinary, focused on Mr. Fogelberg and the circle of friends and family that surround him in his healing. May the best of endings be already taking root within the treatment. May the unseen join in the talents of the best of physicians and most cutting edge of treatment strategies erasing the cancer but feeding the spirit. May love be there in every hour holding on and filling in every space that fear tries to claim. May all he has given us wash back over him now and into the many tomorrows till health is his again. And to be a bit selfish, if when this is all said and done, if there is yet reason in his life to share his music with those of us who would like to think we share some kindred spirit with the rare bird that Mr. Fogelberg is, could the Midwest be one stage of that day? Maybe Minneapolis again even! It has been too long. Selfishness aside once again, a most deep and heartfelt prayer will be shared in every listen of his songs till I hear word that the gift of health, with even a measure of peace of mind so illusive after brushing up hard against cancer is his. And I am patient, and I don't forget, and I listen often. I hope he knows how this web of friends he will never know hold him in our thoughts and hearts in these hours. And I am happy to be one of them, wishing for him every good thing he can dream of for himself in these times. May he dream such dreams into his life. - Julie Johnson


 Hi Dan, I had some inside work to do today and listened to "Full Circle" twice. Many thoughts went by including my own mortality and the importance of making the most of each day and how important it is to end each visit or conversation on a positive note with our loved ones. I also reminisced growing up in Peoria in the music scene in the 60s. I played bass guitar in "The Art Gallery" (with Art Karagainis and perhaps Jim Mathis and/or Mike Somerville?) and I remember a "Battle of the Bands" at Lakeview where you played with "The Coachmen". I noted in your biography a reference to a sacred spot between two old pine trees over looking the river and I remember a summer evening listening to you with a guitar at a spot over looking the Illinois River. It was time of experimentation and the promise that comes with youth of the paths and possibilites to come. I've since followed your career and always enjoyed your musical, poetic and artistic expressions. Your concerts here in Eugene in the mid 70s and early 90s were flawless. My mother, who grew up with your parents and went to Woodruff High School thinks that you got your musical abilities from your father and your gift of words from your mother. As evidenced from the long list of letters from your fans, your work has inspired and soothed people all over the world. Good luck with your treatment. We are all looking forward to more great music in the future. ~ Tim Verkler


 Dear Dan and Jean - I received an email from my best friend, Robin in Connecticut today telling me your concert schedule was cancelled due to prostate cancer. I am deeply struck by the news. I have been a fan since hearing your music ( Home Free ) in a dorm room at Southern Ct. State College in 1975. I was a freshman then and your music touched me and never stopped. Your music arrangements and lyrics are magical and have been a treasure through out my life. It's like you knew me and what I was going through during each phase of my life. I saw you in concert in Waterbury, Ct. in 1977 at the Palace Theatre with Fool's Gold and was so impressed by the music and backdrop during " To the Morning". I really enjoyed that evening. I attended concerts at the New Haven Colliseum as well, but preferred the smaller, intimate setting for your music. My husband Mark suggested that I write a fan note to you this year....this is so weird, because I told him I didn't think he would ever get it. Now I am hopeful that you will get this message. Prior to hearing the news, I would say I love you and your message of love and that I am probably your oldest fan....which I now know, after reading this board, is probably not true...but a huge fan, anyway! After hearing the news, I would say, I love you and your message of love. And I want you to know that we are praying for you in Katy, Texas for complete healing. God is an awesome God, and he will be right by your side as you go through this. Every time you look at the mountains, know God is there. He loves you and so do I. With every best wish a fan could send ~ Gail Cummiskey-Peak


 Your music has always carried me through the bad times and the GOOD times and I thank you so much for that. I look forward to seeing you again to celebrate your music and your recovery. We'll all be waiting when you're ready. Godspeed ~ Cyndee, Duluth, Georgia


Dan, I'm 43 and have been a fan since I was 15. One of the songs you wrote that I believe says "there's a magic in every moment" is very true in life. Sometimes the circumstances are good and sometimes not, but you will find when you have this behind you, and you're healthy again, that there truly is "magic" in every moment. Our personal time lines and the overall time line don't always agree with each other, but they do come together in a powerful way. God bless you and we pray for a speedy recovery. You have our prayers and our support. If you decide that you do want to tour again I'll look forward to seeing you as usual at Chastain Park in Atlanta. Best wishes ~ Andy Smith


 Dear Dan, I have been a fan for 20 years. You are the only artist whom I've seen in concert 3 times I've only been to about 5 concerts in my life!). I am a veterinarian, so of course "Run for the Roses" is one of my favorites. Your songs of the environment, the earth & of family & faith are an inspiration & a beauty in my life. "Longer" was the song to which my husband & I danced at our wedding. I wish you a full & speedy recovery. My thoughts & prayers are with you & your family. ~ Dawn, Dayton, Ohio


 Dearest Dan, I would just like to say that since the early 70s you and your music have been a continual inspiration to me. My sisters and I have shared countless hours of fun over your songs. We've danced, laughed, loved, rejoiced and even cried with you. You'll never know what an intergral part of our lives you have been. Our prayers and love are with you now. May spirit bless you with renewed health as you have blessed our lives with your beautiful soul. We look forward to seeing you again! As we know we will! We love you!! ~ Claudette Perdue and sisters of Winter Park, FL


 My father battled prostate cancer--and lived another 20 years. Enough to see me married, and his grandson growing up. I'm 44, and my son is 18--and he enjoys your music as much as we do. Keep the faith. Follow the doc's orders--and GET WELL SOON


Dear Dan, Your words and music has warmed hearts and stirred souls. Your artistry has awakened creativity within us that had long been sleeping. Your commitment to the conservation of nature and wildlife has excelerated our awareness. For all of this, I am thankful. Fight the good fight for you will emerge the victor, of this I have no doubt. Blessings to you and your family. We'll see you at the old Keswick next time 'round. Peace...As always, Kelly (New Hope area, P.A.)


 Dan, I know you are overwhelmed with messages. I'm so glad. You, and your music got me through the toughest time of my life. A divorce. The song in particular was Paris Nocturne. Although Old Tennessee will haunt me forever, I will always be so thankful, for you and your music. The emotion that you convey to your vast, ocean of fans, I don't think you'll ever be able to grasp. I can rember seeing you on your first acoustical tour. You were doing the college tour, and I caught you at N.C. State. After the show, I walked out of that arena, 6 inches off the ground. From that moment on you have been an Icon in my life. Yes, I'm a guitar player, and a singer, and a song writer. Because of you. Thank You. I pray that all will go well with you, and your life. I can't imagine my life with out you. Prayers and Best Wishes. ~ Mike Moore.


 Dan, Wishing you a good fight against this, and I'm praying for you. Don't know if you're aware of this, but the Lance Armstrong "Livestrong" site may have some good stuff for you too. Hope to see you back in River City someday!


 From our family to yours we wish you a new strength as you charter this course and wish you to know that there is a world of people with their arms wrapped around you .Dan this hugs for YOU! with much love ~ Deanna McDonald B.C. Canada


 Hi Dan, I hope you get well.I wanted you to know that YOUR music (and also George Harrison's) saved my life when I was growing up.You're an inspiration and a light in this world.Thank You. ~ Van


 I would like to extend my wishes and prayers to Dan for a speedy recovery. I have been a fan since the 70's and have enjoyed many hours listening to his music on record and live. Even though I hail from "old Tennessee", I fell in love with Maine several years ago. As a matter of fact I spent two weeks there in late July. The landscape is Dan's music in nature and his words play out beauty of the coast. I pray that Dan will spend many more days there listening to "The Reach" sing and inspire. ~ John T Davis, Tennessee


 Dear Dan - Lots of love and prayers go out to you and your beautiful wife and family during this difficult time. I will pray for your speedy recovery every night. I know you can beat this! I have been a faithful fan of yours since around 1974, when I fell in love with first, your picture, and then your music! Looking back on both the happy times and the trying times in my life, there was always a Dan Fogelberg song to bring me happiness and comfort. I live on Long Island, and have had the privilege of seeing you in concert at least nine times in and around New York, and look forward to hearing you play here again, as I know you will soon. Your songs and music are so beautiful -- there is no musician quite like you. Again, love and good wishes for a healthful, speedy recovery. Love ~ Sue C. from Long Island


 Dan, My wife and I have been to over 20 of your shows since the mid-70s. Our favorite was Berkeley Community Theater in 1978. Our daughter will be playing Paris Nocturne on the piano at an upcoming recital with some other young musicians. Your music has been an important part of our lives. We are praying for you. Traditional Catholics rely on the power of the Most Holy Rosary. Many are praying for your speedy recovery. ~ Vic in Henderson, Nevada.


 Dan, My family and I wish to send you and your family our prayers and thoughts for a healthy and swift recovery. I have listened to your music for the past 30 years and have enjoyed it over and over again. Your music has helped me to look at life from a different angle and bring me comfort at times when I needed it. Dan, I believe we all are here for a purpose and we are all "part of the plan" and some day we all will understand why things happen to us. My family and I will pray for you and yours and may God be with you. Take care and hang in there. Best wishes ~ Karl and Dawn Weidhuner and Family, Greenview, IL.


 Hi, Dan. Just wanted to wish you the best. I look forward to seeing you in concert again. I have very nice memories of many past concerts. Your solo acoustic show at Westbury Music Fair in 1991 was one of the best shows I've ever seen. I went from sitting in the nose-bleed section of Brendan Byrne Arena in NJ for the Phoenix tour to being front row, center at Nassau Colisseum in NY for the High Country Snows tour where my friends and I were lucky enough to go backstage and meet you, Herb Pedersen, and Chris Hillman. You all signed my newly purchased D.F. sweatshirt. (Unfortunately, my mother accidentally washed it a few years later, causing the autographs to fade considerably.) But anyway, I hope you'll get better real soon, put out more music, and do more concert tours. I live in Arizona now, so, please, BE HEALED!, and come to Tucson! My prayers and thoughts are with you! ~ A.F.


 Dan, Thoughts and prayers for you. May you find the strength of the rockies, peace of the waves of the ocean gently lapping to shore. Know that we are holding you in are hearts and prayers. Remember "There's a magic every moment and there are miracles each and every day." My best to and your family ~ Debbie


 Dan, I was first introduced to your music in the late 1970's while I was in college in Pennsylvania. It was an epiphany. God is with you my friend. There is love behind you, beside you and ahead of you no matter what these days bring. Thank you for sharing your music with the world. Your songs have been the light in many darknesses and I hope the prayers and well-wishes from your many fans will be the light that sees you through this darkness. All the best for a full recovery. ~ Julia Eisenstein. Troy, Michigan


 Dear Dan, I've loved your music since 1972. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. ~ Jayne Kaszas. Flushing, New York


 Dan, I was once asked "If you were stranded on a desert island, what one singers' music would you want to have with you?" I have, and always will, choose your music. You have a wonderful gift of touching a person's heart. I wish you well on your journey through this storm. With all of the prayers

coming your way, I hope to see you on tour next year.~ Marge


 My prayers are for you and may my faith, as well as everyone's, guide you through this journey, as your music has guided us. I am from Colorado and have spent countless hours in the National Park, thankful that you put into words what I could not. Be strong my friend.~ Pat Moore


 Dan, I was saddened to hear about your illness. You have brought my wife and I much happiness from your music through the years. Your concerts were always great. I know you can beat this if you pray to God for assistance and work hard at overcoming this challenge. I also am 53 and was diagnosed with colon cancer 3 years ago. I underwent surgery and thus far I am fine. This past January I had a stroke and that is the hardest thing to come back from but faith and family have made my recovery amazing. I hope to see you soon on the concert rute as our prayers are with you. ~ Jack and Mary Johnson Mansfield, Ohio


 Dan, I send you my best wishes and my prayers for a full and speedy recovery. I have been a big fan of yours since the mid 70's and wish that I aged as gracefully as you. I consider The Innocent Age to be one of my deserted island (if stranded and I can choose 5 CD's, this would be one of them) CD's. I look forward to more great music after you have defeated this illness. May God watch over you and grant you a full recovery. ~ Bill Crouch


 Dear Dan, My thoughts and prayers are with you. Like so many others, you have touched me and my life. As a very lonely child, my only companion was often listening to music on my "record player." When I was four, my older siblings discovered the Beatles. From that moment on, their music got me through many sad moments in life. Ten years later, your music began to do the same. To me, your talent parallels Lennon/McCartney's in many ways-it transcends time. I sincerely hope that you take some strength in the knowledge that you have "made a difference" to so many others on this planet. Thank you and God Bless You. ~ Kari, Fort Worth, Texas


 Dan, my brother turned me on to your music in 1974, boy was I the lucky one... I pray for your healing and think of your family with loving thoughts, best of luck, God speed. ~ Cyndi Moroney


 Dan, I met you many years ago in Vail thru Brett Riggin ,a piano player friend of mine...I wish you the best in your recovery & get back on the road soon as you can! Peace ~ Kenny Kirby (a fellow musician in Philly )


 Dan, Thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. May your recovery be swift and complete. Thank you so much for the gift of your music in my life and so many others. God bless you always. ~ Sandy in Indiana


 Hi Dan, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this time. I've been a fan for a long, long time now and wish I could share with you some of the peace you have brought to so many of us. Know that there are many of us who feel this way. God bless ~ Jo-Ann


 Dear Dan, I'm sorry you have to go through this journey. In the hope that love from your fans can help you beat this thing, I send mine. Even tho you don't know any of us, we feel as if we know you through your wonderful music. I took my teenagers to see you in Rockford a few years back and it was the best concert I'd ever been to. You always amaze me with your ability to write insightful lyrics that not only touch my heart but are so often deeply profound. Then you write melodies that touch my soul, and you bring them together in a myriad of styles. You are truly one-of-a-kind. May your treatments be done soon and successful. The world needs great thinkers who create as well as you do. Love ~ LC, Round Lake, Illinois


 Please know you are in our hearts, thoughts and prayers. Feel better, take some time off and come back to Chastain soon! : ) We can be a patient as you need us to be. Hugs ~ Jennifer Wehking


 Dan: The honesty and beauty of your music has made such a profound influence in my life experiences. I thank you so much for that. Only a Fogelberg fan can appreciate the connection we feel to you. Your music bonds all us.I wish you the best in your recovery and I look forward to seeing you in

concert again soon. ~ Glenn Halberg, West Bloomfield, Mi


 Dan, I have been with you since my high school days in the early 70's. I have seen you many times and have been blessed by your music, the most recent in South Bend, Indiana last year. Please know you affected my life many times over and I am praying for your quick recovery from this terrible disease. My prayers and thoughts are with you my friend and your family.~ Cliff, Indiana


 I, too, have cancer, and during my chemo, I had you with me to comfort me with your wonderful songs. May God be with you and I will keep you in my prayers. And I want to wish you a belated happy birthday. We share the same birthday. Everyday that you survive is one day closer to a complete cure. Keep positive thoughts, stay happy, and know that you are loved by many people.

~Bev, Gallipolis, OH


 Dan. You have been an inspiration to me for years and will always be in my prayers. Keep the faith and we will see you onstage again soon ~ Kip Caven


 Dan, I am also a long time fan since college in the 70's and I wish you heartfelt thoughts of strength and good health. Just wanted you to know I've been playing the guitar most of my life and most of my repertoire is and has been your songs. Thank you for sharing your reflections of life through your music. Be well and stay strong. ~ Best, Linda E.


 I will include Dan and his family in my thoughts and prayers. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. ~ Rena from CA


 Dear Dan, We will keep you and your family in our prayers. Having gone through this with a family member, please investigate all of your options when it comes to your treatment. God bless you!!!!

~ Sharon and Neal Lokey


 Dear Dan, Keeping you in my prayers that you move beyond this stage of cancer and back on to the stage that you so much love - the one that showcases some of your talent and gifts - the one that we (your fans) love to see you on. This is a battle you can beat and I pray you do. Looking forward to seeing you share your gifts with us once again. My dad has been battling this same type of cancer - with no intervention - for 10 years and is still is doing great. I have faith you'll move beyond this chapter in your life. Your music and poetry have moved me since the late 1970's and continue to inspire and give me peace. Your last concert in the area - at 1000 oaks CA, was - as always - moving and fulfilling. Peace to you and yours ~ Jayne


 Hi Dan. We'll miss seeing you in concert in Easton, PA., it's been awhile. But most importantly we wish you the best in your treatment and recovery, keep up the positive attitude and we'll see you when all this is behind you. Your music has been a gift to us. Take it one day at a time. All the best to you and yours ~ Karl & Judy


 Dear Dan, Your music has renewed, comforted and inspired me for more years than seems possible. I hope your faith, your family and your friends will sustain you in this difficult and challenging time. You, your family and your medical team will be in my prayers. "... but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31. ~ Patrice Hancock, Macon,GA


 Dan and his Family, May God Bless you, I pray that everything turns out ok and you are back on the road touring again soon. God Bless you all. Love ~ Paula


 Dan, I first heard you as a freshman at Clemson University in 1972. Since then, I have bought almost all of your records (remember those) and CD's over the years because of how the melodies and poignant implicit and explicit meanings of each song. However, I must say I have never have purchased a greatest hits cd because they never capture all of your great works, some of which never saw radio play. Over the years, I have seen you in concert, indoor and outdoor, and they have never disappointed me. The news of your illness hit me hard because I just turned 50 this year and am going in for my

physical exam (have not had one for two years) this Tuesday. God places many things before us to teach and reveal to us new viewpoints. These viewpoints can positively or negatively affect one's life. In your case, the trial and tribulations of the months to come will help you reach a whole new audience personally and professionally. I lift you up in my prayers for a speedy and complete recovery. I look forward to seeing you in Atlanta soon and hopefully having the chance to meet you ~ Steven D.


 Dan and Jean, You will be in my thoughts and prayers during this trying time for you. Keep your spirits high for this is just a speed bump in life. Keep the smiles on your faces and the laughter in the air because laughter is the best medicine. Take care and we will all see you on stage soon. ~ Chris in Illinois


 My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Thanks for the music! You are one of the best..Get well soon ~ Roberta


 Dan is in our prayers as we waited a long time for his concert and were taking our 18 year old handicapped daughter as she has grown up with his music as with us. God be with you and your family. The world would be a better place with Dan's music. ~ The Outten's


 Dan - I've loved your music ever since I first heard Souvenirs in college back in the 70's (when handwritten letters were the norm rather than e-mail). My father, like yours, was a musician and when he passed away a few years ago, "Leader of the Band" not only comforted me in those quiet, melancholy moments one has after such a loss, but also reminded me what a gifted musician and insightful songwriter you are. I have no doubt the spirituality you express in your music will help your recovery - I hope you are well and back on the road soon - we'd love to see you again in Texas.

Best Wishes ~ Carolyn in Dallas, Texas


 Dan - My thoughts and good wishes are with you for a speedy recovery. Keep that great music coming. Peace and love from England ~ Gary


 Dan, Your strength will guide you through this next chapter. Being proactive and taking control of your life is enlightening and encouraging. You will see progress and learn about yourself and life. May God bless you as you continue your journey. ~ Linda


 You will be in our prayers that God's hand continues to be The One who guides, inspires and strengthens you on this road ahead. He has often used you and your gift of music to touch our lives, more times than I can mention. May He provide you with many more years of "words and notes" from His heart, which will continue to touch all of ours. ~ CMW, Mississippi


 Dan, we have been through many things together. We got divorced together and we found new love together. It was always funny how your newest release tied so deeply into my life. I have listened to you since Phoenix came out. I can't tell you how many albums I wore out. I want to thank you. Every time I hear one of your songs in the grocery store it makes me smile. I was fortunate to have the friendship of Graham Parson's sister Avis. She was responsible for our introduction, and I will forever be grateful for that. Do whatever you need to get well. Listen to great music, take long walks, sail, ride horses and seek comfort in your "church". The Wild Places will never let you down. Thank You. ~ Darlene Seeley, Virginia Beach, VA


 Dan, I have been your fan since the beginning. I will pray for you, my friend. ~ Melanie from Georgia


 May the road rise to meet you.

May the wind be always at your back.

May the sun shine warm upon your face.

May the rains fall soft upon your fields.

And until we meet again,

May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.

Get well very soon ~ Alison


 Dan: Although I didn't "discover" your music until 1986, I have been a faithful fan since. I am glad you found happiness in love with your wife, Jean, and that she is there to support you during this difficult time. My best wishes for your recovery, and I look forward to your next tour, whenever that may be! ~ Nancy Prior, Seattle, WA

 I have been a fan since my college days at Indiana University. I was lucky enough to see Mr. Fogelberg several times in concert but the one concert that stands out in my mind was on my 40th birthday. What better way to celebrate your 40th birthday then to see Dan Fogelberg in concert. My prayers are with you.


 I would rather wish you good health to your face and in person. However, I wanted to at least acknowledge that I did say a prayer for your good health. Like many fans of your music and your live shows I would rather you live a healthy life than being on tour. Thank you for the music and your new cd (FULL CIRCLE) is great! I wish you Godspeed! ~ Bob Farquharson, Franklin Ma


 Our prayers and loving thought are with you, your wife, and family. Your music is a timeless treasure that brings peace to our hearts. We love you, Dan.


 Hi Dan, I have all your albums and consider you to be one of the best musicians who has ever graced this planet. I live Cardiff South Wales UK and one day will see you live in concert somewhere in the world, once you have beaten this. Speedy Recover Dan. Kind Regards ~ Rob Besley


 Dan, We love you, and pray your life is long, and wonderful. Love ~ Tom and Lil Mince


 Power in the insect , Power in the sea

Power in the snow falling silently

Power in the blossom, Power in the stone

Power in the song being sung alone

Power in the wheatfield, Power in the rain

Power in the sunlight and the hurricane

Power in the silence, Power in the flame

Power in the sound of a lover's name

The power of the sunrise and the power of a prayer released . . .

--Jackson Browne, "Looking East"


Respectfully to Dan ~ Joe Hewgley, Bentonville, Arkansas


 Dan and Family - As a musician and fan I would like to extend my best wishes toyou at this time. Your music is always requested when I perform in the Cleveland area and I will even do your songs without the proper request form (dollar bills). The song that works the best for me is "Run for the Roses" (we own two quarter horses). Hoping that you have a speedy recovery and are back “running for the roses” yourself very soon. Thanks for all the great music and hope to be hearing new things shortly. By the way love the Christmas CD!!! All the Best ~ Jeff and Kerry


 There is alot of strength in prayer and there are alot of folks praying for your speedy recovery.Lean on the love and friendship and it will get you though this tough time. ~ Joanna Collins


 Dear Dan: My father was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer in Feb. of 78. It was so advanced that the pain in his ribs was bad enough to necessitate him sleeping in reclining chair for two months before seeing a physician. He was the type who liked to avoid doctors. He lived until Mar. of 2003 and died at the age of NINETY. He lived a full TWENTY FIVE years, with the cancer in a non-progresive state for eighteen years. We live in the Boston area. I pray for you and hope you have even better treatments than were available to my father.Kind Regards ~ Steve T.


 "There's a light in the depths of the darkness" you once sang. "Let is shine. Oh let it shine." May that light shine for you and your family as you continue your recovery. Your music has meant a great deal to me since I first encountered the "Nether Lands" album as a high school student at the suggestion of a teacher. All of these years and records later, I still come back to the recorded Fogelberg travelogues time and again, and richly enjoy them. It is my hope and prayer that you'll be with us for years to come - for the music, the perspective, and the authentic expression of the human spirit. ~ Jeff, Glen Ellyn, Illinois


 Dan, Just wanted you to know that you and your family are in my wife and mines prayers for a speedy recovery. I am a 47 year old Illinois native who grew up listening to your music and was always amazed at your ability to describe the different and varied steps we all travel along our life path. Remember what Phillipeans says. "I can accomplish all things through Christ who strenghtens me. Everything hapens for a reason. God Bless and be well. ~ Kevin


 Dear Dan, my husband and I always enjoy seeing you when you come to the Philadelphia area. he is the one that sang out two years ago at the Keswick during "let it shine". I dont know if you remember, but it was quite a surprise to say the least. We are sending prayers and best wishes for you and your family that you will get past this. Sincerely ~ Beth Schools--Bucks County, Pennsylvania


 Dan...Best wishes for a speedy recovery - may the wind be at your sails. Thank you, too, for all the wonderful music you have blessed me with over the years. Our lights are shining, as at the close of every show: thankful for the music, and hope for the coming days. May God and all the spirits of the mountains, winds, sky and its inhabitants be with you. Until we see you next time....Peace ~ Emily Haynes, Nederland (Caribou), Colorado


Dear Dan - Just wanted to wish you the best of luck in your fight. Your music has felt my pain, lifted my spirits and kept me singing for decades. As the old albums wore out, they were each replaced with the CD's so the enjoyment would never be interrupted. Thank you for your music and sharing it with the world. Our lives are better because of your songs. May your fight be short and your life be long and happy. Get well soon! Our thoughts and prayers are with you! ~ Debbie Chlubicki, New Jersey


 Dan , Your music and your lyrics have been a part of my life since I first heard "Stars" on the radio in 1972 when I was 25 years old. I have admired your work and your talent for so many decades that during most of my much lesser-known career as a performing singer/songwriter, I suspect I played more of your songs on stage than my own. You have touched countless hearts and been such an inspiration to so many over the years . . . and here we all are doing our best to give back to you with our love, our thoughts, and our prayers. With yours and Jean's love for one another, you can't help but be successful in this battle in which you've found yourselves. I have no doubt that you'll beat this monster, and my wife and I look forward to being in our usual front row seats at one of your wonderful acoustic concerts when we're, oh, let's say . . . 70 years old! ~ Bill & Marrin Sampson, Longmont, Colorado


 "If I could lay before you the dearest gift today, it would be a time of no beginning and no end. It would be life filled with good health and peace and inner joy that can only come from the Spirit. You would quietly refine your thoughts and words so that you never draw to you anything but the finest. You would rest deeply and breathe in sweet peace. You would know the tremendous difference between the material and the spiritual--turning from fear, anger and frustration to a safe haven of love. You would always be the most loyal friend--not to me but to yourself. All the issues of life rise out of the heart--so this is a gift from heart to heart. " Be well my friend.


 Dan, I graduated from college in Illinois in 1974, and remember the early days of you career. I've always taken a bit of pride in the long and sustained success of a fellow Illinois native in the music business. Thanks for all the beautiful songs over the years, and best wishes for a fast and complete recovery! ~ John Cooke


 Dan, My thoughts and meditations are with you for a speedy and pain-less recovery. You have a lot of beautiful notes yet to give to all of us! Peace and Love ~ Ronny Lapine


 Dear Dan, I was so shocked to read about your illness, but I know in my heart that you will beat this. This is a perfect time to tell you how much you and your music has touched my life for years. I have gone through marriages and divorces with your music as the background. "Longer" was performed at my 2nd wedding (there have been three), and "Phoenix" got me through the breakup of that marriage. Whenever someone I know is going through a difficult time, I send them your words "There's a light in the depths of your darkness. There's a calm at the eye of every storm. There's a light in the depths of your darkness. Let it shine, let it shine." I always get such beautiful reactions to those words. So now, even though they are your words, I offer them to you as well as my prayers, my love, and my thanks for bringing so much joy to my life for so many years. I recently saw you perform in Dallas and then Tahoe, and loved every minute of it. I will see you again when you return to the stage. Your friend ~ Nadine Reeves


 Best Wishes from an italian Fan .I love your music since 1978 and I'll think that you'll give to me many others good sensations in the future.Thanks Dan. Ciao ~ Franco


 Dear Dan, I can only repeat what has already been said... what an amazing inspiration your music has been to us over the past 25+ years. We will keep you & your family in our thoughts and prayers today and always. "I'm reminded how much you've made me believe in the love that survives." God speed ~ With love, respect and blessings ~ The Rosenberg Family (Patti, Samuel, Rachel, Hannah & Sarah) Easton, Connecticut.


 Dan, as I sit here sifting through all these beautiful thoughts and wishes, it comes to me, one common much you are loved. May this thread that connects us all find its way to your heart and aid in the healing of your mind, spirit and most of all your body. Be well ~ Annabella


 Dear Dan, May all these written messages by the people that love you flow together to say, We stand behind you and your family, we respect your amazing talents, we send you good health and healing, laughter and love. Let all of our strength and caring be felt when you need it the most. May your life right now be devoid of unnecessary stress and filled with whatever you need for yourself and your family as you journey along a path of healing, hope and love. Whenever I have needed a song or the turn of a phrase or a familiar voice to get me through something I simply listen to your music... it's there inside me even when my CD player is not at hand---- May our voices and prayers be there for you and become the kind of strength you need whenever you need it. Sending you love and support ~ Annie Anderson, Omaha, Nebraska


 Dan, I cannot begin to express how your music has kept me going in life. The strength in your music and the heart in your lyrics... I will keep you and your family in my prayers. ~ SIL (Tolleson, AZ)


 Dan, Being from the Central Illinois area, I have been a fan of your music for decades. I believe the first time I listened to you was at Bradley U in Peoria in the early 1970s. (I think you were the opening act for someone else whom I've since forgotten!) I have traveled many places to hear you sing, including your beloved Colorado. My best wishes and prayers are with you and your family. Your music has meant a great deal to me and several friends. We all hope you will continue to grace us with your presence and talent.Peace, love and light! ~ Mary S.


 Dear Dan, My college girlfriend ran out of bed one morning to put on the turntable "To The Morning" by this incredible new artist so we could wake up in each other arms in the dorm. I cried during the "The Long Way" when we painfully broke up and "The Last Nail" seemed a coda to the relationship. "Man in the Mirror/Below the Surface" was/is air guitar Friday nights while "Part of the Plan" was therapy for lonely Saturday ones. Future friends and lovers accompanied me to the live concerts. All of "Nether Lands" was on to wake up my new girlfriend and future wife Kim and "Old Tennessee" was a lullaby to our daughter Kate. I spun Interchords, the KBCO interview, when I DJaied in New Jersey and used "Twin Sons of Different Mothers" as background music for PSA's. "High Country Snows" reminded me of the importance of bluegrass/old timey music long before "Brother, O Brother" and "The Higher You Climb" is a motto hanging in my third grade classroom. "Phoenix" was shared with friends the night before a big anti-nuke Washington demo. "Exiles", "Windows and Walls", "The Wild Places", The Christmas Album, "Full Circle", were all bought immediately upon release. And oh," The Innocent Age", what a magnificent autobiography."Leader of the Band" I played for my dad. And "The Reach", when my daughter and wife are out for the night, I sing in my room at the top of my lungs. So, when an artist I never met and yet has been a part of my life is ill, I feel I want to return some of the hope, care and connection his music has had for me. A goodwill wish is the least that I can do. So, Godspeed to Good Health, Dan. We look forward to you being back writing, touring, being with your family and mine. ~ Terry Moore


 My prayers are with you through this difficult time...your music has always kept me going when I thought there wasn't any hope - you are an inspiration. Take care & God be with you & your family! ~ Tina Giaramita, Gardner, Kansas


 We are praying for you and your family. May God enclose you in his arms and give you strength and peace. Fans from North Dakota. ~ The Vollmers


 Dan, my friend...I have an ache in my heart for what you are enduring at this time, but I also know that you will prevail and will heal. The news of your illness struck me as if one of my best friends had fallen ill, and immediately I began to pray for the healing that had evidently already began. I was so thankful for this website to go to, to find out the real truth. Laurie & Deborah have always kept this website one of integrity, and of truth, and a way for us fans to keep informed. I am appalled that the media went to your mother at this time, for their press statement! I know how much your privacy means to you, and that was the ultimate betrayal, and I am so sorry that this happened.Your true fans went immediately to the website seeking the truth, and I am glad that the treatments are going well for you. My father is a prostate cancer survivor, and you will be too. You have too much music to share with us, still! Please feel like you can share your status with us through this website, friends need to know how you are doing, good or bad, as we all grow old together. I will continue to hold you up in prayer through this process of healing. My good wishes to your family and your wife, Jean, too! God Bless You! "...and the music from beginning to end, within I found the heart of my friend..." ~ Carma D.


 Dan, I wish that there was a way that some words from me could bring you the comfort that you have provided for me for many many years. I'll probably never know why...but, when I go camping and sit up late past everyone else I'll sit and just gaze at whatever is left in the smoke and embers of the fire.......take a look at the problems that have surfaced in my life. Sometimes my heart starts to sink a little. When it does I look up, find the moon, and in my mind I hear God's gift of your voice..... singing "There's a ring around the moon tonight, and a chill in the air, and a fire in the stars that hang... so near" and somehow.... I just know everything will be alright. I somehow feel closer to God and know that He has better things in store for me.I wish that there was a way...... that I could carry you through this time, as you have carried me through many a dark time in my life.I wish you success in beating this, as I don't think He is through with you yet either. May your road be lined with strength, love, and healing. ~ Bob Ruth, Deer Park, Texas


 Your message has been a best friend and inspiration for many, many years. I now have the pleasure to see my children listen and learn your message as they not only listen when I do but "secretly" put your CD's on themselves(they are teens and won't admit to this!). There are many years left for all of your fans to appreciate your music and continue to take solice in your message, now is your time to take solice and satisfaction in those who carefor your wellbeing. We will send our best wishes and prayers and await your return.....


 I've heard it said that the true measure of a man is determined by the way he affects the lives of those around him, and I believe that is so. Dan, the gifts you have shared with all of us over the years may not have the power to end war or solve world hunger, but they have touched us in so many wonderful ways, making our lives a bit sweeter and our world a little richer for having known you. For that we are forever in your debt. Where ever this current journey make take you, we wish you Godspeed, dear friend. You are in our thoughts & prayers, and you are truly loved.~ Pamela in CA


 Dan, Sometimes when we have to walk a rocky path that has been unexplored before, we see views that no one else can see. Peace and strength on your journey. ~ Sheila


 Dan: Like so many of your fans, your music and live performances have been a positive influence on me my entire adult life (since 1976). May your faith and belief in a Greater Being sustain you through your recovery. My Dad is a prostate cancer survivor -- for 19+ years and he remains cancer free. You and your family will be in my prayers. I hope you will be able to feel the healing power from all those you have touched with your music. I look forward to your complete and rapid recovery. ~ Steve Roberts


 Hey Dan ~ My three sons, my wife and myself have you in our thoughts and prayers. You have provided us untold hours of joy in listening to your music and I expect to hear even more new songs from you for the next 40 years or so. Just FYI, I have had three frinds/relatives diagnosed with advanced forms of prostate cancer, all have beaten it. One in fact was given no chance and six months - that was five years ago and he is completely free of any cancer. Hang in there buddy - look forward to your next tour stop in Texas. All Our Love ~ The Echols Family (Mike, Linda, JT, Ryan and Sean)


 Dear Dan- I found your music when I attended Illinois State and I have been hooked ever since. Your talent and artistic expression is amazing. I have been lucky enough to hear you sing whenever you visit Illinois and look forward to future concerts. I wish you and your family the very best. Sincerely ~ Vicki Hoffman Estates, Il


 Dan -- I am extremely saddened to hear of your diagnosis. I first heard you on stage at Albion College in Albion, Michigan in 1976. Your music is one of the greatest influences of my life. Thank you for your words, music, and actions. I wish you strength, good counsel, and luck in the next years. ~ Dave


 Dan, I've been a long distance fan for three decades and have every recording available in every format possible. Your music has been a wonderful inspiration to me for this time and continues to be so. I had planned to fulfill my lifetime ambition by seeing you playing live in the Fall Tour so my message to you is to fight this thing, conquer it and continue with your life's work. I'll see you in concert next time. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family and by working together, you can do it. ~ Allan Carvel, Glasgow, Scotland.


 Best wishes to you & your family... hoping all will be well so you may continue to share your wonderful talent to your fans around the world ... you are in my prayers.. :) ~ sandy


 When I heard of the shocking news of Dans' setback, my soul went souring back 25 years ago to the memory of gazing at his picture inside the "Phoenix" album, of the bearded man sitting in the field of wheat, (I think it was wheat, not sure) and feeling inspired while listening to this album to paint and draw, and most of all, having feelings for this familiar but distant soul, without even knowing him at this time. The two words I would like Dan to remember right now, are "Hope", and "Faith". I lost so much faith when my father passed away, and then I began dreaming of my father taking me to Dan, and I kept shaking Dans' hand, and I wondered every day why I would dream such a dream, and then I met Dan later that year on October 28th 1995, so I guess my point is you really have to believe that a Higher power is watching over you Dan, and believe in your Angels, and know that your 'Papa' is watching over you right now too. And from the experience of working in a Hospital Laboratory for 24 years, I know that Dan most of all needs rest, and to relax, and not to worry, and to heal. I love you Dan, get better and better each and every day, and when you do recover, please come to Springfield, Illinois, and do a concert for us. You are a soul like no other soul I have ever known. Muchos besos. ~ Susan K. (Springfield, Illinois)


 Dan -- your music has meant a lot to me over the years. You are in my thoughts and prayers. ~ Cheryl R. Beitz


 Best whishes from a long time fan from Switzerland!! ~ Ruedi


 Dan, I've never been a "groupie" but just had to let you know what an impact your music has made on my life. "Leader of the Band" is still my all-time favorite and it was a beautiful and eloquent tribute to your father. Thank you so much for sharing your gift with the world. Best wishes for your recovery.~ Donna Gordon, Tampa, FL


 Dan, Fight like a madman to beat this thing. Take strength in the fact that your music has touched millions of people like me and that we are all pulling for you. ~ Dan Welsch


 Dan, Thanks for all the music that is now such a part of our lives. I pray you will be blessed and healed. I know there are more songs to be written, more songs to be sung and more memories to become part of the legacy. God Bless. ~ Gene Davis, WNCO AM/FM, WFXN


 Dear Dan, I sit at my computer crying because I want to convey to you the right words to help you feel better during this difficult time. Please know that you are loved by so many people of this world. I have been a huge fan of yours since 1976 (at 10 years old) when I purchased "Souvenirs" at a record convention. I had no idea who you were but I liked the album because of the picture and artwork. I played that record so many times that it was not uncommon to hear me sing your songs entirely through without the record playing. I have seen you perform many times - I carry a picture I took of you when I was 16 of you getting into a limo in Rosemont, IL. I have been blessed that you have been in my life for so long and want to let you know that you are always in my prayers, my heart and my soul. If I ever had a son, his name was going to be Dan (yes, for you!). God Bless


 Dear Dan, I saw you for the first time on Greetings from the West...other than on album covers. I had hoped to see you in ' 74 when it was rumored you would be with the Eagles in Atlanta. You sang "There's A Place In The World For A Gambler", a song you hadn't sang in 10 years, you said. That song is very poignant now, as it was for me for years. It took me through many hard times. God has blessed the world giving us you and your music. I am praying for your recovery and peace for you and your family. God bless you and take away your pain and fears. ~ Shirley Porter, Big Pine Key, FL


 Dan and Jean, Your family remain in our thoughts and prayers. God Bless ~ Andreia L. Reese


 Dan - I feel I've been blessed with your music since your first album. I bought the sheet music to it, and to every album since, and I am constantly amazed at the beautiful sounds you hear in your mind and manage to capture for us, your friends. Every concert of yours that I've been to (five, I think) has been awe-inspiring and I hope the acoustic tour will be rescheduled for next year - we're all counting on it! You have the prayers of millions for your full recovery and we will be here Ever On. ~ Howard Witt, Lancaster, PA


 Dear Dan, I've never written to any celebrity but when my wife called to tell me she had heard of your illness I felt a sincere need to write. After all, your music has carried me through so many tough and helped me celebrate the happy times. From heartache, shock (I found out I was having triplets!) to joy, (their birth) I have found your music to be of great comfort and inspiration, not to mention just plain enjoyment. I wish you the strength and courage to overcome and look forward to adding your name to another cancer survivor! My thoughts and prayers are with you. ~ Roy Lorenzo


 Best wishes for a quick and full recovery Dan. My husband and I have loved your music since we were in our teens. Our first dance at our wedding reception was your "Longer" song specially chosen for its lyrics and lovely melody, and we have been enjoying your music ever since. Sincerely ~ E&M.


 Hey old friend, take good care of yourself.


 Hey Fogelberg, you durn sea dog you! I¹ve been listening a long time and always will. Still, I would appreciate your continued stellar contribution to my own contentment as well as that of countless others. As a scientist I am well aware of the wonders that can be achieved with medical intervention, and therefore I can only think positively about your recovery...may it be rapid. We will all look forward to hearing of your recent life¹s experiences, as expressed in song, upon your recovery. My best wishes to you and your family. ~ Tim, a Colorado native


 Dan and Jean, My thoughts and prayers are with you. ~ Janet Zastrow


 About 3 days ago, the song "Wysteria" popped into my head.. such a hauntingly beautiful, sad song. I haven't been able to shake it, not that I mind it so much. But.. for the song to grab me so strongly after (how many years?) since I listened to the album. Only to read your name in the news the next day. What strange energies at play in the universe. "Was he just like all the rest, when he got to the sad part. Did he stay a bit too long to save his heart..?" Godspeed to you, Dan Fogelberg. ~ Sarah Farmer Earll, Monrovia, CA


 Dan, "Though heart may be weary, and your wings on fire, don't look down". You are in my prayers. ~ Keith, Denver


 Dan - You can count me among your biggest fans, from the first time I heard your first album through today and forever. I am certain that you will make a full recovery. First of all, medicine today is such that this illness is immensely treatable. Most of all, I know that you have too many more songs to sing before you are called home. You have not yet come Full Circle. A voice like yours cannot be quieted this soon. I look forward to seeing you on the road after your recovery and hearing even more new music from you. Let this setback serve as more inspiration to you in your writing, which has always been the deepest, most soulful word crafting that it has been my pleasure to enjoy. God bless and see you soon! ~ Jim Kibler


 Dan, Though I grew up in the Chicago area, it wasn't until I lived in Colorado in the early 70's that I heard your voice. Since that time, your music has blessed me with years of joy, wisdom and strength to see me through whatever life may bring. Now, it's time to send all of that back to you. May you be surrounded with all of the love, kindness, peace and beauty your soul deserves. You will be in my thoughts and prayers now and always.Best wishes and positive thoughts for a full recovery. ~ Shelley Janek


 Dear Dan, I am sad to hear about your illness. My wife and I were looking forward to see you in Morristown NJ.. I have had family members who have battled prostate cancer and beat it.. I am sure you will too! We'll see you next year on tour. ~ Mark De Clemente


 Dan, You have always been an inspiration to me musically. I wish you many more years of health and music. May you have a complete recovery and continue to inspire musicians everywhere, A Fan Always ~ Brian Desmarais


 Dear Dan, I was deeply saddened to read about your recent illness. My heart and prayers are with you and your family as you fight this battle. Your musical talent is a gift from God that has touched my life and so many lives in a wonderful way. I'm praying that the days ahead bring you an abudance of comfort, peace and love. I'm looking forward to hearing when you're back on stage performing better than ever. Take care of  yourself and may God richly bless you and yours. Keep the faith...~ Cindy R. - Grosse Pointe, Michigan


 I've loved you since I'm 17. I'm 44 and I still do. Your music has been the soundtrack of my life. Memories, both recent and long ago, are sprinkled with the sound of your voice. I pray for your full recovery and await your return to the stage. Amore sempre ~ Carol.


 Dear Dan, "Souvenirs" was the first album of yours that I had. I still listen to that vinyl. My husband and I are sorry to hear of your cancer. Our prayers are with you and your family. Many nights in the college dorm I fell asleep to your inspirational lyrics. We have every album you made - I think! In the words of a great songwriter, "Be who must, that's a part of the plan." Livestrong ~ Laurie Smith


 Not going to get sappy but had to say something to my favorite singer. In the words of Joannie "I could drink a case of you and still be on my feet." For all you have given us, here's something back. Be strong, stay grounded, speak out, yell when you have to, stay quiet when you need to, sleep, dream. You'll be OK. Will eagerly await the opportunity to hear sing again. Peace and prayers ~ Angela.


 Dan - As a long time listener and admirer of your music, I too am 53 years old and have been diagnosed and treated for my prostate cancer. As a physician I understand all too well what you are going through right now. So I wish you a speedy recovery and God's speed. If at anytime you need to compare notes or need questions answered...let me know. Best wishes ~ George E. Goldman, M.D.


 Hello old friend, Just wanted to let you know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Keep your spirits up- laughter can be the best medicine. xxooo ~ Gigi Shapiro- Stamford, CT


 Dan - You touched me among many others with your insightful and meaningful lyrics, I am touched now as I contemplate your battle against cancer- I wish you Godspeed and God bless in your battle and know that the myriad of people you have touched are thinking of you in this your time of need. As a fellow Illinoisan I say thank you and God Bless!Sincerely ~ Kevin L. Crouch


 Dan, Your music has meant so much to me over the years that I could not place it into words. Your music has graced my radio career at almost every station that I've worked at. As a former student of Lahainaluna High School who embraced your album with Tim Weisberg (Wow! A track called "Lahaina Luna"? Who would believe it?) and got lost in the magic of the following album "Phoenix" with the powerful "Longer". I, along with the entire staff of pray for a full recovery. All of our best wishes to you, your family and friends during this most personal struggle. Aloha~ Michael McCartney (KEAO / KONI / KPMW / KTOH;The Time Machine)


 D ear Dan, I was hit hard when I read about your illness yesterday in the newspaper. Know that you are blessed and that you are most definitely Part of His Plan. Like Lance Armstrong and others who have won the battle with this illness, the incredible positive impact on the lives of you and others it yet to come. Thank you for the incredible impact you have already had all your fans in particular, my life since the days of Home Free. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family for a speedy recovery. God Bless you, Dan. ~ Leon Dominick


 Dan I'm a 39-year old man who started listening to you in high school, and I've loved every minute of the ride. I don't know if you are a religious man, but you and your family will be in my prayers. ~ Shawn


 Dan, Only in the past month have I been introduced to your music.My wife and I chose "Longer" as our wedding song,so I went out and bought one of your CD's.Needless to say,the music speaks to my soul.Our prayers for a quick recovery go out to you and your family.


 I have been a fan of yours since I heard your 1st album. I can't even count on my fingers how many times I have seen your concerts. I was so sorry to hear that you are battling prostate cancer. I am a survivor of breast cancer and am now helping my mom through it. I wish only a speedy recovery and good health too you. I'll say a prayer for you! ~ Sherri


 Dan, Your music has been so inspirational to so many. I discovered your music in the 70's. It helped me through college, rough spots in life and my career. I know all your lyrics and enjoy all your albums (CD'S).You are in my thoughts and prayers and I know you'll be making your music again soon, it's one of your purposes in life. Best wishes for a speedy recovery! Love to you and your family. Thanks for your wonderful brand of your gift of music. Get well soon!! Sincerely ~ Elizabeth S. Hall :-)


 Hi Dan, I remember listening to "The Leader of the Band" in 1981-82 (?) on my first radio that actually received pop FM stations. It's one of those songs that leaves you tingly. When I finally got a job at 16 a couple of years later, I purchased your greatest hits. When cd's became available I collected everything I could, waiting expectedly for each subsequent album.


In 1991, I saw you on the Greetings From the West Tour. Every concert I see leaves a lasting memory and yours was no exception. It was at the tail end of the tour and you must have been exhausted. I'll never forget the standing ovation we gave you when you drew a blank in the middle of "The Leader of the Band." It just goes to show you're human too! "The Wild Places" ranks as one of my all-time favorite albums.


Your songs are true, and heartfelt; definitely not mainstream. And, when I tell someone about you and your music, one of the profound elements of your style as a songwriter that places you in a league all of your own is the fact you write and play electric and acoustic guitar as well as the piano. I'm a huge collector of music and I've searched far and wide to find someone that matches your ability. None to be found. Thank you for the music you have given us and we look forward to more of your vision. You have definitely touched my life. My thoughts and prayers are with you and may God watch over you. Sincerely ~ Ira T. Weiss


 When we walk to the edge of all the light we have, and take our first step into the darkness of the unknown, we must believe one of two things will happen - there will be something solid for us to stand on, or we will be taught to fly (S. Martin) God Bless You. ~ Sharon, somewhere in Pennsylvania


 There is no way to thank someone who has had such an impact on one's life like you have for so many. You've made me happy, angry, sad, laugh, cry, and every emotion in between. God bless and take care of you. Thanks for sharing your incredible gift. ~ Ted Stewart, Nashville, TN


 Dan and Family, You are in our prayers and thoughts. May all the joy,hope, and beauty that you have brought to the world during your life help restore your good health. As a cancer survivor, I know what you are going through, and wish you the best. ~ Kathy Valero


 Dear Dan and Jean, I wish you a full recovery and hope you know how much your music has been enjoyed for many years. My older brothers introduced me to your music when I was 10 years old. I am now 36 years old and still enjoying your music and thankful of the wonderful memories it brings back to me. You are very talented and I know we will hear more music from you in the future. Stay strong and know you have many fans rooting for you! Sincerely ~ Ruth


 Dan and Jean, I just wanted to say you and your family remain in our thoughts and prayers, much love and warmest wishes of healing and wellbeing. ~ S. Adams


 Dear Dan & Jean : I was in college in the mid 70s and had joined a record club and saw an album that "intrigued" me. Then once I got it and heard it about 100 times it MOVED me so, I of course now have about everything you have ever produced! Any time I don't know what to give someone for a gift it always ends up being your music. I was lucky enough to see you in concert in Portland, ME where I lived at the time in the 80s and then made sure I saw you with Chellie Pingree two years ago. When I ever saw Lowell , Mass was going to be close enough to get to I was excited beyond belief. After all - even you said when you were here 2 years ago you couldn't believe it had been like 15 years since you'd played in your "home" state! I got the phone call from Lowell the other night canceling my tickets & I ran to the computer to see why. I am praying every day for you and your family. I believe with the faith that emanates from you & your music & the gifts that you will receive in the form of well wishes & prayers from the numbers of your fans that you WILL beat this. I have seen it happen before. Your music has pulled me from many dark moments and gotten me through some of the worst times of my life - let us hope that we - your fans - & your treatments & your family will get you through this. You have a lot left to write & play - besides - all of us in Maine would love to see you here at "home" again! Please be well, our prayers and thoughts are with you everyday. The words sound trite - but they are true. ~Marty - Cumberland, ME


Dan, May your deep soul have the power of intention to heal and take all of God's energy into every living cell of your body to heal itself. I too am from Illinois and know your deep roots of sitting in Illinois at the river bank. Go back to that place and into the Colorado mountains you love so much and the seacoast in Maine. These are some of your most private and dear places where you find harmony, peace, and healing. God will follow you and help you wherever you are. Think the most positive things you can and write down how you are going out to play, sing and enjoying the audiences who support you and love you. Write in terms of thanking the universal power and energy who has made you more vibrant than ever. May God hold you each day as you become better and better and better. Bless you, bless you, bless you. Thank you, thank you , and thank you for all you have done so far for me and so many others. You are inspirational to me and have been since 1973. Love, healing, and prayers to you, dearest Dan.~ Laury (born in Illinois and living now in Ohio)


 How do we acknowledge our debt to someone who expresses profound truth as eloquently as Mr. Fogelberg does? I don't know how to do it without sounding silly, so I will just say: Thank you. Hang in there, pal.


 Hello Dan. I was raised on your music from my hippie older brothers and sisters. They were huge fans and soon I began loving your music too. You are the finest poet of our age and it is difficult, I imagine, for you to totally understand the impact you have had on music and artists. You are the voice of not only one age...but many ages, times and generations. In fact, July 29, 2001 Your music must have had a really relaxing effect on my 6 year old son who lost his first tooth in the middle of your concert at Pine Knob. People were calling out songs they wanted to hear and then it got really quiet and my little guy yells out "Down the Road", everyone laughs and out pops the tooth. Anyway...Dan I am so sorry to hear about your cancer. I have great faith in Christ and I know that He has loved you in a very special way all of your life. Your gifts are a testimony to the vast beautifulness of God and how much He loves us all to give us precious gifts we can share with the world. I have put the word out, friend, and you are being upheld by other artists, music lovers and fans all over the United States. We serve a mighty God and He will be near you even at this moment. Praying for you and your family as you journey on this path. may God grant you peace, health, healing and hope. ~ Laurie Abbott, Bloomfield Hills, MI


 Dan, The inspiration that you have given to me can now be repayed. I became a songwriter after seeing how you crafted your works. After a semi-successful twenty year career, I'm am still learning from you. I was shocked to hear of your diagnosis. I know that you will overcome this. You have so much more to give . I dedicated my performance last night to you. After playing a set of your music, I ended with "Ever On". I can tell you that the audience was moved and very appreciative of your talents. My best to you, and to Jean, and your families, and I wish you a speedy treatment and recovery ~ James Long, Manasquan, N.J.


 Dear Dan, We wish you all the best as you deal with this- you have to believe you will be fine- you are in our prayers ~ Jennifer & Walt


 Thank you for all the wonderful years of music. I've been a fan since '75. We wish you all the best and a speedy recovery...We'll see you on tour in North Carolina next time you're here!!! ~ -Jeanette in Raleigh, N.C.


 Dearest Dan, you have been such a joy and inspiration for me throughout my life. You've helped through many trying and happy times. You helped my best friend through her only daughter's fight with cancer, {which she won!!} and helped her heal to be able to talk about it with us which she couldn't do. We played your DVD and felt like your did truly "Let it shine" for us. So, I can only imagine all this good and joy will come back to you threefold at the very least. I have several friends who have done this prostate battle and have won, all healed and gratefully appreciating life! I will pray for your safety and recovery, all our love ~ Nancy McAlpin


 Dear Dan, I have been so sad since hearing the news of your illness. I was 13 when my sister introduced me to your music. I was instantly hooked and you've been my favorite singer-songwriter ever since. I wish you a speedy recovery and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. My best wishes to you and your family. I know you will be okay. Can't wait to hear you play again sometime soon. You're the best, Dan!!!! Take care. Love ~ Shelley Lundgren, Red Oak, Iowa


 Dan Fogelberg, I don't, as a rule, send emails to strangers, but your music has been a good friend for many years. I wish you a quick and complete recovery. ~ Bruce Alcorn, Colorado


 Dan, our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Our wish for you is a speedy recovery and that you are surrounded by the warmth of family and friends during this difficult time. Stay positive and fight on!!! ~ Sue & Tim Brown, Delaware


 Hi Dan, I'm a 10-year cancer survivor, and I can honestly say that, in the ways that count, cancer had a very positive impact on my life. You'll never look at your family, friends, and life, in general, the same again. Your music is beautiful, and I know you will find more inspiration than ever before to write and sing about. You're in my prayers ~ Kate Conover, Wyckoff, NJ


 Hi,  My wife and I were just cataloging CD's and she said. "I wonder if Dan Fogelberg still tours?" I decided to check the web only to discover your announcement regarding your tour. My wife and I are so sorry to hear you're ill and we wish you all the best in your recovery. I remember seeing your acoustic tour in Flagstaff when I attended NAU in the mid/late 80's. It was a wonderful show and I hope we'll be able to see you again in the future. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. ~ Dan Lesser


 Dear Dan, how do you say thanks for so many years of great music & lyrics? You have touched my heart like no other musician ever. I am sending up my prayers for your complete recovery & hope to see you on the road again as soon as possible. You have a kind & loving spirit & I pray God heals you completely. Take Care ~ Linda


 Dear Dan, You are and always have been the source of my fondest musical memories. My wife and I will continue to pray for your speedy recovery and continued success. Your music has truly taught me how to love life...hold on to it. A True Fan ~ Rick Toedtman


 Dear Dan;  I just wanted to let you know that you and your family will be in our thoughts and prayers. You are the most incredible musician I've ever heard and it is apparent that your music has touched and blessed the lives of many people. It certainly has mine. I wish you a speedy recovery. Sincerely ~ Greg & Lois Stewart, Richmond, Virginia


 Dan, Your music has been a major part of my life since the early 70's. I have lost track of how many times I have seen you in concert. When I met my husband in 1995 I turned him on to your gifted talent and he is now a true fan. A prayer for your recovery and long life will be in my daily prayers. God Bless. ~ Angela & Charles


 Dan, I was saddened to hear of your recent diagnosis and my sincere hope is for your complete recovery. May you find strength in your heart, family, friends and the many who have taken pleasure in your musical journey. ~ Randall Dalton, Varna, IL


 Dan, Your music has been the soundtrack to my life for 30 years now. It has enhanced the highs and tempered the lows. I only hope that the prayers and good wishes you are receiving will be as big of a support to you through this trying time as your music has been to me and all of the other fans you have touched. Best wishes for a fast and complete recovery. Ever on! ~ John Lang, Syosset, NY


 Dan, Your music has helped me to heal since I was a child. Listening to my older brother's albums I found comfort and solace during a time of great adversity and pain as I am a survivor of child abuse. I do not have your gift of song but I have always viewed it as a form of prayer and healing. All I have to offer are my prayers and respect of your need for privacy, most especially at this time.Thank You and God Bless ~ Rosie


 Dan: Our thoughts and prayers are with you now as you face this difficult time. Many times your words and music have been an inspiration to us and now we hope we can somehow return some of it to you. Many a positive vibes will be coming your way each night I perform, as I will ask the audience to sing along on a song for you. Peace be to you and God bless.~ Randy and Trish, St. Charles, Mo.


 I first heard the album, "Souvenirs" in 1975, and have been a fan since. You were a huge influence during my high school years, and I bought all and anything you were on. I wish you all the best with this battle, and look forward to seeing you in concert very soon. My best memory is when you performed at Pine Knob outside of Detroit, in the mid 70's, and at the end of the concert Glenn Frey came to the stage to play.....what an amazing night, as I am also a huge Eagles fan. Thanks for all the beautiful music. Be well, and get well. ~ Shari from Michigan


 Dan, From the great State of Maine, we wish you and yours the best and hope for your quick return. Listening to your music and lyrics has touched so many lives. Be assured, our thoughts and prayers are with you. Until then, Godspeed. ~ B.J. Cloutier, South Portland, ME


 Dan - Just returned from Promise Keepers and a good deal of the weekend was spent sharing my long standing love of your music with a close friend, and then singing your music into the wee hours of the morning. Your music has been like a close friend lifting me up in down times, and making good times a little sweeter. May God bless you with his healing grace and comfort your loved ones as you recover. Thanks so much for enriching our lives with your words and music. ~ James Smith, South Elgin, IL.


 Dan, We met a long time ago in the 80's at Cafe Central on Columbus Avenue in NYC. I got an autograph from you for my sister. And you got one from me for someone in your family as I had been in "Beatlemania" back then and they were a fan. I'll say the same thing I told you then. Thanks for all the good music and feelings it gave me. I hope things work out well and I'll be hearing more of the same for years to come. All the best ~ Mitch Weissman


 Dan and family. I love your music....It has often provided the sound track to my life. I have it on vinyl, tape and now CD! I wish you the best in your battle. My prayers are with you. ~ Joyce Doull


 Dan, I've sat down at my computer every day this week since hearing your news .I've tried to send a message to you but I'm having such trouble putting the right words together.....Here goes: Although I've never had the privilege of meeting you in person, I feel like I've just been informed of a family member's diagnosis of cancer. I know it probably sounds crazy to you, but you have no idea what a huge part you've played in my life since first seeing you in Princeton, NJ (with Tim W.) back in 1977. How many artists do you know that stay one's absolute favorite for twenty-seven years? I've taken a lot of "ribbing" from my husband and two sons (as well as mom, brothers, friends, etc.) for being a "Dan Groupie"!! You know what? They're right! I'll admit it! You can't believe the things I've done to get great tickets to see you--you'd crack up if you heard them all. But my best story is back in the summer of 1998 when I flew out to Montana (from NJ) with my two boys and Grandma to visit my brother and spend some time down in Yellowstone. While surfing the net, I found out that you would be performing at Red Rocks the next weekend. The wheels started turning and the next thing you know I'm talking my mother, brother, sister-in-law, niece, and two sons into taking a road trip for the weekend down to Denver. They knew how much it would mean to me so they all agreed. What a blast to see you perform there...It was by far the most awesome concert (as compared to the twenty-something others I've been to in NJ, NY, PA over the years). Do you see what I mean? You touch lives...and now I want to touch your life by praying everyday for a fast, full recovery. I have a lot of faith in you Dan-I know you can beat this. Enjoy sailing on the great Maine sea and please know that you're in my thoughts and prayers every day...Always ~ Maureen from NJ


 Dan, Your music has been an inspiration to me for the last 30 years of my life. I hope and pray for the best for you, stay strong and positive and soon this tough time in your life will be nothing but a faded memory. Take care ~ Mike


 Just a short note to let you know my thoughts are with you and your loved ones. I have greatly enjoyed your music over the years, and wish you a speedy recovery. I eagerly await your next tour. Take care and God Bless ~ Brian from Delaware


 Sending you positive thoughts and prayers from Pekin, Illinois. From a 1973 PCHS graduate, and long time fan (I still have the 8-track of Souvenirs) : ) ~ Marla


Wow, I heard on the news yesterday, and was surprised at how sad I are an old friend to me and you didn't even know it, nor did I, I guess!! I will say a prayer for you and your family to be strong and have faith. You have given so much to me over the years--I turned to your music in the saddest of times in my life.... I hope to give a little back to you. God bless you from a fan of 27 years in Gallup, New Mexico ~ Lydia


 Dear Dan, Your music has been a part of our lives since we met over 25 years ago. We love all your music and your albums....We will keep you and your family in our thoughts and prayers, and wish you well through this time. We look forward to your recovery and to the next concert. In peace, and love ~ Al and Denise


 Dan, I thank you for the music and sharing your stories from your heart. Your music became part of the soundtrack of my life--especially the college years in the 1970's. I am praying for you, your family, your recovery and the restoration of your good health. Be strong. "The LORD will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail." Isaiah 58:11 ~ Melanie from "Old Tennessee"


 Dear Dan, My name is Marla Heiler and I live in GIlbert, Arizona. I was devasted today when I read in the paper of your recent diagnosis. I have been a huge fan of yours for over 20 years. You are, and will always be, my favorite musician! Though we have never met, I have prayed for you through the years, as I felt a connection to you through your music. I know God exists and I also know Jesus exists and I will especially be praying for you and your complete healing now! I cannot begin to express how much your music and lyrics mean to me and how often I have used them in times of struggles. "Part of the Plan" is my all time favorite, followed closely by "Believe in Me" and "Run for the Roses". (I wanted to be a jockey, cuz my dad raised thoroughbreds in Ohio, but I am 5"11", so that never worked out, I drank ALOT of milk!!!) haha. Please remember that God is with you and your family and know how loved you are! I am praying everyday for you. Love and prayers ~ Marla

Dan, This is the first time I have ever written to any of my favorite people. I know that the effect your music has had on my life, deserved a small thought to you in return. As a young man your songs had made such and had such a tremendous effect on my life, Sweet Magnolia (And The Traveling Salesman), Same Old Lang Syne still conjure up memories that flow in when I hear them. It is hard to believe how fast our lives travel. Back in the 80's I saw you at the Sunrise Music Theater in South Florida and my wife asked you for the glass you had on stage. Thanks so much for giving it to her. I cannot express in words how that made her feel. My teenage daughters now in their 20's also have a great appreciation for fine music. May God bless you and your family in this difficult time. Best regards ~ John S. Kraus


 My prayers are with Dan and his family at this time. I wish him peace and the strength to come through his treatments and enjoy good health once again. God bless and God speed with your recovery ~ Marilyn


 I only just heard of your diagnosis (and that you're receiving treatment) 2 nights ago. You've been in my prayers from that moment, and will continue to be. It's the least I can do for someone who's brought beautiful music to my ears and my soul. God bles ~ Karen Fitzgerald, Staunton, VA


 Dan, I was deeply saddened when I heard the news yesterday. I've been listening to you since "Homefree". To merely say I am a fan, would be an extreme understatement. Your words and music have been a beacon in my life. My thoughts and prayers are with you and I wish you the speediest of recoveries. ~ Jeff Intravaia - Flanders, NJ


 Dan: I was introduced to your music by my wife and a good friend, David. I came to the States in 1979 from England, so your song "Forefathers" really hit a chord in my soul. As a healthcare professional I have seen many truly remarkable things happen, when faith, love and medicine combine to bring light to the darkest moment. Look at it this way, when you are healed, you will be able to express your feelings in a way many people in a bad situation will be able to relate to. I look forward to hearing the first songs you write once you have beaten this thing. ~ Geoff and Susan Utley


 Dan, You have always brightened peoples lives with your music. My family know the power of prayer and how prayer can be answered. My wife and I have had the pleasure of seeing you in conccert with your band in Atlanta, and acoustic in Myrtle Beach, your only visit to our Myrtle Beach. The show was not well attended, but your fans who did attend witnessed a wonderful concert in an intimate setting. Our prayers are with you and your family.~ Tom Mazenko


 Don't Lose Heart Dan. ~ Robert Salucci, Westlake Village, CA


 Dan - Your music has been a huge part of my life for over 3 decades. I can't thank you enough for what it has meant to me. You and Jean will be in my prayers. You are the best! God bless ~ Linda Fortier, Orlando, FL


 To Dan Fogelberg, I have loved your music for decades and I am so sorry to hear of your illness. My prayer for you and your beautiful wife is that you both acknowledge God's presence in your life daily. Ask Him for strength, courage, direction and a never failing faith. I will keep you in my daily prayers. Fondly ~ Susan


 Dear Dan, Many wishes for a full and speedy recovery. Your music has been a part of our lives for many years, college in the 70's (Whoa!), our courtship and beyond. We spent our 25th wedding anniversary in 2002 at Red Rocks, a perfect evening. We have seen you live more times than we can remember, every time a wonderful experience. Thank you for so much poignant, beautiful and rockn' music, that has marked many events in our lives. Our positive thoughts will be with you and your family and we will catch you the next time you visit the Bay Area. ~ Laurel and Mike Oxsen, San Jose, CA


 Dan, where do I begin. What you have here is your garden variety 50 year old guy, sitting at his computer, tears welling up in his eyes and not knowing what to say. I have been a fan since the beginning. Your music and words have been in my head for so long. There have been so many times during my life that I have used a phrase or verse from your songs whether it was to a lover, friend or child (especially for guidance)...I have admired you, respected you and have even been jealous of you (you would have laughed if you were in my car as I try to prove I could sing as beautifully as you...NOT). Love your music, especially with your wooden buddies, your words and your inspiration. Good luck to you as you follow the path of " your plan". You will be in my thoughts and prayers. One more thing, and I think I speak for all of your fans, new and old, I HOPE YOU KNOW ! ~ Dan from New Jersey


 Dan, Please know that my prayers go out for you now during this time of healing. I am sending you enormous blast of white light as the miracle of your recovery progresses. Come the first day of spring, I will celebrate eighteen years cancer free, and sometimes I think the only reason I am still here is to encourage others who have landed on this path. Creator often does not disclose the "Wherefores and Whys", so I just trust and write as Spirit moves me. I pray also for your wife and her love, gentleness, strenght, and courage. She will be your best medicine, trust me on that. Every moment is a gift. We sometimes enter each others lives for mere moments, or big lessons, or years of sharing, but every moment is a gift not to be squandered.I do wish I had been less shy and cautious in my youth, less afraid to reach out. San Francisco, Charles Dickens Christmas Faire, 1973. A playful and innocent encounter, but one I cherish to this day. I see you happy and healthy and creative, surrounded by the ones you love in a part of the world that brings you joy and inspiration, so you may continue to bring joy and inspire others. So be it. Love, always ~ Lucia D'Angelo


 Dan,  I am one of the millions of people whose lives you have had a tremendous impact on. You have inspired and healed me on more than one occasion over the years. I wish I could repay the favor. You have such a beautiful and deep spirit and I pray you will draw upon that for your strength and vision through this difficult time. Remember, there is magic every moment and miracles each day! I wish you all the best. Love, ~ Cindy Rothwell, Bradenton, FL


 Dan, My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family. I have enjoyed your music for many many years, and know that you will have many more years of music. ~ PM. Denver


 The best concert I have ever attended was when you came solo to the Louisville Gardens. My thoughts and prayers are with you now


 Dan: You have been one of the most constant aspects of my life since 1976. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family as you meet this challenge. Please know many people love you and your music from out here in the darkness beyond the stage lights. God bless ~ Beth Hanggeli, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho


 Dan, I've been a big fan of your's for a long time. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Stay focused, and you will win this fight. God Bless ~ Bruno


 Dan, The original version of "To the Morning" from the vinyl version of your first album is still my favorite song of yours. It is a beautiful beautiful song in that simple first version. I first heard of it and you when Kshe radio played it in Miami while I was sitting on the beach at dawn years ago. They must have played it every hour the whole time I was down there. The words have always stuck with me and the song has a meaning for me that maybe you didn't intend at the time. Each dawn brings a new day. It all plays out. It will happen as it's going to happen. All you can say is come on morning. We're all travelling in this same universe flow. And tomorrow it starts all over again.


 You've given others so much through your wonderful music. May it all come back to you a thousandfold in the form of renewed health and strength. God bless you and your family during this time. ~ Mary Lee. Chapman, San Antonio TX


 Your words have been a part of my life for 30 years or so. I hope the words found here will bring you strength and comfort. Please allow us to uplift you, your wife and your family with the same inspiration you have always so generously shared. May the Creator bless you with peace and grace for the journey. One day at a time, all will be well. ~ Namaste, Sandi


 Dear Dan, As a 48 year old woman, I can barely remember life before your words and music touched my heart. As long ago as the mid-70's and as recently as last year, my husband and I have sat in concert audiences singing your songs along with you - reminded through your words of some of the most important aspects of life. My daughters knew your voice from (perhaps) before they were born and I cannot tell you how wonderful it is to hear our piano come alive with your pieces each time our older daughter returns from college. Your entire body of work has both influenced and reflected so much of my family's life and been a profound part of our days - in the ordinary and special moments alike.Your gentle and incredible spirit has made you a part of the tapestry of so many people's lives - undoubtedly, you are in all our hearts and in all our thoughts... and in all our prayers. As the goodness you have sent out into this world returns to you, I pray you will find the love, comfort and strength you need for these times. May you be lifted into recovery and good health by the spirit of love that surrounds you. God speed. ~ Dyane Carrere and family (Reading, Pennsylvania)


 Dan, I've loved your music since I first heard your work as a teenager in the early 80s. I know your positive mental attitude, God's love and the prayers of all of your fans will see you through this. Stay positive and come back to Peoria soon. Love ~ Valerie


 Dearest Dan, You were instrumental in my growth as an adult and a person. Your music moved my very soul. I have been in many an audience at your performances, and I fell in love with the artist, the man, and certainly the talent. Your illness saddens me, and my prayers and thoughts are with you. I wish you a speedy and complete recovery, and hope you are soon home in this amazingly beautiful state that we share as home. I love you, for all you are and all you give in your music! ~ Linda Johnston, Loveland, Colorado


 Hi Dan: I feel like you are an old and dear friend. Your music has been a part of my life for over 30 years - I remember hearing "Part of the Plan" my first year in college and I have been listening ever since. I can't begin to tell you how much your music has meant to me. Most all your songs bring back some sort of memory for me. "Magic Every Moment" holds a special place in my heart - it helped to ease me through my own battle with cancer 10 years ago. My "River of Souls" CD went with me to every chemo treatment and "Magic Every Moment" never failed to make me feel uplifted. My thoughts and prayers are with you. May God bless you and your family and I wish you a speedy recovery. - Jill Bowman, Jamestown, NC


 Dan and Jean, When I read the news about the diagnosis, my heart jumped. You see, the man who inspired me to learn guitar is supposed to be invincible, not subject to mundane earthly concerns like the rest of us. That's silly, of course, but that is how much your playing and songwriting mean to me. I'm sending as much positive energy as I can muster; I hope it will help in some small way. Be well ~ Stace Johnson (former Durangotang, still a current Coloradoan)


 Dan, You and your music have touched me like no man. I heard "Home Free" in 1972, when I was in college, and working for CBS Records. I 'd never heard a grown man sound so beautiful. Songs like " The Show", " The Artist and The Actress", and your whole first album are what innocence was,. a long time ago. Please get fondest thoughts, and prayers are with you. ~ Joe Soja


 Dan, The power of prayer is the most powerful healer, may God bless you and your family. You will be in my thoughts and prayers as you travel this challenging path. As you have touched so many of us may we return the favor. God Bless - Keep the Faith! ~ Lois, Haverhill, MA


 Along with thousands of others, I've been listening and feeling your words and music for the past 25+ years, the first time being at Old Dominion Univ. in Norfolk, VA. I even had one of your songs sung at my wedding! I hope those doctors realize what a precious soul they are working to save! Keep the faith, and know we're all still out here praying for you and dreaming of how great your next album will be. ~ Connie Anderson


 Dan, My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this time. I have grown up listening to you and the album The Innocent Age played a great part in that growing up. I saw you in Buffalo on your last tour and when you came on stage, it was like seeing an old friend whom I hadn't seen in a long long time. So, my friend, take one day at a time and know that my thoughts and heart are with you and your family. Take special care. ~ Suzanne Sinclair, Buffalo NY


 Dan, as all the rest, my thoughts and prayers are with you at this time in your life. My husband went to school with you and you have always held a special place in our hearts. Today I listened to Leader Of The Band and I had not heard it since my dad passed definately hit me in a different way now. I send you wishes for a speedy recovery. ~ Pat Willis


 God will see you through this. You have made a great journey with your music and I pray that faith will be beside you at this difficult time. From one of  your loyal fans. Prayers ~ Donna


 I wish you the best of luck as you fight this disease. I was also diagnosed with prostate cancer at a young age and so I know, you can win. God bless you and your family. ~ Mike Mangan


 Dearest Dan, Bless you in this time of your life, that you will heal very soon. Your Spirit is strong. Who I am, what I have become in my life is in part of your doing. You have changed my life for the better. I have so much that I could say but your music, what you stand for, and believe in says it all. Your Fans love you and stand by you in this time, never forget that. My son Jake says your name every time we put your CD on in the car. He is 3 and I say "Jake who is on the radio". He says " Fogelberg". WE LOVE YOU, FOREVER!!! Ever on ~ Falita from Chicago!!!


 Dan, You and your music have touched my soul, beginning way back with your "Souvenirs" album. Really, truly, your music has lifted my soul and been part of me ever since then. My only wish is that I could somehow give back to you now just a fraction of the energy and spirit you have given me all these years. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Best Wishes ~ Peter Williams, Harleysville, PA


 Dan, My prayers are with you and your family as you go through this journey. I am a nurse and had been a cancer nurse for 12 years. It is a path no one wants to take. I pray you can draw upon your faith and art to move you through. You are a gift to this world. I want to tell you how you have been a gift to my life. I have heard your music since I was in junior high. I can even remember when and where I first heard your song "Nether Lands." I listened to you hiking through the Pacific Crest Trail in the Pacific Northwest. I listened to your Christmas album while in labor with my fourth child. It was a long labor, so I heard it more than once. I have even been able to see you in concert twice. You have been a constant in my life. Thank-you.


As a nurse, I am reminding you to take it easy. Listen to your body and always tell the doctor what you are feeling. They need to know everything to give you the best care. And, if I was your nurse, I think I would faint being in your presence. I look forward to seeing you and your guitar again in concert. By the way, the Guthrie in Minneapolis would be a great place, but not until you feel great. God's peace ~ Karen Treat


Dear Dan: What to say, where to start? I am a 40y/o guitarist singer-songwriter that has listened to you since I was 12 y/o. Even grew my hair long back then because of the Souvenirs album! LOL! I currently teach high school English at an Arts High School, and many or your songs have worked there way into my curriculum over the years. I guess what I really wanted to say was you're in my prayers, my heart, I love you and wish you and your family all the best ,Dan. Thank you for everything. Kindest Regards ~ Tony Deziel, Bethlehem, CT


 Dear Dan, We have been fans of your music for 29 years since the year we married in 1975, and we often felt like your music was the backdrop to our married life. There were milestones we celebrated with your music including the birth of our youngest son that coincided with the release of "Longer". No other artist's work touched us with the heartfelt emotions, and beauty of your lyrics and musicianship like yours. We have had the privilege of seeing you in concert over the years between 1976 and 2000 a total of 8 times. Each time we saw you we couldn't imagine it getting any better, the concerts were so awesome, and yet each time you were better than the time before. We thank you so much for sharing yourself with us through the amazing gift you've been given. The past few years have been difficult ones as my husband had been suffering from a series of bouts with illness and surgeries, one which was a cancer scare that turned out not to be cancer. He has improved and we thank God. I'm a breast cancer survivor and several members of my immediate family are also survivors of various forms of cancer. It was love and faith in God that has gotten us through it all. Put your trust in Him and place your life in His loving care. He loves you! We are praying for you to be healed and that you will have many more years to love and be loved by your wife Jean, your family and your fans. "In all these things, we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us" Romans 8:37 May God's peace be yours. God bless you. Love ~ Judy & Michael Knight Largo, FL


 Dan, Your music has been a real inspiration over the years, and in particular helped me get through some difficult times in college. You are in my thoughts and I wish you well. Best regards ~ Martin Schwartz


 Dan, your father was one of my great musical influences at Pekin High School. I am in professional music and ministry today, largely because of his pushing me in that direction. I remember him sharing your early successes as "Part Of The Plan" was just coming together, and I remember meeting you on one occasion when you came to see him. "Innocent Age" is still one of the best albums ever. My daughter struggled with cancer, as has my father. The Lord has led both through this maze with grace. I hope he will with you, too. ~ Joe Hesh, Pekin High School Class of 1972


 My thoughts and prayers are with you!!! Just wanted to say that your music has always been a spiritual inspiration. I love your music and may god bless you. ~ Patti


 Dan, My thoughts and prayers will be with you as you win this battle! I grew up with your music and wish you and your family all the best. Sincerely, ~ Ken Ferguson, Arlington, TX


 Dear Dan, My prayers are for ya. Hang in there and I'll bet you will end up around for many years to come. Cancer is something you can overcome. I know because I've beaten it a few times myself. Take care, Patricia


 You and I are the same age Dan and I have gone through my life with your music in my head and soul. My prayers are with you and your family. You CAN beat this. ~ Ted Graham


 Mr. Fogelberg, I was channel surfing last Friday night and caught a tidbit of info on you courtesy of Mary Hart on ET. I am sorry for your setback and hope that you will make a full recovery. I've read quite a few entries of wishes for you and realized that there are quite a few of us out there who have journeyed with you through life. I don't know if you'll read any of these, but if you do, I just want you to know that Nether Lands is my favorite album. I once heard you comment that it wasn't a very good contraire! I've loved it all these years. Get well and thanks for all these decades of great tunes! ~ a fellow Illinoisan


 Miracles do happen.good luck to you!


 Dear Dan, My best wishes for a speedy recovery and a long life. I've enjoyed your music since the second LP, and have had the pleasure of seeing you live numerous times. The last time was at Konocti Harbor in Clear Lake. Driving back to San Francisco the next morning my girlfriend had pains in arm, we stopped at a fire station, they took her to the hospital, and she ended up having emergency triple bypass surgery. We always kid that your show was a real "heart stopper." She's is fine now, and we hope you will be too. ~ Don Ford, Sausalito, CA


 Dear Dan: Your music has been an inspiration in my life. …Be strong and courageous. Do not be scared; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you...Joshua 1:9-10 NIV. My prayers are with you, ~ Joseph - Tampa, FL


 I pray to give to you what you have given to me for over 30 years. Hope - Courage - Strength - Acceptance - Peace. Take comfort in knowing YOU are in many prayers! I do! I look forward to seeing you at your next concert!!! God's love is shinning on you! With abundant love and great thanks ~ Cindy Titus, Santa Rosa, California


 Dan Fogelberg, the man as well as his incredible music, has been the troubador underscoring my life for the past four decades. From "Home Free" to "Full Circle", his lyrics and soulful musicianship have flowed through the highs and lows of many, many days and nights. Dan, you never lost your poet mother's gift of words or the skill from your father to master any instrument you set your hand to. May all the blessings you bestowed on others through the years return to you tenfold, now so richly deserved in a life well-spent. Best wishes to you and your family for a full recovery! ~ D. L. Tanner


 Dear Dan, I've been a fan for many, many years and finally last year Iwas able to see you in concert. I was going through a difficult time in my life and your glorious music gave healing to my soul. Thank you. now in this difficult time, may you be blessed with a healing for your body and soul. Love and faith are powerful healers and I, along with all your fans, am sending both to you. We fight the battle with you through our thoughts and prayers. ~ Kathy (Dayton,Ohio)


 Dear Dan: I was saddened by the news of your diagnosis. I have been a fan since the 70's and have seen you perform live several times. Your words and music always inspire and move me. I wish I could tell you which of your songs is my favorite, but it is impossible to narrow it down. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. My father was diagnosed with Stage IV cancer earlier this year and is now in remission. Miracles do happen. You have to believe (I'm sure you do). Do everything your doctors tell you, be strong, yell, scream, and cry if you have to, but always keep positive thoughts, look towards the future and know that all the people you have touched through your words and music are now reaching out to touch you through prayer. Thank you for sharing your incredible talent with world. ~ Linda A -Egg Harbor Township, NJ


 I, too, am a survivor. I just want you to know it isn't wrong to be "informed", to ask questions and to be active in your treatment plans. Everyone reacts differently to their treatments but it is through the trials of others that we get educated. Each day God gives us is a gift, and as such we "survivors" have something most people don't have. We have a powerful respect for time. Thank you for the beauty that you have shared through your music. My prayers are with you and yours. ~ Sherry J., San Jose, Illinois


 Sending a daily dose of prayer for your recovery. ~ Judi


 Dan, My husband of 13 years and I have always loved your music and found that you were our favorite even before we met. Your music is so real and so touching. Know that you have touched many lives and we are all praying for you. Don't give up ever!!!! Try accupuncture for support during this time of need. It is a wonderful way to support your immune system. You are a light of love in this world, may you feel our light and support as you travel down this path. Blessings Be. ~ Tom and Cynthia Haase, Tampa, FL


 God Speed and Well Wishes. My Dad had Prostate cancer and with treatment and the will he overcame his problem as I hope and pray for you and your family's good health and wishes.


 Hello Dan. Just want you to know that we are praying for a full recovery and discard of the cancer! I grew down in Texas up learning guitar playing to yours, the NGDB, and Michael Murphy and always have considered you guys my heros! I still listen to your tapes and Cd's ."High Country Snow" is my favorite. I am out East in Virginia now involved in bluegrass and still get opportunities to turn someone on to that great recording from time to time. God bless and take care of you and hope to see you down the road! ~ David Roye


 A song writer, like a teacher, touches the lives of so many. Throughout your life, you have no way of knowing the lives you have touched. No way. For years, you have brought us through - and have been with us - through your music. Through the years, your music has spoken to us in places and ways like nothing else. Your music sheds light on the trials of life - bringing the bright possibilities of the future in focus. May our prayers and thoughts send you an energy that brings with it the all of the possibilities for a wonderful, successful and special time in your life. Know that you are loved by people that consider you a true friend, yet we are people you have never met. That is a true statement to the power of your music and the impact of your life. My words don't seem to show the depth needed to say thank you the way it should be said. Bless you - love, strength, and power to you and all are in your circle of life. ~ Barbara, Louisiana


 Merry Meet, I read in my local paper the news regarding Dan and was saddened to hear about it. (I live in New England). I've been a listener for about 25 years (since I was 13) and been living my life as a graphic artist, wife, and mother. Dan's music would either set me in the correct mood or help set the season I'm having at the current momemt. (Phoenix is a Summer album, while Nether Lands is an Autumn album for example). Three years ago, my husband at 33 needed a heart transplant due to a birth defect. Going back and forth to Boston where he was hospitalized while taking care of an 18 month old and life in general was very tough. Luckily, on July 30th, he received a new lease on life and is doing great since. I can sympathize with Jean on her emotions at the moment. I pray that she will be strong for herself while she's being Dan's main source of support while he's in treatment. Bright Blessings to All concerned, may a radient blue light of healing touch those who need it most...So Mote it Be! Merry Part ~ Robin Newton


 Dear Dan, I know you have the power to beat this nasty illness in record time. I'm walking the spirit trail in your honor. I've loved your music and its message for three decades now and my son and I hope to see you at Red Rocks many times in the future. Love and good wishes to you, your family and all you hold dear - Godspeed on your journey.


 Dear Dan, As a realitively new fan of yours I have listened to you exclusively over the past few years and I hold you and your talent in the highest of regards. The depth of your talent is, in my estimation, unmatched. You are the most COMPLETE musician I have ever heard. Thank you for sharing this wonderful gift you have with the world. To say I am disappointed and concerned is an understatement, but I believe in my heart you will come through and bless us with your talent once more. All our best for a speedy recovery. ~ Jim&Bobbie Shea, Middletown,NY


 Listening to the sounds of your music intertwined with the sounds of my husband playing along in a tribute ....the beautiful lyrics intertwined with the beautiful music .....souls in harmony.....not knowing but still in a harmony that transcends.


 I cried upon hearing the news, but I know that with all of our prayers you can win this fight. I will pray daily for your complete recovery. I have been a huge fan for over 30 years, and I listen to your music always. ~ Holly, Berkeley, Illinois


 Dear Daniel, Love that name. I named my first son Matthew Daniel. I'm truly sorry hearing about your rock in the road. May the Lord bless you and keep you. You will overcome this rock. Your song will be sweet and be a blessing to all who have this rock in their road too. Keep looking forward don't listen to negative talk. I've listened to your music and words since I was 15 and that was long time ago now. :-) I will pray for healing. I know it's hard to deal with at times. I have had too many family and friends with cancer. That's all I'll say. Just pray. This song comes to mind...along the road . :-) Love in Christ ~ Mindy


 Dan, don't feel any regret at all for cancelling the fall tour. Your health is the most important issue and your priority is to take care of yourself. We your fans are behind you all the way and we want you to stay around for many years. Your music is awesomely inspirational and ~you are the best!!! ~ Greg & Tracey


 Dan, ultimately there is no way for me to express my gratitude to you for the countless amount of hours you have entertained myself, and the millions of your fans that Love you. But, in some way, I hope that you can feel the Love that your fans feel for you with all of these letters that have been written to you. May God Bless You and help you to overcome this illness, with as little pain as possible. We all look forward to hearing you, seeing you, once you are healthy enough to resume playing, recording and touring again, which I have no doubt you will. I have to admit that when I heard about your illness, I was devastated. After having read many of the letters sent here to you though, I have been greatly encouraged to read of those that have either conquered this illness, or have loved ones that have. Take as much time as you need to overcome this, knowing that we are praying for you. With Love and Support ~ Dennis Howard, Placerville,Ca.


My prayers are with you and your family. Thank you ~ Debs (Debbie Falero)


 Dan, I saw you in concert for the first time last year in Raleigh, NC. I was 40. I have been listening to your music since I was 12 years old! My older sister had your Homefree Album and I was so moved by Stars. I grew up in a Methodist Children's Home and your music was my salvation. I have been a faithful follower ever since. Your music and outlook on life is so real that it helps to keep me grounded. Thank you for being you. I wish for you courage, strength and laughter to face this disease. You and Jean will be in my thoughts and prayers. Shalom ~ Cynthia Tyson, Apex, NC


 Dear Dan, my heart goes out to you with love and support in this time of healing. You are such an amazing artist and what you have brought to all of us in your music is so astounding. Thank you for a memory I have of dancing at night around my first tiny apartment with your new album on my stereo and telling my roomates that we have to go to your concert when it arrives in L.A .This was 1976 and I can feel it like it was yesterday...We will always need your music. Love and strength to you ~ Suzanne Haltman


 John, Nikki and Lynn send best wishes for all good things! We're big fans!


 I wanted to add to the coments of others, that I too have enjoyed the music and lyrics since the 70's and still today, listen to all of the cd's I have collected over the years. May you have the strength and tenacity to battle this and come back with a wealth of new music as a result of this experience and be able to tour and give the great concerts that I have enjoyed many times in the past. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. ~ Lori


 Dan, I have associated your music with many of my memories over the past 20 years, I can safely say that, in a manner of speaking, you have been with me through many of my life situations..and traveled with me from Massachussets down to Florida. Please feel the peace and love of your faith as you do this right and very neccesary thing by taking the time to take care of yourself. Warm wishes and blessings to both you and your family members as you all support one another through this illness. While I will certainly miss seeing you in Naples, Florida, I will very much look forward to hearing that you are growing stronger and healthier and that I can look forward to seeing you in the future when you and your music will undoubtedly stir up all of those special memories for me once again.God Bless ~ Hope Brack, Naples, Florida


 Dear Dan , I have been a fan for 28 years. It is impossible for me to put into words how you're voice and music has inspired me and filled my life with happiness. Thank you for sharing your exquisite talent and for enriching my life with your beautiful, ethereal voice, lyrics and music. You are truly one of a kind in this world. God bless you and get well soon. All my love and prayers are with you and your family everyday. I can't wait to see you back in Chicago! All my love ~ Debbie in Chicago


 Dan, I'm saddened to hear of your illness but know that you will battle through this and once again fill our ears with your songs. I have been a fan for over 25 years, first connecting with your music as a young teen. Your music and lyrics always seem like an old friend and I continually put on one of your cds when I need a pick me up. Your music has had a profound impact on my life and I look forward to many more years of listening as you. ~ Hal Goldman


 Dan - many thoughts and prayers coming your way. You will overcome it. Have had a no. of clients/friends/associates who have had prostate cancer and have beat it and you will also. In some cases PSA's returned to normal without extensive treatment. In common, most of these people were able to go deep within and find positive thoughts and attitudes. dig deep. Your loved ones (and the rest of us) depend upon it. I have been a tremendous fan since I first heard To The Morning, and have followed you every step of the way since then (have seen you in concert over twenty times). Just know there are many of us out here who are sending you thoughts and prayers.~ Greg from Phila, PA


 Hi Dan - Having been a "Dan" fan pretty much since day one. I cannot remember how many times I have seen you perform live over the last 30 years or so, (at least 25!) and every show was an event much anticipated and fondly remembered. Your music has been an inspiration in my life and its continuing quality, feeling and remarkable ability to vividly mirror "life itself " is a wonderfull gift from God to you and you to us. May God bless you and your family as you fight (and win!) this battle and I am very much looking forward to once again seeing you play next time around - 25 times has not been enough!! ~ Jack Danovich


 Dan & Family, My thoughts and prayers are with you and all who love you. You have inspired me in times of need through your music and now it's time for me to return my prayers to you. I ask that God give you and your loved ones (me included) all that we need to love one another. Peace ~ Michael J. Speier


 Hey Dan, thanks for letting everyone know. Can't imagine what you're going through. I have three friends who have beaten this though and you can beat it too! Listen to your doctors and be an obedient minstrel. ~ DEF, Spring, TX


 Dear Dan and family - I have been following you and your music since high school in the 70's. The very first time I heard your voice it was all over for me. You do have the best voice in the world!!! Anyway I saw you in New Haven CT when you were younger and had longer hair and tie dye shirts and it was possibly my first concert and the best. I have managed to see you at least 5 more times in the Hartford area and the last time I finally got your autograph! It was my 45th birthday and what a great gift! You have been a big part of my life, I always had your music to fall back on. I wish you well, a speedy recovery and lots of love. ~ Robin, Hartford, CT


 Hey Dan, I've enjoyed you're music since the 70's and have had the pleasure of sharing in three of your concerts in Seattle. I've spent countless hours listening to your melodies and words first on LP's and now on CD's. It's brought a lot of pleasure to my life as well as helped me through some difficult times. I wish you a speedy recovery and all the best! ~ Gregg, Anacortes, WA.


 Dan, There's a magic every moment, There's a miracles each day, Oh won't you let the music play. Ever on. Love ~ Dale Benefield, Fairburn, GA


 Dan and family, I wish there was a song I could send to you to help you through this rough time as so many of yours have helped me through many trying times. However, I can only send prayers and the belief that God will help you and your family find the strength you all will need to get through this. Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery. ~ Denise Loreti, Easton, PA


 Hi Dan, I have been very into your music since your first album. From the sidelines I have watched how you songs and style has grown and evolved. I have been to probably a dozen of your performances. Your music has been a part of my life for a long time. It was there to help my thought some rough times. It was played at my wedding. It is still played in my car and home as often as can be. My hopes and prayers are with you and your family. I know you will see this though. And I can not wait to hear you play again. Best wishes ~ J.B.


 Dan, Like everyone else who has spoken to you regarding your health issues, I have added you to my prayer list and ask God for your improved physical condition.I have been a faithful follower and student of your music since your early days in "Ole Tennessee". The Goodletsville Strang Quartet never sounded so good! Get well soon and know that you are loved by more than you will ever know. My wife and I have a special place in our hearts and souls for all you mean to us..If you ever find yourself wanting to spend some time in an isolated part of the Arkansas Ozarks with nothing but quiet as your companion,we have a beautiful place for your use. God bless and thanks to your mother and father for blessing us with you. ~ Ken & Janice Argroves-Memphis


 I heard the news while driving in my car today. Although I was in shock, I somehow thought of several people I needed to call. My sister, friends and I have been going to your concert since 1979. We were at your concert last year in Atlanta. We all laughed to see how we have all "aged" together. So many memories .... so many more to make. You are in our thoughts, prayers and hearts. Not only now. but from time to time, over the years .... everytime we hear a song!! I know you don't listen too much music without lyrics now, but let me tell you. You're lyrics over the years have definately been heard. We all wish you many more years ,for you ,as well as for all of your fans (old and new) ~ The Adairs ~ The Palmers


 Dearest Dan, You have been there for me through your music in joyous and sorrowful times, comforting me and offering words of encouragement. I hope to give back the same. Thank you so much for being a guiding light to us all. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time. Keep the Faith!! ~ Myrna Diaz


 Your music has been an inspiration to me for over the last 25 plus years! I enjoy it immensely. I was really looking forward to the fall tour, it's been quite awhile since I saw you in concert, and you are one of my personal favorites. I was shocked and concerned when I heard you were canceling the tour. I knew it had to be something "big". I also know that you are much bigger than this illness and that you will overcome it. Take good care of yourself as you fight this battle. This is a battle you can definitely win!!!!! All my very best wishes and prayers to you during this challenging time. I look forward to a tour in the near future. Sincerely ~ Barbara


 Dan, Much thoughts and prayers are with you. Life deals us these things as we age. However, this is not The Last Nail, you will be Home Free soon. Love to you ~ Bryan and Renea Jones


 Dear Dan, Thank you for all you've given us. Good luck ~ Kalyn, Springfield, Illinois


 Dear Dan, Please take care of your self. Centering yourself and concentrating on healing are important as well as being thankful for each day. Please don't think me presumptive for suggesting to you how to heal, but working on myself after a long illness I wanted to share my thoughts. Be well ~ Phyllis


 Surely God has enough angelic voices with Him that he can leave this one here for us. ~ looking forward to many more years of being "touched by an angel". You are in my prayers. ~ Christine in Oklahoma


 Dear Dan, I just found out about your illness and I want you to know that I am starting a prayer circle for you and your family. Your music has brought me great healing through out my life and so I hope that these prayers will bring you that same healing back to you!!!! Sincerely ~ Trish


 Dan, I have just recently learned of your illness and my prayers are with you. It seems that i've grown up with you and your gift of song. You have influenced me and my music greatly in short, your family. All love and hope ~ Rex & Tracie Chapman


 Dear Dan and Jean, Sometimes life gives us these strange little gifts. Our creator knows our need to grow and so these challenges come. Having known such challenges myself, Iknow how important it is to let your heart feel everything, the good and bad. Let yourself know the depths as well as the heights and oh, what you will  learn! Cherish all that you are meant to be, both of you, and share deeply of  that blessed love that has come to you at this time in your lives. Everything that happens to us has a higher purpose and will refine and burnish our souls in the fire. May you find the comfort and strength in the spirit and in each other during this battle. Many will pray for your health, Dan. Take hold of all that great energy, wield it as a karmic sword to slay the beast forever. I  know you are held in the most loving arms of your beautiful wife, Jean. You are both so lucky to have found each other and may the spirit bless you both at this time with all that you may need. Love ~ Lin, from Reno


 Immediate prayers are being sent up from this corner of the kingdom. Walk through this time with courage and peace, Dan. We're all behind you. ~ Julie Anne, Virginia


 Dan and Jean, Thanks for sharing your talent with us for so many years. I still play your music frequently on the stereo and on my guitar. Hope you don't mind if I fudge a few chords. "Old Tennessee" is one of my favorites since that is where I live and sometimes I can even hit that second bridge high note. You and your family are in my prayers. ~ Lee


 Dear Dan, Just learned the news of your illness few days ago, and I'm praying for you, your loved ones, and your physicians. I remember when my Dad was diagnosed with the disease, the hardest thing was deciding which type of treatment to choose. I hope you are at peace with your decision and that you have total trust and confidence in your caregivers. At this time, I wish I could give back something to you to thank you for how your music has uplifted me over the years. God Bless You ~ Laura (Atchison, KS)


 Dear Dan, I have been a fan of your music from the beginning. You have given, through your music, so much to all of us... I feel privileged to be able to give back to you and yours in the form of healing thoughts. All the best to you! With affection ~ Debby Rhein


 Dear Dan, I have been a fan of yours since my sister turned me onto you in 1978. I think you have one of the most beautiful and inspiring voices. I can get lost just listening to you. You will be in my prayers and thoughts for a full recovery. I know you will do it! Be brave and postive and I know everything will turn out alright. Love ~ Allison, Lake Worth Florida


 Positive thoughts and prayers are with you and Jean. You said it best - let faith be your guide. ~ Barb


 Dear Dan, Please take care of your self. Centering yourself and concentrating on healing are important as well as being thankful for each day. Please don't think me presumptive for suggesting to you how to heal, but working on myself after a long illness I wanted to share my thoughts. Be well ~ Phyllis


 Dear Dan, Just like many of the others sending their best wishes, I first discovered you in the mid-seventies. Most of my friends were into the harder rock groups or whatever was mainstream at the time. I often felt that you were my own secret in some way. Your music has touched me in so many ways. Being a horse lover, "Run for the Roses" has brought me to tears many times, especially when I saw you in Atlantic City two years ago as it was on the night after the Belmont Stakes was run. Please know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers, and that I am hoping for your speedy recovery.~ Barbara, Galloway, NJ


 Blessings of light to heal you my dearest musical friend. Thanks be to you for sharing your gift. It has enriched so many lives, including mine. You are a very special human being. I am so greatful to have shared in the experience of you. You will be whole again soon. Angel white light all around you. All around. With love and gratitude ~ Shawna (in Boulder,CO)


 Dear Dan and family, When I was a freshman in college in 1974, my friends from Mississippi asked if I was a Fogelberg fan. I said, "Who?". They played me your album and I was hooked. You have been blessed with one of the most beautiful and soothing voices I've ever heard. Your songwriting is phenomenal. When my husband and I met, I found out he was a fan as well. Please know that our prayers are with you and your family. We pray that the Lord's arms of loving kindness and peace will surround you and your family. Sincerely ~ Kelley and Carol Lloyd


 Daniel, out of five or so of your concerts, I remember September of 1981 in Murfreesboro, TN as my wife was 8 months with our firstborn. I guess the first music she ever heard was yours and now she is 22 and on her own which is so appropriate because of the cycles-of-life themes in your music. Please take time to write during this time of your life because we still need to hear your big-sky view of how it all works and I am confident the years ahead will bring your song to us again. God bless and heal you. ~ Richard V. Tennessee


Ecclesiastes 3:12: I have concluded that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to enjoy themselves as long as they live, and also that everyone should eat and drink, and find enjoyment in all his toil, for it is a gift from God.


 Dear Dan, Over the years your music has brought me so much comfort and happiness, especially in some of my darkest times. My hope is that this outpouring of love from your devoted fans provides you with the strength and comfort you have given to all of us by sharing your wonderful gift. You are in my prayers.~ Jennifer in Latrobe, PA


 I can not even begin to tell you how your words and music have been like a sound track to my life. Souvenirs was always in the 8 track player as I dated my husband. Captured Angel when we would break up. Phoeneix as we would get back together. Longer Than played at our wedding in 1984. My husband and I have been so fortunate to have seen you five times, twice in The Woodlands and three times at Red Rocks. (The concerts at Red Rocks were magical.) In September 1994 I was pregnant with my first daughter. My husband and I had tickets to see you on September 14 in The Woodlands and we were looking so forward to it. My doctor felt that we needed to have a c-sect but agreed to let us put it off until September 15 so that we could come to your concert. The whole time you were singing, all of our favorites of course, I kept thinking that tomorrow at this time we would be parents. I sang your songs to both of my daughers when they were babies, I would just put in a CD and sing and rock them and rock them. So you see, you have written the music that accompanies all of my life. Your song To The Morning always comes to mind when I would really just hide in my bed rather than face the challenge put before me.


"And it's going to be a day, there is really no way to say no to the morning

Yes it's going to be a day, there is really nothing left to say but come on morning"

That is really all that you can do - just get up and say "Come on Morning". You keep your spirit strong and just keep on saying "Come on Morning" and I will be keeping you in my prayers. Thank you for singing my soul. Sincerely ~ Melodie Young, Flower Mound, Texas


 Dear Dan: I have followed your music since the 70's. I have always been your fan, and would like very much to thank you for all the wonderful hours you have filled my life, heart and mind with your songs. May Creator watch over you and keep you. Sending prayers and smoke for you and your family. You will always have a special place in my heart...even though we've never met. Toksa ~ Sandie


 Dear Dan, family, friends.Thanks for all the great music you've given us,and thanks in advance for all the great music to come.All the best for a full and rapid recovery. I've seen it happen,and so it will again. Shalom ~ Marshall Stambovsky, MD


 Dan, I first saw you at the Chicago Stadium. If I remember right, you said the concert was booked at the Rosemont Horizon but the Circus bumped you, and you made an off the wall comment that maybe you should join the circus. Then Alpine Valley, then Orlando, then Melbourne, FL, each concert better than the one before. What always caught my eye were the beautiful people that came to hear you play. It occurs to me now that you have rallied an army of kindred spirits, all of us drawn together by your years of incomparable playing and song-writing, and all of us wishing you and yours the very best. ~ Rich B. Vero Beach, FL


 Dear Dan, You are in my thoughts and prayers every day.~ Mary Crawson


 Dan, What can I say, man. As a 48 year old male I certainly can sympathize. I wish you all the best, dude, you've been an inspiration to me for many years now. I've been a devoted listener and player of your music since the early ' 70's. God bless you. Hang in there, baby! ~ Pat Hogan, Fredericksburg, VA


 Dan, I was shocked to hear the news about your health but thankful to know you have such a positive outlook. I have started a prayer chain for you here in Crossville, Tennessee. Your music takes my back to days long ago when my sister was still alive. We saw you in concert together and one time, she had the opportunity to go backstage and meet you in person. Her husband sang at my wedding your song "Longer" and our graduating class song was "Along the Road". My prayers are going up for you daily for healing, strength and comfort for both you and your lovely wife. Keep your eyes on him.....he will leave you nor forsake you God bless ~ Rachel


 I don't pray often, but have been praying daily for your health, Dan. You have brought me many years of happiness with your poetry and music. I have always felt your lyrics were poems. My father recently passed away from complications of Alzheimer's. Even though his mind was not with us most of the time, whenever he heard "Leader of the Band" he would look at me and say, "that man wrote that for his father, didn't he?" He always seemed to pay attention to that song. For that, and the many years you have given your fans, I thank you profusely. Keep your spirits up and I will see you the next time you play St. Louis (or Peoria, as I did last year) once you resume touring. With love and peace ~ Lynne

 Dear Dan, I just wanted to add my heartfelt wishes for your recovery to the countless others that have been sent. I grew up next door in Indiana, I am your age and I am a singer songwriter of much less talent than yourself. My first encounter with your music was Home Free in 1972 and I have listened ever since. I have been to every live show in Indiana that has been at all possible for me to make. I was thrilled when I got hold of Full Circle and heard the great new material that took me back to the beginning of your recording career. My wife Ann and myself have thought of you many times since I heard the news of your illness and you can be sure we are praying and sending all the positive energy your way that we can find. There is no way we can repay what you have given us. We send our love and strength to you and Jean! See You Soon ~ Roger Scales, Indianapolis, IN


 To Dan Fogelberg, wonderful minstrel, your wife and family and loved ones: now and every day I am greatful for the gift of your lives.


 Dear Dan and Jean, Fight the good fight, keep your faith. When you feel tired, lean on the ones you love and who love you.


 Dear Dan & Jean, My prayers are with you both. Dan, I have listened to your music ever since Home Free. You have been an inspiration in my life and I wish you the best at this time. It seems that each one of your songs is attached to a special time in my life. I remember taking my sister and brother-in-law to one of your concerts. It was at Poplar Creek and was an extremely rainy day. I was only able to get lawn seats and remember that the three of us got soaked, but really enjoyed ourselves. My sister was pregnant at the time and we laugh how she had to get down on the grass and try to get comfortable. She said that this concert was on of her favorites. I could go on and on with my memories, but it all boils down to one thing. You have been a stable force in so many peoples' lives and it is now our turn to give back. I wish you all the best and my thoughts and prayers are forever with you. Most Sincerely ~ Linda


 Hi Dan , I was introduced to your music when I was in the 8th grade (I am now in my late 30's) and I have LOVED you and your music ever since. I was sooooo excited I was going see you in November at Turning Stone Casino and was heartbroken when I heard the tour had been cancelled due to your illness. PLEASE GET WELL...SOON. My thoughts and prayers are most definitely with you and your family and when you are well enough to tour again, you can bet there will be millions of us there to welcome you with open arms. Take good care of yourself and I hope that you are able to feel the enormous amount of love and support your fans have for you. GOD BLESS YOU and MUCH LOVE ~ Diane S., Rochester, NY


 Dan- Your music and spirit have truly been the soundtrack of my life for a long time now. I hike, run and ski to all your songs. In fact I had a Dan Fogelberg "marathon" this past weekend. My prayers for a full recovery are being said daily. I hope to see you healthy and strong at Red Rocks next summer! Love and best wishes to you and yours at this most difficult time, we are all pulling for you.~ Karen Arko Denver, CO


 Dear Dan, My thoughts and prayers are with you. Your beautiful music and spirit have always been such an inspiration to me. I pray that God will be with you in this trying time and that his healing power of love will give you the strength you need to get well. I am so glad you have Jean to help you through this time. God bless you.~ Jonathell Meyer


 Dan, With the exception of the fan letter that I wrote to Mighty Mouse in 1955, I have never written a celebrity, so know that this is from the heart! You have shared so much of yourself with us through your music over the years that we do feel connected to you. As so many others as have expressed, I, too have to add that your music still holds such a tender place in my heart. My fondest song association is the memory of listening to "To the Morning" as the sun came up each moring over Heavenly Valley, South Lake Tahoe, 1974. I was "hiding out" there between undergraduate and graduate school, just trying to decide (at the age of 24) what to do next. It was a special time in my life and I am grateful to have your music anchoring the memories. I believe you to truly be the best songwriter of my generation. The love of my life is a cancer survivor, two years past treatment and going strong. I wish you a gentle course of treatment and a full recovery. We hope to see you when you are back on tour. ~ Frances B, Nashville


 From all of those "who knew you when" in Nashville.good luck and godspeed. You are in our hearts, thoughts and prayers.


 Our thoughts and prayers are with you.


 Reading through all these heartfelt messages to you, Dan, I realize how many people you've touched in addition to myself. What more can I say, but I have to try... I played guitar and sang "Longer" to my wife at our wedding, "Nether Lands" still gives me cold chills when I hear your words and orchestrations, my wife cries everytime she hears "The Reach", so many of your songs that never reached the radio that are some of your best work - "Stars", "Sketches", "In The Passage", "Ghosts", "Go Down Easy", "Bones In The Sky".... on and on. "Icarus Ascending" has become my new anthem as someone who flies a hang glider. Thank you my friend for this musical journey throughout your life and mine. I pray for your continued health and recovery, and hope we have more of your music until we are crotchety old men. But one of your lyrics is embedded in my soul, and I repeat it here as a reminder of the journey we are all on: "Death is there to keep us honest and constantly remind us we are free...." ~ MacLean Zehler, Albuquerque, NM


 Dear Dan, My thoughts and my prayers are with you. May God bless you and give you the strength to fight this battle and and live a long and healthy life. You are in my prayers every single day. God Bless. Love ~ Roseann from Middletown NJ


 Please get well and write more music for the world to enjoy. ~ Kirk Campbell


 Dear Dan: While I am not one to usually write "fan letters," given the recent health news to come over the wires, I felt compelled to add my thoughts and prayers. Dan, your special gift has touched the lives of so many of us out there. We have all benefited from your creativity, wisdom, and the beauty that you are able to convey in such touching lyrics and soaring melodies. During this difficult time in your life, it is now our turn, as your fans, to give a little back to you, with our heartfelt prayers and wishes for your speedy and complete recovery. My husband and I have been fans since 1978 and have every album, every CD and every video and have also been fortunate enough to have seen you about five times over the years when you are playing in and around the New York area. Of course, we played "Longer" at our wedding, even though I know it is not one of your favorite songs! Just know there are many, many of us out there who cherish your music and are sending out through the ether, all the positive vibes that we can. Be well! ~ Sandy & Joel, Rego Park, New York


 Dear Dan, Life is certainly full of surprises, and a wide range of experiences. I'm sorry that illness has to be one of them. Your music has been a constant golden thread through my life since I first heard "It's Going to be a Day" way back in 1976. The song "Beggar's Game" was the catalyst for a huge change of heart experience in the early 80's, "The Spirit Trail" and "River of Souls" CD's have been favorite family road music for years. The list goes on - and I'm sure you've heard many such comments from fans over the years. Thank you for sharing your incredible gift of poetry and song with us all. I pray for your comfort through trials and join the millions who hope for a complete recovery for you.~ Debbie Penrod, Reno, Nevada


 Dear Dan, I have loved your music for over twenty years and was looking forward to seeing you in concert this fall. I know that I will get another chance to see you perform because you will get better. I think that you are one of the most talented artists in the world, and I wish you only the best for a speedy recovery. I have had two uncles with prostate cancer, and they are both alive and well today. Please know that your fans love you and are praying for you. Best wishes to you and your family. ~ Amy Napoli, Nashville, TN


 Dan: You have always had great harmony with the earth through your music. May it stay with you now and bring you healing forces, peace and love. ~ Ellen Bell


 Dan: Hang in there. I'm pulling, and praying, for you. ~ Trevor in Texas


 Dan & Jean: I wanted to take a moment and let you know that I will keep you and your family in my prayers. God's strength and power is wonderful and amazing and I know he will be by your side every step along the way. Dan, you're an incredible man and I'm sure you're a wonderful husband. Your music has brought me joy and been a source of strength to me for many years. I remember the first time I ever heard your music (Home Free) in 1976-77 and have been a follower of your music ever since. Enjoyed the Seattle Waterfront Concert Series in 2001 & Woodland Park Zoo (Zoolights) in 2002. I knew something was amiss when I didn't see you on the schedule this summer at Alltel Pavilion at Walnut Creek in Raleigh, NC. In 2003, your concert there was spectacular and I was looking forward to another year of "Dan at Alltel." Therefore, I'll be expecting you next year, Mr. Fogelberg, so don't let me down, you hear me? I wish there was more I could do or say for you, Dan. You've been there for me in more ways than you'll ever know; through your music and your sincere, honest, caring, open-to-your-soul eyes and heart. You are a good man, I don't have to personally know you to know that. God will bless you Dan, that I DO know.~ Tracy Stivers


 Dan I have been a big fan of your since the early 70's. I pray for you and your family that your health will improve and the cancer will disappear. Anything is possible when you put your trust in the Lord. Take care.~ Elaine Turmel


 Dear Dan, I learned of this new challenge you are facing in your life today and my heart just sank. This is something you hope and pray no one has to face in their life. I don't know how you feel, I just know how I feel. When you first hear that you have cancer, time seems to stand still and life, as you have known it, changes forever. Never has it been more clear, that you are not the same person and you will never be that person again. I know I am very scared and despite all the love and support I receive on a daily basis, I can't help but feel that "the other shoe" so to speak will drop too soon. I don't want to leave, but that may not be entirely up to me. However, I do believe that we have an opportunity to gain a unique perspective on a new direction of this journey called "life." I have enjoyed your music for many, many years. The words held a genuine meaning for me throughout my life and I found great comfort, solace and companionship from both the lyrics and the music. It was always reassuring to know in my heart that some of the same emotions I felt were experienced by someone else. Your lyrics spoke volumes to me and stirred a plethora of emotions. Your gift is immense and has touched so many. My heart is full and there is so much more, I selfishly, could share with you. You must always remember that there are an awful lot of "souls" out there looking out for you - thinking of you, praying for you and loving you. ~ Phyllis


 Dan, I'm yet another whose life you have touched with your music. Your songs were played at our wedding 25 years ago and we continue to relive those moments each and every time you come to Red Rocks. Now it is our turn to support you as you continue to progress. I know that one day soon we will be listening to lyrics that you have written to chronicle this hurdle and it will bring joy and inspiration to many when they fight and win the same battle that you face. Godspeed ~ Lydia Steinbeck - Littleton, CO


 Dan - we love you, we'll pray for you, we'll wait for you. Anxiously awaiting the next tour. God Bless and see you soon! ~ Lisa - Hershey, PA


 Dear Dan, I have followed you and your music for many years. Saw you at Chastain Park in Atlanta Ga. several times, last time being the week after we lost my father. Your music has always healed my heart. Sometimes through tears and others through laughter. May God heal you and protect you. May He surround you and your family with peace, hope and faith. You CAN beat this! Your in our prayers. God bless you and heal you. ~ Cristy Macias-Allen ATl. Ga.


 Dear Dan: I have been a fan of yours since 1973 and your incomparable music and lyrics have been a great source of inspiration and comfort over those years. I consider myself very fortunate to have been able to see you perform, both with your band and in a solo capacity, about a dozen times since 1975. I can honestly say that in more than 40 years of concert-going, there are only two or three other artists that even come close to the experience (technically, musically, emotionally, etc.) of seeing you perform live. As I am not able to regularly view your websites, I was very dismayed to hear of your battle with cancer in the newspaper a few days ago. Unfortunately, cancer is something that all too many of us have had to deal with, either battling it ourselves or helping a loved one with their battle. My father, who passed away two years ago, was diagnosed with prostate cancer back in the early 80's and underwent treatment which enabled him to be in remission for nearly 15 years. He was 80 when he died and, although no amount of time with a loved one is ever enough, my family and myself were blessed with nearly 20 more years of life in this form with my father in it. My dad was a musician as well, a jazz musician, and he was able to perform up until the last three years of his life. So there is hope and although this may seem odd, through your wonderful ability to communicate through your songs, reaching people in some ways that even close family and friends are unable to, you have a whole network of "friends and family" out here who will hold you and your family in their hearts, prayers, souls and thoughts as you take on one of lifes' toughest battles. now that we are "here" for you as you have often been "there" for us. If there is anything that we fans can do either as a group or individually, to help you and your family weather this storm, don't hesitate to ask. There's a saying that goes something like this: Some people come into our lives and we are forever changed for the better for them having done so. Through your music, you have certainly been one of those people for me. I know that my life has been better for having been fortunate enough to have you and your music in it. I wish you every good thing that life can bring. I hope that we will soon hear that you are winning your battle and that you may soon be able to continue doing what you do so well, comforting, educating, entertaining, and inspiring us with your wonderful talent. God bless you, Dan! With warmest regards ~ Val Van Etten, Milford, CT


 Dan, I send good thoughts, loving prayers, and healing energy your way. Remember, there's a light in the depths of your darkness, there's a calm at the eye of every storm. Know that you are loved, and that you are in God's tender care. ~ Teri in Asheville


 I have been a fan since the early 70's. I am sad to hear of your illness and send you strength and love to fight for your life. Your music is an inspiration to so many. Perhaps we can be an inspiration to you . ~ Sandi in Florida


 It was on March 5, 1995, that I met the woman I was later to marry. I noticed her in a room but couldn't think of anything to say to her. I didn't have much time because she was about to leave and I knew I wouldn't see her again. It was a chance occurrence. Then I heard she was a Dan Fogelberg fan, like me. So I walked up and started talking about you. That was enough. She is my wife now. We're choosing not to be sad now. We are feeling strong. You will get through this. By the way, my wife's first name is ... Hope. Get well, Dan. ~ Tony


 Dear Dan, My prayers are for ya. Hang in there and I'll bet you will end up around for many years to come. Cancer is something you can overcome. I know because I've beaten it a few times myself. Take care ~ Patricia


 Dear Dan, To the man with the most beautiful falsetto I've ever heard, I wish you a speedy recovery and many more years of touching souls with your songs. For over 30 years, your songs and music have been an integral part of my life. I remember lying on my bed as a teenager, crying over a broken heart, with "Be On Your Way" playing in the background. And sitting on my balcony with my best friend, Barbi, watching the sun come up every morning over the ocean on Cape Cod while listening to "To The Morning". My old boyfriend, Mike D'Angelis, is/was a performer and also one of your biggest fans, and his repertoire included many of your songs, including one of my favorites, "Stars". Some of my happiest memories have your melodies attached to them. I was overwhelmed reading the endless stream of e-mail wishes sent to you; I always thought my love for you & your music was a great secret...I now know how loved you are by so, so many, and know all the wishes and prayers sent your way, including mine, will lift up your spirits and heal your body. Thank you for being such a special part of my life, and for all the joy you bring us all. Good wishes to you, my friend and muse. You are truly loved. ~ Claudia Stecker, Atltanta, GA


 We cannot begin to say how sad we are for you but we have faith that whatever god one believes in, she/he will bless you for all you have given. Keep the hope alive all! ~ Sharon & Ted


 We found out about your illness, Dan, before it was revealed in the newspapers, about two days before, in fact. I was reading our local paper and saw the name "Fahlberg" and it made me think of "Fogelberg." :) I asked my husband, Wayne, "Have you heard anything recently about Dan Fogelberg? Is he touring here in Colorado this summer/fall." Wayne told me to get on your web site and find out. Mind you, I had never been on your web site, but Wayne and I are huge fans of yours. We have seen you several times in concert. Anyway to make a long story short, I got on the web site and saw the post about your illness (that I think was probably posted that very day or even hour ?). Was this a coincidence? - I think not. The psychic "air waves" must have been abuzz. So, we are sending our heartfelt good wishes and prayers via the "air waves" back to you that God will give you the strength to make a complete recovery and continue to gift us with your beautiful lyrics and music. ~ Christina and Wayne - Estes Park, Colorado


 Dan...I was totally shocked when I heard the news about your health. I have been a fan of yours ever since my brother introduced me to your music in 1977. I have seen you 5 times, the most recent in San Diego. I have had the extrordinary fortune of shaking your hand and getting an autograph from you after a concert in Tucson, Arizona. I remember thanking you so much for your music and how much it helped me in life. I wish you well in your battle with cancer. I know you have alot more music to write and sing. ~ Sherri


 So sorry to hear the news of your illness. Your music has been many things to me over the years. In the early years I would play your songs and it would inspire my own songwriting. Years later I would sing/play both our daughters to sleep with your songs. I still include "The Last Nail" in my Coffee House Gig's. I routinely drag out "The River" or "Souvenirs" and the songs take me back to those days when the music was new.Here's wishing you a quick and healthy recovery and thanks for the songs....Thank You ~ Dennis Palmer


 Dear Dan: I was reading the list of songs you created over the years and I think that when I cross over to spirit and review my life your songs will be playing in the background. At every stage of my young life your songs were there and my friends would often hear your musicplaying in my room and my voice signing along. I had them all memorized! Living in Boulder for seven years during college in the mid-seventies I would often look up at the sky and drive through the mountains and play your tapes. They captured the beauty of those rocky mountain ranges! What will be will and as the crow flies life goes as it will and spirit will live on. God's healing in this time!~ BH, Boulder, Colorado.


 Dear Dan, I have been a fan for over 30 years...Your music has been a gift in my life and I can not begin to thank you enough. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. I know you will get through this set back and before you know it all of us will be enjoying more beautiful music together ~ Linda


 Dan: My husband and I have been faithful "Dan Fans" for years. We are both natives of your beautiful Colorado and experienced many beautiful concerts at Red Rocks. We choose "To the Morning," and "Longer", for our wedding. Word of your illness sadden us; however, we know your strength, we've heard it over and over in your lyrics. Your music has been there for us for years, now it's time for us to be there for you. You, along with your family, are in our hearts and prayers.~ Mark and Christine Marcantonio, Cornelius, Oregon


 Dan and Family, please know that my prayers and thoughts are with you. I am a cancer survivor myself, and it was a time of my life filled with more positive thoughts than I ever thought possible. Your mind is a powerful tool to use in helping the body along in its healing. Know you are surrounded with love and admiration. ~ Gail, Round Rock, Texas


 Dan, Wishing you a full & speedy recovery. I have been a fan of yours ever since I first heard "Run for the Roses" for the Kentucky Derby. I don't know how long it has been...I just know as soon as I heard your voice & lyrics to your songs I found something special. I was looking forward to seeing you in concert for the first time this year. I missed your performance last year as I was out of town that day. My favorite song of yours is "Forefathers". My mom is from Ireland and I always think of her & my heritage when I hear it. All your songs are great. They are filled with so much meaning and feeling and have touched so many lives. Know that you and your family are in my prayers. I know I will get another chance to finally see you in concert! God's blessings. ~ Kathy...Darien, NY


Your music got me through high school and was later in my wedding. Thank you for the happiness your music brings to my life. Hang in there, I see miracles every day in the cancer field. You're in my thoughts and prayers. ~ Michelle


 Dear Dan, Your music has been one of my "best friends" through many rocky times over the past 30 years. I have all of your recordings, and still listen to your early albums. I have been to more of your concerts than I can count. I lost my dear husband, Steve, of 15 years to liver cancer earlier this year, and your music has once again become my "best friend" during sad times. It brings back many happy memories that Steve and I shared. While cleaning my mother's attic last month, I found clippings announcing your concerts at Ohio State University back in the late 70's, and also the reviews from the school newspaper post-concert! I wish you well in your battle with cancer. I know many survivors - fight hard!! ~ Karen, Hartville, Ohio


 I am taking the time to let you know how important your music has been to my life and to the life of my sister. We have shared every Indianapolis concert. I was even invited to and attended "Dan Fogelberg Day" in Peoria Illinois - an adventure that I will cherish the rest of my life. Take care, and know that you will be in my heart and prayers as you experience one of  life's greatest challenges. Thanks for all the memories. ~ Susann Stahl


 Hi Dan-You're a beautiful soul and a wonderful poet and musician. The world needs you and you are in my prayers for a speedy recovery and continued good health.God bless you, Dan ~ Linda Vergoni


 Dan, Think of the inspiration for new material this bump in the road will give you. Get well soon and keep your sense of humor! All the best ~ The Fords


 My friend in Spirit, Dan - Please know that I am praying for you and your family during this trying time. I, too, can relate to what you are going through, as my mom is dealing with her 2nd battle of cancer, this time in her lungs. She is undergoing rapid radiation treatments, however, at age 70 and being a tiny woman, we are praying very hard for a miracle for her. I often ask why is it that many of the most wonderful people be afflicted with such tragedy. Only God knows, as there is a plan for each of us. You have certainly been an inspiration to me. I will pray for your recovery. May God bless you and yours. ~ Kristin McKinney, Indianapolis, Indiana


 Dan , You have sung to our souls for many many years. Your music and concerts got us through a very sad and difficult time in our lives. We take you to St. Barts with us and your voice can be heard over the cliffs to the ocean coming from our villa. Thank you so much for the gift you have given to all of us. We share the bond of positive attitudes and deep faith with all who love you that you will be on your way to recovery soon. Sincerely ~ Kathy and Jim Kanely, Daytona Beach, FL


 Your music and lyrics has connected with an inner part of many of us. During this hard time, we, your audience, share your pain, as we have delighted in sharing the emotions conveyed in your music. ~ Richard Roth


 I want to thank you for your beautiful music and what it had brought to my life. Some of the most special times my best friend and I have shared have been at your concerts and listening to your music. May the grace of God be with you and yours in this trying time. I am looking forward to seeing you in concert again when your battle has been won. ~ Mary


 Thinking of you during this difficult time. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. ~ Julie


 Dan, I grew up listening to your music on summer vacation road trips with my sister and parents. In the years since those summer trips our family has split up, each of us living in different cities. Every time I hear one of your songs, I am instantly transported back to my childhood and so many fond memories of being with my family. Your music is a family tradition, something that my parents gave to me and my sister, and that I hope to give to my children. I have no doubt you will beat this and my family will come together to see you perform in Atlanta next year! ~ Keith (Atlanta, GA)


 It was in the inner city that this boy grew up. He cherished the simplest things. The marbles in his sock that he carried To the parking lot for competition were his most valuable item. He remembers this to this day and he still attempts to share this form of pure and simple morality with the others he associates with in his world. He grew up very poor in pocket and extremely rich in heart. He moved from the inner city into a suburban area where he had to start all over again like we all do at one time or another in our lives. He was very reclusive and he explored numerous intellectual endeavors to learn and grow wiser in this youth. It was Christmas 31 years ago that this boy was to receive an item which was antiquated and very sentimental in value. His Grandmother and Grandfather delivered a 1947 Victorolla record player that they kept in their basement where he work shop was. This boy was jubilant! It opened a world that he was never exposed to before at his young age and he was so excited to come home and do his home work.


Several weeks went by and his birthday was coming close. He was sitting in his room and a song came up on the radio that stopped him in his tracks. He did not know what to do or say. He talked to his mom and asked her if he could earn some money to buy this song. He traveled all over the town on his bike to collect information on this Artist. The man’s name was Dan Fogelberg. This young man finally gathered enough money to buy this album which fell after his birthday and it was O.K. The world of wonder and imagination was presented to this boy like no other situation seen or experienced before. This man’s music created a warmth in this lonely boy’s heart that to this day is the greatest tribute to Dan Fogelberg himself. This young boy started to write Poetry. He still writes to this day.


The greatest gift a man can give another man is respect and friendship. This is one of the greatest experiences one can share and describe to another. The Story above is very short and dear. The young man in this story is right here before you Dan and he wishes you the very best both in heart and soul for your total and complete recovery and further well being. From Brother To Brother, Mentor and Friend, We pay you with respect, With a Song without end! ~ Dean Beaty


 Dear Dan, You have been one of my favorite performers since I was a teenager. I saw you in concert many years ago (early 80s?), and also two years ago. I was looking forward to seeing you again this year, however, when I checked on tickets I found out that your fall tour was canceled due to your battle with prostate cancer. I am very sorry to hear of your illness, but I can certainly relate since I recently finished treatment for breast cancer (surgery, chemo & radiation). I am now in remission and doing great. Modern medicine combined with a positive outlook can do amazing things. Good luck with your treatments, Dan. I will pray for your speedy recovery. Best wishes to you and your family as you face this challenge. ~ Holly


 Dan you have been an integral part of our lives since the mid-70's. Some of my college buddies used to give me a bad time about listening to hours of your music in a row. We called them the "Relate Sessions" as we would sit around and talk about the meanings of your songs and how they related to our lives and the world we lived in. Pretty deep for Iowa college kids! Sitting in the second row at the St. Paul Civic Center with 17,000 fans of the "Fog" as we endearingly refer to you as, in 1982 was a magical highlight of my life. Your lyrics were on our wedding announcement, and when my wife and I talk about the meanings of your songs, we refer to you as an old friend. I still tell my 5 kids they have never seen anything until they see Dan break from a long guitar intro into "Part of the Plan". That song still has so much meaning to our lives. Please know that you mean so much to so many people. You are real and we thank you for that. Fight this cancer hard, and we look forward to hearing you serenade us again. ~ Dave Brennan


 You have been a lifelong companion to so many you will never meet. You are a part of our lives in a way you can never truly comprehend. As such, news of you illness is like that of a family member. I wish you, and those you love, peace and strength through what must be a very traumatic experience. May you perservere and emerge victorious, all the while knowing you are treasured by multitudes. ~ DeAnna


 Dear Dan, I have been a singer/guitarist/songwriter for all of my life, and have had only a couple of true, genuine influences; The Beatles and you. After working it up the moment I first heard it, I have sung "Longer" for so many people's weddings who I did not really know that it's absurd, but, the equalizer in them all, whether I knew the couple or not, was that our lives were touched by you and your phenomenal gifts in a way that the vast majority of us singers only dream of being able to do with our own music. I also do about 15 or 20 other songs of yours and, for the record, I haven't gotten the enjoyment from doing any other artist's tunes that I have always gleaned from your melodies. Any time I'm in a situation where I'm bored with the gig or just want to blow folks away with my pipes,(ha), I have only to pull out Souvenirs, or The Long Way, or any of the other "singer's songs" as I always refer to them, that you've penned to bring myself, and usually the crowd as well, (whether they're familiar with the song or not), back to listening..., fifty percent because of the sheer, ridiculous beauty of your music!


I work in Radiology during the day, and have seen more CA-related suffering than most musicians will ever see, so I really do understand more than most what you're faced with. I only hope you can take heart from the messages of love and outpourings of emotion you're getting from all of us and that all of our well-wishings are able to allow you to at least realize, whatever the eventual outcome, that YOU ARE IN A LEAGUE OF YOUR OWN FOR A GREAT MANY PEOPLE IN THE WORLD...many of us professionals as well. I hope with all my heart that that knowledge and the genuine need we all have for some beauty in our lives and your unique ability to supply that help to keep you going through it all and that someday you have the chance to show us some more of what you alone have.....,To paraphrase what Walsh said in accepting the "Best New Rock Artist" award for you way back then; "Damn!, you sure can sing!!!" My best wishes for all this to go away and your life to return to some semblance of normalcy A.S.A.P. ~ Tony Sloan in Memphis


 Dan, Your music and attitude has meant so much to me in my low periods. Please know that as many people that you see posting good wishes for you here, there are that many and more in the world that do the same. "There's a magic every moment. There's miracles each day" ~ Michelle from Atlanta, GA.


 Dan, It's hard to believe that someone my age [55] still has heroes. I have listened to your music since you started recording and have seen many of your shows. I'll never be able to put into words the beauty of your music and what it has meant to me. It spans pretty much my adult life and have gone through realationships, tragedy, happiness, sadness, times of strength and times of weakness. I'm certain that the strength of your soul, that comes out in your music, will see you through. I hope to see one of your shows again real soon. ~ Jeff Williams


 Dan, your music has meant so much to me through the years. I can't describe the place it has in my heart and soul. I'm looking forward to many more years of your new music. May the Creator and your guides help you and your family through this difficult time. My thoughts and prayers are with you. ~ Jenny Dooley


 Since 1974, you have been part of my life almost every day. In 1979, when I got married, the soloist sang "Since You Asked". I have daughters who are 20 and 21 and they want the same song for their weddings. Your poetry and beautiful sound has filled my surroundings all these years and I'm looking forward to many more years to come. No artist, except you, brings tears to my eyes and joy in my heart as I experience your beautiful music. Please know that my prayers are with you and your family. You'll overcome this, I know you will! With Love ~Janet in Athens, Alabama.


 Dear Dan and Family, We first saw you in concert at SIU Edwardsville at the Mississippi River Festival in 1977 and have been fans ever since, seeing you countless times in St. Louis over the years. We are in Austin, Texas now and can't wait to see you in concert here after your recovery. Cancer takes you down a difficult road, but love, family and good doctors will get you through it. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family for a full and speedy recovery. Thanks for the many years of music and looking forward to many more. ~Dave and Lori Wolter


 Hello from your fans in New Hampshire. Take control of your own destiny by being a smart, informed patient. Go the the Lance Armstrong Foundation Website and get as much information as your brain can handle. We all know you have the strength to beat this ugly beast--LIVESTRONG--and go slay the dragon.........Rich, Carla & Christina Proulx


 Dan, I will never forget the evening I sat at a friend's house in 1972 and listened to Home Free. I have been a fan ever since. What a gift from God you have been blessed with! You and your family are in my prayers. ~ Jamie


 Hey Dan,You're the BEST & we here on earth need more people like you. Your talent is endless & I enjoy listening to your music each day. God works miracles through all of us each day. KEEP THE FAITH. ~ Peggi - Essex, CT


 Dear Dan, I just saw on your website that your fall concert had to be cancelled because of your diagnosis with prostate cancer. I'm so sorry that you and your family have to go down this road. My husband was diagnosed 10 years ago with colon cancer at the age of 36. Our two children were only 3 and 5 then, and it was a very scary time. He had to have both chemo and radiation as well. I'm so grateful and happy to say that 10 years later, my love is cancer-free and healthier than ever. I have been a fan of yours since the 70's and saw you in concert at Saratoga Springs, NY in the 80's. Your music has touched my life in so many ways. I particularly love "The Reach" and "Along the Road". My family and I used to vacation in Maine when I was a child, so I have many wonderful memories there. If your faith and spirit should falter in this journey, lean on our spirits and faith. We are lifting you up. Think positive, think strong. I'm going to go listen to your music now ~ Karen, from Minnesota


 Dear Dan, I have been a fan of yours since Nether Lands and hope to be able to enjoy your words and music for many years to come. Thank you for the music. All my wishes for a speedy and complete recovery. ~ Danielle Forget, Montréal Canada


 Dear Dan, I have been one of your biggest fans since I saw you too many years ago on I believe Soundstage and you sang "Part of the Plan" and I was hooked from then. Your words and music have been one of my passions for most of my life. To me you are the greatest lyricist of all time. "Longer" was my wedding song 24 years ago. "Ever On" I dedicated to one of my daughter's sweet sixteen party. We recently lost three family members in a matter of 2 months and when this news came down I was just as devistated because I consider you a part of my family. We will miss seeing you on November 6 but we look forward to seeing you again in the future. We know that you will get well again and beat this foe. Please take care of yourself and know that our best wishes are with you. ~ Lenny and Karen from Staten Island, NY


 Hi Dan ~ I am so sorry to hear about your current health situation. I have been a fan of yours for many years; you sir are a true poet. May you find the strength, courage and peace from your family, friends and our Lord. My thoughts and prayers are with you. May God bless you. They say that the eyes are the window to our soul, I thank you for sharing your soul through your beautiful music. ~ Susan Sabo Hampden, MA


 Dan: You're my hero. Your music is a joy and continues to comfort, inspire and give me so much. My thoughts and prayers are with you for a complete recovery. ~ judy b


 One of my favorite gifts from my husband was a very surprise set of tickets to one of your concerts. I was working at a Springfield Mo. hospital as a nurse when he called at 1 p.m. he had tickets for that night in St. Louis. I got off work at 3 p.m., the concert was at 7 p.m. and St. Louis is 4 hours away. It was at Riverport in the late 80s or early 90s on your birthday . Your mother was in attendance. It was certainly special. I wanted you to know there have been several medical studies that patients outcomes are much better if they have people praying for them, whether the patient knows they are or not.You are certainly in my prayers. I certainly hope you have very caring doctors and nurses caring for you. I think in my experience Prostate cancer for men and breast cancer for women seem to be the hardest emotionally for patients. Can you write about this at all? It might be a help to you and other cancer patients.There seems to be a healing power in music. ~ Brenda Harris


 Dan: Whether it was a concert at Arizona State in the 70's, a concert in Boston Common (before they banned them!) in the 80's, or Meadowbrook in the 90's - You've always lifted me/us to feeling good about life - Get better, and as you've said after many concerts "see ya next time!"- Cheers- Be strong. ~ Charles - Detroit


 Dan, I have enjoyed your music for nearly 30 years, since I overheard my older brother singing along with "Changing Horses". My prayers are with you for a full recovery through this illness. Stay positive and hopeful.God Bless. ~ Jean


 Dan, I have been a fan since the late 70's. I have enjoyed your music since I first heard you on the radio. I have only been to two of your concerts here in the Northeast area. The first back in the early 80's and the second in '01 or '02. And I must say that your music and performance has only improved over the years, nevermind the comment about your voice not being its best than you were younger and could not hit the higher notes. Your age has aged well, along with your performance. I wish you only the best,and hope that the many prayers being said for you will help in your recovery. ~ Mary Griffin, Stamford, CT


 I do believe your muse would say there is more work to be done; I think your father would likely concur. Become shed of this inconvenience, and join us again soon. Lead the band once more. ~ Andrew


 Daniel, my friend---You and I are the same age, and we're at the age where new challenges, such as yours, enter our lives. We're also lucky enough to live in an age where medical and scientific miracles happen daily, so we have every reason to expect that this'll just be a speed bump and you'll be back to making more music for us for years to come. I've been a fan for decades---you and I have similar lives as musicians and songwriters and your tunes have always spoken to me and helped to inspire me and guide me through good and troubled times of my life. Let my family's thoughts and prayers for you now provide some of that same inspiration and guidance for you, my friend. See you soon! ~ Tom & Debra Haley, North Royalton, OH


 Dearest Dan, Your music has been the backbone of my life; strengthening me through challenging times and amplifying my joy during happy times. My sincerest thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time in your life. Stay strong and positive. I have no doubt that you will triumph over this. With warmest regards and well wishes ~ Karen Monterosa, East Brunswick, New Jersey


 Mr. Fogelberg - may the faith that's evident in your music help you to discover new reserves of strength and resolve. This is a mere speed bump "Along The Road," and I'm confident your recovery will be nothing short of miraculous. Best wishes & Blessings - Greg & Ginger Moore


 Dan, two years ago I was diagnosed with prostate cancer and I am doing great. Keep positive and keep putting one foot in front of the other and you'll be fine. When I was diagnosed my son gave me Lance Armstrong's book "It's not about the bike" - it was great reading and great inspiration during recovery from surgery.


If you have older male children and any brothers you should get them a PSA test asap, there is a high degree of genetic pre-disposition to this cancer. My younger brother also had the same thing and he is five years without any further problems. Good luck - remember that you have a fight but you are still able to fight. Any time I start feeling down I think about the old adage about the guy with the sore foot that complained all the time until he saw the man without a foot and suddenly the pain went away.


What does not kill you will make you stronger! My wife tells me that cancer has made me a better person, she says that I seem to value every moment more and cherish life in a way that I didn't before. I didn't think I needed a reminder about how great life was but she sees me in a more objective way so I believe her. Good Luck ~ John


 God Bless You and Keep You, Danny Boy. Love in Christ ~ Annie St. Louis


 Dan, Just to let you know that you are thought of from accross the Ocean. Get well soon !! ~ Andrew


 Dan, I just wanted to let you know that I believe you can beat this illness if you never give up and take each day, one day at a time. Two years ago I lost my father to Cancer and everyday I still feel sad that he is no longer here for me to pick up the phone and say hello to, he was the light of my life and like you he was a talented musician, Poet and played with many known people in the Nashville area.My heart goes out to you and your family and I pray that God will help you through all the tough roads ahead and I have no doubt you will come out of this with your spirits high. God Bless ~ Jeff


 Dearest Dan, Thanks for the tunes from the pit of your soul to ours. As you face the frustrations of life, know that He is in control and your healing is NOW taking place. God has blessed you with a great gift, and many thanks for sharing with us all. Prayerfully ~ Jeannine Beckwith (Alton, IL)


 Dan-Get well soon and thank you for gracing Colorado with your presence. ~ Pam in Denver


 Dear Dan, Your music also brought me through and difficult time in my life and led me to a much better place. For that I will always be grateful. In this better time that I reached, I found the love of my life and we are about to celebrate our 20th anniversary. We had Since You Asked played on acoustic guitar and sung at our wedding. Your music continues to touch us deeply. Take care and know that our prayers are with you and your family. ~ Wanda, Georgetown, KY


 I pray for you and your loved ones to receive the blessings of God. To heal you and make you stronger. Never stop believing in the power of love and prayer. It moves mountains. I have been a fan of your music for 28 years. I listen to you every day and never could I repay you for the true joy you have given me. God bless you ~ Trish Robichaud


 Dan, Our family's prayers are with you. You have enriched so many lives through the beauty of your music. What would our world be without songs like "Nether Lands." Trust in God and you will be healed and will continue to touch the lives of many. God Bless ~ The Cotrones


 Dear Dan, Your beautiful music has been an inspiration for me since 1972, and I play many of your great songs on piano & guitar quite often. I am saddened by the news of your recent illness, but confident that with our prayers and your determination you will soon return to good health and a bright future. God bless you, and get well soon. ~ Stewart Douglas, New Orleans


 My prayers are with you Dan. You have been one of my two favorite performers for many years along with Paul McCartney and I plan to enjoy much more music from you in the future. God bless you and your family and I hope you have a speedy recovery. ~ Steve Cooper


 May the Lord be with you as you meet each day with faith, hope and love. I have enjoyed your music for years and look forward to more to come. Take good care. ~ Mary Robbins


 Dan, We first saw you in 1980 or 81 while we were attending college in Springfield, MO. At some point after that acoustical concert we pledged to see you every tour that stopped reasonably close. To the best of our knowledge we've never missed, seeing you several times in Dallas, Lake Tahoe, Kansas City, St. Louis and Springfield. Your music has inspired, soothed, entertained, at at times, left us awe-struck - all the while being the backdrop to the events of our lives. You have been part of our wedding (Longer), our 5-year marital "hiccup" (Exiles), ski trips to Colorado, summers at Lake of the Ozarks, family vacations to Florida, Christmas (The First Christmas Morning), and reunions with college friends.As God has richly blessed you with talent, you have truly blessed us with your music. Our prayer is that He is not through with you yet and that your recovery will be complete and for His glory.Thanks for a lifetime of song. ~ Greg & Becky, Jefferson City, MO


 Dear Dan and Family, My whole life has been patterned after such great men with their lyrical and musical presence. I can only feel how talented a man Dan Fogelberg has always been and how the world sometimes hasn't recognized that this guy is possibly the greatest vocalist/guitarist/pianist that has ever lived.Do they know he did almost every vocal and musical part on most albums? He makes us cry, he makes us feel real love and real joy, he helps us to figure out what life really means.Such talents are only given by God to a select few and my world would have an empty place without him. My prayers are with the Fogelberg family for a complete healing for Dan . I was just looking to see if there was a new album a few days ago before I heard the news of Dan's illness and am hopefull to look for quite a few more new albums over the next 40 years or so. Love you sooooo much Dan in my heart, in my mind and in my song. ~ Glen Bernard


 Your music has been a mainstay in my life ever since I first heard "Captured Angel" on a Salt Lake City radio station about a million years ago. I just wanted to tell you that whatever the future brings, you are, and will always be, the inspiration for every word I write, every note I play, every wonderful thought I form. Thank you for gifting the world with the beauty that lives in your heart and soul. Thank you for being. Sincerely ~ Ann Lucas


 Dan, The Master of the universe holds you in the palm of  His hand. May this knowledge bring you courage, strength, hope and peace. You have used your gifts to inspire and bless millions and you will be rewarded. When one puts that much good out into the world, it comes back.Well done, good and faithful servant! You are loved and being lifted up by so many; and the Father hears our prayers. I believe you will be well soon. With much love ~ A Longtime Fan in Atlanta


 I believe in the power of prayer. We all love you both. Our prayers are with you. May God bless you all. ~ Amy


 Dan, very sorry to hear the news -- stay strong and keep playing. You've been an absolute inspiration since '72, both for writing my music and in my life. I plan on listening many more years, so you plan on playing many more years -- you have a lot more to say to the world. I think of you every day. Thanks for all. ~ Larry Comstock I believe in the power of prayer.


 Dan, You have been part of my life through your music for many years. I wish you all the best in your recovery. My husband had testicular cancer 5 years ago. I know what a struggle cancer is, but with all the love and support  I know you are receiving, you will do great. I was looking forward to the tour -(I LOVE those acoustic tours!), but I know you will be back soon. God bless and take care as you journey ever on! Best wishes from a fan for life ~ Jane Foy


 Dan: Over 20 years ago I was a Colorado girl going to college in Pennsylvania (by way of New Jersey). Many's the time I relied on your music to soothe the savage beast within! For all the times that your music brought me peace and contentment, I now wish the very best for you and your total recovery. Stay strong, stay positive, and I'll see you down the road, on your next tour. ~ Gail


 Dan, The news of your illness brought us much sadness. We pray to Our Heavenly Father that you will be blessed with a complete recovery and that you and your family will not suffer much! We have been ardent fans of yours since the 1970's and we wish to thank you for all of the beautiful music and powerful lyrics. There has never been a single Dan Fogelberg song that we disliked. Each song has moved our spirits many, many times. We wore the grooves out on our vinyls and replaced them all with CDs. Your lyrics are so powerful that the song "The Reach" makes me homesick for Maine, and I have never been in Maine. Thank you for all of the music. We offer our prayers for a speedy and thorough recovery. God Bless you and your family. We hope to replace our canceled concert tickets for a future concert after your recovery. ~ Andrew, and Helene Prongay, Stewartsville, NJ


 Dan, I've been a fan of yours for over 30 years. Your music has always had an elegance to it that transcends "rock" music. I've always thought that if JS Bach were alive today he would be making music like yours. You've given so much of yourself in your music and it has touched many of us.As a songwriter myself, I can appreciate all that you put into your songs. Your last, Full Circle is one of my favorites. I feel like I get a musical lesson every time I listen to your songs.I am the proud owner of #26 of the Martin D41's produced in your honor. It is my number one prized possesion. I want you to know my thoughts and prayers are with you and Jean. I hope these letters show you how much you are loved. I pray for a speedy recovery for you. May God bless you guys!

 Best wishes for a speedy recovery. You are my absolute favorite musician and from your lyrics I would say a fine human being as well. Beautiful music brings tears to my eyes and yours has done that on countless occasions. Thank you for sharing your gift. Know that there are those of us who share good wishes for your recovery. This is our gift.


 Dan - My thoughts and prayers are with you and your wife as you battle this disease. When I heard about your disease, it really hit home. My husband, a Memphis musician, was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer on April 25, 2003. I will never forget that day. It has changed our lives. Stay strong and keep the faith. Remember, God loves you and He is in control. ~ The Millers


 Hi Dan:  This is one time when you want to be a fighter, not a lover. Wishing you and your family all good things. Keep the faith, baby! xo ~ Kevin


 Dear Dan,  I know you will be ok. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family. Thanks for bringing so much to my life. ~ Wes


 Dan, I will keep you in my daily prayers. I'm a strong believer in the power of prayer and will continue to ask the Lord to make you strong and healthy. Keep the faith and God bless. ~ Connie Owens


 Hey Dan - I'm rooting and praying for your recovery and healing from prostate cancer. I too am a prostate cancer survivor. I am calling you a survivor because that is exactly what I expect you to do - survive!


 Beyond survival is "thrival". Thrival is the energy we glean from overcoming potentially life-threatening obstacles. You'll come through this thing just fine. Try to stay positive. ~ Gordon Smalls (a fellow guitar player from Colorado)


 My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family. Get well soon. Our love ~The Schneider Family, Virginia Beach, VA


 Dear Dan, I first discovered your music when I was in junior high in the late 70’s. Little did I know the treasures that awaited me with your earlier works, “Souvenirs”, “Nether Lands”, “Home Free’, “Captured Angel”… Through the years, your songs have told the story of my life when I didn’t have the words to express it. Many of your songs have a special meaning to me, whether it reminds me of a lost love, or helped to heal a broken heart, or just played a part in a unique moment in my life. Oh, the stories I could tell you about what your songs or concerts have meant to me! Don’t worry; they’re all stories you could share with your mom. Each song that helped me through a tough time in my life, or helped me to celebrate a victory served as a prayer that I felt I received from you, through the gift of your words, voice, and music. And now, I’d like to return that gift to you. No, I do not plan to sing for you, which is most definitely a good thing! However, I will definitely keep you and Jean in my prayers. I know what you are going through: my mother was recently diagnosed with lung cancer. May God Bless you, Dan, and keep you safe. I pray that you will have a speedy recovery, and that the world will be blessed with your beautiful music for years to come. Love always ~ Sheila (Ellington, CT)


 Dear Dan, We are fortunate in this world if we find even one kindred soul to inspire us. I was blessed with your music for the first time in 1978 and have seen you perform many times. I went on to a career as a commercial musician and music educator, but I still enjoy sitting at a piano or picking up my guitar and disappearing into the mastery of your craft. The stories you have given us resound deeply to anyone whose spirit has felt the fire of love, the pain of loss, the joy of hope, and the reward of dedication to music and the passion it brings. I cannot imagine my life without your songs. The architecture of my philosophy about friends, conscience, vision and purpose has been forever touched by your message. Follow your spirit trail, and know that we all love you and await the report of your progress. ~ John K., South Carolina


 Dear Dan, You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I'm looking forward to hearing about your recovery and seeing you in concert again soon. Your music has been an inspiration to me for over 25 years. I look forward to hearing more of it. Sincerely ~ Mary E. Curtner-Smith


 Dear Dan, I am sending this e-prayer to you and your family hoping you will find comfort and strength in knowing how many people truly care about you and love you. You are not just a voice on the radio, cd, or figure on a stage. You have touched all of our hearts and lives in so many ways. Your poetry has made a positive effect throughout my life of living with the devastating disease called Chrons. During the times I would be facing my own immortality, words in the song "The Gambler" always helped me. . . Maybe they will offer strength back to you also - ". . . there's a calm at the eye of every storm" - Thank you for offering me comfort when I need it - may you find comfort from all of us as you need it. I would like to thank you too for being at my wedding. . . your song "Since You've Asked" was our opening song just before I walked down the aisle to be with my husband. You are very special to our family. Get strong and we will see you as soon as come back to Michigan. Look us up when you are in Michigan, we'll take you out on our River. God Bless you and your family. With love ~ Mari Hasnik, West Branch, Michigan.


 Dear Dan, Sending healing energy your way! I hope you recover soon. ~ Pamela


 Dear Dan, I had always thought that "Don't Lose Heart" was a song God wrote through you, given to us. He has given all of us joy, goodness, and in this case, healing through your music, and it's not surprising he would send us a message through that song. "Don't lose heart, Don't lose heart, though it feels like yours will fall apart. Just remember when the road gets dark, I will always be beside you." He is carrying you through this "rough terrain" and will be there when you have beat this disease! And SO WILL WE!! Your fans are praying for you and will be there for those sold out concerts when you return to the stage. We will make a grateful noise! Thank you for your gift, and the way you have shared it with the world. I have to tell you that when my husband and I were throwing around names for our firstborn son, we couldn't agree on ANYTHING---so I started going down the list of my favorite singers......Daniel was born January, 1996. We even call him "Dan."


I told him about your illness and he wants to add something: "Dear Dan Fogelberg, I am sad that you are sick. I hope you feel better by Christmas, or Halloween. I heard some of your CD's and I like them very much. Just remember, "there's magic every moment, there's miracles each day." I have a brother now, his name is Chris and he says "hi" too. God Bless You ~ Daniel Fritsch


.....Keep the Faith, Dan. We are all praying for you, and for your family's comfort and strength. A long time fan ~ Lisa Fritsch


 Dan, May all of the wonderful energy you have shared over the years be returned  now tenfold. Wishing you strength, faith and a rapid return to health. ~ Bob W.


 Hello Dan, My prayers are with you. I know with all your fans praying for you that you will be fine. You've been given a great gif, .a gift that most of us will never experience in our lifetime. As I've listened and enjoyed your music for the last 28 years, you have made my world a better place to live. There are many others that can say the same. That God given gift is one that you were brave enough to share with others. I'm sure you are receiving so many success father being one.. a bag around his waist for a year until an operation that made him well again. With a beautiful 20-year old son-an engineering student at Cornell-turning to drugs in the last two years and a very sharp, hard-working Mechanical Engineer husband, still in his 50's, developing Alzheimer's Disease and now having a hard time operating a remote control, the last few years have been so agonizing....but I know that I have been given more than most through my life, and I am determined to stay strong and not succumb to feelings of self-pity or negativity or let them do the same. I have no doubt you feel the same have too much to live for, and you will stay strong realizing all the wonderful things that you have experienced through your life and all the love that has always come your way through fans, family and friends.


I have been in the front few rows of many concerts, and I have loved and cared about you for so many years that I feel like you are a friend. In spite of the terrible and frightening thing that is happening to you, you have lived a very special that most would give anything to experience, and I believe that the best is yet to come for you because of this experience. Hope you will be back in the Boston area in the hurry.. take your time and get well! Love and best wishes to you and Jean. ~ Dianne Field, Boxford, MA


 Dan, words cannot express how much your music has meant to me over the last 30 years. And I just wanted you to know that I will be anxiously awaiting your return to the concert stage when you have beaten this monster. No artist has ever touched me and had as much impact on my life as you have. My prayers will be with you and your family. Your Soundstage concert airs this Friday which I am anxiously waiting to see. I will be thinking of you. You will beat this. There are still songs that need to be written that only you can create. God bless you! ~ John Tursic, Toledo, Ohio


 Blessings Dan, Your music has given me many hours of joy and I thank you for that. I wish you well during this trying time and will say a prayer for you. Keep the faith! Sincerely ~ Linda Tremblay, BC, Canada


 Hi Dan and Jean, The words shared by others here surpass anything I can say - yet capture all I'd like to say. In our busy lives, not enough time is spent saying thanks - until news such as yours compels us. I feel a love of thanks for everything your music has brought to those that have taken time here to share. We owe you HUGE! Know that I'm sending you whatever energy I can muster to help you overcome...oh, and I'm also spending a little more time saying thanks to those that have given so much. ~ Fireguy Dave, Colorado


Dan, I was shocked and saddened to read the news of your illness. I have enjoyed your music for many many years, but the song that's meant the most to me will always be "Leader of the Band". I borrowed the last verse of the song in a letter I wrote to my Dad on the eve of his 80th birthday in 2002. He passed away a month & a half later. Not too long after, my wife & I saw you perform at Meadowbrook music theater in Rochester MI, and of course you played the song. It was the first time I cried at a concert. I hope it helps you to know that all your millions of fans are praying for your speedy recovery and I hope we can get together at Meadowbrook to celebrate your good health. Thanks for 32 years of great music. ~ Kevin


 Good luck Dan, I have seen you many times over the years in St. Louis and Indianapolis. Your music is wonderful,you are in our prayers. Yours truly ~ Bill Gregory


 Dan, You ARE the man! Get well, pal. Thanks for all the great tunes and incredible vibes for all these many years. I don't mean to sound greedy but we need many more years of Fogelberg music and live performances to sustain us. We all love you in Mendham, NJ and Glens Falls, NY!!! ~ Dan Williams III


 Dan, Winston Churchill said it best... "Never, ever, ever give up." ~ Pat D'Amico, Boston


 Dear Dan, Your music has been a big part of my life since I was 16 years old - more than 25 years now, bringing peace and tranquility to me in ways I cannot explain. I thank you for that, and wish you the best on your road to recovery. You will be in my prayers. ~ Lisa


 Dear Dan, Thank you for so much wonderful music over so many years. A friend turned me on to your music, and my guitar teacher taught us "There's A Place In The World For A Gambler". That song sticks with me. I know I wore out a couple of LPs. We'll be here when the tour is set to resume.Loving thoughts & prayers to you & your family. ~ Jannine, Melbourne, Fl.


 Feel better soon! Your music has been an inspiration to me for years. Best wishes~ Mary Chinery


 Many thoughts and prayers for you here in Memphis. I just know that everything will be ok. And you will beat this in an incredible way! Thank you so much for what you have meant to my life! If there is anything I can do for you or Jean, please let me know. ~ Dwight


 Dan - Your music and lyrics have stirred my emotions for 30 years. It's as if you could always express the feelings that I had but always found hard to say. For once let me express my feelings for you and pray that God will protect you and care for you and give you the strength to touch our hearts again. ~ Jeff Quinn, Lisle IL


 Hi Dan: I recently heard that you were fighting an illness. I have loved your music for over thirty years so I thought I would drop you a line. Your songs are of a very sensitive nature but I know in order to accomplish all that you have you must be mentally and physically tough. If anyone can lick this problem it is you. I want you to know that you will be in my thoughts and prayers. I am hoping to hear many new songs and attend many performances from you for many years to come. Your Friend And Fan ~ Howard Kroll


 Dear Dan, I wanted to send you a message telling you how much I am praying for you and your family during this difficult time. I still have the original tape cassette that I bought after your concert in Boulder, Colorado in the late 70's. You rocked. You wore shorts and tube socks & I will never forget that! I play that old cassette tape all the time. Makes me cry. Thank you for giving so much of yourself to the world. You are a wonderful person Dan. Please get well. Sending you huge prayers and big hugs. ~ Laci


 Dan and Family: I was laying in a hospital recovering from my own prostate removal when I read the news about your cancellation and condition. This afternoon in my prayer our Lord drew me close to you. What can I say to the most sensitive lyricist and singer ever born? What can I add to the incredible love and testimony of your fans? Only Bibilical truth will suffice: In your weakness "He" will be strong. Trust Him in all you do. Press on brother on until we can praise Him together, forever! In His love ~ Ken in Clarinda IA.


 Dear Dan, I want to send my heartfelt wishes for a speedy recovery. I wonder if you know the influence you've had on my life and music. I will think of you now as taking a needed rest to converse with your muses. Love to you and yours from an old friend ~ Linn Brown


 Dear Dan, I am an old fan- loved "Souvenirs", and "Nether Lands"- still play "Twin Sons" at my catering business. I heard you once in an interview with a Colorado Station and I actually have a tape of it here- somewhere. I guess I was one of those starry eyed fans, until that interview. I now know that you really don't want us to idolize or worship you- but I still like your music. So I wish to say- Be well, keep the faith. I will even say a prayer for you. It seems you must go down to that well one more time, but this time not to write music, but to save yourself. I know that you can do it! I still do idolize you in a sweet 17 year old girl way- but I am way past that now. So thanks for getting me through my High School Years. I put on those songs in my car, sing at the top of my lungs, and scare my teenagers to death. I wish you well and I hope that you will have a speedy recovery. ~ Jean


 Dear Dan: I, like so many others, have been a fan for as long as I've been listening to music. I had the great fortune to see and hear you at Lake Tahoe, doing a solo show and I must say thata full orchestra could not have added a single note to make that performance any fuller. When it comes to songwriters that epitomise the craft I think of Gordon Lightfoot, John Denver, and Dan Fogelberg. Perhaps had you not gotten ill I would never have taken the time to write. After all, I am but one of thousands and thousands that know the world is better place because you are here to tell us about it. But I would be a fool not to know the power that one more prayer can add to all those you have already received. Get better Dan....because I can't wait to hear what will now inspire you. Sincerest wishes on a speedy recovery. ~ Richard Elloyan, Dayton, NV.


 Dan, Thank you for your healing gift of music to me and others over the past 30 plus years. There is a time for every season and at this time... I pray for God's healing presence in your life, that you gain strength and support from your loved ones, and that you will be renewed through the healing touch of physicians, medicine, spiritual touch and music that moves you to a place beyond the disease. I will be praying and visualizing wholeness for you. Keep the faith and blessings to you and your family. ~ Sally


 Dear Dan, Your music has given me so much through the years and I sincerely thank you for that. I hope that you will accept my prayers and best wishes and that they will become a source of positive energy to help you during your recovery. ~ Celeste Bavin


 Dan, Like so many other messages left here, I was devastated at the news. Having been a fan for over 25 years and choosing to name my second son Caleb Daniel (age 3) doesn't begin to show how important your music has been to me over the years. My older son Noah (age 7) suffers from ADHD and finds himself feeling sad and easily angered. Like his mother, he finds comfort in your music. Whenever he feels a little blue, he asks me to put on "Dan Fogelberg" to make him feel better. His favorites are "Leader of the Band',' Magic Every Moment" and "You Better Think Twice". My 3 year old, pulls out his guitar and loves to strum to "Looking for a Lady". My husband chooses "Tucson" and "The Reach" as his favorites. I'm a runner and am currently training for my first marathon and I cannot tell you how many of my training runs I have done with you by my side. (The live version of "Magic Every Moment" is WONDERFUL to run to!) I would like to reciprocate and send my support and strength to you and your family. Thanks for all that you have given me, my husband and my children - now it is our turn to give to you. With warmest wishes ~ Tracy Burke. (Philadelphia, PA)


 You are the master in my book. I had the chance to catch your great performance in Raleigh, NC just a short time back. It was everything I imagined and more. My thoughts and prayers are with you for a speedy recovery! Sincerely ~ Janice


 Dear Dan, mere words cannot express the sorrow that I feel in my heart for you and your wife during this difficult time. I pray that God will grant both of you the strength to sustain you and bring you back to good health soon. Though we have never had the pleasure of meeting, I have always felt as though you were my true friend and soulmate. Your music is pure magic, and I have felt truly blessed to have been able to turn to your music in times of happiness and sorrow in my life. In 1987, I, too, went through a divorce, and "Exiles" helped me to survive that terrible and uncertain time. Last September, my second husband of 14 years, Gary, suffered a massive stroke at the age of 47, that has left him with brain damage and totally disabled. Once again, my friend, through your music you have helped me escape from the sadness that surrounds me. You and Jean are in my thoughts and prayers. ~ Ana Robertson


 Dan and Jean - may our deep concern, love and prayers help to guide and carry you through this time and nurture your recovery. ~ Matt and Susan


 Dear Dan, My son and daughter grew up singing your songs with us. My son at age 4 was particularly fond of changing your lyrics - "living legacy to the leader of Japan" and " I met my mother in the grocery store". Today my son, 28 and daughter, 26, still listen to you and feel connected to home. Thank you. Feel better soon. ~ Kathy and John


 My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this stressful time in your lives. May God keep His healing hands on you and give you peace. Thank You for all the beautiful music you have given throughout the years. It has helped me over many rough spots in my life. God Bless You! ~ Debbie McMurtry


 Dear Dan ~ You have given the world a great gift - music which inspires and touches the soul - music which heals. Angels sing your songs in heaven. I pray those same songs will bring healing to you. And that the angels will let you sing for us again.With love and gratitude ~ Angela (Kettering, OH)


 If good thoughts were all you need to make you well, you'd be there already. You have shared so much of your life with us over the years in your music, that you have certainly been a blessing to us all. For that, and all of the comfort and joy your music has given me throughout my life, I am eternally grateful. May you have a speedy recovery and I look forward to seeing you again soon. The next time will be #14, so don't let me down. May the healing Angels be with you.....~ Becky McQ


 Dear Dan: After reading all the messages posted on this board, I have nothing original to add. My sister and I have loved your music since the Seventies. Seeing you in concert last year in Harrisburg was a highlight of our lives. We're praying for you every night, and you are constantly in our thoughts, just like your music is always, always in both of my CD players.There were so many times I didn't think I could make it through life's challenges, and then I'd remember: "Love when you can, cry when you have to, be who you must...." Well, you know the words. You always have been and always will be an inspiration to me. Much love to you and Jean. ~ annie wysock


 Dear Dan, My thoughts and prayers go out to you. My good friend, Tony, turned me on to your music several years ago and I have been a fan ever since. "Run for the Roses" and "Leader of the Band" are my favorites. Tony and I were fortunate enough to get backstage passes to talk with you and were thrilled to have had that opportunity and to get your autograph. We know you will beat this! Am looking forward to your next concert in Columbus, OH. Love ~ Nancy


 There truly is a place in the world for a gambler. In this world, and in the next. Take heart, be strong, and know we are all still listening. ~ Kevin Severson, South Dakota


 Dan, Years ago in Akron I turned into a parking lot and there you were, going for a stroll. I knew I knew you but couldn't place the name until I heard you were playing at Blossom that weekend. I enjoy telling the story of how I waved and you waved back. Thanks for the oh so many fine tunes and keep the faith. We out here are praying for you and wish you nothing but smiles and warm sunshine. Besides, it's hard to keep a good Midwest boy down. ~ Mary Beth


 Dear Dan, I have listened with awe and admiration of your music for about 27 years now. Growing up in the seventies, I've always loved singer-songwriters such Neil Young and Billy Joel. One day (about 27 years ago), while in a music store, I saw your album and started reading the lyrics. Having never heard you play or sing, I was attracted to the lyrics and had a hunch this is something that I would like. After I listening to the album, my hunch paid off, and I knew I would be a fan for life. Since that day, I have purchased every album and still listen to each one regularly, memorizing every song. Although I do not attend many concerts, I did see you a long time ago at Rider College (In New Jersey) and at the Tower Theater in Philadelphia. I recently learned of your battle against cancer and wanted to wish you all the best and godspeed to a full recovery. I also wanted to thank you for all the beautiful music you have brought into the world, and for the thousands of hours of enjoyment you have given to me and all of your fans. Your music and songwriting is a gift that has deeply touched all whohave listened. I know I will continue to listen. Good luck in all you do. ~ Frank Falcone, Ewing, New Jersey


 Dear Dan, it's funny calling you Dan, it's as if I've known you for a long time, in a way I guess I have. I graduated from high school in 1973 here in California. You don't know how many times your music and words helped me out with my life. I remember when there was a rumor about you possibly joining the Eagles, I remember thinking to myself I hope he doesn't do that, the rest is history. Dan, I read the article about your condition in the LA Times last week, I have to admit some tears were flowing. I want you to know that my family has you in our prayers and I know that you will overcome this obstacle of life. You take your time and get well, maybe next year I'll see you at the Greek Theatre here in LA. Love ~ Steve, Rosemary and Kids


 Your music will live on forever at Cheley Camps in Colorado. God Bless! "When you walk through the waters, I will be with you!" Isiaiah 43. ~ Alice in NJ


 Dan, You have been on my mind since I read about your illness the other day and I have been checking your website and reading all the thoughts and wishes from those who love you and appreciate your gift of music. I had a hard time writing something as I have listened to your music for almost 27 years since I was 16 and grew up with you emotionally and spiritually. I wore my "Nether Lands" album out from playing it so much. Your music brings me so much peace. I am so sorry for your illness. I was just sitting here at my desk at work and my favorite Dan Fogelberg song came on the radio, "Same Old Lang Syne". I then knew I had to put my thoughts to you into this format on your website. I know you will get better and that you and your wife will have many happy years together. We need your music, we need your songs, we need you to get well and to continue to grace us with the gift you have. I also wanted to tell you that I read many of the greetings on your webpage and I was amazed at how many wishes and thoughts were from male fans...I thought it would be more women but what a compliment that so many men have followed you and your music for so many years. You are the best! Thank you for the many years of beautiful lyric and music and for reaching so many of us for so many different reasons through your music.You get well and you get back here to Tampa to see us sometime soon. We will be waiting for you! ~ L. Riski, Tampa, FL


 Dear Dan - Here are some healing thoughts and prayers for a full, complete and long recovery. Hope you can continue to grace us with your music for many more years. Keep that faith strong. ~ Mollie


 I have always been a fan. Now I'm writing to you as someone who would like to offer hope, encouragement and sympathy to you and your family. My boyfriend was diagnosed with colorectal cancer over 2 years ago shortly before his 42nd birthday. They removed most of the tumors, but left one that couldn't be surgically removed. He has been classified as stage IV for over 2 years. Last summer, while having a form filled out at one of his Doctors' office, the nurse made a statement about him not going back to work as it gets to a point where you need to get the things done that you want to do. Basically she was telling me that he was going to die, and soon. She was wrong. It's been about a year since she told me that. He's been undergoing chemo off and on for 2 years now, and though some of the side effects were bad, he is not now, and has never been, close to death. I hope this gives you and your family encouragement. No one, whether they are medical personnel, friends, or family, regardless of their knowledge, can predict the time of progression or outcome of this disease. May you and your family get through the bad days of your illness and treatments by finding all of the joy and happiness that your love for each other brings into your lives. ~ Karen


 Dear Dan, Your music has been a part of my life, my husband's and my best-friend Monica's since your first album was released. Your lyrics and music have resonated my soul often with tears. You have been my favorite poet. Thank you for creating a lifetime of memories every time I hear one of your songs. I too have had to endure the wrath of Cancer and with it came many prayers that surrounded me and encouraged me to fight. And with those prayers came remission. You have many people who love and admire you and who will pray for your strong recovery. "To the morning.." A wise man wrote. And from this day forward may you have love light and healing and may all our prayers strengthen your body and spirit. Godspeed ~ Roxanne and Richard Hale


 Dan: Your music has lifted me and my family for 30 plus years. We own and run a beautiful lodge in the Sawtooth Mountains of Central Idaho. We only play Dan Fogelberg for our "hold" music. My brothers and I dream of having you play at the lodge someday. We pray for your speedy and whole recovery. Until then, "Don't Lose Heart"! God Bless! ~ Jeff Clegg


 Dan, As a six-year breast cancer survivor, I am sending prayers and best wishes as you progress through your treatment. I have been a fan for quite some time. I saw you play here in Pittsburgh in 1983. What a pleasure that concert was. I look forward to see you in concert again when you are well. All of your music is so wonderful...but it "The First Christmas Morning" that is the most wonderful of all. I especially like "Snowfall", which expresses in music the majesty of looking at and being in the mountains...feeling the presence of God. Take good care of yourself. "Be who you must...that's a part of the plan." ~ Chris McClure


 Dear Dan, My prayers and thoughts are with you. I think you are absolutely one of the greatest musical artists ever! God bless!! ~ A.S.from N.C.


 Dear Dan: In the mid-70's, a friend called and told me to come over and listen to this new album he had bought. I hurried over and he handed me this album cover, not with a photo on it or dreamy landscape, but an artist's conception of an angel in handcuffs. Intrigued, I read the album credits and noticed the artist who did the cover was the same person who wrote the songs and sang the songs, and played most of the instruments. Wow! I listened to the album and was hooked. Dan, I am part of the audience who has come to admire your artistic gifts, your poetic lyrics that are unequalled in songwriting, your storytelling, and your willingness to reveal yourself in autobiographical numbers that are timeless. I don't know you and probably never will, but your songs have been with me since I was thirteen, and I know I will sit in the dark see you again on stage in the Philadelphia area real soon. Best wishes and Good Luck ~ Bill A.


 Dan and Jean- I echo the thoughts and prayers of the other concerned fans on the website. Dan, your music has inspired and supported me in life's challenges. Jean, it is difficult to be the spouse of someone who is going through a rough time, especially if you are soul mates and your hearts are entwined. Our family, like many others, has been through 3 members with cancer. Although it is difficult at times there are also life lessons that are learned and we grow more into who we are made to be. It may be hard to see the jewels that are given to you now but they will become apparent as you move on down this path. Receive the love, support and kindnesses which are pro-offered to each of you during the path upon which you are travelling.. My prayers and positive thoughts are with you both. Thanks for keeping us updated on how you both are. ~ Vickers Myers, Denver


 Dan, Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this time. I lived in Colorado for 22 years of my life and through that time your music got me through some difficult times. You are one of the most incredible singers and song writers of our time. Your music is the soundtrack of most of our lives. Please get well soon. My wife and I will see you at your next concert here in NJ. Best Wishes For A Complete Recovery. ~ Sandy Perrelli


 Dan, My prayers and thoughts are with you. You are absolutely one of the best musical artists ever!! God bless! ~ Charles Siddon


 Dan, I am one of your biggest fans, "hang tough", and believe.......The Lord, who loves you will sustain you, if you believe, and there is "Magic Every Moment"....funny, I was missing your music so much from losing 1/2 in my divorce, that I finally just 2-3 weeks ago ordered the 4 CD pkg, and was soooooo happy to be hearing those songs I had missed.....and "Magic Every Moment" was one of them and I was explaining its meaning to my 10 and 12 year old daughters, one of which has also come to play that song over and over again.....and now I found with this contact today that you are dealing with this difficult issue. As I said before, things, songs are written for reasons, and this one has its time for you right now.....I believe, Dan, and will continue to pray for you until I hear you are back on your feet....God richly bless you!!!! ~ Donna Lewis


 Positive thoughts of love and healing are coming your way from a fan who has appreciated you and your gifts since the early 70's. I'm holding a strong vision that you will have a swift and complete recovery from your illness. This message goes out to you with gratitude, compassion and love. ~ Beverly K


 Dan: I, like many others feel like we know you and consider you a friend. You've been a part of our lives growing up, dating and raising our family. You've had many life experiences, and now you have a big challenge ahead of you. You have so many people cheering you on and praying for you. Just believe. You will get through this and we will see you tour again. Take care and take it one day at a time.~ Mary Sinjem, Mpls, MN


 Dan you have given us a lifetime of memories with each song we send our prayers of healing and light. May it surround you with comfort and positive energy. ~ The Hale's


 Dan - Our love and prayers go out to you, and with faith and the strength you have, you'll pull through fine. Thanks for all the great music over the years and here's to many more. Your friend ~ Bob Rainey. Los Alamitos CA


 I love you Dan...~ Pete from Massachusetts


 Dear Dan--Laughter helps heal the mind, soul and body so it's great to see your unique brand of humor firmly in place. I promise to send positive thoughts and good jokes everyday. Best wishes for a full recovery from my family to you and yours. ~ Jen


 May God be with you through this time in your life..wishing you wellness & full recovery. For 3 decades your songs have made such an impact on my life. You will always be my favorite musician. God Bless & thank you for sharing your great talent. Sincerely ~ Lydia Deutsch , Maryland


 Dan, As a long time fan from the UK your music has touched hearts and minds for many years. My 50th birthday gift was a trip to see you perform solo in Jacksonville. It was a magical night. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Your music has been part of my life since I discovered 'Souvenirs'. Stay strong. ~ Stuart UK


 Again, praying for you daily in Florida ~ Judi


 Dan, You are my musical hero. My wife and I absolutely love your music and without a doubt we think you're one of the most gifted and talented artists of our time. I am also a musician and truly enjoy playing your music. Our hearts go out to you and you're in our prayers. God bless you and be well. ~ John


 My heart grieves with the news of your cancer. We have and will continue to lift you and your family in prayer. Miracles are an everyday thing for our awesome God. Like so many others who have written, we have witnessed His healing power time and again. You are a precious person to so many--you have touched us through your music like none other--yet how much more precious are you to God. May you feel the love and presence of Jesus every day. We look forward to hearing of your healing and would love to see you at the Mayo Civic Center in Rochester, MN when you are back on tour! Sincerely ~ Kris & family


 Dear Dan, Jean and families: First of all, we can be thankful that we live in a time where things have progressed in treatment of various forms of cancer. My mother was diagnosed with third stage myeloma last Nov. and I'll pass on to you what my father told me when I got discouraged that he was diagnosed with Ahlzeimer's and I passed on to my 76 yr. old mother, "keep positive thoughts". She goes and goes pretty much like she always has. Also, an acquaintance in Colorado told me that the secrets to fighting cancer were faith and positively enjoying life in addition to treatment. I look forward to your recovery and seeing you in concert again (when you're up to it). You have a wonderful gift and music in you that is yet to be heard and shared. We do respect your privacy and the privacy of your families. I hope they know of the many daily thoughts, prayers, and hopes that go to all of you ( including doctors, nurses, etc., that take care of you). Very sincerely ~ Anne from Illinois


 Dan - I too have been a fan since the early 70s - your music has lifted me up in times of sorrow. I have lost several loved ones to cancer, but there is so much more that can be done now with this dreaded disease. I lost my Son in December last year, not to cancer, he was shot and killed by his estranged wife. I had "Longer" played at his funeral. My hope and prayer for you is that "Longer" is what you, your family and your fans will have. Time is so precious and so fleeting. Live each day to the fullest and know that I am wishing you a speedy recovery and a long and healthy life. Take care of yourself my friend. ~ Becky Gibbs


 Dear Dan: I've been a fan since 1979, when I attended CU in Boulder. I stood in line behind you at the bank once, and when my dorm-mate (a teller at the time) greeted you by name, I thought it was more than my 17 year old self could take. Took me *days* to recover. since then, I've bought many of your albums several times over, because I was always loaning them out or giving them as gifts....I've seen you in concert 5 times now. The most meaningful one for me was in Roanoke, Va during the *River of Souls* tour; I'd just lost my mom and my sister and the imagery in that album was a great comfort to me. I cannot listen to *Paris Nocturne* without finding myself back in that city, walking the streets of mont martre on an October evening. and when I need to kick my own butt into gear, I always listen to *Part of the Plan.* Your music is so personal and evocative, covering as it does so many of our life experiences.


So many other people in these posts have said it more eloquently than I am able to, but I wanted you to know that for one more person, your musical presence in my life was a blessing. With the gift of your music and the clarity of your shared stories, you represent special things to many of us. How could you touch so many diverse people without having some special connection to humanity as a whole? Now I'd like to turn that blessing back on you and your loved ones. You and yours are being included in so many prayers, and I'd like to add mine to that list. God bless you and your lady, and may you find the strength you need to fight this battle. We need you to stick around. I'm hoping that whoever's in charge of the law of karmic cause and effect is paying close attention to you right now, and that all the good you've been responsible for comes back to you. Thank you for all the music you've given us over the years; essentially, so much of yourself. so many of your songs have been touch stones throughout my own journey. again, just....thank you. With love, hugs and prayers ~ Laura G.


 Dear Dan and Jean, As I heard the sad news of your diagnosis, oddly enough the lyrics to a song my friend wrote came to mind entitled "who tells Jokes to a Jester", the 2nd verse of that song says: "Who sings soft songs to a singer? Who sees him cry when the show is over? Who takes away the screams from the crowd that yells for more?" I thought of how alone you must feel. I am so glad you have Jean to be at your side. I have been on all sides of the spectrum on this. I am an RN and professionally saw it from that end, I was IN the bed going through a bad diagnosis and by the side of the bed being the supporter. None of it is easy. The one constant factor I found however was "Will". I have taken care of patients that the doctors said would never walk again and they did. I took care of a patient that was in a coma and the doctors said would die. I helped wheel that person out of the hospital quite alive. The human will is stronger then any doctors words. Keep that in mind. Jean, I know how helpless you must feel at times wanting to take it all away and knowing you can't. Believe me, Dan just needs you there to love him, nothing else. I have been a fan since the beginning and your music has brought me through so many journeys, both good and bad. I thank you for that. All positive thoughts and best wishes to you, Jean and your entire family. ~ Jean Kellberg, Williamsburg Virginia


 Dear Dan, For many years your music has brightened my life and made me feel whole again when I thought I never would. Leader of the Band and Run for the Roses got me through my father's death and for these songs and all your other ones, thank you. I will keep you in my heart and prayers and send good thoughts out to you through the universe. You can beat this! Just know that you are loved by millions. Thank you for your wonderful songs. ~ Teri Kincaid Baldwin


 My prayers to you and your family during this difficult time. I have never contacted you before; forgive me that it took news of your illness to prompt this message. I was introduced to your music when a friend bought Nether Lands soon after its release. The words and the music overwhelmed me, then a young woman of 24. I played the album for all who would listen. I continued to enjoy your other albums, but Nether Lands has always remained the one I would return to during good times or difficult times. Your music became the cornerstone through which I enjoyed other artists' music. I believe that I've developed a rather eclectic taste in music, largely due to your influence. When friends would remark, "Oh, I know Dan Fogelberg, I've heard his music on the radio", I would tell them they had only heard the 'tip of the iceberg', so to speak. Then I would introduce them to Nether Lands.Again, may you and your family bask in the prayers that will surround you. ~ Roberta Kennedy


 Dan, Our prayers are with you. I cannot tell you how much you have contributed with your music in my life and just wanted to say how much I appreciate you. My wife and I wish Jean and you peace through this time that only the Lord can give. Sincerely ~ Phil Puckett, Dallas, TX


 Hang in there Dan. We will be praying for you. ~ Fans, T and T Scholze


 Dear Dan: Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. We wish you strength,courage and a quiet mind as you work with you doctors towards recovery. Your music has been a huge part of our lives for a long, long time and we look forward to many, many years of Dan Fogelberg music to come. Be good to yourself and remember you have the love & support of ALL of your devoted fans. God Bless. Sincerely ~ Liz & Rob Harris


 Dear Dan, Your music has been such a joy to me over the last 30 years - an old friend that I keep returning to. Your true gift of music has reflected so much of what we all experience and feel in every day life and I am so grateful that it has been a part of my life. I was so saddened to learn of your cancer but I know you will rise above it and continue to inspire us. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your wife. ~ Michele


 I met Dan many, many years ago in Peoria at the apartment of a friend It would be foolish to believe that he would remember me from a chance meeting. For me, the meeting was something so special. A few weeks before the meeting I heard a song played on the radio and it touched me so deeply. I checked around and was told that it was done by Dan Fogelberg. I mentioned to a friend of mine that I'd so much love to see him if he played in Peoria. Well, the next thing I knew, I had won some tickets for an outdoor concert! I went to the concert of course and was again moved by his music. A little while passed and I was invited to a friend's apartment that she shared with another woman. To my utter amazement in walked Dan! He was everything that I had expected him to be....kind, thoughtful, quiet. Your music truly, truly changed who I am today. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I pray that what you have passed on to us will return to you ten-fold and God will heal you. Peace be with you all. ~ Jerri Moorman


 Dear Dan: Like so many others, I heard the news on Friday evening and was profoundly shaken. I, too, have listened to you for more years than either of us would care to think about, I'm sure. I've had the privilege of seeing you in concert at least 4 times and truly hope to see you again. The first song I ever hear of yours was "To The Morning", and I thought it was the most beautiful I'd ever heard. So, I know some of your days will and have been quite challenging, but, "there is really nothing left to say but come on, morning". Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. ~ Jan D. Cincinnati, OH


 Dan, I vividly remember the San Diego radio station personality that 'referred' me to you in 1979 when queried as to what musical artist out there would touch my soul with a flair for acoustical magic. Your music has seen me through good and bad times and always centers me, and I thank you for that from the bottom of my heart. My thoughts and prayers are with you as you face this challenging hurdle. We'll see you on the road once you beat this thing! Take care and remember -- FAITH, FAMILY, FRIENDS! ~ Kem Siddons, Jacksonville, FL


 Dan, My prayers and thoughts are with you, and I know you will overcome this. Your have a positive spirit and I believe that you have the power to move the mountains, so you will come out of this stronger than ever. ~ G. Chalfant, Florida (originally from Evergreen Colorado)


 I just can't tell you how long I have appreciated you. I pray for you and wish you well. Attitude is everything and I know with your spirituality and your closeness to the above you will be healed. I know you are probably having some hard times right now and I just hope and pray that the good will show through each time. A longtime fan ~ Cathy Kamenca


 Dear Dan: For our 18th wedding anniversary we were going to see you in Morristown, NJ. When I opened the cancellation notice from the theatre, my heart sank, I wondered what was wrong. As a nurse, I have worked with childhood cancers for 20 years and have seen the strength and courage that comes from friends and families as they rally to support their loved one. You Dan, have strengthened millions with your music and soul searching lyrics. They have helped many of us to grow and make wise decisions in our lives. Now, its our turn to love and support you. PLEASE be assured of our prayers and strong faith that will enable you to rise above and conquer your illness. We thank you for the joy you bring us and we hope all these cards will bring joy to your heart knowing how much we love you. Keep a positive attitude and draw comfort from our creator. ~ Robin Sacco, New Vernon, NJ


 Dan. I just wanted to wish you good luck in your fight against this illness. You are the reason I started playing guitar and I can't thank you enough for that. You autographed my Martin D-28 in 1991 backstage at the Valley Forge music fair in PA and it along with my Martin D-41DF are my prized possessions. Your music has been a blessing to me and I am praying to hear much more music from you in the future. God bless you.~ Mike Mallett, Barnegat, NJ


 Dan, You have given so much goodness and beauty by sharing your talent with this world. The good thoughts, energy and prayers sent from all of us is the goodness and beauty most deserved and returned on back to you. Good thoughts ~ Kathy Kalafarski -I grew up with headphones on my ears and you on my stereo.


 Dearest Dan, Although we have never met, you are as much a part of my life as any of my family and friends. Your music touches my soul like no other. May the love of your family, the love of your friends, and the love of your unknown admirers from afar shine brightly upon you and protect you through this devastating storm known as cancer. With much love always ~ June / Norwalk, CT.


 I will throw a prayer to the winds for you as I sail my boat today. xxxooo Patti


 Dan - I was heartbroken at the news. You have given me so much joy and inspiration over the years. I hope that you feel inspired by the outpouring of love for you from all of your friends. I know the path you are on now and I know you have to make the journey alone. But I have an image of a long distance runner in a race who is running alone through streets lined with cheering crowds. Alone but never alone. I know it's a hard road you are on but you will get to the end and we will all be waiting there for you when we will all do another chorus of "Gambler". Thank you for all the music. I'll see you at Chastain next year.~ Ed Brown, Atlanta, GA


 Dan, I don't know where to start. I've been with you since Home Free, and you with me. Your music has pretty much been the soundtrack of my life, from ups and downs to love of nature and family. I still close my eyes and head back to my days in Montana every time I hear the opening to Nether Lands. You and your music have been a constant source of inspiration to me. I have had the opportunity to see you numerous times in concert, and feel the bond between you and your fans. You are truly a gift on this earth. I pray that the Lord brings both strength and peace to you and your family. You will always be in my heart, your song on my lips and your spirit in my soul. ~ Paul Gregory, Taylor Ridge, Illinois


 Dan, My husband and I have the opportunity to eat dinner together, about twice a week. On those ocassions, we take a minute to pray. We find it most amazing that ALL of our prayers are ALWAYS answered....and so, we add you to our prayer list and know, that, like the Phoenix, you will rise ! I have been listening to your music since 1977 and have had to actually replace albums that I've worn out! So many songs have meant so much at various times in my life. Godspeed! ~ Lori Majestic-Sullivan, Northville, Michigan


 Dan, My husband and I always try to see you when you are on tour. I was so saddened to hear the reason for your cancellation and have sent positive thoughts and feelings your way every day since I learned the news. I am a fan from the Red Herring days when I was a freshman and went to listen to you play at every possible opportunity. Your music has always touched me in such positive ways, and I just wanted you to know that old fans can send some of that positive energy back now that you need it. Thinking of you, sincerely ~ Cheryl Denni


 Dan, as a cancer survivor myself, I know there are good days and not so good days. One thing I do know is that love and support from family and friends is one of the best medicines available. As a fan of yours for many years, I was saddened to hear of your cancer and immediately started praying for you and your family and hope my prayers can touch you as positively and spiritually as your music has touched me. While I was in the Navy in 1985 on a deployment in the Mediterranean, I ran across "High Country Snows" in the ship's store and was amazed to discover that I liked bluegrass! I listened to that tape until it eventually broke. You helped get me through some of the most trying and lonely times of my life and now I intend to help you through my prayers God bless you and your family, Dan and I pray your recovery will be swift and complete.~ Brad Haynes Ft. Worth, Tx


Dear Dan, Your music has touched me deeply. Every time I listen to "Leader of the Band" I am moved to tears by the love you have expressed for your father. I pray that you will recover from your illness. Life is very precious. Savor every minute of it. ~ A long time Fan


 Dan , my thoughts and prayers are with you , you have always been in my heart. You took a troubled cityboy to the country , and saved my life over and over in these modern times , let the doctors in keep the wind at your back and god speed , you will be Home free. Power of the circle is with you. ~ Dave Fleming, Pgh, PA


Dan, you are my musical hero. I love your music. You have inspired me to sing and play. I pray that Heavenly Father will heal you. Please know that even a conservative loves you and prays for you and your family. ~ Casey Hancuff, Eagle, Idaho

Wow . . . Dan . . . cancer is a powerful and profound teacher. In two weeks I will celebrate both my 50th birthday and my 20th anniversary of losing most of my right leg to bone cancer. I had to choose between living (and mothering my then young children) or death. For five years after the amputation "they" told me I had a 70% chance of dying from cancer metastases to my lungs. "They" forgot about FREE WILL. Ultimately, we choose how we live and how we die. It is a personal journey. I want to let you know that I attempted to flee the University of Washington before my surgery and was eventually wrangled back into my room and fearfully awaited the surgery. As Divine Intervention would have it, you came on the TV singing I am not sure what song (it was the twilight drug they gave me), but I felt it was absolutely a sign that I needed to persevere with my life's journey. It was if you looked me right in the eye and gave me the strength I needed at that terrifying moment - after all, I had never seen you on TV before!! You have been a part of my life's experience since I was 18, living in Boulder, and heard "Part of the Plan." The meanings certainly get tossed at life's crazy junctures like the one you are experiencing, but take heart that the Nexus energy you have poured into us all of these years via your music and art is being returned to you infinitumfold in the hopes that you will be supported during this difficult time. Be strong and know that you are loved. So sincerely ~ Lisa


 Dan, I got home Friday night and a message on my phone said had I heard the news. Needless to say my night just wasn't the same. I have admired your talent for so long and always look forward to the next opportunity to catch you in concert. I couldn't get you off my mind so I had to write a song, it's the only way I could ease the pain. I hope you understand. You may never hear it but has helped me release some emotion. God Bless and I can't wait to see you in concert real soon. ~ Robert Flenner, Flower Mound, Texas


 Dan, Our prayers are with you and your family. Cancer can be beaten. My uncle beat prostate cancer, and now has more energy than he ever did in his life. Your music has been and continues to be an inspiration in our lives. There's more to come I believe! Peace ~ Brett Service, Windsor, On, Canada


 Dan, I fell in love with your music in 1972, the same year I fell in love with my husband. Through the last 32 years, I have been to 7 concerts and was lucky enough to meet you in Nashville. Your music has helped me through tough times and good times and now, seeing how many people you have inspired that want to return the favor is wonderful. You are and always will be my favorite musician. God works in mysterious ways and I believe that during this difficult time, you will be inspired with new songs to again touch your loving fans. I will pray for you and your family as will my church. I am a firm believer in prayer and know that God hears and answers. Look up and know that you are loved in Alabama. ~ Caren Case, Stevenson, AL


 From "Home Free" to "River of Souls" your lyrics and your immense musical talent - what can I say but thank you? You're the best. Your music has touched me. Thank you. ~ Laura W. Corrier


 Dan -We wish you well in your recovery from this cancer. Your music has meant much to us for the past 30 years and we will pray that God will bless you in your recovery. ~ Len and Renee, Bishop Calif.


 Dan, My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family as you weather this storm. I hope you'll be able to spend time on your boat this fall, sailing along the coastline of Maine. May a strong and comforting wind be always at your back, my friend.


I had the pleasure of interviewing you for a newspaper article, written just days prior to your ''River of Souls'' tour arriving in Madison, Wis. The hour we spent on the phone, babbling like two high school chums, is one of the highlights of my life. You were so open, so engaging, so real. It blew me away that one of my favorite musical artists was so approachable. You were kind enough to invite my wife and I backstage after performing, along with your buds, an outstanding 2-hour show. You, Joe Vitale, Timothy B. Schmidt and the others in your group made the two of us and about a dozen other guests feel very welcome. Thanks, Dan, for spreading kindness through your music and your good deeds. You truly are a dude. I wish you nothing less than peace and happiness in all of your future endeavors. Best regards ~ Steve Wlodarczyk


 To Dan & the Fogelberg Family-- I am a Peoria native and have been a fan of Dan's music for nearly 30 years. I received my first Dan Fogelberg album, Phoenix (on vinyl!) as a birthday gift, and played it until I knew every song by heart. Thank you, Dan, for the many, many hours of pleasure and inspiration I have received from listening to your wonderful albums. Your lyrics are poetry and you sing them in a way that actually allows ordinary folks like me to understand them and sing along. Dan, I'm sending my prayers and positive thoughts your way. Keep the faith--Jane Dobbins Lindsey, Woodruff  H.S. class of 1984


 Dear Dan and family, Your music and lyrics have touched my heart for many years, and you are my favorite musician. Please know that I'm praying for you and your family.My husband Vernon was diagnosed with Rectal cancer in 2002. He's doing excellent now. You will do excellent too with God's strength and grace. Trust in The Lord, he'll see you through it, just like your song, "Don't Lose Heart." God wrote that through you. I'm praying for you also, Jean. I know what the anxiety is like. You will do fine because we all love you and are praying for you. God will give you strength. I have no eye sight, but I have love for you and Dan. Remember one thing. You both are very loving! Please don't ever forget that.


I've been a fan of yours since 1980 when I first heard "Longer" and "Leader of the Band", and "Run For The Roses", on a trip back here to South Dakota. I've loved your music ever since then. I have all your albums on CD. I've never seen you in concert, but I hope to some day. May God richly bless you both. Love and Blessings ~ Pat Ferguson, De Smet, South Dakota.


 Dear Dan,This message is to let you know you are in my prayers. I have enjoyed your music for so many years. I feel "music nirvana" when I am at one of your concerts. Your music has been a wonderful soundtrack for many memorable moments in my life. At the risk of sounding corny, your music has touched my soul. It was and is an important part of my life. I thank you for sharing your talent with the world and with me. May you recover and once again be strong and healthy to sing out for all to hear.


 Dear Dan: Thank you from the deepest core of my being for all that your soul has brought to so many of us through your music. I have considered you a spiritual brother for so many, many years.I am organically praying throughout the day. A very tiny piece of paper with ‘DGF’ is in the small silver prayer box I always wear around my neck. Sometimes I simply move into silence and ‘sit’ for you, Jean, your Mother, brothers and others in a circle of light. God’s will be done. I pray for healing, love, surrender and acceptance…..wherever God leads you. Happy Healing!! God’s Blessings be with you, and yours ~ Dorothy N. Thomas, Onancock VA


 Dan, I heard "Same Old Lang Syne" last year...and ran directly to a music store for your CD...and fell in love with your voice and music. Have often said...the only person I've never seen in concert but would love Dan Fogelberg. I have no doubt I will get to see you in concert. Both my prayers and best wishes are with you. ~ Barbara Barnett, Cherry Hill, New Jersey


 Dear Dan Fogelberg, musician extradordinaire. As like all of your other fans I too have had you with me through the thick and thin of my little life. Your music, your words, your voice and the conviction you bring to your songs rings through and true. This I suppose is my "chance of a lifetime in a lifetime of chances" to tell you I have enjoyed many, many hours of your talent and when you get to Orange County, Ca., I'll be in the audience, by hook or by crook. Thank you for sharing your gifts with all of us. I hope you enjoy a speedy and complete recovery and, get back to me on that next concert in Orange County!!! I hope it will be soon. Be well soon. ~ Mitzie


 Dear DF, It's a relief to hear (despite the media's misinformation) that you're in good medical care and your treatments are progressing well. You have a warrior's spirit, and I have no doubt you can win this battle. Next time you perform in Milwaukee and visit the Yacht Club, I invite you to sail about 30 miles north to lovely little Port Washington and I'll buy you & yours a fantastic cup of coffee/tea at Kasha's to celebrate your recovery! Stay courageous and be well. With prayers, admiration and appreciation ~ Martha Pettengill (Port Washington, WI)


 God Bless and goodspeed back to health. We'll miss you at Chastain this Fall, but raise a toast on a crisp full moon evening to your success in fighting this!  Best Regards ~ Dr. Susan D. White


 Dear Dan; Your music has meant so much to me during the years and guided me down so many avenues in my lifetime. Please know my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family and hope that you are surrounded in love and peace throughout this challenge. ~ Kathi in TX


 Dan ~ As a member of the 20-person 2004 Bristol-Myers Squibb Tour of Hope bicycling team , please accepts our wishes for a successful and speedy recovery. As many of us have battled, and beat, cancer we share many of the aspects of this disease that I'm sure you are encountering. Please don't give up hope, you can beat this disease just like our Team leader Lance Armstrong did! ~ Steve Verbanic


 Hi Dan, I listen to your music over here in Germany since more than twenty years. And this music always gave me peace and inner silence - you did something for me! So at this moment there is something I can do for you...I can pray to God for your health..and I will do it now; just in this moment. Much Love from far over the ocean... ~ Michael


 Dear Mr. Fogelberg, I am unknown to you however I would feel terribly ungrateful if I never expressed my gratitude to you for sharing your remarkable gift of music. I first heard your voice when I was young and grieving for my brother. Your song To the Morning gave me strength at a time when I couldn't see how tomorrow could possibly happen. Since then I've listened in awe and delight to your beautiful and meaningful music. I've heard your music evolve and felt a change in myself as it did. There were times when I felt you were ripping your words straight from my heart, singing the emotions I didn't know how to express. I heard in your music a kindred spirit and so I felt less alone. In your notes I've felt joy and in your voice a kind of validation. To me your music is poignant and haunting, relevant and uplifting. You see, my life is a better life because of you. Honestly. The ironic and amazing thing is you don't even know me or the millions of others whose lives you have touched so deeply. To you I am indebted and if ever life puts me in a position to help you I will, however unlikely that may be. Once again, thank you! With love ~ Lindy


 Dear Dan, Here's the thing, heal quickly......for us!! Keep the faith, we will all get through this. Wishing you and yours calm through this passing storm ~ Katie Relkin (devoted fan since 77)


 Dear Dan, It is a rare occurrence when a total stranger has such a profound impact on your life that you cannot imagine what your life would have been like had you never "met." We have traveled many roads together over the years, my friend. You were there with me to share my happiest and finest moments. You were there to comfort and reassure me when I felt my world was falling apart. You helped me through a difficult divorce and gave me the courage to move forward. You soothed and healed me a week after my father passed away in 1991 when I attended your concert in Albany, NY. You spent the evening of our wedding with us when I was remarried in 1993 to my best friend Tim as we watched the "Greetings From the West" video after everyone had gone home. One of your lyrics from "Run For The Roses" ( ...a chance of a lifetime and a lifetime of chance...) has been boldly displayed above your name on Tim's elementary classroom wall ever since he & I saw you in concert 9 years ago. I think everyone who has posted a message here would agree that you have given each and every one of us the gift and beauty of your music, lyrics, and humble grace. It's time for us to give back to you now and we are all here for you in whatever capacity that may be. I've heard amazing things can be accomplished through The Power Of Love. May God Bless you and your family, Dan. Our prayers and love are with you all. Your devoted friends ~ Chris & Tim Wells


 Now, more than ever, I would like you to know what a great inspiration you and your songs were for me, as I went through high school and college years a few decades ago. They allowed me peace and tranquility when nothing else could. To this day, when things become too overwhelming for me---I have only to put on Scarecrow's Dream, and an unexplainable peace comes over me. Thank you so much for your beautiful songs and willingness to share. My thoughts and my prayers are with you. ~ JMP


 Dear Dan, You are the "legend" and we love you. No one singer has ever captured feelings quite like you have and you stand out as the one singer we could rely on to convey true feelings in the most beautiful  way, both lyrically and melodically. Your creativity has not been paralleled except, closely, by James Taylor. But your songs have more depth to them. I am praying for you, you are too good to be "captured", and a sweet angel here on earth. Sincerest wishes for a swift recovery, and more, please, much more music to live by, to love by. God Bless ~ Doreen Contreras


 Dear Mr. Fogelberg: From the first time I heard you on the radio, the first concert I attended at the Pier in NYC and all the following concerts I could attend at Jones Beach and the Beacon Theater, your music has touched me at important moments of my life. I don't attend many concerts because so many "artists" are disappointing in concert when they have to rely on their talent alone and can't match their recordings. You have never disappointed your fans. I remember a concert at Jones Beach several years ago where you forgot the words to "Leader of the Band" and the audience began to sing it for you. The acoustic portion of your concerts is always a highlight and brings pure joy to the listeners. Thank you for all the beautiful music you have created. My prayers are with you as you fight your current battle and I look forward to the next time I am able to attend one of your magical concerts. ~ Cathy, Stamford. CT


 As I read through the 15 pages (so far) of messages to Dan Fogelberg from his loving fans, I find myself overwhelmed at the prospect of finding just the right words to express my feelings....after all...Dan is the one with that amazing talent, and the best I can do right now is to try to let him know how much I look forward to the songs that the latest events in his life will inspire...Until then...I send Lots of Love ~ Rhonda in NY


 Dan, I'm so sorry to hear of your condition, even though it's only a temporary setback; I'm certain you will overcome. I have taken the time to read EVERY letter posted to this site thus far. The amount of love, concern, and the offerings of thanks and well wishes expressed here from those whose lives you've touched so profoundly doesn't even begin to measure up what you and your music have given us over the last 30+ years. We are eternally indebted to you for your thoughts, life lessons, and gift of song. One of my greatest pleasures in life was to be told "Your songs, guitar playing and singing remind me of Dan Fogelberg." What an honor to be even remotely associated with someone as accomplished as ourself....and even if only through the eyes and ears of one "fan". No amount of money or recording contracts could bring me more satisfaction, or eclipse the honor I felt by those few words. I've spent years following your career and take every opportunity to see you when you're in San Diego; from the Nautilus Amphitheater at Sea World, the Open Air Amphitheater at SDSU, and a multitude of appearances at Humphrey's By the Bay. I look forward to your recovery and your return to the road and hope you'll make San Diego a stop on your next tour. I'm already standing in line for tickets. .May peace be with you and yours through this difficult time. Your friend and lifelong fan ~ Dann Marquardt, La Mesa, California


 My prayers are with you. You have touched me with your music. Will see you soon in concert.


 Dan: We wish you the best, and we know you'll pull through. Love ~ The Hinrichsen Family (New Egypt, NJ)


 Dear Friend: I woke up to the news on the radio. I wish there was something I could do, something more than well wishes and prayers. I am glad we had the chance to cross paths. I will cherish you...the real you and your music, always. ~ Lisa Holmes~Stockton, California.


 Dear Dan, I just wanted to say that you are in my prayers every single night. I remember living in Colorado from 1979-1986 and that is when I discovered the most gifted musician and poet that God created, YOU. I moved back to NY in 1986 and when you toured in 1994, I saw you at Red Rocks which was the 2nd night of your tour and then back home in Albany which was the last night of that tour. It was such a memorable time for me and I have seen you a few more times after that. You are the spirit of the Colorado I miss so much and when I am down, your music brings me back to those wonderful happy days of my life there. I just wanted you to know that I pray for you and Jean and send all the healing power that is surrounding you to get you well again. May you have the strength and courage to fight this illness. God Bless ~ Jeanette in NY.

 Dear Dan, Your lyrics and music have pulled me through my darkest moments. I would now like to return to you my prayers and comfort as you go through this difficult time. The last time I saw your concert was in Cleveland , Ohio in 2002. You absolutely glowed with happiness, due, I'm sure, to your recent marriage to your Jean. May God bless you and make you well. My thoughts and prayers are with Jean and family, as they help you along your journey. Get well soon ~ Joyce Wilhelm. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


 Dear Dan, I was saddened to hear the news of your illness. You, your family and hope for a speedy recovery are in my thoughts and prayers. I wanted to thank you for giving me the gift of your music to see me through a variety of times, good and bad. I've seen you perform many times and you always move me. I'm transported back to days in my past I cherish when I listen to old favorites. I even smile to myself when I think of how we used to separate your albums from all the other artists...yours on the right of the stereo, the place of honor. No one could compare. Funny, even after all these one could compare. Be strong, get well, hope to be seeing you again soon ~ Jill (Connecticut)


 Dan, About thirty years ago your music inspired me to want to learn to play the guitar. Not only did I follow that inspiration, but I also went on to become a music teacher myself. However, the greatest gift you ever unknowingly gave to me was this. Many, many times at gatherings of my friends or my family I would often drift off into a corner somewhere and provide "mood" music for everyone else on my guitar. I'd throw in a little bit of Harry Chapin, America, the Eagles, and some of my own stuff. Yet the thing people always remembered the most was when I'd do some of your songs. I suppose it was the way your music had always spoken to me and it showed as I shared it with them.Therefore, I feel I would truly be amiss if I failed to at least share the following with you in your time of need. May you be free from danger...May you be happy...May you be healthy...May you live with ease....Thank you for not only touching my life, but my family and friends as well. ~ Jeff Ward, Evansville, IN


 Dear Dan, On the way home from work today I thought about the moment when you take the stage for the first time since getting well again. I believe the ovation just might be a long one, ya think? What can I say, you are my favorite musician of all time. I'm 45 and grew up in the seventies. Of all the great bands of that decade( the best for music ever), Seals & Crofts, America, Jackson Browne, even the Eagles, I rate you at the top of the list. Your songwriting, melodies/chord structure and angelic harmonies are second to none. To meet you would be a dream come true. I happen to be a musician myself so I think I have pretty good judgement of talent. God Bless you,your familiy and your doctors and we'll see you on stage. Love, ~ Mark Smith, Fairport NY


 Thank you for the smiles, the hope, the music and the hundreds of hours that I have found personal solace in your presence. May God bless! ~ Robbie Wood Burkholder, Bristol, Virginia


 Dan, thanks so much for the beautiful music! Your millions of fans are sending lots of love, prayers, and best wishes as you can tell by the many, many emails you continue to receive. You have touched us all! Get well soon!!!! Love from ~ Donna Perry in Denver, CO


 Hi Dan, I was just discussing the concept of "worldview" with my freshman theology students and how culture influences how we see the world. They wanted to know what music I listened to when I was their age, and I told them that I got to see the Eagles when I was 15, but that you were the opening act--and the act I most enjoyed. That was thirty-two years ago, and since then I've listened (and listened and listened) to all of your music. It is safe to say that no other recording artist has had a greater impact on my life. So as you go through this phase of your life, please know that you are in my prayers. My feelings on hearing of your illness are great sadness and fear; but, stirring beneath all that, and rising up, unspeakable gratitude that you have touched my life. And gratitude for the Spirit that binds us all together. Take courage, Dan. That funny old circle is a wheel, and, well, it's all good. God bless ~ Liz Williams


 My prayers are with you, Dan . You've been my hero since the first time I saw you in Mobile, AL, when you opened for the Eagles. We missed you at the Beau Rivage (Biloxi, MS) this year - hope to see you

back, in good health, next year!!!! ~ Cyn Rogers


 I have loved you since I was 16, and found Home Free in a garage sale. I have cried more nights singing my heart out to "Stars" and "More Than Ever". You are such a SPECIAL man that has touched my heart where no one else ever will.. I pray for you, and cherish my memories of you and your beautiful music. You will always be a part of me. ~ Debi Psomas.


 Dan - As with so many of the people who have written to you, I have been a fan of yours for over 30 years. The gift of your music has touched my very soul. You are in my thoughts and prayers every day. Blessings and Love ~ Mary in Hampton, Virginia


 Dan,"The face you are wearing is different now and the days grow hot and cold, but you are under the power of gold." My Prayers Are With You.~ Stacy Tollefson, FL


 Dan, I have loved your music from the day your father made us listen to your first album in choir class. Now I work at a hospital in Denver. I work with cancer patients daily. There are so many treatments and so much more hope for cures. You and your family will be in my prayers. ~ Deb Foster


 I don't even know you. But I am a Christian and I believe in God's power to heal as well as the medical field. I pray in the name of Jesus that you will be healed. And that you will experience His peace and that you will be filled with health, and new hope, new life, and that you will be greatly used in bringing people into His kingdom. Blessings and comfort to you and your family at this time. ~ Deborah Wilden


 Dan , I'm a longtime fan and just heard of your illness on the radio. I'm here at work while my family is at home. It makes one think twice about what is important in life. I wish you a speedy and full recovery. We have experienced prostate cancer in our family so I know it will not always be an easy road for you and your family through your journey to recovery. I'm sending my positive energy your way and then heading home to give my husband and son big hugs and tell them how much I appreciate and love them. Hearing your songs make me remember certain special moments in my life. Thank you! ~ Heidi Burg, Florida


 Dan, I pray for your speedy recovery and a full one at that. Best wishes and God Bless. ~ Jim Smith, Albany NY


 Dan, Your music means so much to so many. Of course, your fans and friends are understandably concerned and will be until you are once again cancer free and back writing, singing, and playing more great music. If you are strong enough to fight this disease, your fans are strong enough to support you through it. I appreciate your willingness to share information about your situation. As with most things in life, dealing with facts and the truth is much easier than dealing with the unknown or inaccurate speculation. I hope you will continue to share whatever information you are comfortable sharing. With so many people praying for you, I have to think God is hearing us and seriously considering our requests for your return to good health. You may not know us, but we are large in numbers and united in our support of you. ~ Linda B.


 You have brought more joy than you can ever realize. I have had the privilege of seeing you in concert many times over these last 25 years. The last time I saw you was 2 years ago in CT, my former home state. As I listened I realized how much we have all grown over the years. While you were better that ever, you seemed to really enjoy yourself. I find that contagious and the warmth of the evening still lingers in my mind. Thanks for the moments. Here's to at least 25 years more. ~ J. Kennedy- Gonzales LA


 For all the years of wonderful music...for all the concerts...for all the happiness you have given us...may you and Jean stay you put one foot in front of the other...rejoice in the joy of having one another...and know that we stand with you in your fight...we are all like warriors sending good thoughts and prayers up....and we know that when a prayer is whispered, it is heard...looking forward to only good things for you and Jean!! ~ Debbie from Florida & Cynthia from Ohio


 Dear Dan, I have loved you and your music forever. I finally got to one of your shows last year and thought it was wonderful. Please know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Sincerely ~ Sue


 Dear Dan, You have been such an incredible part of my life. Your music has touched my soul for 28 years and whenever I need to reconnect to my true self, my heart of hearts, the "me" in all the craziness, your words and music bring life back into focus. Thank you. Thank you so much for sharing your gifts. My heartfelt prayers are with you. My best wishes for successful treatment and a healthy recovery. I pray for your family's strength and for them to know that they are not alone. You've given so much, Dan Fogelberg. I only hope to give a tiny piece back to you. An admiring and appreciative fan.~ Kelly


 This is from a woman old enough to be your mother who loves your music. My daughter introduced me to "Home Free" and I have been a fan ever since. This is the first time in my life that I have been inclined to write to a famous musician. Does this make me a very old groupie? I am praying for your recovery. We need your sensitive lyrics and good music in this world. From a West Virginia woman whose mother grew up in Pekin and loved the Illinois River like you. Thanks for all your songs, especially "The River" and "Souvenirs." ~ Louise Simmons


 I first heard Dan way back in 1979/80. Phoenix was my favorite. Power of Gold  also caught this (then) 9th grader's attention. I acquired my first guitar shortly thereafter and...How many times have fans shared this story with you Dan? I promise, it may not be original, but it's true! Very best wishes and prayers for your speedy recovery. Many thanks for giving us good music! ~ Roland Cook Jr. Nitro, West Virginia


 Dear Mr. Fogelberg: I was so shocked to hear the news of your illness. My husband and I had already bought tickets to your October Florida Theatre concert and were so excited about seeing you. You and your music have been a very important part of my life. In fact, our friends performed "Longer" and "Since You've Asked" at our wedding in February 1989! I am a 12 year cancer survivor myself and I am truly convinced that MASSIVE prayer healed me (along with a great doctor). Have faith, be positive, try not to worry and everything will be fine. Know that you are in my prayers every night, as well as in the prayers of all your millions of fans! God Bless! ~ Judy, Orange Park.


 Your strength in music will see you through this mate. Your Native American spiritual beliefs will help. Thinking of you in this troubled time. A long time fan ~ Ian B - Australia


 Dear Dan - When I sent my message the other day I failed to include a good wish from another fan of yours...that would be my mom Jo...She has attended every concert with me for almost 30 years including the Soundstage taping last August here in Chicago. It was a wonderful evening for both of we will never forget...Her favorite song is "SEEING YOU AGAIN" --whenever that is on the sound goes way up on the CD player...She wants to wish you the very best and know that you are in her thoughts and prayers...We look forward to your full recovery and hope to see you again in concert many times in the years ahead...bless you and Jean. ~ Linda & Jo Flasch...Illinois


 Dan, I hope this e-mail finds you on the way to a speedy recovery. I'm a fellow guitar player/song writer who has been inspired by your song writing since your first album. I too have been recently diagnosed with prostate cancer and I now how shocking it can be to hear that dreaded C word. My wife and I, as I know many others, are praying for your recovery. I know you have alot more songs in you to write and we hope that will be soon. You're In Our Prayers ~ Dale and Cindy Rucklos


 Dear Dan and Family, Many years ago when I was going through a really bad time, your songs kept me going when I couldn't pray.I wrote a poem which I dedicated to you and one or two other Artists who were my lifeline at that time. Now, 23 years on, I do pray, and will pray for you and your loved ones. pray the 23rd Psalm for Dan. Your wonderful talent is God-given. Shalom, with love ~ Carol, in Shropshire, UK.


 For Dan and his family, Your music has been in my heart for 30+ years, and the music is now being temporarily replaced with prayers for a speedy and complete recovery. My husband and I saw your fantastic concert in Lake Tahoe last year, and I'll look forward to seeing you there again soon!!! ~ Susan Knight, Norman, Oklahoma


 Good luck, Dan! You and your music are truly a treasure. You've given us many hours of listening pleasure. ~ Heidi Bell


 My heart sank when I heard the news of your illness. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.~ Mary C Goltz


 Daniel......You cannot fathom the ways your music and lyrics have touched my life. Your writing and music compositions continue to be incredible and tho I saw you only once at the Ohio Theatre in Columbus, you mirror many of my own thoughts that I can't begin to articulate like you do. You made/make me feel like I am not crazy or alone. And you, my friend, are not alone either. May the spirit you worship bring you health and peace. ~ Margi Russell, Portsmouth Ohio


 My prayers are wit you Dan as you deal with this disease. May you be healthy, whole, and know that you are loved. Thank you for sharing your music with us. ~ Pat P., Elgin Il


 My first introduction to you and your music was thru the album "Souvenirs" many years ago. I have to admit I bought it just because of your picture on the cover but soon found it to be one of my favorite pieces of music for life. I've seen you in concert many times but one of my favorites was when you were in Minneapolis and played a benefit concert for the Raptor Center at the U of M. I live in Rochester, Mn. and would love to see you perform here one day. Best wishes to you and get well soon. ~ Carol King


 Dan - Your music has moved me more than most things I've come in contact with in the past 41 years, and it still gives me goosebumps, makes me cry, and takes me far away from the day-to-day nonsense THIRTY YEARS later. I can't think of much that has that impact. It is the biggest gift; something that makes me feel so deeply. "To the Morning" is one of my favorite songs and I have listened to it so many mornings in so many places...on my back porch at 6:30 while the world is still quiet...on the beach watching the sun rise over the ocean...on a train to New Orleans staring at some unnamed southern town go by, still hiding in morning mist. Your music was/is/will be the back-ground of some of the most magical moments of my life. You'll "be" at my wedding on May 21. Wouldn't dream of getting married without you there. Thank you for the gift you give to all of us. Surround yourself with love, light, and positivity.   I wish you rapid healing and blissful peace until you are well again. ~ Christine Torok, Reading, PA


 May God be with you and you will be in our prayers. Request for prayers come from Vicki McManus to me ~ Janice Goodwin


 Dan, you have been an inspiration and a good friend to me for almost 30 years. It has always been a dream of mine to someday sit down with you and have a cold one while looking out at the Rockies or listening to the song of the sea. NVP said "Faith is the one power against which fear cannot stand". May God fill your mind and heart with courage, peace and calm assurance. Take care bud. ~ Mark K, SC


 Dan, My mother is currently battling Multiple Myeloma, so I can understand what your loved ones are going through right now and respect your wishes for privacy. You are in our thoughts and prayers and we hope for the best for you.  I have loved your music since I was young and growing up in Boulder.  You have greatly influenced my life with your wisdom, words and music.  Thank you.  All the best ~  Joan McCorkhill


 Dear Dan, I was very saddened to hear of your illness.  Your music has meant a great deal to me for many years.  So many of the lyrics express thoughts and feelings that just continue to echo in me and I often find myself singing them.  The God of the universe is able to heal and has done so many times.  I pray that He will touch you especially in this difficult time and that you will feel His peace and presence. My prayers are with you. ~ Cliff from Clarence, NY


 Dan andJean, May the Light, Love and Energy of the Universe fold around you both. ~ Debby Sinera


 All I can say is that I was so disappointed, and frankly, bummed out to hear about your recent diagnosis. I don't know if I'm the biggest fan, but I truly love all of your music and am looking forward to more to come. All of my heartfelt good wishes and prayers to you and your family and for a speedy recovery ~ Vicki Pgh, PA


 Dan -  Believe in your own God-given strength and conquer one day at a time. During the challenging moments, remember you are not facing this on your own; your family and fans are facing it with you. Big hug and lots of prayers from a fan in Chicago.


 Dan, My best wishes to you and your family during this difficult time.  I only know you through your body of music and I thank you for the inspiration and hope you have brought me and my family through the music and superb lyrics. I hope to see you soon sharing your gift of music.  God bless you and your family.See ya soon. ~ Dave (Nashville, Tn.)


 Dan: Over the years, your music has brought much joy and pleasure to all of your fans.  May all that joy now come back to you in the form of prayers and good wishes for a speedy recovery. My prayers are with you ~ Colleen from Pittsburgh


 You have a dedicated fan in Wisconsin praying for you to have a quick recovery and complete healing.  You've been a part of my life since 1978 and have traveled with me across the US and back home again.  Your songs have always touched something deep inside me and I feel blessed to have spent so much time listening to your music.  I look forward to seeing you, once again, on the concert stage soon!!! ~ Cori


 Hey Dan, As a longtime fan, I want to offer our thoughts and prayers from my family and me to you for a speedy and complete recovery from your illness.  My wife and I are comforted by the fact that Jean is there to guide you through this difficult time. I have listened to and played your music for many years and have often quoted your lyrics in special notes to my wife.  As a Colorado resident for over 20 years, the beautiful poetry of Nether Lands was a contributing factor in my moving out here as a young man.We'll keep you in our prayers.  Thanks Dan, and Godspeed. With Love ~ Randy & Lynnea Wall


 Dear Dan & Family: My wife and I just recently heard of the illness that you are currently going through and our thoughts and prayers are with you. You have touched our lives greatly with your music and inspired us for many years. My wife and I recently adopted young girl from Korea, Cassidy Marie and we hope that in the coming years she will learn to appreciate your music and talent as we both have. We play many of your cd's for her throughout her days and nights with us and we hope that your inspirations will help in guiding her throughout her life, as it has ours. God speed with your recovery! ~ Steve, Charlene and Cassidy, Sykesville, MD


 Dan.......I am so saddened by this news. I see you every single time you are in Tampa. In fact, I have flown to other states to hear you sing. I just can't get enough!! You have been a part of my life for many years now. Your songs and lyrics take me away to a beautiful, peaceful place. I will pray for you every single day and wish for you the same peace that you have given to me in your songs. What a gift you have. I am a nurse here in Tampa, and I see the power of prayer and positive thinking in my patients works!! I would gladly donate my nursing services if you ever need a private nurse. It has always been my ultimate dream to meet the man that writes my favorite music. God be with you and your family, Dan......#1 fan from Tampa ~ Kay


 Dear Dan and Jean ~ Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Fight hard, Fight long. "Don't ever give up, cause you know what they say ,what the day may bring, it can take away." Things happen for a reason not always clear to us. Take Care, Keep the Faith and God bless you all. ~ Beth and Barry Burch


 I have always enjoyed your music especially "Leader of the Band". It always makes me think of my father who passed away last year. May you enjoy a full and speedy recovery. ~ Dave


 Thank you for your honesty. I'm sorry for what you are going through. If knowing how much you and your music are loved will get you healthy, you will live forever! I've listened to your music during the best times of my life and the songs remind me of joyous times. I've listened to your music during the worst times of my life and the songs encouraged and sustained me. We love you. We respect you. And now we will pray for you. ~ PJ, Illinois


 Dan and Jean, Wrap yourselves in all the love and good wishes posted on this website. ~ Becky in Texas


 I am a lifelong fan. Your music has been an inspiration. I hope you will have a speedy, complete recovery. ~ Neil L. Holman, Chicago


 Dan, I love your music, lyrics, and artistry. My soul was touched in the early 70's and then forevermore. Simply beautiful. So, with that in mind - what goes around, comes around. Therefore, I am absolutely positive that love, peace of mind, and gentle grace will harbor you from the storm. Know that this is all part of the plan. My wish for you and yours - heal and be well. I will see you on the next tour. ~ Marjorie, NJ


 Dan- Through the years you have given so much to so many, please accept our thoughts and prayers for a speedy and full recovery as a small offering in return. ~ Mike


 Dan, First, let me say that your strength and faith will get you through this. Of this, I have no doubt. Second, I can't tell you what you and your music have meant to me throughout my life.Being a recent Breast Cancer survivor, your music was an inspiration during the tough times. My friend Aileen and I would plan on seeing you anytime you came to CT and didn't miss one. (We were ready for this one, too!) Anyway, she would joke because I always cry at one song or another! No other artist touches my heart like you do. Stay well and fight hard. (I wish I could send you the boxing gloves I was given to symbolize my fight!) You will be back and singing like you never have before. I'm sure of it. Take Care. A Life long dan fan ~ Brenda


 Dear Dan, May God watch over you and hear the prayers of all those, like myself, whose lives you've touched through your music. You, Jean, and your families are in my prayers each day, and I have great faith that you will beat this cancer. God bless you. ~ Gabrielle


 To Dan and his family: Your music has meant a lot to me - and many others I know - through the years. I know that many diagnosed with cancer undergo treatment and come through it in a healthy state. My thoughts are with you as you go through the next few weeks and months of recovery. Please get well and continue to produce music that means something to those of us who care. ~ A fan in Virginia


 Dan - I heard last week that you were battling prostate cancer and was sadden by the news. I have enjoyed your music for years and just wanted to send you my best and let you know that you will be in my prayers for a speedy recovery. Best Wishes ~ Victoria Whitman, Westfield, NJ


 Dear Dan: Your music has inspired so many of us through the last 30 years. Thank you for that. Those of us who live in Colorado feel incredibly close to you and the images and feelings the music engenders. Now it's time for us to give a little something back. We're sending out our prayers, thoughts, energy and best wishes for you and Jean during this difficult time. Many Blessings. ~ Diane and Terry Sadler


 Hi Dan, I am and have been your fan from way back, and you and your music shaped a great deal of my attitude and philosophy towards life, love, and loss. I wanted to thank you for your music until now, and look forward to your offerings in the future. I am one of those ticket holders who gasped when I heard your show was on sale near me, and I soared at the chance to grab them. I've been holding onto them like a bird I love and don't want to let go...but I have to. And, don't worry about your fans, we'll always be here, especially now. We are all sending our positive energy and love to you all at the same time. I will pray for you daily, until you are well, and I pray for your family also. Wishing you well and see you soon at that rescheduled concert. Love you! ~ Andrea Carman,Panama City Beach, FL


 Mr. Fogelberg, The first album I ever commited to memory was "Souvenirs." It remains to this day my favorite album--as a matter of fact, I sing it just about everytime I'm outside doing yard or tooling around my back yard. I also want to let your know that how much your song, "Song of the Sea" means to me. Although I am a land-dweller, I've always had a passion for the open waters, so that song puts me in a state of mind that I yearn for every day. The reason I love the sea so much is that when I am on or near it, it is when I feel the closest to God. "Song of the Sea" has become a daily prayer for me, but I dedicate it to you as you fight your fight with cancer. May God bless and keep you.~ Garry Garzarek, Helena, Alabama


 Having lived in Boulder in the early 80's, where Dan Fogelberg sightings were cause for heart palpitations, I was upset by the news of this illness.I hope that you will be well and that I will be able to see you perform again. My prayers are with you and your family. ~ Donna Hamilton


 My prayers are with you & your family. May God bless you with His incredible healing hands! Looking forward to seeing you in the Oregon territory again.~ Barb, Monmouth, OR


 Dan-- I am 45 years old and I have grown up with you --through sad times, happy times, times I didn't think I'd make it through,your music was there for me. I've seen you in concert a couple times, you are my favorite musician ever. I will be praying for you. God does change things. I know. "Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." ~ Isaiah 40:31


 Dan has made my life a richer experience and many of his songs ignite my fondest memories. I feel very fortunate to have been able to see Dan in concert on 3 separate occasions and to have had him hear and respond to the question I blurted out at his Redwood City, CA concert in the Summer of 2003, "How did you get that black eye last year?" Thanks Dan, for all the gifts you have given our world which has made it a better place. Sincerely ~ Jonathan Furman


 Dear Dan -Today is my birthday and I can't think of a better gift than to finally "speak" to you! For 30 years you have been my "Kokopelli" ~ the ancient minstrel whose maxim was to "listen to the music of your soul". If you can travel the third weekend of September, you should join 20,000 of my dearest friends and me in Winfield, Kansas (my hometown) for the Walnut Valley Bluegrass Festival! We have been known to sit around a campfire with some of the best banjo, guitar, dulcimer and fiddle players on earth - singing "down the road... " from High Country Snows. The atmosphere is as festive or as spiritual as you desire - but very healing! Mossman Guitars began here (I think you know Scott Baxendale) so the history is rich! If not this year, maybe next... There are many of us who would love to be able to give something back to you. Even if it's just a heartfelt prayer! Love ~ Connie


 Dear Mr. Fogelberg I was deeply sadden to hear you are sick. For what it's worth, my family's thoughts and wishes are with you. You are an amazing talent and person and you've made the world a much better place for millions of people. Please hang in there and get well and I hope to see you in concert again soon. ~ Brett Eidman and family


 Dear Dan - I've been diggin' your music since "Captured Angel" (went back to discover "Home Free" and "Souvenirs"). The "Innocent Age" was my soundtrack through college. "Windows and Walls" ushered in my married life. Saw you at Lake Compounce in Connecticut during the "The Wild Places" tour. Your Christmas album "The First Christmas Morning" has been in heavy rotation every year since it's release - the quintessential holiday CD from the ultimate minstrel. Clearly, you've had a great impact on my life. May this note find you on the road to full recovery, good health and prosperity. God bless you and rock on, brother! ~ John Hentz, Hatfield, MA


 Dear Dan, I have been a fan of yours for many years, and for my birthday, a friend got me your CD set, Portrait. I can't seem to listen to anything else these days. Your music is absolutely heavenly, and being a writer of sorts myself, I find myself drawn to your lyrics, to the poetry you so eloquently write. Tonight as I found out about your diagnosis, I felt as if I had been kicked in the stomach. Tears filled my eyes as I told my husband. You, Jean and your family are in my prayers for a full and speedy recovery. Hopefully, the prayers and support of all your fans will do for you what your music and words have always done for us...inspired, touched and caused our hearts to soar.With love and prayers ~ Michele Lee, Whittier, CA


 Dan- my wife & I have been fans of yours since the nukes rally on the capitol steps in Washington. We've been to several concerts over the years, the first of which was around the time of Phoenix / Innocent Age. Two songs that stood out from that particular show were "The Reach" & "Empty Cages". After that concert, I was hooked. Been listening to your music ever since. Sang my children to sleep with some of your ballads. Learned some of your songs on guitar. In quite a few of these letters, people mention that they feel in you a kindred spirit. It's your lyrics, & the thought & feeling you put into your songs. Their genuineness. You were partly responsible for a poem that I wrote to my father this past Father's Day. In the "Greetings From The West" video, when talking about "Leader Of The Band", you said that when your father passed away, there was nothing left unsaid between you. I thought of that when I was deciding to write the poem. I didn't want to leave my appreciation for my father unsaid. He loved it. We saw you during your 30th anniversary tour twice & once during your recent "Full Circle" tour. We have sadly just returned tickets to your fall tour show at the Keswick Theater. Your music rocks us & touches our hearts. You are in our prayers. May the spirit within you & within us all bring you lasting health & peace. ~ Len & Clare Sieger -Philadelphia,PA


 Your album "Souvenirs" has been in my collection for over thirty years now; I finally had to replace the worn-out vinyl version with the CD version. I have many of your other albums as well; you are the only artist I've actually bestirred my lazy self three times to see in person over the years. You are such a treasure. Love to you always and my prayers for your health. ~ Kathy


 Dan, Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers. I have enjoyed following your career. It has been outstanding. From an old friend from Woodruff High School. ~ Dennis Bailey


 Dan, Please remember that God never gives us more than we can handle. Please ask God for what you want and what you need, He cannot give you what you do not ask for. You and your family will be in our prayers daily. ~ Tom and Nancy


 I have read through a lot of the Good wishes for you, and I almost feel as if I am the only person who hasn't been a fan for like 30 years. I went to my first (and only so far) Dan Fogelberg concert in 1998 when I was 18. I'm 24 now, and just want you to know that you are my absolute favorite singer/songwriter. I am praying for you and your family. ~ Wendy Daugherty, Clermont, Fl


 Dan, My thoughts and prayers are with you an your family during this difficult time. Regards ~ D, SLC, UT


 Hey Dan...I want to start by saying that there are so many who will probably not even see this site and know to email, but are praying for you and your family. Your music has been so special to me throughout my life and you have inspired me with your incredible lyrics more than you will ever know. I know that there is not a whole lot anyone can say at such a scary time, but let me just say that you will make it through this and (we) your fans will be YOUR inspiration this time. Keep a smile on your sweet face and always, always keep that wonderful tune in your heart. We are all with you! ~ Lesli Friedman- Southern California


 Dear Dan,You have so often shared your words with us and done so with such grace (unmerited favor from God) and talent. Now I share my words with you. God's grace is still in abundance, but more difficult to see as it requires seeking it out. As most of us do, you may be asking Him, "Why?" His response very often is, "I want to draw you closer to Me, will you?" His love for us is never forced, but He offers it at every minute of our lives. It is sort of like a cell phone. He's constantly calling us, leaving us messages, but unless we turn our phone on and check our messages, we'll never know. He even leaves text messages. When we respond to His love...that is when He can do marvelous things through us. You have demonstrated this very thing through your music. But as the HSN infomercials say, "That's not all!" He yearns to draw you deeper still. Man, He really loves you! Adversity, although not caused by God, can offer opportunities to seek after Him like nothing else. And the payoff is a glimpse of eternity, into the very throne room of the Most High.

The older I get, the more I realize I don't know. There is, however, one thing I am more certain about than I am about my own name: God is in control and He knows EXACTLY what He's doing. For the past five years and even still, I seek to find out who God really is, not who I think He is. I found a quote from someone who has done this for most of his life and refer to it often. "The greatest hindrance to the truth is the assumption that you already have it." The time in my life where I found myself seeking the truth with even more ferver was when there was adversity present. I have found that God is synonomous with truth and that there is nothing better that this life has to offer than seeking the presence and fellowship with God and having Him continue to reveal Himself (the Truth) to me. That my dear friend, has been my prayer for you long before your recent news. And now the adversity in your life will cause fervency in my prayer life. (See, I get to enter His throne every time!) May the fullness of His grace abound to you and His peace, which passes all understanding follow. And as Spongebob Squarepants says, "Really, really, really!" In His Great Love ~ Diane Wilson


 May the grace, truth and love so openly shared through the gift of your music come back to you, "full circle," and embrace you now and always. God's blessings and prayers .


 Dear Dan, I have been a huge fan of yours since the early 70's. I am a proud owner of all your albums as well as CDs. Not a day goes by that I don't listen to your music. You are my favorite songwriter and performer. I am a strong believer in the power of prayer. I know that all of your fans are praying for you and your family. I am confident that you will beat this disease and will continue to write and sing many more beautiful songs. God has blessed you with a wonderful talent and I am sure he is watching over you during this difficult time. Keep your strong faith in God and he will see you through this. You have touched many lives with your wonderful music and God knows the world is a better place with you in it. ~ Lou McCain, Chesapeake, VA


 Dearest Dan, You have touched my life in a way no one else ever could with your music, and I was so sad to hear about your recent diagnosis. I have every album, cassette, and CD you have ever made and have seen you in concert at every Florida appearance. One of my birthday presents this year was a ticket to your Melbourne concert, which is how I found out about this recent news. All I can say is that I am very hopeful that you will make a full recovery because someone who writes and sings so beautifully and so much from the heart should and will be with us for many many years to come. You were the subject of a recent research paper I did for a fine arts class, and I enjoyed so much learning about your life. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I love you! ~ Linda


 Your music has seen me through many stages of my life and romances. I can only say, "Thank you for the joy." You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.


 We have enjoyed your music for many years and hope you will have many more to share with us. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this difficult time.We have seen you in concert several times and especially enjoy your acoustic songs.


 Hi Dan and family, Keep the faith, never give up---good health and music vibes your way. Love ~ Keyboard player and songwriter ~ C.H.A. in Canada


 Hey Dan, I prefer to believe that things have been greatly exaggerated. Whatever the truth may be regarding the seriousness of your illness, you are in my prayers to the Creator Spirit. Like you once said of yourself, I'm more in tune with a native American spirituality, and because you have bared the soul of so many of us in your music since we first met in 75' , I know you will accept what the Creator may deal you. Thank You for the heart we share. ~ Jim Cason, Hernando, MS


 Dearest Dan, I have seen you many times and you are one of my favorite performers and songwriters of all time. I am a nurse and with the advanced treatments of your illness, I believe you'll have no problem in making a full and healthy recovery. Hurry though, I miss you in Florida. Your fan, with love ~ Stuart Goldman


 Dan you have touched my life with your music for many, many years. May God touch you with his healing hand and bring you strength in this difficult time. For all that you have given to others through your music. I know that that many prayers are winging their way to Him for you. ~ Kim, Chesterton IN


 Dear Dan and Jean, You have been an inspiring force for so many through the years. I have always felt a kinship with you and you have been in my prayers since I first heard your voice so many years ago. I prayed that God would guide you to truth and that you would find your way and not get lost in the shuffle. Now I pray that He will allow you more time on this Rock of ours. Selfish, probably. But I do know that your Jean is praying the same thing; so I couple my prayers with hers and all the myriad of others who do not think it is quite your time to leave. Be well and blessed because you are a blessing to us all. ~ Julie


 Dear Dan & Jean, I was saddened to hear of your recent diagnosis. I hope that you are doing well and that each day finds you closer to recovery. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this time. May you find comfort from your family and friends during these trying times and above all else, never give up! Keeping you in my thoughts ~ Mary Kay Ferri - Pittsburgh, PA


 Dear Dan, Seeing the hundreds of e-mails you've received in the last few days just confirms for me that we are not just devoted fans, you are like part of our family. It may sound silly, since we only know you through your words and music, but the love and concern that pours through these messages is amazing. I only wish they could be the instant cure for your illness. I wish you all the best as you battle this disease and I will pray for you daily. With Love, Hope and Faith ~ Diane


 Mr Fogelberg: My wife and I wish you courage and offer a prayer of hope as you enter into this fight. Just recently, I was offered a Lance Armstrong LIVESTRONG bracelet; I wear it on honor of my own brother who is a prostate cancer survivor, as well as for my wife's mother who is battling ovarian cancer. I now wear it in honor of your fight also. " Courage is the first of human qualities because it is the quality which guarantees all others."  ~ Winston Churchill ~ Beck & Joel Kiekbusch, St. Paul, MN


 To Dan & Family, The day I heard your news I cried all the way home from work. You have been a huge part of my life since the late 70's. I've been inspired and awed by your music. It transports me to wonderful places and keeps me sane. I work in cancer research here in Peoria. I talk to people every day who live with and defeat cancer. I tell them the most important things to remember are to be positive, to laugh and trust God. So, be positive, laugh often and trust God, he knows what he's doing. I will be praying along with the zillion others who have responded here, that you will be well and continue your amazing work. ~ Sarah E. Gonzales - HUGE fan in this river town.


 I saw you for the first time as you backed up a popular band (can't remember who) in PA in 1972. I fell in love with you . I followed you throughout the years and your music and poetry spoke to my heart so many times . Sometimes I felt as if we were kindred spirits and you knew me. I know this is a difficult time for you and your family. I also know that because of your strong faith and the advances in treatment today you will come through this even more blessed. You have given so much of yourself through the years with your music and never gave up what you believed in. You have comforted me with some of your music and I hope you are encouraged by words you yourself  have written. "Don't lose heart... I will always be beside you" is an example that comes to mind. I am assured that I will see you again . My prayers are with you.God Bless you ~ Barbara from Bethlehem, PA


 Dear Mr. Fogelberg: I was so shocked when I heard of your illness. My husband and I had already bought tickets to your October Florida Theatre Concert and were so excited about seeing you. You and your music have been a very important part of my life since 1975. In fact, our friends performed "Longer" and "Since You've Asked" at our wedding in February 1989!  I am a 12 year cancer survivor myself and can truly say that it was MASSIVE prayers that healed me (along with a great doctor). Have faith, be positive and try not to worry. You are in my prayers every night, and in the prayers of all your fans! ~ Judy, Orange Park


 What does one say. I am a serious songwriter and you are one of my top influences. Rent some Stooges videos. It can't hurt. ~ JohnnyO Ozelius


 Nether Lands is still today one of my favourite album of all time. The news about his illness leaves me without words. Can the Music give the strength to Dan for a complete healing and for other 50 years of songs. With Love ~ Marco


 Dear Dan, My husband, not a big fan of any music, came home from work and said "I think that guy you listen to in the car all the time has cancer". He said "the one from Peoria", and unfortunately I knew then who he meant. Having been so ill last winter myself, being on life support twice, I understand how hard all of this is for you and your family. I'll be praying for you as many did for me. I know it's the only reason I'm still here. Best wishes, ~ Gail, Illinois


 Dear Dan, wife Jean & Family, Words cannot express what your music has given to your fans (me being one of your very loyal ones), you have NO idea (yes you do, because almost every e-mail in recent days has expressed this very same thing) . I was first introduced to your music back in the 70’s by my 4 older brothers when we lived in Evergreen, Colorado, I was about 12 (I’m 42 now). It was a time when they were in no mood to have their little sister trying to hang out in their room listening to music, and the REST is history.  My father has survived prostate cancer and he is 77 years old and still kicking with 10 kids . . . SO CAN YOU !!!. I’ve had the pleasure of seeing you about 5-6 times here in Atlanta where I reside and had tickets to the October show at Chastain Park Amphitheatre which by the way, the venue is great but doesn’t do you justice with all the women gabbing and worrying about their liver Pate’ and shrimp presentation instead of enjoying the guy who’s up on stage singing. Anyway, my sister Andy and I are moving back to Colorado which is where our heart is and expect to see you at Red Rocks in the hopefully near future. People always ask me who my favorite artist is and I tell them “well it’s a tie,  between Dan Fogelberg and Stevie Wonder” - I know that’s a funky combo, but you're right up there with the “Master Blaster” - and as one of his songs (Sir Duke) says: “Music is a world within itself with a language we all understand with an equal opportunity for all to sing, dance and clap their hands”. God be with you. You have MANY, MANY people thinking & praying about you. I pray the peace you have given people with your songs comes back to you tenfold ~ Kathy Rogers-Marietta, Georgia


 Dan, May the positive energy and love that surrounds you be with you now as it has always been. We are walking it with you and your family. My prayers and love are with you and your family. We will see you soon!! Thank you ~ Diana Weeks


 Hey Dan , as a longtime Fan for years, I wish you all the best!  I'm sure your music was a help for many people around the world for so long, so I`m sure from now on all our thoughts are with you! A fan from Hamburg Germany ~ Joachim


 Since the first time a friend turned me on to "Nether Lands" you have been a part of my life. You help me reach the heavens with the love and sensitivity that is such a part of all your music and is an integral part of my meditations. Your songs of home, adventure, hurt, love have provided your many fans with ties to you that will never be erased. God Bless you and what you now face. The many prayers that are being said for you will undoubtedly reach God's ears. ~ Michele


 Dan, Your music has been involved in all the poignant moments of my life, beginning with my wedding, the birth of my only child, and special times with friends and family; and although I've been listening to your music for years, special songs still give me butterflies. (It's also the perfect music when the snow is softly falling through the evergreens here in Minnesota.) I'd like to thank you for the joy you have given me and others through your music.Hearing the news of your illness is hard. I will pray for your recovery. Remember that you are blessed to have your wife by your side, and your friends and family behind you, their support will do wondrous things. I look forward to your next visit to the Northrup Auditorium. ~ Laura Madsen, Deephaven, Minnesota


 The 1970's were different times for females wanting to get in to the music business. Women like Joni Mitchell and Christine McVie were breaking through the glass, and I was a young female musician trying to get band work. A friend of mine said "Either learn to play bass and sing harmonies so you can gig, or start writing your own songs". He gave me "Home Free" and "Blue", and those 2 albums were my teachers. I continued to follow Dan and Joni and learned a love of harmony and lyric (sometimes a rare marriage in music). Dan, your work was inspiring. I have purchased your music through the years, saw you live in Pittsburgh and will continue to support you although now it will be a different will be in our prayers at night as we kneel with our seven year old and God Bless everything from his new arrowhead to the blessing of the tire swing in the yard. We'll add your name and he'll ask who you are and I'll tell him you're a songwriter and also the best singer of "r's" I know of. We'll name some of your songs and he'll know them because he's heard them quite a few times. Hang in there, hold tight to all who love you and know that this is one of those times when God reveals you to yourself. ~ Carol


 Someone at work had told me about your condition, & I was very sad to learn of it. Take care & get well as soon as possible, music wouldn't be the same if you weren't there too. ~ Steve


 My prayers are with you. ~ Denise


 Dan, Our thoughts and prayers, those of both myself and my lady, Ginny, are with you. A week ago this past Tuesday, Ginny lost her son in law to a brain tumor that apparently wasn't caught in time. Let us hope, my friend, that the medical community treating you have done better than they did with Carl. He was a heck of a guy, as you are. Hang in there! ~ Len Jaffe


 When I heard about your fight and your cancelled tour, I drank a toast to you and your family. Your music, like for so many others, has made me cry, think and look into me. I am forever grateful to you and look forward to seeing you when you have won the fight. ~ Ginny Leary, Pittsburgh


 Dan, I first heard your music when I was a child in the early 70's. I can remember trying to play my mother's guitar at age 13 and the first song I wished to learn was "Dancing Shoes". Many years have come and gone and I have hung onto your music and listen to you almost every day. I have even learned to play a few more of your popular songs such as "Longer", and "Make Love Stay." Your music has so much meaning in people's lives. My mother explained to me that she used to watch your father perform with his high school band in Pekin, Illinois where we are from. She said that he was a very talented man and he was always encouraging her to play. She said she can remember him doing some Henry Mancini arrangements and pop music put to brass. She saw your band play at our teen functions, but unfortunately she didn't know you were Larry's son at the time. When your hit "Leader of the Band" came out years later, she said she was touched by your admiration of your father put to into song. Because of your compositions like "Leader of the Band", she became an admirer of your music, not just because she liked them, but because she needed them. My Grandfather (Max Hiett) also knew your father very well. My grandfather was a very good trombone player in his younger days and he also taught Math at the same school your father taught.


In 97 or 98 I purchased tickets for my grandmother and me to go see you play in Minnesota for the first time. You were mesmerizing. You play with such grace and skill and I had regretted not seeing you perform sooner. I'm always looking to see if you are coming back to the Twin Cities to perform. Yesterday I was on your website and noticed that your fall tour was cancelled. I can't tell you how my heart sunk when I read the news that you were ill. I hope that you overcome your illness and continue to produce beautiful music for us dreamers to listen to. My family and I will be thinking of you and we will pray for you to have a speedy recovery. Life time fan ~ Ann Thomas - Minnesota


 Dear Dan - Your music was the background of my childhood/young adulthood. As a teenager, I can remember listening to your music and just boo hooing, thinking "will ANYONE EVER love me like that?" :) Well, now that I'm all grown up, I have found that love. I DO still love your music and want to wish you well and thank you for the weaving such beautiful colors into the tapestry of my life.You and your family are in my prayers. ~ Amy Unger


 I'm writing you from far away -from Italy: I didn't know anything about your health problems. I'm praying for you and your family. I've got all your records you made.God bless you ~ Maurizio


 Dan, You have WHAT???? This will just not do!!!!!!!! Stay strong and fight hard my friend. Your family and fans need you! ~ Jean James-Acciarri


 From my Home in Minneapolis and now Colorado Springs Co. Hope you get well real soon and hope to see you for many years to come. ~ John Wallentine


 Dan, my deespest wish of a speedy recovery for you are drifting out my window on this perfect August breeze in hopes that God will deliver it swiftly and safely. Your talent, wisdom, and grace have inspired me since the 70's; the t-shirts and memorabilia which fill my place remind me of wonderful evenings spent you and my precious friends; your melodies are evermore playing somewhere in my mind, and your lyrics have been the painted cobblestones which have accompanied me along my path in life. Thank you from the depths of MY soul. My first concert with you was at the Music Hall in Boston; you were still working out a few of the lyrics to "Same Old Lang Syne" (we laughed as you tossed a few funny ones our way). what has stayed with me most from that night was the vision of melodic angels ascending higher and higher into that balconied heaven ...lighters flicked, harmonizing to verses of "There's a Place in the World for a Gambler"; it was an incredible moment in time for me. Between then and now my friends and I have delighted in spending more than 20 evenings, sometimes twice in the same week, with you from Cumberland County in Maine to Tanglewood to Oakdale, the Providence Civic Center, the Common, and to Cape Cod... Your music now and forever fills my world. You are in my opinion the greatest singer/songwriter of all time; the world's greatest poet. Touche' . I want you to know that I share with my students: you, your passion, your insights, and the beauty of your lyrics; I know my students will carry on the kindred spirit you have given to this world and it will be renewed as each generation comes to be.Thanks for the "liberty", Dan Fogelberg, thank you for everything. God bless you and your loved ones ... ~ Bob Gallagher, Franklin, MA


 Dan, I purchased tickets to your October concert in Reading, PA, only about a week before the news of your illness broke. My sister, my friends, and I have not missed any of your local appearances in more years than I can count. The cancellation of your tour made us sad, but the reason for the cancellation was absolutely heartbreaking to all of us. Your music and your spirit has inspired us for as long as we can remember. You've been with us through high school and college, and all of life's ups and downs ever since, and you will forever be in our hearts. Our thoughts and prayers will remain with you and your family throughout this ordeal. Remain strong, remain positive, and I know you will win this fight! And we will be there with open arms when you get back! ~ Lynn, Douglassville, PA


 Dear Dan, Tu es dans ma coeur et dans ma tete--also in my prayers. Most Sincerely ~ Joan Trader


 Hi Dan, By the time you finish reading all these messages you should be well. I can't say anything new here but I can join the legion of fans in saying that your music has had a profound effect on my life. I can always relate to your songs and be moved by your melodic gift. I am a professional musician as well but more as a band director like your father. I have spent 18 years in music education on all levels and played music professionally most of my life. I know a great artist when I hear one and you are truly one of the greatest! I could never thank you enough for everything you have given me. I have seen you live several times and each time I came away more inspired in my chosen profession. You are my musical hero and you and your art will survive the ages. I wish you a speedy recovery and many more years of great artistry and inspiration. ~ Chuck


 Dan - I have read 10 pages of the hopeful notes and letters that your fans/friends are sending to you. I am sure that you are touched. For very many of us, you have touched lives. You will overcome the cancer. Just reach within and find the energy to remain positive. Also, stay close to God. Your loved ones (and the rest of us) depend upon it. I have been a great fan since the early 1970's and began playing clubs a few years later with your songs as a good portion of my song list. I practice law today (oh well, could be worse). Just know there are many of us out here who are sending you thoughts and prayers.~ GP, Pennsylvania


 Hello Dan: I too am "just a farm boy from Peoria" as I like to say. My older sister turned me on to your music in the mid-1970s. She was away at college in Saint Louis, Missouri when she discovered your music. When she came home for Thanksgiving one year she was all excited to share with me this new album she just raved about - Captured Angel. I absolutely loved it and to this day my all time favorite song of yours is The Last Nail. Your first four albums were the first I heard and to this day Home Free and Nether Lands are my two all-time favorites.


Like many others, I was deeply saddened to see the report of your health in the newspaper recently. God has His plan for each of us and I've learned (the hard way) not to question or fight it. I pray that His will for you will manifest itself as painlessly and perfectly as possible. I wish you the best, Dan Fogelberg, and will pray for you. Our personalities seem to be very similar, based on your lyrics: "And one became this lonely soul that sits here now and sings this song to you." From one lonely soul to another, may the Great Spirit watch over you and protect you. Thank you for the years of comfort and inspiration! ~ David Efken, Algonquin, Illinois


 Dear Dan - Your music means a great deal to my wife and I so we hope you get well soon. We still hope to see you play here in Scotland sometime.You have many fans here and your music gets played often on Radio Scotland to great response. Good luck and best wishes. ~ Joe and Christine Dearie


 Dan, I have always been a huge fan. I am fighting an illness of my own. Let's just think of these as just one more speed bump in our lives.It seems a little ironic that I am listening to "There's a place in the world for a gambler". This is one bet we will win. ~ Corey


 You have lifted our hearts and spirits from darkened places so many times through your music. May our love for you help do the same, in return. Get well, Danny! May the good Lord bless you with a speedy recovery. ~ JohnnyB


 Dear Dan, My husband Wayne and I have been fans of yours for many many years. We love your style and appreciate your talents. We wish you all the very best and hope that you will be touring once again soon (in the Green Bay Wi area). Take great care... ~ Wayne and Ellen Kaplan, Green Bay Wi


 Dan, I have been a fan since college in 1977. Your music has many special memories attached when I hear certain songs. My boyfriend's roommate played "Old Tennessee" on his acoustic guitar the first time I heard it, and I have never gotten that song off my mind since- I absolutely love it! I have felt peace and joy listening to your music, and I saw you at the Masonic Temple in Detroit about 5 years ago and it was so personal and warm in that theatre. Please, please get better and never let up in your fight. I donate regularly to the American Cancer Society and will pray for your full healing. My thoughts are with you and your family at this difficult time. You have greatly enriched my life! ~ Sandy Gustafson


 Dear Dan - Your presence in my life through your music has been a great pleasure and a wonderful blessing. Your soul is a great addition to this planet, so stick around! I am sending you and your family much love, and the highest energy available for your healing. Wishing you peace and strength in your journey. God Bless! ~ Sue Worthington, Brigantine, NJ


 Dear Dan. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Your music has touched my life in so many ways. At one of your concerts you gave me a towel from your stage. It will always remain on my piano bench! Thanks for sharing your amazing talent with me. ~ Joan Barton


 Dan Fogelberg's music has been a part of my life for over 20 years. I am saddened to hear news of his illness, but will keep him and his family in prayer and wish to send along thoughts of all good things for them.With affection ~ Stephanie Bridges-Bledsoe


 Dan: I am not sure I can find the right words to express what your music has meant to me throughout the years. Your music and lyrics helped me make it through my college years. To this day, I listen to your music often and enjoy every moment of it. The way you capture the emotions and feelings of all of us on this planet and express it in music is amazing. I just found out yesterday about your illness. At first, I couldn't believe it. But after reading many of the well wishes to you, I know that you can beat this disease. You need to do this because all of your fans need to have you here with us for many years to come so you can continue to play your beautiful music.(I know that is selfish of us, but it's true.) Thank you for your music, your love and your inspiration to us all. Be strong and get well soon. Our prayers and love are with you. God bless you. ~ Mike Webber, San Jose, California


 Dan: As a lifelong fan, I wanted to wish you well. Be Like Lance Armstrong -FIGHT HARD!!! WIN!!! The world needs your voice and music. Good Luck and warms wishes ~ Pierce Russell, Phoenix, Arizona


 Hello Mr. Fogelberg! Yes, I am a fan of yours from way back, but more than just "a fan". Your gift of music has influenced me and given me strength and joy on more occassions than I could possibly count. The title track of "Windows and Walls" gives me goose bumps every time I hear it. My mother passed away about the time the record was out and it still sends shivers up and down my spine when I listen to it. How could you have known that the lyrics mirrored real life? "Dancing Shoes", "Same Old Lang Sang", "Leader of the Band" and countless others have hit my heart in a way that you could never know. Think of the millions of people whose hearts have been touched by your music! God bless you Dan, get well soon, and thank you for sharing your gift of music. ~ Gary - Minnesota


 Dear Dan and Family, my prayers and good wishes go out to you all during this trying time of your life. Please be encouraged that we are all wishing you well. This gives me a great opportunity to thank you for your beautiful, heartwarming, music. God gave you a beautiful gift of art, music, and poetry. It would be selfish of me if I had not expressed a big, heart warm, thank you, for all you have done, for the millions of people out there, including myself. When your music comes on the radio, I am truly amazed at how soothing it is to my soul and I am grateful for your inspiration to all. May God give you life abundantly, as you have given life and love to the millions of people in which you have shared your music and life with and also poured your heart into. May God bless you. Sincerely ~ Pamela Carter, Austin, Texas


 Dear Mr. Fogelberg, I just want to start out by saying that you are my all time favorite musician, my songwriting hero! I am 18 years old and a musician/sonwriter and artist as well. You have inspired me so much in my music as well as my art and I want to thank you for sharing all of your wonderful talents with us! I saw you in concert last summer in Atlanta with my aunt and uncle and was planning on bringing my mom and dad to see you this year. I have been praying for you since I heard the news and will continue praying for a quick and easy recovery as well as a peaceful and worry-free time for you and yours. Just remember that God is with you and that He will take care of you! Thanks again for everything! ~ Kiley, Knoxville, TN


 Dear Dan, Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this time. You have no idea how much you and your music means to our community. My family has been running Cheley Colorado Camps in Estes Park, Colorado since 1921. Your music is an integral part of our camp. The girls lock arms in a circle every time they peak a mountain and sing "Nether Lands". The boys have a very special ceremony at the end of the summer, in which they sing "The Gambler" with lit candles and raise them at "let it shine". We also climb Half Mountain and sing "The song from Half Mountain" at the top. Please know that your songs have touched thousands of campers over the years and we wish you peace and a quick recovery. Much love to you ~ The Cheley Family


 Greetings from the East! Godspeed your recovery my friend. You are in my prayers daily. ~ Judi


 Dan, Thank you for the music that has touched me as no other has. I will keep you and your family in my daily prayers. Wishing you faith, strength and love. ~ JoAnne, Bethesda, MD


 I smile through the tears as I've had time to try and grasp the news of your illness and been able to reminisce through the 30 years of your music in my life. Dating back to the first note from "Home Free" up to the taping of your Soundstage performance last year in Chicago. Having the opportunity to meet you at Red Rocks in '99 and personally express my gratitude for all you do was the highpoint above all. You must be moved at the overwhelming support you are receiving. What a feeling it must be to see the impact you have made in so many lives. I'm hoping you feel how truly loved you are and hoping you can take strength in knowing you are a constant and beautiful light in this world. Let it shine....~ Joyce, Omaha


 God Speed be with your healing. Your music has been a big part of my life. I quoted you in my senior quote in 1980. You're not too far from many of your fans here in Dickson, TN! We're pulling for you! ~ Kathy


 So sorry to hear about your troubling news. My thoughts are with you as you undergo treatment. I know you will come out of all this unscathed and with more of your wonderful creativity to share with the world. From a very devoted fan ~ Barry Iovanni


 Dear Dan, I first want to say thank you for your gift of music. I have been a fan since the 70's. Your music has meant so much to me and continues to do so. My thoughts and prayers are with you and I know you will beat this and continue to grace us with beautiful, meaningful music. All the best, ~ Michelle Knight


 Dear Dan, You are in my prayers and thoughts every day. I am 42 years old and have loved you since the age of 12. My first time hearing your music was while I sat on my parents' front porch one summer and a neighbor was playing "Home Free". From that moment, your music and soothing voice have been a very important part of my life as well as my husband's. We will continue to pray for healing and strength for you and your loved ones. We send our love and thanks for filling our hearts with joy for so many years. ~ Jan and Chuck Levesque


 Jean,Thank you for being there for Dan and giving him your love and support. I'm a huge fan of both of yours. Things will be alright. ~ Corey


 Dearest Dan, first of all I am one of your biggest fans and I thank you for sharing your gifts. God has brought me through the fire three times with Lymphoma. He beat the odds each time, which were definitely not in my favor. But as we know "with God all things are possible". I will pray for your healing and your unfailing faith in God. May God bless you and keep you. In Christ's precious name I pray. ~ Kristen Adelman, Elkridge MD


 Dear Dan: The outpouring here is wonderful and not unexpected as you have touched so many of us with your gifts. I have always wanted to say this and never have. I consider you a spiritual brother, Dan. I am an only child, but when I started listening to your songs in the late 80's, I discovered the world of spirit and your songs gave me a permission I never had to feel, to cry, to soar and to love. What a grand and joyous affirmation your songs were for me. As long as you were there singing, there was hope in the world, hope for us all. And now we must give you hope, hope and faith that the Creator's energy will pass through you and heal the hurt places. And so my prayer tonight is that this be so. Be well, Dan. ~ Angela from PA


 Aloha Dan, Your music has been an important part of my life since the late 70's. I've got most of your albums, and have been to many of your concerts over the years. I send you strength, healing, and carrying on for many years to come! Thank you for being who you are, expressing what you feel, and being the talented musician that you are! mahalo ~ Dave Seehafer


 Dear Dan, You and your family are in my everyday thoughts and prayers. Since the 70's you have been my very favorite musician and artist. I think that you are so gifted! I know you can battle this awful disease. Don't give up hope and remember how much thousands of us love you.~ Lynn Harrison


 Hi Dan, I don't pray as often as I should, but I will be saying many prayers for you until you are well again. ~ Holleigh in Thousand Oaks, Ca.


 Dear Dan, I heard the news of your illness on the radio last week, and have been praying for you ever since. As so many others have said in their letters on your website, I grew up with you and you've provided the most meaningful soundtrack in my life. You were a chief instigator of my interest in and eventual move to the West, and I think I share your passion for the mountains, can't stand being away from them for any length of time. I've seen you in concert in DC and Seattle a few times each, my favorite was at the Pier on Elliott Bay around 1998 or 99, because you seemed so happy, the sailboats all around were inspiring you. My favorite song is "The Last Nail" but I love so many: "The Reach", "To the Morning", "Beggar's Game", etc. etc. I sang "Since You've Asked" at my brother-in-law's wedding, which I heard on your "Twin Sons" album, he had asked me to sing some tasteless drivel but he loved my suggestion instead, thanks to you and Judy Collins on that one.


So I was just in Denver on business yesterday, and every time I looked at the mountains I thought of you and the lyrics to "Nether Lands." Anyone who can write something like "off in the nether lands I heard a sound like the beating of heavenly wings, and deep in my brain I can hear the refrain of my soul as she rises and sings anthems to glory and anthems to love, and hymns filled with earthly delight, like the songs that the darkness composes to worship the light" has a special place on earth and in heaven. Thank you for your music and for giving voice to some of our common deepest thoughts. I pray you will beat this thing and stick around for many many years and come sing to us again. I am confident your soul is in a good place and you are so loved by so many - that must be rewarding! With love and thanks ~ Maura


 Hi Dan . . .I have been a fan of yours since the beginning . . .my favorite albums are "Home Free" and "Souvenirs" . . .through the years of loss and change . . . your music and lyrics have brought joy and healing to this heart of mine . . .thank you . . .I am believing in faith for your healing and for our Heavenly Father to give you and your family the strength and courage you need during this time . . .I am also trusting Him to use this for His glory. I am looking forward to being at your concert when you are back on tour. . . celebrating with you . . my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family . . .Psalm 23 Sincerely ~ Eileen King, Myersville, MD


 Dear Dan, Your music has always been top draw. I wish you well and pray you continue to make great music for many years to come. You're the best. Love ~ Mike Foley


 Hi Dan, Chances are your busy schedule won't allow you to read this message but hopefully you will. My name is Cory Ogard and I am 16. My dad, Tim, has raised us on your music and I have been a fan ever since I can remember. My brother, Christian, my dad and I want you to know you are in our prayers and best wishes. I remember watching you in a concert on I think Pier 56 in Seattle, Washington about seven years ago. My dad took me to the concert and I was a very excited nine year old. You see, I knew your music very well but I could never quite understand its value. Just like any other young kid, I was in to rap and all that, but when I heard you do all those great songs, alone at that, I was amazed. I knew I was watching something special --something and someone that could never be replaced. A musician and a man that could, through his music, change lives and direct them towards positive paths. My dad had already known this about you. I think that is why he grew my brother and I up on your music. I thank him for the introduction and you for the direction. And there are still people out there who need to see what I saw that night and that's why this can't stop you. But here or in a better place, your music and messages will always live on in me and in your fans. You are in my entire family's best wishes and prayers. ~ Cory Ogard, Seattle, Washington


 Dan, I'm sure anything that can be said to offer you words of comfort and express how much you and your music have enriched our lives has already been said by many here, and more eloquently no doubt. I keep checking in each day to see if there is some word about your condition improving. While I'm here I read the latest messages offering well wishes for you and your family. It's readily apparent that your music is woven in the fabric of our very souls. It must be incredibly fulfilling to know your life has touched so many in one profound form or another. I have quite a few friends who are teachers and they tell me the greatest honor that can be bestowed upon them is when a former student returns to the school to tell them they were a teacher who made a difference. You are a singer and songwriter unequaled, a friend who understands and yes, you ARE also a teacher. Dan, you should rest and recover being assured that you make a difference. Your words and music bring us unsurpassed joy, lift us when we need strength and have always been a beacon to welcome us to safe harbor. Best wishes for a speedy recovery and best regards to your and your family during this recovery period. One of your many friends and loyal fans. ~ Dann Marquardt - La Mesa, California


 Dearest Dan, I'm just another one of the countless people you've reached in your lifetime. Like many of them, you caught my attention when I was only eleven years old. Even then I recognized that you had something meaningful to share in the midst of a sea of popular noise. I know it seems silly to speak of loving someone you've never met, but you've shared so much of your soul through your music that it's hard not to love you for that. My heart aches to think of what you and your family are facing. I pray that above all you and they will feel God's presence and find comfort and strength in knowing that he will never leave you. It's okay to be ticked off at Him. He loves you dearly and he can handle it. As a nurse, I pray that those who take care of you will do so with compassion, understanding, and humor. Don't give them too hard of a time - remember that they wield sharp objects for a living :) . Please don't forget to laugh sometimes. I'm praying that we'll be hearing about your recovery soon. Please let us know what's happening. We care about you very much. Love ~ Terri


 As your music has given us comfort through the years, so may these thoughts and prayers speed your recovery and increase your comfort. As we say in Judaism, Mi-sheberakh avoteinu v'imoteinu, Avraham v'Sarah, Yitzhak v'Rivkah, Ya'akov, Rachel v'Leah hu y'varekh et Dan Fogelberg v'yavi aleihem refuat hanefesh u'refuat haguf yachad im kol cholei amo Yisrael. Barukh atah Hashem, rofeh ha'cholim. May the One who was a source of blessing for our ancestors, bring blessings of healing upon Dan Fogelberg , a healing of body and a healing of spirit. May those in whose care they are entrusted be gifted with wisdom and skill, and those who surround them be gifted with love and trust, openness and support in their care. And may they be healed along with all those who are in need. Blessed are You, Source of healing.


 The melody of the world would not be what it is without your music and lyrics to keep the balance. Many times I've listened to the words you've written and had them touch my heart and soul in ways that not many people can. You have a gift that you've chosen to share with all of us. While I've never been able to see you live in concert (not for want of trying), I will continue to enjoy the musing. I know that you will beat this illness, so that you can continue to share the talent that is so endless. ~ J. Durham Anchorage, AK


 " Look for the beauty and expect things to take a turn for the better. They will -- just as difficult times in the past have given way to better times. This time of trial, like others before it, will be forgotten." ~ Peace and love to Dan and Jean, and to all of the gentle souls here.


 Dear Dan, I have listened to your music forever. I am a 20 year cancer survivor and your music has brought me much joy and peace in good times and bad. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Very sincerely ~ Bobbie


 Dear Dan, How can I sum up in a few words what your music has meant to me? I have been a fan since the beginning and your music has brought me more comfort, love, understanding, hope, faith, and a sense of peace to my life. The greatest gift you gave me is that of questioning my existence with personal knowledge, not conventional views. I am now living my life as I have always wanted to live it and I thank you for giving me all the perfect lyrics, harmonies, and your special charm, that helped to bring me to the happiest place I could ever dream of. I now have my greatest love! Your concerts have always been wonderful and seeing you live as you play your music is a fantastic site. I was at the concert at the University Of Illinois when you played “Leader of the Band” as your father sat in the arena. That was a very special moment you shared with all of us. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I just wanted you to know how much you have meant to me, you are a terrific and talented man and you have given my life so much pleasure. Thank you for all the wonderful times together. You don’t know me personally, but you sing as if you do. God bless you and keep you safe and beat this disease! I haven’t seen you since the concert here in St. Louis at the Pagent in 2002…I can’t wait to see you again! Love and prayers ~ Mary Fisher, St. Louis, Mo.


 Dan has been heavily on my mind since I recently heard about his illness. I've been a fan for years, "Twin Sons Of  Different Mothers" has always been a favorite along with all of the others works. God works wonders,  I prayed to God 2-1/2 years ago to save my marriage, it worked then and if it worked to save a marriage that probably wouldn't have survived then He can heal cancer. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Lovingly ~ Lisa Raab


 Wow; in 1975 I began my freshman year of college; a rather miserable time of adjustment and loneliness until I found my first love who introduced me to your music. Whenever I hear Part of The Plan I am taken back to a place and time nearly 30 years ago and reminded that music truly heals. My thoughts and best wishes are with you and your family. ~ Betsy Moore-Smith, Fredericksburg, Virginia


 Dear Dan, I will keep you and your family in prayer and see you always in healing light. Your words and music have meant more to my life than you will ever know. Love like that always survives. Thank you so much. And keep the faith! "blessed the traveler who journeys the length of the light" ~ Pam, Michigan


 Hi Dan, I have been a fan for 25 plus years and you are in my thoughts and my prayers. I know you will fight this thing. Maine is my favorite place in the world and just knowing that you and Jean are there gives me a great feeling. You can rest and stay strong. I bought tickets to your concert in Greensburg Pa and hope to see you again soon. Take care my friend ~ Maureen


 Dan Fogelberg, I have followed your music through my life time. The fondest memories I have is playing "The Innocent Age" nonstop after hours in the drugstore that I started managing in 1979. Your heart-felt music and lyrics are some of my most prized possessions. I am a true "Dan-fan", I have all of your releases on cassette, LP (when they were available) and CD. "The Wild Places" helped me deal with my father's death ("Forefathers" from that release), the lyrics were recited at my father's funeral. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I am looking forward to seeing you perform again. With my best wishes ~ Dan-fan


 Dan, I have tried to come up with the right words for you and your family ever since I learned about you present trial. I do not know how you are doing with all of this, but I do know that your God given gift of music can now be used by you for your own salvation. Your emotions are on a roller coaster right now, and you are riding it at night, so you cannot see the next twist ,dip, or turn. You just know that you cannot get off, you do not control the direction, speed, or duration of the ride, and you will ride this to the end no matter what. I would encourage you to write your emotions and experiences down for your use later in writing another album (giving away my age here) about this fight you are in for your way of life. And fight you must, no matter what the costs or outcome. You only loose if you give up, and you win no matter what happens if you continue to fight. And your God given gift of musical expression will give you the outlet and the channel for your emotions in a way that will be preserved for all time, and can give additional encouragement to thousands who will one day be in your same situation. It may sound funny for me to encourage you to think of others at a time like this, but as that is what you have done for your entire life, it seems only natural to continue to encourage you to continue in your life's work. My prayers are with you and your family. Love ~ Tom and Nancy


 Dan, I have been a fan of yours since I was 20ish. I'm now 46ish, and I still love your music. My children, 10 and 7, and husband enjoy it too. I saw you in concert in upstate New York in 1978 (or was it 1979?). You were awesome then, and you're awesome now. Please get well soon. We're praying for you and hoping your recovery goes smoothly. Love ~ Debbie Lannom in Tallahassee, FL


 Dan, I was taken back by the news of your illness. My wife and I shared a very intimate moment just last year when you visited Indianapolis at the Murat Theatre. I am a man of faith and I pray for your quick recovery. May the strength grace and peace of our living Lord be with you always. I discovered your music many moons ago when you were only a kid and come to think about it I was too. Now 59, your music still stands atop my very favorites. Thanks. Sincerely ~ Steve McClure, Indianapolis


 Hi Dan, I just read the news about your illness. I can imagine your life has changed all around. My prayers go out to you and all those around you. I got the chance to see you in Harrisburg at the Forum Theater, and your concert was wonderful. I've seen you in concert four times, and it was great to see you so close to home. Your new CD Full Circle is some of the best songs I've waited to here since your early years. Dan, I will pray for you and hope you get well very soon. In Friendship, Dan ~ Larry DeVine


 Dear Dan, Of course our prayers are with you and your family as you go through this stage in your life. As a fan since the 70's (rising every morning to "To the Morning"), I'd like to relate to you a humorous story which I have always felt exemplifies your musical ability to reach all who have ears to hear: It was the late 70's, and I was being picked up by my Mom in her car. As I entered the car, one of your songs (I could lie and say that I remember which one, but remember- It was the Seventies, and it's amazing I remember this much!) started to play on the radio. Of course, I started singing along with it, a move which freaked my "oldies" listening Mom out, causing her to immediately jab her finger down to "her" radio station setting. Needless to say, she was perplexed as to why the station remained put! At that time, I told her that it was just "one of my songs" on her station..... Just a story to let you know that your magical melodies have carried themselves to so many people, and have touched us all greatly. I just hope that you will find peaceful healing. Feel our prayers! Believe!! ~ D.V. from Allentown, Pa.


 Greetings! I have been listening to your music for over 20 year now. Thank you so much for the gift of that music in my life. I wish you a swift return to full and vigorous health. ~ Roger Lynn


 Dan, we are pulling for you in your fight with this illness. God bless and the best of luck. I grew up on your music and it has been a great gift that you have given the world. ~ Lora and Clayton Martyn, Danville Illinois


 Your music has been a part of my life for so long. I think "Part Of  The Plan" was a hit when I was in junior high! In the years since, your songs have touched me throughout my own ups and downs. Now as a forty something, I continue to have great fondness for you and your work, and I hope and pray that you will make a full recovery. Please know that you are in my thoughts. May you have great strength during this challenging part of your life. ~ Lucia


 I wish you the best. I went through breast cancer early this year. I am fine and found my incident to be a very positive, life changing experience. I appreciate every moment of every day, and certainly do not sweat the small stuff anymore. Sending prayers and good wishes your way! ~ Karin


 Dan, Your gift of music and words has been my joy and my strength for 25 years. My thoughts are with your and your family. From the many beautiful songs you have wrote, one knows that you are a man of a truly strong and blessed spirit. May that spirit guide you and stengthen your healing power. Stay strong. ~ Steve

 Dear Dan, I want to wish you strength and hope in your battle. You have been one of the most influential people in my life in terms of your music, your spirituality and commune with nature. Your albums have always been the soundtrack playing in the background of all my out West adventures and beyond. Thank you for all your beautiful music. Love you ~ Janet


 Dan, Our thoughts and prayers are with you and Jean for your swift and speedy recovery. I look forward to seeing you in concert in the future. God bless ~ Robert & Sharon


 Dear Dan, I wish you a speedy recovery and all the best in life. I have loved your music since your very first album and I'll never forget the concert in Milwaukee, Wisconsin where my sister and I stood up and yelled, "Wisteria" when you were asking for any requests. You sang it for us. And we were on Cloud 9. That is still one of my favorites of your songs as well as too many more to mention here. But your music has been a constant in my life. Thank you for that. Get well soon. Sincerely ~ Stephanie Peters


 Hey Dan and Jean, Here is wishing you both the best! More then a thousand hugs and prayers are being sent your way from me to you. I believe in you! ~ Jessie Page


 Dan: I've enjoyed your music for so many years! My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family as you battle and win this setback in your life. You will succeed and continue to make your star shine with your fans. Keep the faith ~ Bonni


 God, you are loved!!


 Dearest Dan: Sending my prayers, my heart, and my love. Blessed Be. ~ Roxanne Noel


 Dan, You and your music have been a major part of my adult life. My high school class (Class of '79) chose "Part Of  The Plan" as our class song. You are in my prayers. Take solace in your own words and remember that "there is a spark of the Creator in every living thing. He respects me when I work but He so loves me when I sing." Keep singing !!! ~ Carol L. Shepard


 Dear Dan and family: Learning about your diagnosis was like a fist in the gut: painful, unexpected, and shocking. I welcome this opportunity to publicly express my thanks to you for sharing your God given gifts with us. On a personal note, it always seemed that whatever fate handed me, whether it be positive or negative in nature, your music served to enhance that experience. When I was going through my turbulent early 20s, I turned to the soothing melodies and wisdom found in your songs and lyrics and absorbed them into my very soul. I can't tell you how many nights your voice lulled me to sleep and your words whispered comforting encouragement to me. The same holds true today, three decades later. Now, in your time of need, please know that a great wave of love, respect and gratitude radiate from all of us, your fans, out to you and your family. May you find an infinite source of strength, faith and courage to sustain you in the days ahead. God bless you and yours always. Much love ~ Robin Rothe, Seal Beach, California


 Dear Dan, My prayers are also with you. Your music means so very much to me, like you, I am from Illinois and got transplanted to my spiritual home in Colorado as a young woman. I have listened to you since my college days and now that I am middle age, it is amazing how many daily things I forget, but never do I seem to forget the words to your songs. Thank you for planting memories forever. May God's healing grace and peace be with you as you battle your illness. ~ Laurene


 Dear Dan and Jean, My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I am so sad to hear about your suffering and hope that all of the encouragement that you have given to so many of us will return to you to comfort and strengthen you. I pray God's light will be real to you as you struggle through the darkness of this dreadful disease. St. John of the Cross wrote about the dark night of the soul and said that when we are in our darkest moments God's light is the brightest-it's just that we can't see it. You have no idea how much of an inspiration you continue to be to us, especially as you let us love you and care for you during this time. Your poetic words and soulful music have increased my faith forever. Especially, when I was a young teenager and I suffered in my parent's home torn apart by alcoholism.


I was back stage once when Craig Hull and Ed Winn (sp?) worked for you and you signed a promo poster for one of my friends. That blew her away! Since I was so in love with Jackson Browne I decided not to bother you-sorry. But I'll never forget your brilliant first album and the impression it left on me. I could feel the sun rising with the first song ever so gently and I felt that there was always so much to look forward to in life. I have walked with many people who have suffered with cancer. Some survived and some were healed through their death. The strong ones taught me that God's love and healing is sure. I probably don't have to tell you that because you probably know that you are surrounded by it. I hope so. No matter what happens this time remember that there is no way to say no to the morning. The beautiful morning light that you wrote about that renews us even when we are sick and will one day take us into eternity. Faithfully yours ~ The Reverend Betsy Starbuck, Kent, Connecticut


 Dear Dan, I was stunned and saddened by news of your illness. My thoughts and prayers are with you for a full recovery.Your music has influenced my life for more than 20 years now, since I was in college. I have seen you many times in concert, and continue to listen to your cds daily. I have so much in my heart, but my words are slow tonight for some reason. Just know you have touched many lives in a profound and beautiful way. Now, let some of that light, love, strength and wisdom come back to you in the way you have shared it with us. God Bless ~Sharon Makokian, West Hills, CA


 Dan, You and I have crossed paths in a way.We are both from Illinois. I think you wrote the song for me.We both write songs,yours are great and mine are not.We both have battled for our life.I am doing great with my battle,and so will you. ~ Greetings from No.California


 Dearest Dan, You have been a wonderful being for all of us. Your words and voice have been soothing to many of us. Thanks for being on the planet. Love you always. ~ Tracey


 God Bless you Dan, I love you and your music so much. Much love and support to you and your wife and family. ~ Barbara


 Dear Dan--so sorry to hear of your illness!!! I hope things go as well as possible and that you will return to good health soon. I have been a very big fan of yours since 1974 when I first heard "Souvenirs". I have been constantly amazed at how your lyrics, voice, and music touch my heart and soul. If I had to name a favorite album, I guess it would have to be either "Netherlands" or "Twin Sons", or both (but then, I really liked "Home Free", "Innocent Age", "Phoenix", "Captured Angel", "Wild Places"; it's just too hard to pick one favorite!). When you released "Exiles", I was at a point in my marriage that I just couldn't stand the pain anymore and I didn't know how to express it; your songs helped me put words to those difficult feelings (I ended up getting divorced a few years later). I have seen you in concert 8 or 9 times (I can't remember the exact number); my favorite ones were the acoustical concert you did at Moby Gym at Colorado State University (I think that was in 1982?) and all the ones at Red Rocks (acoustical or not). The last time I saw you in concert was at Red Rocks in September 1994; I had gone to the concert with my sister who lives in Denver, so I spent the night with her after the concert (she is also a big fan of yours). I had the funniest dream that night; I dreamed that I was sitting all by myself at Red Rocks and you came up and started talking to me about life in general. When I woke up that morning, I told my sister about the dream and we laughed. Then I headed up to Red Rocks to sit in the sun and write in my journal before I went home to Fort Collins. Strangely enough, I walked out on the stage area to sit on the ledge back there when I saw 2 "band" badges from the concert the night before. Someone from your band had apparently taken them off and stuck them onto the railing. I peeled them off and took them home as a souvenir. When I told my sister about it, she was also amazed. At any rate, I just wanted you to know that I have always enjoyed your music and I still listen to it often. I don't listen to "greatest hits" compilations, because certain songs make me want to hear the whole album that the song came from; instead, I just listen to the whole album! Thanks again for all the good music and good memories. Can't wait until you do the "cancer recovery" tour after all this is behind you! You are in my thoughts and prayers. Take care and be well. ~ PatsiJean, Fort Collins, CO


 You've soothed my soul for many years. You and your family are in my prayers. May God bless you and yours. Thank you for the joy you have given me. Love ~ Donna and David


 Hello ! I am Richard and I am french. I am a great Dan Fogelberg's fan. I pray for Dan and his family. Courage Dan! Best regards ~ Richard


 Dear Dan and Jean - You yourself sound encouraged by your progress, and that makes us all so happy. Personally, I wish you a speedy recovery. Can’t wait for that curtain to open again. I have to throw this in. I have loved your music, and especially your lyrics, for as long as I can remember. And we have three things in common. My father’s name was Dan…beautiful name…Danny, my mother used to call him. My mother’s birthday is August 13th. You and I are the same age…I am actually about 24 days older. Anyway, all the best from me and, I know, every single one of your fans. ~ Nancy Levine


 Dear Dan: Just wanted to share a little story with you. I have always (unknowingly) been a fan of your music - since my mom always had music playing ever since I was born. Last Christmas a local radio station was playing your song "met my old lover...." and gave another artist's name as the singer. I decided I had to have the song because I had always loved it, but could not find it anywhere. My husband and I were finally in a bookstore and I was asking about the song because they had those earphones where you could listen to the lyrics to make sure you had the right song, and when I said the artist I was looking for my beautiful, wonderful husband looked at me and said "That song is by Dan Fogelberg!!!" I said I was only going by what the radio had said, and had been searching for weeks for the CD!! Anyway, we switched the earphones to your song, and he purchased the CD for my stocking. (the kid at the bookstore thought we were nuts!) I have it in my car and play it all the time as I travel for my job and it gets me where I'm going with peace in my heart. I just wanted to say Thank You for your music and best wishes to you and your family through this time in your life. ~ Mary Stine, Carmel, IN


 Daily prayers for you my friend. God Bless. ~ Judi


 Dan, Heartfelt wishes for a full and speedy recovery and for strength, faith, and courage as you confront your illness. Your music and lyrics have long been an inspiration and comfort to me and have helped me at numerous times in my life. Thank you! ~ Ken Campbell


 To all members of the Fogelberg Family: My thoughts and prayers are being sent to you. I realize this is a rough time for all of you to get through (my father has been through three separate types since 1987 and is a survivor!). It may not seem like much, but I'm a firm believer (as my Dad is) that having a positive attitude is a major part of fighting this hideous thing and that has touched and affected so many lives! I'm keeping the faith for all of you! ~ A longtime fan in Bowling Green, Ohio


 Dan, This is coming from Pekin, Illinois. I know you know the town. I had your father as a band director in high school, and also, you were at your dad's and mine last concert way back in '76. My thoughts reach out to you and your family, and my family and I wish you well. Come back to Peoria sometime where you will always be welcome. ~ Bob Ehrich


 Dan, This is a large step for you, but you will come through this with a better sight of the future. Just remember that you are in my thoughts. Your songs have given inspiration to many. I always enjoy your music mostly because you have that talent to see the other side. Keep your faith. Always ~ Lillian


 I never really knew what a talent Dan was, until I met my husband. Every song has a very special meaning to us. Our second date was his concert at Waterloo Village in Sussex County. Ever since that day he has touched my heart. We are praying for you, and we want and need to see you in another concert. Please keep fighting, thank you for all the beautiful music, and my husband and I are looking forward to more. Sincerely and much thanks ~ Doreen and Tom Thum


 To the Fogelberg Family, If prayers alone can heal you, you'll be ready to go in no time. I have enjoyed the privilege of listening to your music for many years and pray that Our Father will continue to allow us all to do so. My thoughts and those of many others I know are with you each day along with prayers that you and your family will weather this storm with much love and faith. ~ Jo, MI


 Dan, I'm praying for your quick recovery and want to thank you for all the great music. Best wishes to you and your family. Keep the faith. ~ Patrick, Albany N.Y.


 Hi Dan. I hope this note reaches you the way you've reached my wife and I over the years. You are in our thoughts and prayers, and we wish you a speedy recovery. ~ M&M


 As a fan of yours since 1980, I have most of your albums, CDs, and even the concert DVD you did. As a fellow Coloradoan, when I toodle through the mountains, your music is always on the CD player in my car. I saw you in concert in Ft. Collins in 1982, and I was crushed when I heard of your diagnosis recently. I have been praying like mad for you and for your wife and family, and I will keep on praying until we hear a good report. I pray that you will not feel much pain, that your recovery may be swift and complete, and that the Lord would heal you. You've been such a musical force in my life, as well as the lives of many of my friends. Just know that whatever you go through, and whatever you may be feeling, thousands of us are lifting our prayers as one for yourrecovery. I hope you are encouraged by the outpouring of so much love for you and for your family. ~ Kristi in Colorado Springs


 Dan & Family, I wanted to send a note and extend my prayers and wishes for a speedy and full recovery. I have been a big fan of your music for years and was finally able to see you perform live at Kings Islands'  Timberwolf Amphitheater several years ago in Ohio. The weather wasn't the most ideal that evening and made the performance of "Rhythm Of The Rain" seem even more fitting. Thanks again for sharing your songs - everytime I hear one on the radio or XM it brings a smile to my face and a memory to my heart as I recall fond events that have taken place back in my younger days (I'm 37 years old!) that I associate with a particular song of yours. May God bless you and your family. Sincerely ~ Neal Techau, Cynthiana, Kentucky


 Dan and Family, I just learned of your illness and wanted to send my very best wishes. I felt a tremendous personal pain as I recently lost my 50 year old brother to Leukemia. I am heartbroken as he was a wonderful man with a loving wife and two children. But, my brother's courage and strength which he showed in battling this horrible disease is something that will live on in his loving family for the remainder of our lives. How ironic...I am 48 years old and have been a fan of yours from the very beginning. After my brother's death when NOTHING could console or comfort me, I would pull out your CD's (yes, I even have all your original albums (remember those?)) and would just try to lose myself in your music.


I know you and your family are now facing the biggest challenge of your life. Be strong, never, never give up and please know you and your family are in my heart and thoughts. You have comforted and inspired me via your music even though we, the public like to think we know "the man behind the music", I wouldn't begin to make that assertion. I hope in some small way I can return the favor via this message and bring comfort to you as you continue this difficult challenge. Be well. Sincerely ~ Laurie


 Dear DF, When God created you, He gave you the gift of song. Because you shared with us, we carry your songs in our hearts. You have set life, in its many facets, to music. Our prayer for you is that God will grant you the peace that passes all understanding as you fight this battle. Having been through the depths, I know He keeps His promise to take care of anyone who seeks His face. Sincere best wishes for our beautiful musician ~ Robyn Lowe


 My friend Dan Fogelberg - In 1978 I was 25 years old I went to my favorite record store and after browsing I heard in the background a cut from "Twin Sons of Different Mothers" and I was hooked. I bought the record and went on the purchase everything you released from that point and I now have the entire catalogue. Your music means so much to me especially the acoustic love songs. I live in western Kentucky and when you released "Full Circle" I was thrilled. I went to the Atlanta Chastain Park concert and was blown away. Thank you for 32 years of awesome powerful music.When I heard you were sick I began to pray to our Lord and I know He holds you in His hand. You will beat this and continue to write and sing songs that touch us like no other music has. God bless you ~ Phil Davis, Paducah, Kentucky


 Dear Dan, WE will include you in our sweatlodge prayers. I have admired your work for many years. I am a friend of Randy Lucas. He made you a guitar a few years back and in fact I have a signed picture of you to me, Jamon, playing Randy's guitar.I have many friends who have gone through cancer and I am happy to say they all survived. With much love and admiration ~ Jamon


 Dear Dan, I was deeply saddened to learn of your recent situation. As you walk thru this journey, I hope that each day finds you a new comfort. My prayers are with you, brother,. How does one begin, as so many others have, to express what your music has meant to me?Though I have never met you, I have grown along with you. From the "Home Free" days to the present. Your music took me through all the changes of growing up, from teenager and now to a father of 4, and still your music touches my life. As so many others have said, it is very true, you are a blessing to us, your talent, God's gift to this world. Thank you for being there for me. ~ Jack Owens - Caruthersville, Missouri


 Dear Dan, I have been a fan of your music for many years and in fact remember being introduced to you while in high school. I was able to attend your concert in Interlochen, Michigan a few years ago and it was by far the best one I have attended. Your music is beautiful and touches me deeply! You are in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time - may God bless you with healing and restored health and strength. May he give you his peace and joy as well! I look forward to being able to attend another of your concerts in the near future. God bless!! ~ Mary Fuller, Traverse City, Michigan


 Dear Dan: I was so shocked to hear of your illness. I had been waiting for tickets for your Connecticut concert to go on sale - I'd been on vacation and came home and went to your website to click on the link to the Oakdale Theater -- and of course saw your news. I have loved your voice, your lyrics, your music since I was a young teenager (I'm now nearly 44)...your music is a beautiful gift from God and a blessing to the world. Recently my husband and I have been discussing a move to Colorado Springs, after living in the metro-NY area of Connecticut mostly all our lives - we just know there's got to be a better way/place to live...your music and love of Colorado are an inspiration and confirmation to us that there is a better life for us and a better place to finish raising our kids - thank you! I will join my prayers with all the others for your recovery -- with so many people praying for you, God will surely hear and answer our prayers! I look forward to going to one of your concerts when you are fully recovered. Peace to you ~ Bonnie (Stamford, CT)


 Dear Dan, I think of all the milestones in all of our lives that you and your music have been a part of. At this milestone in your life be assured that all of our prayers and good thoughts will help you and your loved ones move through the uncertainty and into the light again. ~ Mary


 Wishing you a speedy recovery and your return to the best of health. Prayers and best wishes....~ Rob in Tucson


 Dan...You have blessed so many lives with your music. It is our turn to send our prayers and blessings to you. So many memories are tied to your music, each song more special than the next. Breathe deeply and know that you are surrounded by love and good thoughts.~ Sue Nyberg Reber


 Dear Dan, I am praying for you and for your wife Jean, and for all of your family and friends. The other day as I was driving down the highway and heard about your battle with cancer on the radio, my eyes filled with tears. I am a 47 year old who is a husband and a dad of three. I also consider myself a friend of yours, though we have never met. I have seen you in concert in Minneapolis with the Eagles, and at Concordia College in Moorhead, Minnesota in the late 1970’s as a college student. Your music first impacted my life as a senior in high school, back in 1975. I was at a party at a friend’s house, and this wonderful music was playing in the background. I asked my friend Scott who this terrific singer was, and he told me, “It’s Dan Fogelberg. And this is his album 'Home Free.'" The song was “To the Morning”, and our small group of friends became instant Dan Fogelberg fans! Your lyrics have woven their way into my life, Dan. I have never stopped getting goose bumps when I hear you sing your confronting, supporting, loving, and reflective songs. I cry almost every time I hear “Same Old Lang Syne” because it speaks to me so deeply. My 17 year old daughter, one of the most insightful people I know, has also come to love your work. She possesses a sensitive and compassionate view of the world. When we are driving down highway 371 in northern Minnesota, and a song of yours comes on the radio, we both stop talking and just listen together. As a band director by profession, your “Leader of the Band” written for your father, deeply touches me. I could go on and on, but you have many letters to read. I truly consider you a “friend whom I’ve never met” but often dream of meeting. Your song-writing has changed my life. Your lyrics and music continually hit me in the most personal places of my heart. It’s like I’ve grown up with you and your artistry. You’ve been a part of my growth from age 17 to 47. No recording artist has meant so much to me! I will continue to pray for your healing and full recovery. And I will look forward to the next concert of yours that it will be my privilege to enjoy with you. And I will bring my daughter Brenna. With love, respect, admiration, and gratitude, and prayers for you Dan!!! ~ Scott Sater, Minnesota


 Dear Dan... My thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time for you... Thank you for sharing your beautiful gift of your voice and talents with us... God Bless you and your family and best wishes for a speedy recovery! Sincerely ~ Susan Herbert


 To Dan and Jean, We couldn't believe the news. Our most sincere wishes for a fast and complete recovery! We look forward to hearing great things in the future and seeing Dan again in concert. Love ~ Paul and Candi Litchfield, Thousand Oaks, CA


 Dear Dan, Jean and family, I just learned of Dan's battle with cancer, and want to offer my support to all of you during this difficult time. Dan, I am 11 years younger than you, and have been a fan of yours since I was a young teenager (you do the math!). You always have been my "absolute favorite" musical artist, and I have great respect not only for your tremendous talents, but for the quality of human being that you are. Thank you so much for enriching my life for so many years. Yours has been a life well-lived, and I truly believe you're meant to be around for quite some time; this can be just another chapter in your life, albeit an indescribably difficult and dark one.


In an attempt to repay you for even a small portion of what you have given me, I want to inform you of a volunteer support organization for cancer patients that I have recently joined. It is called ChemoAngels, and matches volunteers to patients (and their families) undergoing chemotherapy and/or radiation to provide a steady flow of encouragement and support for the duration of treatment. The program is completely confidential, and requires nothing of the patient (responding to one's ChemoAngel is completely voluntary, and most patients are silent). If you think ChemoAngels might help you and Jean through these tough times, you can contact the organization (founded and run, by the way, by a remarkable woman who lives a meager existence and suffers from Multiple Sclerosis) at its website. Whatever path you choose for your healing, never underestimate the power of prayer, positive thinking, the support of thousands who are pulling for you, and yes, even humor. As for statistics that rattle off the "chances of survival," I say pooh pooh to them. As a long-time cancer survivor quoted in the book, "Stronger than Cancer" (which offers inspirational insight from cancer patients & their loved ones) says, "Only the Master Physician knows how much time I have...never put a period where God has placed a comma." May you get past this "comma," Dan, as quickly and with as minimal suffering as possible. Godspeed. Very sincerely ~ Janet McCann, Austin, Texas


 Dan, I was introduced to your music in the 70's by a gentleman I almost married. I love music of all styles but am poetic at heart. Your lyrics are unmatched. With greater than 700 CD's, boxes of albums and cassettes...YOU are THE ONLY artist of which I own every piece of your music times 3, each piece CD, Album and Cassette form! Being in medicine for 24 years, life is not all about science, but about spirituality and strength and faith. May you and wife find it in abundance. Your lyrics have inspired all of us to a higher ground. With compassion and strength you write as if you live/feel every minute of every story you tell. You connect to the world, and the world connects to you (as displayed in all of these beautiful letters). What a blessing God gave you and you shared it with all of us. I know you are a survivor, a compassionate people are. In reading all of these letters I think of one of my favorite songs; "To The Morning"..."thinking of all who might have written"...Now you know the love and prayers from all of us. May your words of life, love and inspiration that held us up all these years, now be your inspiration "as WE journey EVER ON". Maybe there are seasons, Maybe they change, and Maybe to love is not so strange. With love and prayer ~ rainmakerCMD


 Dear Dan, Wow! Look at the outpouring of love you are receiving from all over the world. You have created the soundtrack of many of our lives. I'm looking forward to seeing you healthy, strong, and back under the lights SOON. You are a national treasure. Love ~ Jean H., Universal City, TX


 Your song" Nether Lands" was my song for whenever I went hang gliding. Other songs of yours helped to define times in my life. Thank you for always singing the right thing at the right time! I don't pray for much, or very often, but I will certainly pray for you...God bless you Dan, get well soon, keep up the good music! ~ Marjie


 Dear Dan, I've been a fan for over 20 years and was devastated to just hear of your battle with P.C. I too am a P.C. survivor as I was diagnosed back in 1996 just a few months shy of my 50th birthday! However, after surgery and positive thoughts, I'm very happy and healthy 8 years later. I'll be praying for you. ~ Scott Shearer, Morrow, GA


 Dearest Dan, Your music got me through so much turmoil during my college days and even now, at the age of 45, I love to listen and sing at the top of my voice. I am a seven year thyroid cancer survivor and I just know that God will helpyou to be a survivor, too!! June, my life partner, wants me to tell you that she is praying for you as well and sends you best wishes from one musician to another. She sings some of your songs and she admires you tremendously! Hugs and more hugs and still more hugs! And lest we forget, your family needs hugs and support as well. Hugs! ~ Lisa and June


 Dear Dan, I have been a fan of your of music from the very first album and have all your CDs. I have attended your concerts wherever you were performing that were close to where I was residing. I even remember traveling from Oxford, Ohio to where you were performing in Bloomington, Ind in 1981 or 82. The last time I saw your concert was at the Wildflower festival a couple of years ago in Richardson, Texas (outside of Dallas). My wish is that you are successful in your fight and that you are able to continue putting out great music for all of us to continue enjoying and we can continue celebrating your music through your concerts. Thank you, Dan for 32 years (so far) of listening enjoyment. Take care ~ From Steve in Big D.


 I have listened to your music over the past 25 years and it has helped me through some very tough times. With the challenge that lies ahead for you, I don't have any lyrics of encouragement only my own experience with cancer and the thought that leaving my three beautiful children too early helped me to fight the disease and win. You too are a winner in my book. You won my heart through your songs and you will win this challenge through prayers like mine and other supporters. God bless you Dan and your family...From a long time fan and admirer. ~ Debra Dietz


 My thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery are with you. You can beat this - you're way too important to all of us not to!! Thank you for being there for all these years. ~ Carol Bufkin, Granby, Colorado


 Dan and Jean, My oldest and dearest friend, who also happens to be my oldest and dearest Fogelberg fan just told me of the cancer. I am sad but with hope that you will make it thru this ordeal! You have blessed me and my friends through our high school, college and pain in the butt years and I have celebrated many a good round of singing to your music with friends. Nothing beats hamming it out with a good guitar!! I will be praying for your health and may this ordeal bring you closer to your walk with the true Creator - Jesus. I became saved 10 years ago and abrubtly threw out all my worldy albums and said goodbye to my closest friend - Dan Fogelberg. But it wasn't to last too long as my oldest and dearest friend kept sending me your cassettes which I listen to when I am in my art studio. The Lord has so gifted us with your spirit, your music and I am grateful for it and pray that what doesn't kill you will make your lyrics stronger and help us along this crazy road. Where you are weak, He is strong and I hope and pray for both of you that that will grab hold and carry you through. God bless you and may those mountains comfort you and I wish you recovery!!! ~ Wendi Unrein, Kansas City


 Dearest Dan, Your words and music have sustained me through low times and helped me celebrate happy ones. I have listened to radio, eight tracks, albums, cassettes, CDs, and live concerts. You never fail to move me or touch my heart. I pray for your recovery. God bless you and your family ~ TLY of VA


 Hi Dan and family: Prayers and positive thoughts from Victoria, BC, Canada. I just want to wish you the best for you and your family. I have been a fan of yours since your first records, in the 1970's.  And I say records, as I have recently been changing from records over to CD's. I went to your website to order CD's of your past releases, my age is showing now. Recently I purchased a computer and after checking to see if you would be playing in the Seattle area this year, I found out about your illness. I just want you to know that your songs have meant a lot to me over the years and when I find myself feeling down and out, like recently, I just listen to your lyrics and your songs and it picks me up and I feel like maybe there is light at the end of the tunnel. My favourite is "Nether Lands." It's so beautiful. I wish you the best and thank you for your beautiful music and meaningful lyrics, that are more like poems to me. I have turned many friends on to your music. I hope you get well soon and come back to the West (Wet) Coast soon, even to Canada, as you have many fans here. I know you have many years of music left in you and in this day and age we really need musicians with the messages you have to give. All the best ~ Heather


 Hello Dan, My name is Frank Mugavero. I was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer July 16, 2004. My heart and prayers go out to you and your loved ones. I elected to have a radical prostatectomy and am recuperating at this time. I was surfing the net to find a Prostate Cancer support group when I came across the notice of your condition. Just wanted to drop you a line to say you are very loved and cared about. There are many options for this disease and I pray you find the one or ones best for you. Stay well and stay positive. Sincerely ~ Frank Mugavero


 Dan, I was looking forward to seeing you here in Atlanta for the first time. Why did I wait so long to hear your fantastic music? I have no valid answer. But, I will look forward to seeing you in the future. I have added your name to our prayer book at church and will pray for you and your family. Hope you are feeling well soon. ~ Carol Davis, Peachtree City, GA


 It would be impossible to name my favorite Dan Fogelberg song because each holds memories and meaning in a different way. Stay strong, Dan, and know how many fans you have who are behind you. I first heard "Nether Lands" on a small local FM station in my hometown of Fayetteville, TN, in the late 70's. One night I was at a party and someone sat down and played the opening notes. I asked him what that song was because I kept hearing it on the radio, and when he told me I was hooked on your music. I loved each album all through my college years and turned my roommate onto your music... she either had to like it or move out because I played "Phoenix" so much. I recently went back to college to earn another degree. One of my professors had us do an activity to get to know each other. He and I both put down our favorite artist as you. There is always some sort of connection between your fans. We all know you can beat this and make more music for your fans. Feel better soon. ~ Holly T. - Athens, AL


 All the best thoughts and wishes to you Dan. In between the darkness and the light we all shine on and so it will be with you. ~ Andy Berdy


 Dearr Dan: My thoughts and support are with you and your family in this challenging time. You have had a deep influence in my life. Your work has sustained me through personal chaos and illuminated some of my darker moments. I've driven through Midwestern snowstorms and basked in Californian sunsets to listen to your journey. I learned to play guitar by fumbling along with your records, and trained my voice to your delicately layered harmonies. In the past three decades, your music has been the soundtrack to many of my paintings. Your artistic travels through multiple forms and styles, your honest and inquisitive spirit, and your flashes of wry humor have been a touchstone for my own lopsided, restless, erratic and circuitous explorations. Thank you for spending the countless crazy nights on the road away from your own loved ones to share the magical and musical hours with me and the thousands of your other closest friends. And may the many spiritual and beautiful gifts you've shared so freely through the years be returned to you and yours a thousandfold. You have made an incredibly positive difference in this world. My prayers go out to you. I wish you strength, peace, and a full and rapid recovery. ~ Stacey in LA


 Dan, I just read about your serious illness and I have to say that I am deeply touched by this sad, sad news. I am sure this is the hardest time of your life you are going through. My sister Marianne (54) was diagnosed with leukemia only in April this year and has been undergoing chemo-therapy the last few months. She is now on her way of recovering - hopefully for a long long life to lead. Hopefully in the end YOU will be one of the lucky ones to fight cancer successfully and live a long, long time on.....All the best to you, Dan, and your family from a german longtime fan of your music and words. From the bottom of my heart ~ Andreas Jacobs, Dortmund, Germany


 Dearest Daniel, Although we have never formally met, I feel that I have known you for years. Your beautiful words and music have been a c