Thank you for taking the time to write us at Due to the large volume of email we receive, we can't guarantee you'll get a personal response right away, but we'll do our best!
If you are working on a book, film, television or CD project and need information about licensing Dan's music, please visit (Sony Legacy Recordings owns the publishing rights to the bulk of Dan's catalog.)
We receive numerous questions, offers, and suggestions regarding biographies, articles, screenplays, musicals, tributes, etc. We sincerely appreciate your interest in Dan's legacy and want to assure you that there are some wonderful projects in the works.
If you are writing to ask for permission to use a photo from our website, please know that you must ask permission of the photographer who took the portrait (most photo credits are below the photo). All photos on the website are used by permission.
We do not answer personal questions about Dan or his religious beliefs. Dan expressed his thoughts about God and religion in numerous songs - they speak for him.
Please be assured that, even if we don't have time to answer you personally, we read each and every email. Thank you for your understanding, and thank you for being a part of Dan's living legacy.